HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1983-9-19 . .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATION/PER~T 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 9747? Building Division ?26-3753 SPRINGFIELD Job Loca.tion:- ljl.cl ~A...u" 11( \ ()()3'?A-\4 #l0~ ~6'v\. (]J~ Lnt. W. '1)' .s.-(. ~ r1 (lJ. ASQeS30rZ .'1ap 1/ Subdiv"':sicn: C:.mer: AddreS3: City, ~.l u.u Te=Lot Phone: 7'17- ?/fOb Zip' <17l( ') 7 Desr::1""'~be r{ork: n n n d~.~ ~~ ~ c..J...~ c/" /J <' T{.U) Ol ~ ~ ':l - I q . k..) Value Addi ticn Ramadal ,~Job-r.le FlO~3 Dtrte of Applicaticn COm::r::zc~ors General PlumbirllJ !ltlctrical Uechar.ic::. L COl'lBtl'"'..U!ti071 l.cndqr - t')r.A "" IA.. AweS3 . ,'CC';O"' 1<., [P / 70th 'C~. r~ Lf-1o /0.00 ,'/0 /' 9/ (,/'-<.. . ~~ -2)~ @;:) /-:"'::0 <1 .., 9-dZa:::I.e ~~ I TI.U" 0) ~ . (1,,~ y1, le.GO . "(J fit.<-, j!JJ d6(,(313 2 c,. 00 , LO -- 2 G . 2-0 Siqr.ed: }('J q-,q-x"<.. Date: Lisc.i; E::;ircs Phone j j r,,,,,,,,;:ej It is the respon:;ibiUty of the permit: hoLdiU' to see that aU ir.cpectu:ms are r:-.aC.e at =hs proper =im~~ that iX:Cn .=ddrf/86 is jN:Jm eM street. end that the permit: card is tocated at the f1'071t of the property. ~!!u.i!.dir.g ;r:lJi:;io~ c:pprot.'ed Flan sr.c.ZZ rer.tain on the Bu~i..ding S:.te at aU times. P!?OCSDURE FOR INSPECTION RE"~ueST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state ;Jota' City desigr.ated ",-ioe rv.m:bel'" job adi.!'cBS" type of in~peo~icn r~quested ~~ w~en you will be ready Jor ir.spaction, Contractors or ~~ers ncme end phone number. Requests recei~ed ee;crg 7:00 ~ :.."i7.Z. be made thi: same deb requests made aft&.!" 7:00 c:n UJiU be cru1e t.h,e nc::t :XJrkin.; da-:J.' Rs coS / R~rirpn_T"~np~t~~~ O SrI'E INSPEC':ION: To be 17Cde after excavation, but pricr tc set up of J"'orms. O U!lDF:F1SLAB P![','1EI,'IC, ELEC":'F?IC,l!.. ~ :eCHA."[CA,[.: :'0 oe mace be....ore any wrk is :::ovcroed. o FOOTING ~ FOU:1D.1TIO:l: To be l:r:zd2 after trenanes are e=cavat~d Gr4 f(;l"l'tls are erected, but: prior =0 pourir.g ccncret~. U.YD:::RC?OU,~'D P!..UM3INC, SEilf:R, ;.f.-IT!":!.- DRADIAG2: To oe r.n:e prior to /ii.- l.ir.g trer.c;..et;. D o UflDERFWCH P!UgS:r.:C ~ ,'fEC!!AJ!IC~!..: To be made prwr ta in:n:aiZation of f1,oor ~nsuk:tio71 or decking. P'JST AND BEAN: To be made pT"":.cr to instaLlation of floor insulation or deo -"S. o o . OUCH ?[U':'~8r:lG, E!.E!::':'-"~!C~[, 1 ,~fEC.7.- ANICA[,: :Yo 'JO'!'k ia =0 be ao!:e'!'ea ur.~i~ ches~ ~~~~ea:ior.s ~~V9 =eer. made and c::ppr::n';ed. FI.:::E:PUCt: ~:.or ~ ?kci".g fc.