HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-9-20 .. RESII'NTlAL" AFPLICATIONIPERI1IT 225 North 5th Street S?rinqfieZd, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-575J Job !.aca:icn: tlJ"5 ,f}UEA'UlEW 8Ll, ASC8S00r: :'!<r,> N \ ~ ()~ ~I...\ \ ~ SldJdi:J':"sicn: ",:ner: ('L;QuOE 6.EX!LJ9ttf Addres3: t.t6'.3 K1tJER tJIErJ .t1u Ci:y: .sf1rINC,r"JcLD IJ<<', n,,~., I L...--l'Adc!i tic" n Ramocsl n .'!o;-r.le .~o,~" SPRINGFlELC ~,.Iib, HEL-D' Ta=:!.at N ~?('{) Pharoe: 7'i7-9~;l.,~ Zi?: Cf747 7 c../?((,fOIC.T Describe ;1101"": 'r /;..0 h.3 Data of Applica:icrI :;on=t'~c:or8 Va.lue -.# "f5. (XX) Add....es3 PO,tJh .1-1I>? <FIIM<k General ,,(J/d./-I.,.//A) ./1tUL,tJC~ IAJtI, Plumbing 'M>P,f Electrical AM,;" ,VIil~har.ic.:L jJ/J).1,; Const~~c:i~ LCnd4t' .~, AlO,..)€ . 1,/7f4 ( ~ r,- .=?cae:':it .;: Sigr.ed:~~ Date: '1/),olf.-.., '-' Lise. .. E~ires .~t,/~'I Phone:. .;?();;l81 ?all,--30S'2 !~ is :1:6 resp01lDibiZity of' eM permit holder ec 86e that aLZ. iMpections are "...ads at the propezt :im~~ that ~h. .:.ddreS8 is rg......=....:..:.. lrcm tM street, ~nd that: ths permit ca:rod is i..xated at the l1'011t of the property. ~3ui~i~4 ~vi~io~ appr~'ed F~ s~~zz r~:n on t~ Eu~Zdin~ $it~ at aZZ times. ?"~OC~!JU"9E Fon n:SPEC'!'lall RE'ClIE'ST:CALL 726-3769 (rccoT'derJ state ;Jour City desigr..:zted job 1t'..a;:bel', l"!U?Uestcd a:-.a :.J.':en .You ;,Ji.l.z. be ready for ir.spccdon, Con'trac~rs or Ct..'ner"S nt::me end ~hor.e nUl:'Ibcr. ;.'az. be rrc:a"e the same dc~, requests mc:de efta' 7:00 a:n :JiZZ Ot; made the nc:t :xmhn; day. 9~WloDj -:;"'U~'7:t''''~_ r".J'{!",~":":!:~"'!t O SITE' INSPEC':'ID.'I: To be ITrlde e::cav,:;'Ci.:m:, .;ut: pPicr :0 set f::rr::s. O U!IDr:~SL.A3 ?!.l'.',!3I.'IG, ~!.:2C':'.'?IC,:L ~ ;"-!EC,:;"..J:liCA,,: 7'0 be maCe be/ortJ eny lJOrJc is ,;oTJcred. I~T!;'iC ~ ."'OU:/D,1TIO.'I: To be .':'rIde l!:::::J after :l'encnes ,~g .e::cCTJatoi!d ar-.d ferms are e1'ec~~d, but P::*";01' :0 pcunr.g ccn':l'et.. af:er up of CJ U.~'D~G:~OU.~'O ,?!..~','oCI:I(;, SE"..;::R., :J.lZ'E.~. DRAl.VAGE: 1'0 oe r.r:z;ie ?1""';or :0 ,;"ii:- l.i.r-.g :l'er.chas. o UUCE....?Fr.cCR ?':-,"},'.Sr.:C 1 XEC!1ANICAL: To be maCe prier :;0 ir.3~ai.Zaticl1 of f7.0or ir..suk:::icn 01' deci<ing. ?'JST .J,ND 3EAN: To be r.".ac.c p'l""'~r to ~nstal.:aticn of {tOOl' ";ns:.:Za:;ion or dscki"'i' [] r:-:::1.-:lrofJCF. ?!.:j~~!:,1C .=-r 2,::",,"::1 T("~ ~ ;. .'.[EC.g- L!:J .4NI~~r.:. ;'10 '~o:"i-: !;'a-~';;o :,~ c.:n:~!'ea :0:::-:' (,. ;nCS<i -:'r.s='BC:!..?r.S ,....:::...€ ::€er. TX.ie 'Zr'.d .::::pro:rJe.::. F:.::E.?r.~C~: ~~Ol':O me::€T"".:.ai:a ar.d before ~ior.. ~P.A"~!:'1r;: MU3: bs req-.le:;tad at:cl' ~ ~?rcv~Z of rough pZ~~ing~ ~lec:~- caZ 3 meciur:~:JZ. At!. :'Ooling bro:re-:.r.g 3 ~itimno;ys, at.:. .~...tsc b6 corrrota~cd. .'/0 ".1.:)1'< "':8 ;0 oe ccn- . eBC'lad unc~ Z :J:";.!J insr;ecticn ;'.as 'b6en mad. and c?proved. D ?z.a::..;r.g lr::r.ring fc.