HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-12-5 -,.... ~ -: .,..~- ': :~.'-( . ~: .. -', . , 9747'1, .~"/ ,I 'I .' - ....,.,.,. . ,:e~:7: ~ . -. ...~ - . .,,-..-;.... ~.",/. '.., ' Job Loc.tion: ,28 50 12Iu I e~ ctr, As.essor: Nap I 1"( - O~ - 'Z '? - 02- Subdivision: ~~p Aoo. 'TC:> N~br-.. Deseribe rl'or/(: FI12$r :f't.co~ Fl~EDA-MAL.::E=' ~R... f?e'l...c:>c:Ai1c>t-..J OF 1,~\O'R ~Al-l..S A-bpm bN OF '5t::;'COt...:O t--t=N~ 6lJeR:. N.W. vvl"-Jb "F E;X(7r. ~ .'!obil_ Homo II /,.,,,/"'" L "a'.ue' t A , Data of Applicaticn u..;,J ~lP " {'...J.. 6::"'" (lmer: 'l:r,C,I_ J; 'BAeD , . . Address: '2BC::n 12(~\?..A City: S:>-PW, ~Ni"'!" -z;:r Addi ticn ~ '7f Remoce l. ..on~ra.:;ors General. ?lumbi"{1 eZectrical Nechar.ic::. t C~nst",ctimt 'l j ~I= j -.... Lendsr ) T= Lot I ~-r 00 IZW::;' Vl.A/o... V'\J;::. "...~ ~- b-e.. e:"6P3I__ ff, PI-.""e: ,Z/r:. - 15'7?1 Zip: Adti.....es3 L"-' ~112D..'.... ) 10 ~o~ . " '......<~:'~ .. " .......'..,. "i. ~ h 'l~'t - ,. .. d' . ," . , .....--! . ;.- .~:~ ': ~.. ~ .-,. .! :.;.~.:. '-' u~~.~ '~~ ./1 }P" ~~. t~( 1 "lj)'... '. . " . Siar.ed: .~~ Data: Lisc." =:==-irt!s F-r.or:;;: / 11'_ I IA P Pf20v../r .':9... or'>?) ) 'l ; /' .> , :t ill tn;, l"sspcmoi.bility of the permit hDZder to Bee that aZl. i7Wpectians are made at the proper tim&.. tr.at :u:ch =daress ""rem 'ths street, tmd that the permi't card i8 1.ocated at the f1"011.t of the propert:y. .Sui!di.....g Divi~ion. approved pLan shaH remain on tha Buildinfr Site at alZ times. .J ~ , . ;-... ~.rrOc::r;U;f!E FOR Il!SP~CTIOll R!"OUEST:CALL 726-3769 {rccol'der} state your City design::ted job 7tZ07:ber, job adaess, type of ir.3pee-;.icn. 'eques~ca a~.d tJ.~en you lJiLz. be ready for ir.spcction, Cont:ractcrs or lNne:'s name .:nd phone nur./bcr. Reques~s received before 7:00.::: :ill be made the same day, requests made after ?: 00 am LJiZl. ba made the n:.xt :.JOrkiTL] day. ''!'".~~'''''Ji ,.'l,l:.....~..:I':'t',q ] EIT~ Il.'SF~C':'IO:!: To be rmae after ucav.:n::':,:m, but prior to set up of f<mns. ] UlJ[)ERSLA9 PLUlBI::C. ELEC'TRIC,tL & .I-!ECHA,'JIC:'L: To be made before any wori< is .::ovcred. . '1.. -z.. VI PeOTIIIG ~ FOrfIlD,ITIOII, To be mads ~ after ~rencnes are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pourir.g ccncret.. U!,'D~RG.WU:.'D P~ur.f!JING. SEWER. W.1TER.., DRAItII.C2: To be rrnde prior to fiz.- hr.g ~renches. ] ] W1D!RFLOQ,!? PLW.~ING & MECHANICAL: To De made prior ~o in3~al.l.ation of J7,oor insulation. or decking. ] POST At.'D BEA/.!: To be rr.ade prior to ins~aLz.ar;icn of floor insl.o:Zation or VI ::~~1~I"G, FL~ICAO & I~~- .I' -.J AUICAL: No :JOrk is to be cover4d '""" ur.r;iz. these insDectior.s have beer. made ar,d approv~.::!. ] FI.~EPLACE: Prioro to p1.c.cir.g facing ma~eriaL.s and before framing inspec- 'tior.. \ _ ~ FRA.'