~7'.g mc:.teriaid ar.d :u:jor6 .lrcr.ring inspec- tier.. FP.A}~INr;: 1.fu:J: be re~.le3ted af~er apprav.;:;Z of rough pZ.lm'.Ding~ az.ectri_ cal. & mecnanu:al.. At!. roOfing brac-:.ng & ahimn.;;ys, et.:::. r.r..lS'C be como l.etad. :'.'0 :JOl',i( -:'8 to oe con- .aec.led unt~l :hic insoeaticn r~8 . be~ made and approved. D lOW" City, Desigr.ated Job Numbu- IIJ: o INSULATIO.'1/VAPOR BA.9RIE:R IHSP~CTION: To be r.:ade after aLt insul.,;;twn a:"d rcqu-:..red vapor ca:rriers are in place .cut eefere ar.y 'tath, flYpsum board or wLZ covering is appti.ed, and before any in3uLa;ion ~s concealed. DEt.:Or...ITIOH OR .~:Ov::; 3UIl.DI{iGS ~ Sani tar:! se..Jel' ::apped ::t ~opl:rt:':J. 1, i:-:e ==:J Septi~ ~k F~~~d ~4 f-:.Z.l~d with gT::~?~ ::J Pinal. - :{hen aXve i:e.~s are c:;::rt!l.et.:d , -1 ....... ...... ~~ when ~emoz.~~~or. ~8 camp~ete or Sv~~:::- t;O"...8 r.Jov~ CD"":: ?r~~3eS ::leaned up. Mobile Hc:nes ~ 3locking and Set:-~p ~ PZumbing connections s~er and water ~ Electrical Conr.ection - Blockir4, 8e~-U? ---1 and plwnbing connections rrr..:.st ?:e Q?!'~t:2C: before request:.ng eZectricaZ ir.spec=io~ ~ Ac=essol"'". Bui!..iing ::J Final - ,1ft;;"!' ;:;;rcr.es, etc. are c~Za~.d. 8:d.!'t:.1"'..g~ dec.;'..s, DR~";ALL I:1SP!CT!ON: Tc be ,-nade a;"ter a lZ. Cr>d!.Ja U is in place, bu.t prior to any tapir.g. O MASONRY: Steel l.oaation" boiui beam3, croutina or verticals in acco~ce wi:;},: U.B.C. Seation 241$. O ;.fOODSTOVS: After installation is ccrrrpZ.at.d. .~ o o CURB & APPROACH AP.~N: Aft.e"!' forms are arec~ed but prier to PCUl"";ng .::Qn.-:reta. SID~:"A[,'"{ & JRr!F',v'A:!: For aU C07l- C'1'ete paving within st;peet right- Ol-rx.':h to be made atter all ezca- uatina ccmvleta & ;~"o~ work & ::ui:l- base ~ter=-;aZ in place. o AlZ project cor.di;ions. ::uc~ as che ~ns=alZation of s=rsec =rees, :~~ta:~~n of trtg required Zandsacpir..g~ etc, ~ must be satisfied before :;r.ll 3l/Ir::n.c :'I.'!AL -:an be r'zq"J.ssecd. o FINA[, P!U:.:B!?IG o Fl:IAL <'-fE~HA.'lICAL o F!,VAL ELEC":'::::IC/"L [] o PINAL EUIl.iJI,'IC: !'he Finc.l Euild~7'.g Ir.3pec:ion ,~t b!'1 r'equeaeea ~l'ter ehe P:.n.a.l ?Zu:~b:i~ ~ZeccricaZ." a:n.d .Vechar.:.c~l, Ir.specticm::; hava been made ar.d c;:proolJe::i. o o ?ENe!: wr.er. eompl.te -- ?rovida gates or movabLe secticns through P.U.E:. ~A['[' t,fA?IHOr.::s AND CLEANOUTS ,'fUS':' Be ACCESSI3LE. .4D.n..'S7:.'r:::,"!: :0 EE ...~,1CE ::T ":0 ~~'JST :'? CIT'! I ";)"".2 of 2 o . I JOB NO. Cl.,Z,7.1J<I P=.oe 2 SOLAR.CESS REQ.- I :i7':a: l.:.at Sq. F~. II': ~f ~: Ca>Jqt'~;. ..."! of seO'r"~es 1- . ! ' . . .o..a _J"..qr.: I I :opc~hy ''''''':-'.1 I,-'fa::" I=~os I ",.F':G I :..:r:'C1"~ I. t ...c::css;)!"', I i :'QT.~~ VAL!.;E I S.D.C. I I ,,'C':":4CJ 1.5= Euildir.g Permit State Su.....::harge TotaL cr.a...---gea I ~~~.s I ResidantiaL (1 bath) I Sanit.:rrJ Sr..Jer' I.."eta!" I ,','0. Fl:Jm:n:,...g Pe~t Stat~ Surcr.a...-;e T.