HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Field Test & Inspection Report 1998-3-26 .... :.. ,'..:t-,. ,Buildin& Penn it # ~r 7.1 S- 5'""" S Date' 3/~/Cje ..:- -0 \ III , . City of Springfield Community Services Division 225 Fifth Street , Springfield, OR 97477 Telephone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 , Special Inspection And Testing. Project Title 107 U/~ST Q <;, T. Project Address To applicants of project~'requiring s'pecial inspection or testing as per Section 1701.5 of the Oregon Structural Specialty Code. Please review.the information below. When you have finished, acknowleage an understanding of the information by signing below, and return this fonn to th~, City. BEFORE A PERMn\CAN BE ISSUED: The owner or owner's representative, on the advice of the responsible Project Engineer or Architect, shall complete, sign, and submit to the City for review and approval this form completed on both the front and back. The_Ownerand,General Contractor,,}'I,here applicable, shall also acknowledge the following'conditions applicable to Special Inspection and/or Testing. 1. Contractor is responsible for proper notification for the Inspection or Testing of items listed, 2. Testing la bora tory shall take appropriate samples and transport them to their laboratory for proper evaluation or testing. · Copies of all laboratory reports and inspections are ,to be sent to the City by the Testing Agency. 3: Special Inspection Agcncy is to submit names and qualifications of on-site Special Inspectors to the City'for approval. 4. Special Inspcctor shall provide inspection reports to the building official of all inspection activities. 5. Contractor is responsible to review the City approved plans for additional inspection or testing requirements that may be noted. BEFORE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL BE ISSUED: The Special Inspection Agency shall submit to the Building Official a statement that all items requiring inspection have been fulfilled and reported and were to the best of the inspector's knowledge, in confonnance with the approved plans, s'pecifications and applicable workmanship ':,. provisions. Those items not tested and/or inspected shall be noted in the statement. The report is to be submitted to the City prior to a request for final inspections. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS - /ott::/d /orfe.y Owner Name (Printed) . ~~\~\).\ Engineer or Architect Finn (Printed) Eh+vtJ ~7EG Testing Laboratory Name (Printed) . ~ Genrral Contractor, Signature ~cZ~ Owner Signature / ~lE c.o~'t. t:'\.lC- Gen, Contractor Finn Name (Printed) -.O~ ' , . " \ Engin@ rchi~ct Signature Ef<A-VN ...LJ-rE.K.J I:=.L- Special Inspection Agency Name (Printed) . --:::> < 1.. ~\\~~l_~\\ BUlldin~'~Name (Printed) _ /1. ~ ~~ . Special Insp.(~~e4 ~ Sign. cl~~J- Building Official Signature /JJ. 7f. ~ Testing Laboratory R6P Signature ... t)~ SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING SCHEDULE t..~'" . A~re~ate Test of Mix Desi"n Reinforcin~ Test Mix I2.e..sigr1- We i 2l.1m.S.J r C e rt" Reinfocing Placement Continuous Satch Plant Ins!" Irt:mect e1ll:iM , Cast SarrmJes Samnles (Pickup/Delivered) Comnression Test. , GRADING,EXCAVATION, AND FILL Acceptance tests * PSF Establish final grade Fill placement inspection/continuous Soil Density Reinforced Concrete, Gunite, Grout and Mortar: ~rete Gun,ite Grout MID1a.r t'recastlPre-stressed Concrete: Jiles Post-Tells P~s Claddin~ <:.. STRUCTURALSTEELAVELDING: , Sample and test (list specific members below) Shop material identification (mill cert) Weld inspection Xi Shop U Field Ultrasonic inspection _ Shop _ Field High strehg~h bolting 'Shop 'li Field A32'5 N X F A490 N X F Metal deck welding inspection Reinforcing Steel welding inspection Reinforcing steel mill certificate Metal stud welding inspection Concrete insert welding inspection Moment resisting steel frames A€~reeflte furs Reinforcin2 Tests T~n Test Mix Desi(7ns. Reinforcin2 Placement Insert Place~t . C'ohcrete Salchin" Concrete ,Placement Installation Inspection Cllst Samples Pick-up Samples Compression Tests ;MOKE CONTROL: , Leakage testing Control verification FIREPROOFING: Placement inspection Density Tests 'Q1ickness tests Inspect batching STRUCTURAL WOOD: Shear wall nailing inspection Shear wall anchors Inspection of Glu-Iam fab, * , _ T/C psi Inspection of truss joist fab. Sample and test c~mponents Fabrication welding of steel accessories ROOFING ''; ; . '., i.. Insi.ilatio.