HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-5-21 .. RESIIiaNTlAL" ::, APPLICAJftJN/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfie~d, Oregon 97477 Bui~ding Division 726-375:5 .......--......_,.... ..~~.. .....IiI.U.....,.""......,. ."" "... ... .:,,'" I, ;;2'670 fll V/l" ~oud \l)()~p~-)~ Job Locati.on: ASGcsGorc Map H Subdivision: o..mel": [2..nnnie. aVO ').ocJ III u.JJ((;()ff15 &0.4- Address: ,(J' . Q"(i v,c,o. CitlJ: [l1J~~J n ,1dditic11 Ii Ramadal r---J ~~bila Homa <:JIJ/ d. 1, Tax Lot H Clre. nQB;OU Phone: 7tf7- sfl/ Zip: AHcire~f.; va!u:iSC~ ~]s Hoard Date of Application Cont.ractors General /}{or }.J~.J er ec::t-- .;lD -:;;...0 (; c... Elec t r ~ cia n ;'-f(' oc.:lC...,,71.o-r J'+" ,.J I It is the 1"6sponDibi'Lity of the permit holder to see that aU incpections are made at the proper> tim[;.1 that ec:ch .:ddrCS8 is readaDZ.e /1"0111 the BtrGet, and that the pormit ca.1'd is located at the front of the property. ABuiZding Divi=io!': approl-'cd p1..an shall l~emain on tM Building Sit~ at all. times. P.70CSDUP.E FOR INSPECl'ION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (l'caopderJ state yaup City designated job nW7ibel', job addJtcss, type of in::;pea-::icn requcstcd ar:d w.~en you I.1iH be ready for inspection, Contpactol'S or Owners 7'IGJrIe and phone number. Requests receit:9d befcre 7: 00 G;':t :.'i!! be made the eame dc.y, requests made afte:r 7:00 am m!! bo made the next :Jerkin] dc.y. qf"\f\/1 . Your City DeoifP'.ated Job _or Io: lJl. TtloL i Plumbing iHechanical I EJ,ectri!:al I Supeti"'r..:t't;;r~lg Rl'!mn:-r"~ T'1n..n.!'f!.t1:r.,,!~ O SITE INSPECT ION: To be rrrzde after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PWMBING. ELECTRICAL & : MECHANICAL: To be madB befors any work is covered. FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be m:u!s after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but pl'ior to pouring ccncret,z. UNDSRGROUND PWM3ING. SETtER. W.1TER, DRAINAGE: To be nr::de prior to fil.- .lir.g trenches. D. UNDERFWOR PLUl-fBING & MECHANICAL: . To bs made prior to in3tal.Z.atwn of ]LOOI' insulation or decking. D D o POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instal.Z.aticn of floor insl,il4tion 01" cleckill(; , ROUCTI PLU!fflINC. ELECTR!CAL .e MECH- . ANICAL; No wc1"k"is to be oot.-ored . ur.ti L .these inspections have beer. made and approved. FI.~EPl.ACE: Prior to p!acir.g faoing materiaLs and before framing inspec- tion. O FRAMING: Must be requeoted after approuat. of rough plurr.bing, elect1'i- .cat. & mechanical. An l'Oo[ing bracing & chimneys, etc. m'.J.st be ,comp!eted, 110 work i. to b. con- ., oea led unti! thio inspection has 'bG~n made and approved. o o J./;;2.5SV 30/7S O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIlSPF:CTION, To be nruie after a z.t. W8U l.atwn ar.d '. required vapor barPiero are in pLace but before any Lath, gypsum boaJ"d 01" r wU covering is appt.ied.. and beforo any inDulation ifJ concealed. DRYtrALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after alL drywa l L ie in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415, O WOODSTOVE.: After installation io ccmpLetGd. D D CURB & APPROAC" APRON: Afte:- form. are c1"eated but prior to pouring aon.zrete. SIDErrALK & DRIVEf-lAY: For aU con- crete paving within street right- of-way, to' be made after aU exca- vating ccmplete & form work & sub- . base rrr:zterial in pZaae. o D PENCE: Wher. compL~te -- Provide gates 01" movable sectiono through P.U,E. ' D Rcc,;-ipt .~ D t_~s. ~o Sigr:e~-. Date: ~- 2/; - 9CJ ~ >f.,.,)' R.!~. Exoi."ces Prnnp {O--l - 9CJ 10 - J_ <:;'" G..rtb- / ~ 2. \(' - DEMOLITION OR gOVEO BUILDIiJGS ::J Sani'tary sC'"..1er :.'!apped at p:..oP~l"t":i lir.e I :J Septic tank p-.<.",?cd and fil.Ze~ LJith gra::.J.et :J Pinal - mIen ahoue ite.