=ta!. c;r.c:~aes I ::E.\[ l.~l!s. Sa. 1.'0'1 I Tempcrary SerJt.c8 I I~:u-~.~ .:. ..e::tM.cal Per:m.., f~a. .v~/E-.-t.md CirC'"..ri:8 St:.te Sur::harce Tot:.:.l Ch:::rces InE.~ p.~..:C'o? ?rU' S I E::i:.c:J.st Hood I Vent F=n I I iI::Jodstc-.;e 1.'10.1 ;Or:":" I i I I I P8~;t; I3SU::7tC2 .'1e::;..anic:;:l Pemt State Sur::hcra~ 'T'..,'":~l eh::"''''''!!f =:iCP.CACHXE.'!'!' -- Se~~;~J D~~C3it Stor=.qs ,'-!a-::n~er...::::r~q Pcrri.t TotaL pr.cncs r ;~';~~'~"- Is" .. t t.ae::Jat.< I :~"''::8 i nec~ric=Z I ~ .\fobi Ze i/:;r.:e i:..:.b€Z. 1 :?TAL A.MCU.~'T CUE:" CC::-"":;lZ1".c-J ~!'~~: WT'::!pr Ir::ericr' Corne:' Pan;..cndle Cul-de-sac x i'alua FGE CEA.~r;E F~G , ' I l~,ool I I/n.&-d ~ <:.(')nl ~ /. ~ 0 I h &.00 I, ~'.~.A.?GZ Cf!;J?~E I I I I I I I I .:20/00 L-COC-{r T:r;;e/Cor.st: 3eaoor::s: I Cot Faces - I I P.~. Itlo!'th lEas;: ISouth IWest ErurI'Gu Soul'(!es Heat TlJr;;~ Setb:1.cks I H~'e r.aracs Access. ilr..tp.T' lJ~n":PT' Rani:;e -_.~ ::-:.revtace ;';ooa:; tot..e Fees Building Value & Permit I I I I I, This oermr~t io granted on the express condition that the said construction Bh~ll: in all l'BS?Ccts, conform to the Ordinar.ce ~o~ted cy ehe C~ty of Soringfield, -:'nc!uaina ;he Zoning Crd-:.nar:CB. 1'eauZc:::-:'I~a the ccr.st'1"'"..l.zt::cn ~ us~ of buiLcingB.~and m=y be au:;pended 01' r~vckei ;c cr.y time u~or. uie. Zation of any proui3ions of said Ordir~ceB. I Plan Check Fee.. ICat. Pa::d.. IReceipt #: IS,;g,:ed: Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, instal!, a!ter 01' change any r~w or e--istir.g plumbing 01' drainage system in whole or in part. unless such person is tr~ legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe:'son ma~ do plumbing work to proper"t':I which is ot.med. leased 01' operated !Jy ths appli- cant. , Electrical Perm it Whers seats LaJJ requires tr~t the electrical work be &me by an Eli!:::trical Contractor, the electricaL portion of thia pe:>mit shall r.ot b6 valid until ths label has been aigned by the ELectrical :ontraator. Mechanical Permit P UIn E:ram.n.er !.!a::e , I HAVE CAREFU~LY EXA.'.fI:'lED t.t:a comp!eted application for ?ermi:, c:nd do hereby certify that alZ i~fo~~tion hereon ia true ar~ cor~cc=J and I f'".u>ther cer:ify that any ar.d all work perfor:ned shall be c.o;o:s in C:C:::02"- dance :Jith the Ordin.:znces of th6 City of Springfield. and 'Chz Lc::.:s of tha State of 02"eg~n pzrt....-ining to ehe work c9sCr'"':"bcd herein, end :r~t ,VO OCC!J- P.~!lCI :vi.H be :rade of any 3t:'uCt".u'3 I..Jithou: p:]m-:.s3io:-: ~f the 3uiZding cr~- vision. 1 further oertify t;r..:zt O:7.l.y ~ontra.ztol'S ar.d ~l.';yees r..,';'.o Q"g ir: compliance with CRS 701.0SE will. be used on this projsct I, .f4n ;U/"~ S1.gn,'za 9-/~83 Da:e