!I!l'tf! Muct be reque:1ted af"ter "'...J approv.:.z. of rough plurr.bing, electri- cal & mecnani.::al. Al.!. roofing . bracing & chimneys, et.::. nr..tst be . completed. I/o wrk is to be con- ... cealed unti 1 thiD inspection has . b~~n made and approved. .J4 ' ~ FIliAL PLOt..'BIIIG ~q XI FIliAL 1{!;~HA.'llCAL L(q ~ FIliAL E!.I:~--!CAL .._, . - . . ..- ] ""-.....--..'" = is rea.:::a.;:€ : I I l'wCi.ty Deaigr.ated ,fob Nwnb<r la: 9:, W 0 )), '3 Z- IX I iNSULATIONIVAPO.'t? B.4R8IER I.'1S?'ECTIotl: To be made after all. insul..::r;i.:m tr'A '. required vapor barriers are in p 1.ace . but cefore any lath, gypsum board or uztz. covering is applied, and before . any inauZation is concealed~ II " rvl DRYWALL INSP~CTION: To be made ~ after an dry1.;az.l. is in place, , but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bo~ oeam3, grouting or verticals in accordance uith U. B. C. Section 2415. rv1 WOODSTOVE: After installation is ~ =mpLeted'~~6 . 'l, '). O CURB & APPROACH APRON: After' forms are cre.:ted but prior to pouring C07UJrete. O SIDEWALK & DRIl'EWAY: For aZ~ con- croete paving within street ~ght- of-wc.y, to be made after all. e:r:ca- vating complete & fo~ work & sub- base material in p~e. O :nlf:E: When compl.;te -- Provide gates 01'" movable secticns through P.U.E. ' o DE.'tOLITIO!.' OR t:OV:::: E'.JILDI,":CS ~ ~ani:ar-:J SB"Jer :!apped c.t rn:..op=rt:;i lir.e .=J Septi.: tank p".&::?ca and fi. z.ze~ ui th ~"'Je ~ I Final - r.'hen ~""'Ve ite.":1s are ce::r.iLetcd ~ and when demolitior. is c~tete or s:~~- ture moved and prc:m1.3eS cleal"oR..:i up~ I MoDi Le Hcmes ~ Blocking and Set-~p . ~ Plumbing connections s~e1'" ar.d lJa:el' . ---, Electricc.7.. Canr.ect.ion - Slocking, set-up . ---1 and plumbing canr.ections nr...;st te .appr::J::ei before requesting eZec:rical ir.spec~io:-: .=J Accessol"'i ~i1.di~ :J Fin.::.l - Aft::ro p::JrcJ:es, s1drting, deck3~ etc. are comple:cd. . o All prooject conditions, 3UCJ: as .the 'Z',nstallation of s:roeet trees. c~lc:i.;m. of the roequired landscc.pir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FI!!AL can .!1e r~quest3d. lot o FIl/AL BUIl.DING: The Final Build-ing Inspection must be requ.e3ted c.rter the .c'in;al PZ.wr.binJ Electri.::al, and Mechar.ical InspectwnD have been. made and apPl'ov2d. " '. " !-~ " -ALL UA.llHCLES AND CLEANOrnS HUST BE'ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS1?fE."1T TO HE f.~1DE fl."!" r.O'C~ST TO CI"!'Y' Jp.:rce! of 2. . \ JOB NO.~72 SOLA\~q; l-COC~ J ~J. #e> J J.. /2.6'1 I~I ~.~ . J I I 1.J!{"2 _ S"t:> I I I I , I I ". I oZ. :f"O I If I '2.1'0 I ISSf, 60 I, ~::~~!?'rt:~-< B~~~:e i Z';'"5-0 j ;~/=end Ci~",~its 12~1 II '2"2. 'S(!>I' -:em::Cl"a::t:I SC1""Jice I I I II I ~,"'l,'-IL./ I-Bol ~h,BOI. I I 0.-0 I I r:: <>eo , I J~ %E- 486 C:::o. I ~5:'-" 1./7l; [tt . . _L .....-Q~ ~':2_ . ,0, . 'Signsa .' ~' : . l::::' 7~. -/;;;;;;' ~ .,:".t:...-"~~';,,:,,:~~;:~. ~~..<-~~"'<':-~~"':_."". .'. .....t~ Ztmc: Lot Sq. F~. S of lat C""erege !I of Stones ::2.. Totat Height -:t2',fi('" :!:' Topography' ~-2~b LCT T'fPE IntoneI' Corner ..: '\ , Panhandte ': x CUI-do-sac !':'~! I S~.:,",c I I I,. I I i.ij,Q. T/..J. TOTAf. VALU! , 1t)C.':U;) 1.5 :: Mair. I I I I I ~~~~. I At.At. x VaLue ~a=.4 CC1r!".