HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-5-3 = .. RESIDE~IAL" . APPLICATIONtff;RMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ' :l:!I~"_.,, ..,__ -if 53 I!JvRTIrM /1- Dg--3t/ - /4 -iJl~"v-:C' 81ud, TaLottl h?1..f){) <""j,t('L D6 (p' I ~ I fJnYl L 1/~f () t/65 EJJfY Vleu) ~cL ob Location: o:::cs:Jor:; A'.1p H lLbdivision: t.mer: diL"""" : ~ty: ~ ~ ~ ::I "(>1" .1dditicn Remoeel ,'!ohi In Home 6-3L1u Date of Applicatic'l ~11Ii.,.prl rnRn"~t':Qn.<r ] SITE INSPECTION: To be TTrJ.dc excavation, but prior to set forms. J after up of U/lDERSLAB PWf.f8INC. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made befor'a any work is covered. ] FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be ITrlCC after trenches arc excavated and forms are 61'ccted, but prior to pouring ccncret~. ] W.'D'SRGROU,VD PLUMSING. DRAINAGE: To be rrade lir.g trenchee. J. UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL~ , To be made prior to inatallation of 11001' inoulation or decking. SErIER. W.1TF.R, prior to fi~- ] POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to insta~~ation of floor inskLation or decking. ] ROOClI PLW.-!BllJC. F:f,ECTR!CAL & /.fF:ClI- ANICAL: No ~rk is to be ~o~ered ,ur.til these inspections have beer. made and approvec. ] FIF!EPbACE: Prior to plecir.g facing materia~s and before framing in8pec- tiOl':. ] FRA.'-!INC: Mu:::t be requested after approval of rough pl~bing, electri- cal & mechanical, All roofing bracing & chimneys, etc. nr~Dt be ;' completed. lIo work is to be can- ; cealed until this inspection has . be~~ made and approved. ! )(j, )VJftv Phone: Zip: C}7'-177 J Rccc,pt # (,~- " .,' Ji t1 -:< I 141 I..... DescJ>ibe II'ork.: Value Siqr.ed: IlA VIJAM-L c:::.-2-0'A '-"' Date: AddreRR ,LiRC. II BId rs Ilo" rd Re'~. Phonp gXOlres fi]'X'tPDD J-Z?r<i/ t/fr::;..3fdJ'1 !.nt. rac tors eneral lumbing echanical ~ectn"al X [UP-2/~J 7'j..(..IIYI~ Z~D~ l1pe""'e.'Si~ El.ectriciap U~ h/ ~.jl. // ~ is th~esponGibility of th~rmit hoLder ;oJ B~e that all inspections are made at the proper time, that each ~e88 is readabZe ~om the street, and that t~~~t card is located at the front of the property. 9ui!ding Divi=io~ approvc an s}~ll remain on thz Building Sit$ at all times. IOCEDURE FOR INSPECTION S:QUEST~CALL 726-3769 {rccorder} state your City designated job mor.ber, job address, type of in:;pec:icll ~qucstcd a~d when you will be ready for inspection, Contractors or Owners ncme and phone number. Requests receiced befere 7:00 am ~lZ be made thl: same day, requcst~ mede a~ta 7~'OO ,am will ba made the next :,xJrking day. q 7\1\33 7 ' Your City Desigr.atcd Job Munb€r In: I )u I ID-I-t;:2_ D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insul~ti~n a~~ , rcquired vapor barricrs arc in place , , but before any lath, gypsum boare or LX1n covering is appl.ied, and beforo any insulation is concealed. D o DRYWALL INSPECTION..: Te be made after all. drYl.Jall is in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grouting or ve~ticals in accordance with U.D.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: Afte~ installation is ccmpleted. . DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS :=J Sanitary SO"..Jet' ~apped !:t p~opcr~' lir.e :J Septi~ tank pumped and fine~ with gra~el I Pinal - h1J1en above items are ccmpletcd ~ and when demolition is complete or 8t1'U~- ture moved and pr::mises ~leaned up. Nobile Hemes :J Blocking and Set-up :J Plumbing connections -- sewer and water :J Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up and plumbing connections nr~st ce approved . before requesting elec~rical inspection :J AccessorIi Building --, Pinal - After p:Jrcr.es, skirting, decks, ~ etc. are completed. o An project condition3, sue,/.: aD tfle 1',nstaLlation of stI'eat trees, cO''':7J'~atiort of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be reque3tad. ] FIlIAL PLUMBING ] FINAL MECHANICAL ] FINAL ELECTRIC!.L J o FINAL BUILDING: The Pinal Building InDpection mUDt be reque3ted aftcr the Final Plwnbi"3 Elect~ical, and Mcchar.ieal Inspection3 have been made and approved. ' D o CURB & APPRQACH APRON: Afte:, form3 are erected but prioI' to pouring ~on~I'e te. ~Ar.r, f,!Ml!!cr,RS ANn CTRANr.UT,'";: t/fJ8T m: I1CCF.S:;TBr,F., I1D,m[,;7','/i,,'J'I'F TO BE M.