HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/12/2011
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ICity of Springfield
Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Campus Industrial Zoning Distr.ict Use Pre-Certification
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A licant Name: Broadcast Software International
Phone: 541 338 8588
Com an :
Broadcast Software International
541 338 8656
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A licant's Re... Marie Summers
Phone: 541 338 8588
Com an :
Broadcast Software International
541 338 8656
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Owner: McKenzie-Gatewa Business Park L.L.C.
McKenzie-Gatewa Business Park L. L. C.
Phone: 541 465 1600
541485 2050
388 Pearl Street Eu
-03 -15 -
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Address: 909 International Wa
25000 s uare feet
Additional Information & Signatures: Please fill in the required information and sign and
rint our name and date in the a ro riate box on the followin a es.
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Location: Ci Limits IX'J . UGB D
L 12 2011
Decision: Approved ~ Denied D Reason for Denial (if applicable):
3 .., _1111;.- - D . /I C"' 1'1 '1\/ _ IO~inal sPbmittal
.~ 7hJ rr~~ IA/JlS~ Jeifti</Ar<. ..J}eV'U()/~ .
Revised 12.10.08
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Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section).
Proposed Use I
Description of
Pro osal:
NOTE: If the proposed use or expansio'n is not on the use lists in SDC 3.2-415 and is not a light industrial
manufacturIng use, explain how the proposed use is similar to a use on these lists. Also, if you are filling in
this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application.
Software Develo ment and Publishin
Pro osed number of full-time or full-time e uivalent em 10 ees at occu anc : 5
Warehousing may only occur as a secondary use. In order to have a secondary use,
there must be a primary use. If a warehousing use is proposed, specify the proposed
number of full-time equivalent employees for both the primary use and the warehouse
use: Prima Use: Software Desi n and Publish Warehouse Use: stora e of invent.
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Operational Performance Standards
The following questions are based on the Operational Performance Standards specified in SDC 3.2-
425. Please res ond to all uestions. An additional ermits re uired must be submitted.
1. Are all ro osed manufacturin 0 erations entirel enclosed within a buildin ?
2. Will the ro osed use meet all a IIcable on-site desi n standards s ecified in SDC 3.2-445?
3. Is the stora e of raw materials and or finished roducts entirel within enclosed buildin s?
a. Is truck
i. If no will it be in accordance with SDC 4.6-125 and 3.2-445?
4. Does the
5. Does the
.involve the movement of heav
ment on or off the site?
rohibited use listed in SDC 3.2-415?
7. Will the
a. If es is a Lane Re ional Air Pollution Authori
ermit needed?
8. Will the ro osed use involve fire and/or ex losive hazards?
a. If es has a roval been ranted from the Fire Marshall?
9. Does the ro osed use address lare external to the buildin ?
10. Will the proposed use utilize hazardous materials that may impact groundwater quality? If
yes, the proposed use must comply with SDC 3.3-200, Drinking Water Protection (DWP)
Overlay District.
11. Will the proposed use produce hazardous waste? If yes, only that waste which is permitted in
accordance with OAR 340-102-0010 to 0065 or any applicable Federal regulation will be
12. Will the proposed use produce noise generated by any machinery or equipment? If yes, noise
ievels in deCibels external to the buildin must be in accordance with OAR 340-035-0035.
13. Will the proposed use produce radiation? If yes, uses that involve radiation shall comply with
the re ulations in OAR 333-100-0001 throu h 0080 and an a licable Federal re ulations.
a. If es can it be detected at an
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Revised 12.1O.08ddk
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The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate.
APPIiCan~0\~~ Date:
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the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf.
Date Received:
JUL I 2 201J
Original Submittal
Revised 12.10.08.ddk
3 of 8