~~ ..JCCCSS:J1":.t ~,,,,,~"L S.D.C. BuiZding Permit State S:a>cit:z:r~e To~! Cha.......gea ::2,'.: ,'''0. I FE~ CEARClE :i-~..::res ResU:i271tia! ~,~lI'A i"t9' Sar.-:.t....'""1"'J Seu.'(!1' ;"'c.t~ PZ~.bing Perod. t ~,,:;~....a " j.... Sta:e Surcr~e ....-I_...,.;,~;... - ,'.... . T~t=! Chc.rP.cs Ele::~icaZ Permit St::te Su.r~harae Total O.a:rces .-;-:;"u Urr..:%~~ !'!U'S i ::C'j FEE I :z.. ":3'.....,. I I I I ClAii:::::: ::iz.aust Hood '.mt Fan ':Jodstrr.J6 Pt..,tJE Pe~t; Issuance Me:r.::r:ic::l Perr.:it ::; /.,1> ~ .8'1 ' ::?/. ey I . I I I I Stctc Surcharae Totel cr.JT!"Of!:J -- ZlJCROACHI,!E::T __ "!C".tri tv DZ::J03i t :orcae :-::"t€'J'tC'7"~r. ..~t ~ctaZ ChC'/"(1CS aobco.t: I I I ~di!'..J:zlk 'n:" 'cctroic:zl Labd 'bile .Hame . :-.:t AN~l!:.7' : .:;,...;....... '.. Be:irD.,.,.",: 1,1 T"..'peICorJJt: Lot Faces - T-J':'i! En2r(1~ Srr.I~(!3 I Heat ~~. Access. I Wate'!' .I.fr.~~,,,,,, ,I I I Han;:c II :' tl Fircniaer. r Wooa.::otot:e Sethaey.s I P.L. !HOUSe Caraoe INortn. East IS,",th IWeot CG& . Fees Building Value & Permit This ~l'm"';t io granted 011 the e.rpreos condition'that the said constl"Uctio71 shall, in all respects, confonn to the Orodinar.ce adopted i:iy the Ci:y of Springfield, including the Zoning erdinance, regulating the ccnst1'".tC'ticn and use of buildings, and m::y be suspended 01' revoked at cr.y time upon vie. Zation of any pr:Jviaior.s of said Ordinances. , . Iplan Check Fee: Cate Paid: IReedpt #: ISifi"ed: /9.-"5:' ~,e; Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, instalL, aZzer or chan{;e any r.e:..' cr e=is:ir.g plumbing or drainage syst~ in ~hole or in part, unless sucn pe~sor. i~ tf.~ Legal possessor of a vaLid plumber's License, except tr.at a pe:"son r.:o.~ c.o plur.:bing work to property which is m.med, laased or opera~ed by the app;'i- acmt. '" '. '~ , - Where State = r~l:e: ~:~ ~~ !zec~:~ ~ki !. done by ~ EZe::ri:~Z I Contractor, the electr.:.cal ~ortion of this permit shall r.oz: be v::Zid ur.:iZ . the label has been signed by the Elecr:rical' Contra.:tor. ,: !". "-~ . Mechanical Permit " ~;.u r..:ccm1.ncr T~~r!:> /' (,,=!-- '3-.eb I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for perr.:it, end do hereby certify that all. i~fo;>r.:ation hereon is tl"Ue and correct, cn.i I "..trther certify that any ar.d all IJOrk performed sh:JlZ. be do~e i."l ac:oro- dance :.lith the Ordin:mces of tM City of Sprinafield, and th.: Lc-..;;; of t1:c . State of Oreg~n pcrt:zinina to the uork described hcrc~n, and :r~t NO OCC~- PlllCr L1iZl be nndc of any structu:r:1 L1ithout p~rmis3io'!1 of tlta 3ui.ldir:g 0:..- vision. I furtf.el" certify that o'!1ly contra:tors ar.d c:npl..:;yeE:8 r.:1:0 are ir. cc;r.:pliance LJith ORS 701.r$S lJf:l7. for ~IP.c'd O~ this project 16 7/fE ,L=;~EZ::> ~c=-?t5747oe<?,- /f-bP p~O 7C> 4-/7~ CCA=..:>~77r. 1?-S:J(p lb'e ~". _ i_ -.;.~;i.''''.;'',;. _..;,;...~::,.:.:::::;