HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-11-20 ",-,. J .. RESlDilWTlAL" SPRINGFIELD APPLICAT B IPERIIIT 225 North Sth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 AooesGor.:: Nap H -285D l2lo I eRA.. ctr. It - O~ - 'Z-'? - 6>2- T= Lot # ~IOO ~f3Q Avo, [(:) ~b~JZlte v-.AI...:Ol? I Desaribe fl'or": F 1251 :rt..a:::>~ 'P1J2.Et7A-1I.I\I'I&E" ~R. 12e'Lc::\cATlC>t...J OF I~\OR u-JA\....I....5> A'bpm b10 OF St=>COl-....:() t..--1?\..leL 6UeR" N.\)....), \rV1t0b e>p ex.t'7T. ~ II h.D/e,& Value N. A Job Location: Subdivision: City: J 'BAeP " . . '!2(U\f::gf} :P-FLV, CUner: 'Th~) /__ Address: '28C::n IN,.:" M Addi tic" I I Remade 1. "~obile Roma Date of Applicaticn ~'ontl'c::;ol'S General. Plumbing f:l,ectl'ica! ~~J Mechar:ic::.L Const~ction Lender ~e6F3l___ rt-, Phone: --7?ip - /5'20 Zip: Ad.i.-es,:; '-1\...\ '\2:\12D-/l.. )t,:. ~p~ - . Rcce:,:,t Ii Sipr:cd: Date: Li3C. ii E::7Jil'CS t'i:or..: /' f'" / IAOPf20V-lf go on?> ) l /./ !t i.s the respmuribility of' the permit hoWeI' to see that all. inapections are made at the proper tim~, that Clcch .:;ddress is re~:.: ."J"'Om the etflect, and that the permit card is Zocated at the fY'07lt of the property. '!Jui!di~.g Divi=io~ approved pLan shezz. remain on tha Building Sit;; at azz. times. "J,70CSDUPE FOR INSPECTIOll RE'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desig1'/.1ted job mu<;ber.) job ac.cress.) tUve of ir.~pec~icn 'equcsr;cd a~.a: when you. :.Jill be 'reaay for ir:spcction.) Con'tractors or Owne:os ncme end phone number. Eeques-:.s recei;;ed befere' 7 :OtJ :; :izz. be made the same day.) requests mGde after 7:00 am lJizz. b2 made the nt::Xt :JOrking day. y';"" City Desigr.ated Job Numb<r Ie: 9J 6:; 0 ~ '3 Z- 'pmJ1:-cpt7 TJ'fM'~f!.ti.r."!..q ] ] SITE III SPSC';' 10:1: To be made after excavation" but prior to Set up of forms. , UIIDERSLAB PLU/.f3I1IG. ELECTRIC.1L & . l.fECHA,'lIC:"I.: To be made before any L.lOrk is .::ovcred. ] FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TION: To be m::uie after 1;renanes are excavated and forms are erected.) but prior to pourir~ ccncret~. U:.'D'ERGROU:.'D P!,;U/.fEING. SEWER. r-.'.1TER. DRAIl/AG2: To De rnad~ prior to fil- .lir.g trenches. ] ] UflDERFLOOR PLV!-fBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to in3tal.lation of }1oor insu~tion or decking. POST Ai,'D BEAM: To be made prior to installaticn of floor insl,.;latior.. or decking. ROUCH PLlP.~n.'G. ELECT.'?ICA!.. & MECH- ANICAL: Ho work is to De cOI...er~d ur.tiZ these insDectior.s have beer: made ar.d approve;:. FI.~EPLACE: Prior to plccir.{J facing mctel'ia~s and before framing inspec- tior.. ] ] ] ] FRA!~nlC: Nu:;t be reque3ted after approv~Z of rough plumbing, electri- cal & mechani;;:al. An rOOfing bracing ~ chimneys, etc. nr~st be . completed. No work is to be can- .;. cealed unti l this inspection has . bE>e.n made and approved. o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IHS?E:CTION: To be made after all insuL:;tum tr.d required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath, gypsum board or wU covering is applied.) and before any inaulation is conceaZed. I DE,'.10LITION OR ;:;DVE] E:JILDI:;CS ~ Sanita1'":J Se"..Jer ::apped =t p~opcrt:":i lir.e ~ Septi.c tank J7~~d ~ fiZZe~ uith ;rQ?2~ :J Final - ({hen abcve ite.':'/s are cc....oletcd ~ ...... ~'.. and when ~~l~~~or. ~s C~tete or s~~:- ture moved and pr~ses cleaned up. Mobile Hemes =:=J Blocking and Set-up :::J Plumbir~ connections sewer ar~i ~ater :::J Electrical Ccnr.ection - Blockir~, set-u? and plumbing ccnnti:ctions nr...:st te tI??r~:Jc:: before requesting eZec:rical inspec:io~ ~ Ac;;:esso~' Buil.:!.:.ng :J Final. - After F~rcr.es.) etc. are campZe:ed. sk:.rting, decks.) o DRYWALL I/1SPE:CTTON: To be made after alZ d:ryt.JaU is in place.) but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Stee 1. location.) bona beam3.) grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: After ins ta l lation is ccmpZetcd. o All project conditions.) such as the installation of stPeet. trees, c~~lction of the requiped landsccpir.g, etc." must be satisfied before the BUILDJi,'C FI.'lAL coan be l'2questad. ] FIlIAL PLu.