~nF. /11' NO COST TO CT'!'Y I Pa!7(~ of ~ o SIDEI'ALK & DRIVEI'AY: For an con- crete paving within 3trect right- .of-wcy~ to be made afteI' all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & $ub- base material in place. o PENCE: When complete -- Provide gatcs 01' movable sections through P.U.E. o JO B NO, SOLAR ACCESS Occu.panCl/ Gl'(7I.O~ WT TYPE :~ona: Lot Sq. Ftg. % ~f lot C3Verag~ ,q of StorieD Total Height Topogra?hy Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-dc-sac REQ,- L-COC' I Lot Faces - I I P.!'. INorth gnst South West 'Bedrooms: En2r>qy Soal'ces I !leat Access. 1, I 'rater' .'/tmtp.Y' I Range Firevlace I Iloodatove I TIlDe Type/Cor.s t,' Setbacks !louse Cal'age IT/.,^, SQ. FTC x Value Fees Main Cr..raae CarVol't ACCCBBOl'lJ Is. D.C. TDTA& VAWE IUC/..UC) 1.5 :c Buildill!1 Pcrmi t Sta to Sw'cha:rqe Total C1U1:'gC3 lITEM I pixtures IResid~ntial (1 bath) I Sani tary Sewer I NO. CIIARGE fER Wc.tel' Pl:onbing Pe:rrr.it 1 I, "6'6' CIIARC6' I 1 :J-. Nt .) ;;)J-, SO 1 I State SW'cr.arge Total Cha:rnes Iln'M I NO. Res. Sa. fto. N~/Extend Circuits Temporary Service EZe=trical Penmit ;J;)-X;V /, J'3 I )3,(/)6 I, 1 1 I Stete SUl'~haI'qe Total. Charr,cD I ITSM I furn.:1ce !!TU 'S Exhaus t Hood NO. I FSE CIIARCE Vent Fan I W::Jods to:Je Permit !::J8uancz Me::hanical Permit State Sw:'char(fc Total Charaeo I -- ENCROACHMENT -- ISe~drit~ DZD03it I Storage I Maintenance Parmi t Total Chal'q~s I eurbc1l; I Side'vJalk I FtJr!::e I electrical Label I Mobile Home I I I......... Building Value & Permit I 1 \ I, ! 1 1 I. This pennit is granted on the expreD8 condition that the said const~~ation shaHJ in alL respectsJ conform to the Ordinance adopted b'y dIe City of Springfield, inc!uding the Zoning CrdinanceJ reguLating the ccnstrueticn and use of buildingsJ and m~y be suspended or revoked at cny time upon vic~ !ation of any prQvisio~w of paid Ordinances. IPlun Check IDate Paid: Her.:::ipt II: I Signed: Fec: Plumbing Permit No person shatz. conDh'llctJ inataL!J alter 01" change any newel' e::istillg plwnbing or drainage uY8te:n in 1Jhole or in partJ unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber'D licenseJ except that a pe~son may do plwnbing work to p1"operty which is olJnedJ leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permi t Where State Law requires that the electrical work be done by an Eleatl'ical ContractorJ the electrical portion of this permit shalZ not be valid until the label has been signed by the I::Zectrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit , PLan I::xam1.nel' uar;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the comp1.eted application for permitJ and do hereby certify tlmt all i~formation hereon is true and cor1"cct, and I f~rther certify that any ar~ all work perfo~ed 8/~l1. be do~e in accor- dance with the OrdinancoD of tho City of springfieldJ and the Ur~s of tho ~ State of Oregon psrtaining to the work described here~n, C~~ that NO OCCU- PANCY LJilZ be rrtlde of any Dtructure without permi8siol1 of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o~Zy cont~ctors and e~plQyees who are in c~~pZ~ance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project AlU"I//lflJ'l nllt'. ~ /-3,{p6 I ' Sigtlftd Date