HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 1996-2-26 " .. S.N~~U!LO f'UI3L1C II'OHKS OEf'I\RTf.lENr /l.DMIf~r.'S7/~1l.110N ENGIN!;"ERIN(; OWISJON f,l,flll\~lEJ..!!;.,NCE. 225 nr1l-1 SlI, srr,!!\IGFf[ LD. 011' ~l APPLlCATIOI~ FOR A SECOND DRIVEWAY I OVERWIDTH DRIVEWAY DATE: 2-/73 h to APPLICANT (PROPERTY OWNER): 1-....S,-",,,,,,-,--, 'IS '\l.c-",\."'-.1,1.L. q ,i G ''R...-~ K\,.~t Lv OU--1 '--j '3" '5 u_ '3 n~,' , ' I ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FOR DRIVEWAY PERMIT: APPlICAf~rS TELEPHONE NUMBER: I, I I ., . Please sketch the proposed dci,,'ew'ay. Include the following applicable items: house or building, proposed driveway. existing driveway, and street names. Include dimensions and measurements to property lines, road intersections and bordering driveways. (See allachment for an example.) I NO ;t}~ L ~ ,dIZ. ,ec;-/V/4: q'2 ~'" ~~ :?s-r' J/JlIPVAj AJ/ :3" Fl1JJCe- -,/" AU" APPLICATIONS OUTSIDE THE CITY UMITS OF SPIlINGFIELD THAT ARE WITHIN THE l;JR13AN G:lOWT!l OQUNDARY REQUIRE A LANE COUNTY PERMIT. No{e: The City of Springfield will not grant a second drivcw<iY permit on an Ar1cria] or Collcclo1 Street. _----r---l. AfJMINlsrr,/~110N/ENGINfFrUNG (!iOJ) 72G.37!i.1 (AX (iOJ) 120..1(;59 iIlill . . 1. PlOpeoy Iypo: S;ngle Family Res;dence / Duplex ~ Olher 2, The profJOsed drivewav will lake access from wh;ch slleel'Rt~---,,-,- ~~j.1' L,,) ~~ 3. The disl;H\cC {collllhe edge of Ihe dtivcway to the ocalest CQCllel (rncasulcd to tho curtJ fdurn) is ~ ,_'eel,' , ,I!'-''-:'t 'i\;~'-' R'f~ '<4. The driveway will give aCcess to: gacage_ c.uport_ side yacd_ Olher - \. ;;;."LtLc..L- S. The disltJnce from the liloperly line 10 the gar3ge, carport. tence, wall. or other, (where ltlc vehicle'is 10 be par~:ed) is 1 t+- feet. . 6. \'Vill the proposed par,king I sJofaQe area create a. vision obstrudio.n to adjacent propertY1 driveways or, 10 any vehicular moveml;nt on a public street? (See vision clearance attachmcnt)_t\.. D II I Appfic.ant hereby agrees to install the requested drivevny to City of Springf,ckf standards. The applant further .agrees to have 6- of concrete in the sidewalk area (adjacent to the driveY>l3yr;and to pave the area behind Ule back edge of the sidewalk. or driveway apron, with a minim~m depth of J" asphattic concrete or 6" of portland cement concrete. The area behind the sidewalk shan be paved a minimum of 18 feel The applicant agrees that if he/she does not pave the area behind Ule sidewalk within JO days of cutting the curb opening, the City of Springfield has Ole authority to close the drive'O--ay access by removal of the curb cut.. An incurred costs shall be assumed by the applicant and if unpaid, said cost shall become a lien of \he property. \Nhen this appficalion is approved by the City, the applicant must obtain a curbcuUdrivcway permit from the Public \^Jorks Department, Engineering Division. ~urbcUII Drivewo:lv Permit Fee 3. On an impr.oved street (existing curb): 510.00 plus $.15 per lineal foot of CtJrb cut. b. On an unimproved sheet (no curb): S12.00 c. On currently unimproved streets that are under construction: S 12.00 '::l..,-,=c;:"..,~,-,,-- 13 \.\,,~~"""-'>: PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE' -:r"",~~",-""":'k:::Y-1 X;~'-"-." :;;'('U>, DATE: ;2.1z-3 /q tc, I APPROVED BY: ~'" ~~ / '/~ I (TRAFrtC DIVISION 2..lzb/~ ,DATE: II I I ,I BUILDING PERIAIT NO,: "\ ~ C6 -I Cl DATE: 2-/'l.1 /G,i" TRA 9,1 AITACHr.1ENT: Vision Clearo:loce. Example t:1 . -- --~