~r.g il1spec- Your Ci.ty" Desigr.ated Job Nwrib6l' 13: D INSiJLATIO,VIV/tPOR BARRI::::? !NSP=CT10N: To be rr:ade after aU il1suktwn /X"'.a r(!qu-:.red vapor Ca:!T";ers are in p lacs Cut celers o:r.y lath, gypS"'..u:J board or 10XIlZ cover-i-r.g is cppli.ed, and before any ir.:J'uZaticn ~8 conceaLed. job ~~C8S, t~pe Requ~8:s recei~ed of ir.;;pec-;icn beJ..crg 7.. Of) <:=:': D DRYr.lALL I.'lS?~CT!O!/: To be r:o.ade aftel' a z.z. dry!Ja lZ is in place, but proio!' to any ~ping. DE!.:OLIT.rD.M (lP '.'r-v::; 3f.:ILDII'iCS =:l Semi:ar~ Se'.Jsr capped =: ~oP&r'f:"~' Una ~ Septic tank ~~~~d ~~ fiLL~d uith ~~eZ f Pil1aZ - ~{her. cScve ite:~s are c~"~roZetc.:::." ~ ar~ ~hen d~l~:ior. is camp~ete or S~7~';- t:.c-e r.:alJeC an.:: prrnses :::Zear.ed up. /.!obi l.e iic.;;es o NASONl?Y: SteeL z.ocationJ bond ~eam3, aroutina or vel'~ica!s in accor'a.c;"ce :.n:::h Y. a. C. Section 2415. WOODSTOn: After instaLlation is ccmplat~d. ... :::J :::J ~ BLocking and S2t-~p PLumbing connec=~ns Sc.Jilr c:r..:: wa-;olr o D CURB & AZ'F'RCACP. APRON: Afte:o forms CII'e ereated out prior to pou:1'"i.ng .:on::rete. SIDEWALf( ,j DRnT',.lA.'!: For aU con- crete paving within strect right- oj'-!JX:.Y, :0 be made att2r aU ezca- vatir.g ocnrp1.et2 .~ fam !.X)!'k & $u.D- base ::o:ateriaZ ~11 i'la:.:e. Electrical Ccnr.ec:~on - Blockir4J set-u? and pZumbing ccm:ectiol18 f1t"...st ::e ~prct:ed beforc l'equest~ng el.ectricaL ir.s?ec:io~ :=J Ac:.:esso1"",1' EuiZding --, Fir..::l - t1ftCl' J~~cr.es, ~ etc. are C!~~e~~d. ski-r:ir.gJ de:.:."-.s, o D PENCE: W'her. co~pZ.te -- Provida gates or movable sections through P.U.E. D D FI."lA[. PLW.'BI:,'C ~ PI:I;.L NE~HA,'IICA[' : ..........~/AL EI.SC':'RIC/..L All. pl'o.;ect oor:d~:;i,:ms, :;...c.t:. as the ~..ns::al.Zation of street =l'ees, ~c::.;?la,:;::',,'1 of tile l'equired Zand.:;;ccpir..g, .;tc. J must ::e satisfiad oelore :he 3f.1II.:JI;:C Fro'!).!. ':.:1n :,e !'2'tJ.est:.1d. ~:"'A[' ~.'JIrD!NC:. \ T1:~ F~na: Eu.il.ding In3;:;ectiol1 ":'!lSt be !'equeatad :=..;-21' t.he ?~naZ ?Z..:~bir.; ~) ~~2c~~caLJ ana .wcnar.~a~~ Insp€ctior.3 ;~a been mada and cppl'ovad. ,~ D .A:'': ,'.fA:IECr.SS AND aSANOU'I'S .'!UE7: BE ACCESSI3l.E, .4E.n/S?.'.'E:.'T :'0 BE .'.~1CS :~T .~'O ~ ~.)~ ';''J ~I ?-:';2 of 2 I JOB NO. IZ"".,V I Lot Sq. Ft;j, ~'N) :':; ~f ~t; C:Jl)erc.g~ .~ of Stories l:otaZ Height I I Topo.,-aphy I \ \Q.' 1!':'E.\f 1.../::;.n I S',F':'G '.~~ 1,fJ.=-t':!ce 1 ::ar:'cr~ I 1 ..lc~csso:""J I TOTA.G VALUE Is.D.c. l:,.c......C) 1.5 ;:: Euildir.g Per:r:i,t Stata Surcharge Totat cr.a."""gBa IITE.\f :'i-.-nores Residomtial (z bath) I Sc:ni ta:rJ Sewer> ;'"c:te.r P!:.onbing Perr.:i t State Surcr..a:rge Teta? C'hc:!'aBs SOLAR.CESS REQ.~=~\.\\ . OCC"J.