~aJn/G ] FIliA.L f.!E:~HA":IC,1L ] FINAL E!.~~- -.'r"C/.L ] -- o FIliAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspeation must be pcquested c.tter the Pin:zZ Plumbing EZectrical.) and Mechar:icaZ Inspection3 have been made and approv2d. o o o CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte:o forms a:re crected but prior to pouring co~rete. SIDEf-lALK I: DRIYF;W/"Y: For all Con- crete paving within street right- of-wcy, to be made after all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & sub- base material. in p~e. "'ALL I1ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS 'lUST BE ACCES!:IBLE.) ADJUST,'[E:l'!' TO BE MADE loT t.'O C~ST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 o o PENCE: When co:npZ.:;:te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P,U.E. o /j '- "" JOB NO, l ...... 'L-COC-q I I I I I I I i I Occt.o:oancU' GrO".J.:J: _ LeT TYPE I1".tericr Corner 20'f'lc: Lot Sq. Ft;;. : ~f lat C~erag~ 0' of Stories Total Height Topography !':'E.'.! ICOOOC I ......... Mair: Cc:ra::c Cal'"':"c:';. ..lcCCSSOl":J S,D.C. TOTAr. VALUE' l vc.t..uc) 1.5:: Buildir.g Permi t State Surcn.arpe Tote! Cha.......ge:; '-'"'''',' Pi=~.a'CS Residential [1 beth) 5c:r:i ~-r-~ Se-.....cr ;"'c.te!' Plu:;:bir.g Perr.:it Stc.:e Surcr.arge T"'....~l cr.cro9s :':D: i;::.:. i ?cs. So. ft=. ','GlJIE=tend Cir'::'.li ts :~crary Se~Jicc Ele~trical Permit St=te Sur~ha:rae Total cr.arces -';"';"',' 1'0 I .,'v. I I I I 'urr..:zce PTU'S :::::haus t Hood 'ent Fan !::Joasto:Je Pe!":::"~t Issuance Mec;...::r:ic:::.Z Pcrr.:it Stc.tc Surcncroc T07:c.! Cr.C!'!"om'J SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- t,'O, FEE: x Panhandle CUZ-de-sac l'aZuc I I I I CHARGE ....;-:r.~....::- CHIJiCE T;;r;e/Cor..st: ,'fL!nm, II II : I I II II I T:J':'{! Beiroor:-:s: I Lot Faces - I Sethack" I P.L. IHouse I Laraae I!.CCC$G' li,orcn Enst ISouth IWest Fees SO;H'~f?:; Heat Wate!' Yr.(J~."" Ha"Fe FircnZac('! Wcoa.::tot:e Building Value & Permit This pcrnr;t io granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in aZl respecto, con[onm to the Ordinance adopted by the City oj Springfield, inc!uding the Zoning Crdinance, regulatil':g the ccnstT"'.J.ceicn and uce of buildings, and m::y be sUGpended or revoked at cr.y time upor: vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ancec. , ' J I I , ' J t I I I I PZan Check Dace Paid: IRecdpt U, IS':!!"e", Fer!: Plumbing Permit No per~on shall construct, instalL, aLter or change any r.e~ or c=ictir:? pZumbir~ or drainage syst~ in ~hole or in part, unless s~c~ persor. i.:: tr.~ legal possessor of a valid plu~ber's 'license, exce?t tr.at a pe~son ~a~ co plumbing work to property which is ow~ed, 'leased or operated ~y tr.e a~?:i- cant. I I, I I j I I I I I, Electrical Perm it Where State Lat.J reauires tr.at the electrical work be done ~u an EZe~:ric::: Contractor, the eZ~ct~;caZ portion of this permit shall. r.ot~oe vaLid ur.~iZ the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. I I I I I I J I I I, Mechanical Permit Et.'CR::JACHl-!E::r "C'..lritlJ D~V03it :orace :in'tenar:~.~ -:r:nt Tetal C'Yler-nes lrbC"".lt ~de-..J.:llk 'n~(! :c~tri~a l Labe!. ~bile H:;;me l.~" 'VOL'''' ~.,...."".""'... PLan E:r:anl1.ncr Uate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for pern-:it, end do hereby certify that aZl info:-r..ation hereon is true ar.d correct, c:r..:i I further certify th~t any ar~ all work perfo~ed s~ll be done in a~~or- danae :.nth the Ordinances of the City of SpringfieLd, and. tiJ.: L(:":3 of thc State of Oregon p~rtaining to the work described hcrc~n, ar.d :r~t NO OCCV- PI:NCY will 02 nnde of any srructure without p.2nmiS3io~ of t;le 3uiZdir.g rr:-- vision. I further certify that o~ly contra~tors ar.d c~pl~yccs cr.o are in co:::pZiance with ORS 701.(I."~ tJn.? rr ~H'~"1 0'1 this project Sign:ui lkzte