-ns are ccmpLetcd and when demolitior. is complete 01" stru~- ture moued and prami3es aleaned up. Nobi la lIcmes :J Blocking a1Ui Set-~p :J PLW1Ioing connections -- sewer and wa-;er :J Electrical C~nection - BLocking, set-up and. plwnbing connections trr..st ce approved before requesting elec:ricaL insp9c:ion ~ Accessory Bu.it.aing :J Fina.l - Aft;)r porches, skirti71{J, decks, etc. are completed. o AU projao't conditions, ouch ao the 'installation of street tr>ees, ao.-:rplotion of t;"e required Zandscapir.(J, etc., must be satisfied beforo the BUILDINC FINAL can be raqusotad. o FIliAL PLUMBING o FIlIAL 11ECIIANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o o FINAL BUILDING: Tho Pinal Buildi"!] Inspection must bo reque3ted alter the Final Plwnbing EZcctrica~, and Mechanical Inspections ha!Ja been. made and appl'o!J.:?d. . . ItAU. MANHOLES AND CLF:ANOUT:: //fI."iT DR ACCE:;~I[)Lr:, AlJ,lU$'J.'.'!S.'lT TO [IF: l:ADE AT 1.'0 C~ST TO CT'!'Y I Pal7C' ! of :! I JOB NO. I Zona: Lot Sq, Ft{;. S of tot Coverag~ .'1 of Stones TotaL Height Topography SOLAR ACISS OccuoanCl/ C1'OU.'D LOT TYPE II Interiofl Corner PanhandLe CuZ-de-sac I lITEM IMain , SQ.FTG Gcl"aae CarpOl"t IACCeSSOl'u I I Is.D.C, TOTAL VAWE (uct.UC) 1.5 :r Buildin.g Permit State Surcharge Total Cha:oge3 X Value I. I I 1 1 I I 1, I ITEM I Fi:z:tures IResidentiaL (1 bath) I Sanitary SelJCI' NO. FEE CHARGE Water Plwnbing PePmi t State Surcr.tu'g8 Total Chal"oCS lITEM ~!J."..ita, Nmu/E:ctend Circuits J NO. FEE CHARGb' Temporary Service Ele~tl'ical Permit State Surc:harQ8 Total Charqe8 lITEM \ Furna:ce ETU' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I Woodst<rJe I NO. I PeM t Issuanca Mec:hanica t Permi t State Surcharae Tota! Charaes . -- ENCROACHMENT -- ISe~~t~ D~D03it I Storage I Maintenance' I Pc:zomit I Total Chamo8 I aurbaut I Sidewa lk I F'anc:c I EZectrical Label I~ Home ,.....' I ~\ ley j\J I -~ , I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' FSE (!!JS) .sO l \'0 (~~,In~ CIIARGE rn~ I 4h.(-j, . -;>... REQ.- L-COG"'" 'Bedrooms: Enel'(fY Souroces I Heat t Access. I I Watcl' Yf'Ultp.'1" I I Range t I FireDlace I I Wood::: tave I: TuDe Type/Cor!st: I Lot Faaes - I Setbaaks I P. L. I /louss Carage" North East South IWast Fees Building Value & Permit This pe~t is Granted on the express condition that the said construction shall~ in all reopcctD~ conf,orm to tile Ordinance adopted by the City of Sprin!7field~ incZuding the. Zoning Ordinance~ regulating the construction and uae of building8~ and ma.y be suspended or revoked at c:ny time upon vic- lation of any provisions" of said Ordinances. , I Plan Check Date Paid: I Rea<ipt II: I Signed: Fec: Plumbing Permit r \" ,\ , No pereon Dl~ll conDt1'Uct~ inG~lZ~\alter o~ change any new or e:isting plumbing ,or drainage Byst~ in,~hole ~r in part~ ur.less Buch person is the legal possessor of a vaUd plumber's license~ except that a person may do plumbing tJOrk to property which is oIJned~ leased or operated by the appli- cant. I, I I Electrical Permit Where State Law requires tr.at the electrical tJOrk be done by an EleatricaZ Contractol'~ the electrical portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the label has been signed by the EZectricaZ Contractor. '"~ ?:_ 2 I Jlt7 Mechanical Permit , PLan Examiner vace I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the aompleted appLiaation for permit, and do hereby certify that all ir:fo-:rmation hereon is true and corrcct~ and I further certify that any ar.d all IJOrk perfor:ned shall be do'."1e in accor- dance :.rith the Ordinances of the City of SprinrJficld~ and the Ltr""s of tho ~ State of Oregon psrtaining to tho work doscribed hCl'o~n~ and that NO OCCU- PANCY :.rill be made of any structura lJithou.t pernlission of the Building Di- vision. I furthef' certify that tm1.y contractors and e:rrpz"yees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project sion~d Date