~ instafratXoq/R-value* Test strips/senills ' ' '..~ ,~~ .. ~'+.{"~.,>' . ~'. - '. MASONRY: . Special inspection stresses used.' , fm fg Preliminary acceptance tests (nlasonry units, wall prisms) Subsequent tests (mortar, grout, field wall prisms) ., Placement inspection of units, and reinforcement . Mosonary, mortar, grout, and reinforcing'steel certificates " ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS, OTHER TES't;.&.iNSPEOFIONS:, " ~. '\ "': .. . Form completed by: Date / 2..Q . -.-.>>.... ,-- " , , , ,.;.:....,~ '_~ __~_ '~.:" \: ::.:\.. f. \, " ..... ....,.~ . \- ~ \. , . _' ',. to ';t"\~\ \-~.- \. " "'\.\..\ . -'. ,,~ ~.:' _,I . ~ .... ." .....- '."..;..: ~. >l<pROVIDE STRENGTH REQUIRED BY ARCHITECT OR" ENGINEER OR CONTRAc;T DOCUMENT LOCATION OF VALUES ~.s:- .... ..; .,--/' I I' "'51390 P.Ol I · WEfl, ge :~i ~c .1'1I~ 1 toolEEFi! I NC:. I He. D ~ ~~~~ ~~~G.O~& '''''~I ._--. . 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Howtver, If the block tyPtJ foundation, II dbplot&d on pagG 3 of 3 Is choaen, th&n the mInimum concrete comprtt,slve strength of fo~3000 p&1 m(j$t b~ obtained ., denoted In the .paclftcatlons of thEt drawfngs tltle block. The ,peelellnspection end teltlng agreen,.nt you tont roe will be Ilgtlod and returned vi. fed.ex with the 12')( 24' 4 poat WOOd build you reqUQated. Aest Regard., ff'O'1'" Nore: 7t4i15T t/56 'SIMFT "TYpe FO'./N/)~t)1V 7b MlflvliY,() d~ f7(~ ~~,74- /$tJ4, .... rcvA)~^,. ~t:Jrk #0(76 Jeff Dlqul Structural Ooslgn Oroup , l / ...'-..J ,.,'. . _ . ,. . .f.i: :, ~ c ~ ~.. 1\ it II 1\ \ , \ I~ , II l I i : i city of Springfield 225 N. 5th Street, Springfield, Oregon Section (541) 726-3759 community Services Division Building Safety ( COM MEN T S P LAN REV I E W DATE: December 5, 1997 JOB NO, 971555 PROJECT: Billboard - semi-flag type LOCATED AT: 107 W, Q Street APPLICANT: Julia and J,L,Donohoe/T-com Signs plans submitted for the proposed construction at the above project address have been reviewed for conformance with the City of Springfield building safety codes, The following list of items require correction, clarification or additional detailing before they can be approved: 1, This billboard is being located over an existing commercial building, The 4-1/2' round by 17' deep footing for the billboard will be located within six feet of the building foundation. The design specifications require that the engineer be notified when the billboard is to be located near a building. Acknowledgement in writing from the engineer that such notification has been made shall be submitted to this office and shall include a determination whether any additional requirements are necessary as a result of the proximity of the billboard and footing to the existing building, 2, Special inspection is required for this project, The City's Special Inspection Program requires that an approved inspection agency be employed by the owner and that all parties involved, Owner, Engineer, Contractor, Inspection Agency and the City Building Official sign an agreement form describing the types if special inspections required for a project, The project engineer shall designate the Code required special inspections for the project. (refer to chapter 17 of the State s'tructural Specialty ,Code (UBC)) , A form for that purpose is enclosed, ,The form must be filled out and signed by all parties prior to issuance of a building permit, 3, Due to proximity to the building, the cylindrical type footing shall be used for this project instead of the rectangular footing unless otherwise required by the engineer,' ISSUANCE OR GRANTING OF A PERMIT OR APPROVAL OF PLA}lS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DATA SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A PERMIT FOR, OR APPROVAL OF, ANY VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE BUILDING SAFETY CODES OR OF ANY OTHER ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. ANY CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS ,made after the date of this review must be approved by the Building Official, i\ I I;;::: ~ ' 'I. ~ . ,i 'fOp' :/ "'I' .. , '- .