HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 6/5/2009 GUA!J PUBLISHING COMPt.Jy P.O. BOX 10188 PHONE (541) 485-1234 EUGENE, OREGON 97440 Legal Notice Advertising CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ATTN LESLIE WILSON 225 N 5TH SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 # I ~.." ;tt1.f7lf (P0061- /00 ~ b89JO hP~ Leg~1 4266087 Notice V JJ l'Sf (3& , PUBUCHEARING NOTICE CITY :1. OF SPRINGFiElD PLANNING ( _ .. ~'-' :COMMISSION. - ,0 ,~ASE NUMBEl!: Ol:lC2tl09-00016 I ; ;1!tlWllCANT:' !East~Congrega. tlon ofJehovah's.witnesses~-.~ ~':'AP~LICATION,,, TYPE:''?iDiscrf; tionary'iU5e.i~-~' :." .~,"fi;'r _ ~)"","i ~~:~A TURE,OF.; THE' APPllCA liON: I A..4,900 "'sQ~_At - c~ul'th~:buildiilg' WEh"_~~~a~ pa~1dng:q:lot'ind landscapmg~"j"" ~ " '~:"'''' ;\~_"';~,:~ ,..."l" AlITHORIZED',USES: 'Use_so in .the: lDR"'(LOW?::Det.sitj:;lR.e.-Sidentfal)l' I' "dtstrict:afi"ii9lilatecfl:iy"Sprlng; ~~d Development COde",,(SDC) sectlon-~.2;200;'aVa.llabJe!in-Clfyl ", Hall or online at', <.J.;..If.;,;l.1.i;..,.t1! '~~";.//WWw.d.sPrin9field.o'i.'{.-1- .f "us/dsdJPlannln!ll '-j 't ~- APPLICABLE CRITERIA: (l) The p,?posed'use,conforms with,ap- pllcable: .(~), Provisions ~oL,the, Me,tro Plan; (b) Refinementpla-ns' (cb~l~n~Oi~trict,'standards; ,(d) Conceptu!l!. :Oev~tqpment~'Plans orirCe).Sp,eda/iuse:standards:i!11 Y.1~:f:O~!!_;; (2t.The: site' undef"con-: j :1 ' Sf~~,r.a~~Us:S@~bl~,',f~Olielpro~ , oS~.._l!se.,sonsldenng:(ar Thif '( 0 .'. ro~._a~~_.n.ir_s..i_".;.'.'.~e!.ign-_::a~~ :iP. e.. ,r~ ,/' I a~!ng~c.hafllcten~lcs::.of ,the;'use I (ope~l~g'\characterfstics;'.~fn~ G,- I ~ll:Ide. ~'b~ut....ar.e;..n.ot'.'.".im... ed~to ___I par.kl~g,,~ffic,-\no~,vi.~ratioii: / \ , l'f'.~On,s.1l9h.t,'!lI~re.jO_dor;:ai:ist.;'! J-~IUty',Si!fety....and;-aesthetfC . .consfderatlll:ns,<1;",Where:;ipplic~ ~\ ,.\ C^~.b.'e).;. (~)..,,'A...~.eq."'-.'.t.e.,,"'....n.-~.~Sa..'fe.'C.ir,: , (J .Cul~tlond~xlSts'for ,vehicular :ag .~r _~5S}to_,iI;lld-'Jrom t~e iiroposei:l f11J ~~':,!nd on-S!te:Cfrc"'".'on:,ari[l! e,,!erge~cy' ,re~fIse.,~,:well""a:s' p~d.!!str!il!l,+;blcycle'tandl.tfansit clr~ulatr?n;: (c) ',The:, naturiil (and I PhyS1C\l! features,.o.(t:helsite;ili~' ~ru~f~g,~,utn.o_~..flmfte~ to-;"lrlpaHJ i!n_are,~,I~~~ul!lted., 'w.!!t_laridS;l ~!ltui'aI ~;,1~9nn~ii,ter",.Jmairag~ ,m~n~~_~!nil.!l~ta~~;alldfw-ood~_ ~ ~.~hilll~eadequately:con: sld~r~dL!1I1th.e'pfol. ~ct disignfai'id ,(d)~A_d~,~~teJPub ic,facilities 'and ~rv!~s ;~.r~~_~vajf~ble;,;includjri - bu~). ~lIt;'ll,ltWtEt~,~J~;,-:;iitilitj~' ~ts,:~Ofm.,~ril!,nage..;facilities. ~~. se~r~'androthei.publit .mt' ;u,ctu,. re~,l(])'" ~nY'adVerse' _ .e_ __ o~ J!!e..proposedi1se'ori _~.propertiesf;Uii:l',On';the ,publ.ic::ca!.