~anr:-J C~:J: rti\-\ --. T~:;le/Cor:st:"""(l_ LeT '''''~ I Cot Faces - \,"V'\Q"",~ - 11 ./"" I Setbacks I i LU ;nteric!" I? [,. II ~o;:..e I cr::::.ce I Access. I, ,I Corne:- llIo!':;h '-, -, .., ~ Panhandle lEes", '1 ~1 I I I IS"" tn lor-.. <:u ~ I I I CUt-de-sac ' IWest I....q;, I I I ':)" x I "alue I ~N:'{\~ I I I I ~ CI:f).CQ....! I I I \.\4 ,~ \, '14> ,",\'5,..,c, I. NO. FEE CF.A?CE ~ ITE.\J ,.'10'1 FEE CHl-3.GE .T?es. Sa. f~o. N;;w/E--tend Cirr:.;.ies \ I\D~ \n. c:>O Temporary Service I I I I I I !1.4''7~:ca Z Perm. t St.::.te Surcharae Total O.c.rces IIT::.~ 1 Pl.a"1-.ace ?TTJ'S I E=haust Hood I Vent P=n I ' I i/::}odsto7le Permi t Iasuanca .'.Jec;..al'lic~ t Perr.r:. t State Suraht::1"aE: '7',.,'tr.Z CNn-';JIUl I IseC'..t.r';tu I Stor=ge -- alCRCAC.=J.',fE.'!T -- Dz-:;o3i t Main.teru::r~:) Fermi t: Tota t cr.cr~c8 I CurbC".t: ! Side.Ja!< I :e~e ! E7.ec:t'icaZ rebel. l '1' : :l1oM...e i!:Jr.le 11'DTAL ANOU.'lT DUE:" \().oo !-\D \() 40 /.,a./ :;Or:'';' C!A?!:! 5 (0 . \ c.. L-COG~ 3<ao-oor.:s: ---- :ner~u Sour~es ~~. T~=-e Hea; - ilC1;2r' YP~":e!r' Range ;:-:.peoi.c.ce /looa:; ;01.;e Fees Building'Value & Permit This per>mit i3 granted on the express condition that the said. ~onstruc:ion shatl, in all, respects, conjcrm to the Ordinance ~opted by the C~ty of SpM.ngf'ietd, ~na!uding :n.e Zoning Crd-:.nar.ce, 1"I1qulc:;ir:g the ccr.s"C'r'Accicn and use of buiZdings, and m=y be suopended Or' revoked at c.r.y ti~e upon vic- lation of cr.y provisions of said Ordir~ces, , IPUtn Check Fee::f>r!l::).CfJ I Va:e Paid: q . 1/l.- 'i?' 3 IRecs;.pt #: Ir 1'1.ab IS;.g,:ed: r 1. f Plumbing Permit No person ~hall construct, instal!, a!t:er or change Gny r~ or e--istir.g plWT!bing or dzoainage syste:n in whole or in part, unless Quch Ferson is tr.e legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~ a Fe~son may do pl.ur.:bing work to proper17~ which is OLMed, l.i?a8ed 0'1' op6rated ~y the appli- cant, I ,. i I I I I I I , . I I I I I I I I I I Electrica I Permi t Where State La:,) requires tr.at the el.ectl'ical. work be dene by an !1eatrical. Contractor, the elsctrical portion of this permit shalL r.ot be valid until the Zabel. has been signed by the El.ectrical. ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit ~ - ~:tc-t~S\.~ ~\r Q/}{)-~~ ua;e I BAVE' CAREFULLY EXA.'-!I;'IF:D t.1ua completed appli.cation fat' pe!"'J"J1i:;J end do hereby certi.fy that all i~fo~atio" hereon is true and ccrrcatJ and [ f..uother aertify that any c:r.d aLl wot'k perfor:-ned shalL be done in ac~o:t"- I dance :vith the Ordin::mces of' tr,g City of Spl'ingficZd, and ~h~ Lc..:s of tha 4 State of Oregon pzr~ining to the work des~;bcd herein, and ;r.at NO OCCU- I P.~!ICl ~lZ be :rn::e of any atruc17..cra UJithout perr.r;s3ion "I the 3ui!ding {)i- vision. I further certif:J' that ~ly contrcwtors ar.d e::!pl.;yeea r-'jo..o Q"9 i:-: j cxr.:pl.i.a7tC6 tJi:h QRS 701. OS~ wiLl be used on this pr'oj:sc: j (~~j ~_ir. Signsd or Date