HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1998-9-11 . ' 12/11/" 11:11 "~3 !.... SI'f1) pt;v. HM. 1. LOCAU. or ~. qln al\/l'yVnIOJI 1,)IJ1{ .A. LIfIIJ!Y7~ D tf7(j~~il'~:-:.' . . - .._~, ~CAL JIIII1T "'\.IeAnCllf CU1 Job"'" q ~ () 1/ L{ 3. COKrLl'!Z ru "...-uLI IILOV ~ "'idutial-Sint10 or Hulti-r..1ly per dve1l1nt vnle. Sl1'Vlco lllchd": 1\_ Cole JCII ~ TH/SPERMITS 10Q!)~~.fC. or 1... / nil' VI/') I mill' pI I' I'../-.. II'L121 "HALLACBlfiiadlf~r500 " ,.v, nv",ZED UNDERl\~1 ~R,,~:po'rtm Penh. .1'0 "o.-tnMlnab1. ud,,~i.n. (1i"~4IiW1MI f IS NOT if woe1L 1. noe .tarted vUIlSII l80'''it8)ii eO OR IS !i'4J~~C{ ~c)...o or of illuaac. or if wuk II .upend.dr'for, "FAin/) Ilodu"lir DVn111111 110 .. SerVice or reeclor I. COI!IotCM IiilDl.LAnClll OIIt.t .. 5ervlcI!I or ,....1'. Q' " I. ,~~.ta11atlon, Alt.ratlont IleeerSc:al Collel'lCrOI' ,'/f..('\',Jud l'i' I ec/;rDn L1Yor lteloc:aUolI: ...r..._:p. (), a,...,,,, 1l0f5l/'l. 200 .... or 1... . 50.00 r: 201 aapl tD 400 ..po . 60.00 - Cit1Tpu(jPflP ftloMi../xl../-407lJ, 401u,.to,600a.pa '100.00- 601A.~to 1000 PPI .no.oo lu,.rllllOr Llc..... II..... J9q, 2, K tt O,,~ i~~a~ir~1 = J ~.eo ~I~pted by th" n, 1~n'tHi h,lnUon Dlt. 4 00 ,~Olllcation Center, Those I e9 n III - c. 'N~-8"WMt~ _~i set forth COuer Coaer. lluallu q-zs /4 '5 ~1~~o~Ia,~l'Jo~~~~~kn b,inUOII 0." {./ I 00 20ClII_:~~iaW. (Note: the tel~B Zor PI"- '1!d iOOr__lJ~ot i b 0 - Si.,.,,~fa1' ridIA Over 401-'~e600-aJl3"l?-2"N) . (jJ.>>. 60J Over 600 PPS or 100<1 vole. .... .." .sov.- h D. Jrlollcb Circui U " OVIler. .... ., 7,Lrp B .Hon-u;" () '" / --7,1" L N.v, Alt.ntlon or Ilxten.oiOll '.r '.nel Addr... f.. ti f IZ fJY /lf~) CSI'IE.uil1.rw - '.1IoM J1-jJ../ --2&00 ;;..J! am.u.mClll 011" CSrc"U IacII A4c1itiONl e1rc~Jt or vltb Service or ,..dor '.r.le $11" S 85.00 S lS.00 $ 40.00 s )5.00 - . 2.00 .. Hl.e.llaneouo (l.rYSco1foodor nDt lncll1ded) -lacb lllltll1atioll '1I1P oe lerS,atioD SlID/Outline Ll.beSn, Li.l ted 1Du0'..... I l.ia!ted lnerO'/c:o. ft. SIIUaJ,1aUOO 10 botaa .d. 0" ,ro,.rt, I OVII vllle.. Sa not Into"." tor .al I, 1.... or r..t. r1t'~~,,",",1 , ,f/ '~l , i};. ( ~. Qf-711c.ft IlICII1n ". '" '., ......__ ... -Y IYI lit /l ____ 5. -,.. - '1 " ~"7_ rr I.J "2.1 ) I r I~AI. or AJIOVI ~I Itot. loRehar,. 31 Adalnt.trativ. ,.. 'l'O'r~ $ 40,0() S 40,00 - . 20.00 ~O . '6,00 - ?tf\. DJ~ -9-~ ~ f ,. , -'. ,16 ,-7...1. ,