(be'mi ga l! J_hrou .!h!:(!l) Appl~cation_ of other c~e sta_n!ian!s,:Jl:!r 'e~mple. bufferlng f!'!l_m:;.,I~,:4'jm~enSlve.:..uses," in~ crl!.~~d:.~tb!CI(S.:~ek;(b)+,:Site !'!!!! to ~ev~ew.2,conditjonsof'i ap~' proy\lI";:'\V~~r:eJ:rapplicable;' (c) .o.t.he:r.!=En_d.lt!~s:o!,apPrOvaJ'that maY,_b~.!!!Qulred by,theApjiroviil A_U!hor:!ty;!~n~/()r'(d)A;proposaJ _by.~.the~~plica.~t.~at';in,eetslor ex:c_e~~s.J th~if~.ited'-, Code i-Stan- f ~~~s _ a'!d!or -"conditions . of-~ ap~ 1 proval~'31~~~~-:4:iiK~;'~ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, } COUNTY OF LANE, ) ss. I, Ghi.o Imburgio . , being first duly affirmed, depose and say that I am the Advertising Manager, or his principal clerk, of The Register-Guard, a newspaper of general circulation as defiJ)ed In ORS 193.010 and 193.020; published at Eugene in the aforesaid county and state; that the Notice of Public MeetinglHearing printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for .one successive and consecutive Day(s) in the following issues: May 31, 2009 . OFFICIAL SEAL , " TAMARA ANN CLARK '" .J NOTARY PUBUC-OREGON '. ./ COMMISSION NO. 435086 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DEC. 15, 2012 Subscribed 9 My commission expires: December 15, 2012 Account #: 1000218 INVOICE 4266087 Case: DRC2009-00016 Amt Due: $226.86 '~ SUBJECF""PROPEIITY'rlLOCA:", ,liON:: '885'_S;42nif.Ave; 'Map', 18..()2~OS.21,'T\.. 81\)0. ,:~'t..!..'-f''-'.:I ->OATE,' TIME;,',PLACE"ANO ~lO+' CATION OF THE HEARING: 'TueS-: day~'JUne16.-2009, at 7:00 Ji.m. at 22S::F1fth,"'Street ,in,.Sprin-gfhHd City Hall Couricil'Chambers. \~. 1. l;ADDITIONAL':.' INFORMATION: The- 'clPPllcatioii;-.all'-i:IOi::liirieRtS and evidence' submitted by or on beh~lf ~f the app!icant and the apphcationcriterlaareavailable foriinspection,at;CityiHall;at:no cost and 'will be provided-at a re_a5onablecost.-.Seven.days;prl- or to the hearing a'Copy'of-the staff,.report-will':\be.,.similarly available.7I"'I'r+.\ii:.-,'''T...._''Y''! '., ,. CONTACT_,PERSON: ::: ~ steve Hop.kins at (541) 726-]649.';Serid written testimony'to the Plan- ning,Comm!ssio,n., c/f:! 050.:_,225 rIfthStreet;.Springfield, Oregon 9747~,\<<:,r.a.t):e~d themeetiriiilarid , state your_views. The hearing will . be conducted Inaccordance,with ~'!SDCArticle.14..:,,~.i..~.r-.; 1 h_FAlLURE' TO RAISE: -,ISSUE: Failure of an issue to be raised in' at. the::~eariIi9;jll-.persori;o_r, by' :1etter,~.or.' 'fallure ~-jo~;provi~_e' statements or,evldence sufficleirt .~o'..affofd;the,di!cision:,maker,;-an opportiirilty.to1res-pond,to;the is:: Suejp'recludesappeil.l)o,.t,he1und U,se;BOara'i:if'_App'e;ils-,on]thaUs~: ';~~:~j;,:~~~;~::~\::~;).,:~:~~:-~,-~-! No;~26@87::' May,]l; 2009 , ,~~I :".~ '