HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Board of Appeals 1996-4-15
(541) 726-3753
FAX (541) 726-3689
April 15, 1996
Springfield-Eugene Veterinary Emergency Hospital
5303 Main Street
Springfield, Oregon 97477
RE: Sign Variance
This letter is to serve as your notice of the appeal hearing you applied for in regards to additionai height of
your proposed freestanding sign, The proposed sign is to be located at 103 West Q Street,'Springfield,
Vou are hereby notified that a hearing will be held before the Buildirig Board of Appealsat Springfield
City Hall, Development Services Department, 225 I'ifth Street, Meeting Room 615 on the 22nd day of
April, t 996, at the hour of II :00 a.m., upon the notice and order served upon you. V ou may be present at.
the hearing. Vou may be, but need not be, represented by counsel. Vou may present any relevant evidence
and will be given full opportunity to cross examine all witnesses testifying against you. V ou may request
the issuance of subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, documents
or other things by filing an affidavit therefor with the Board,
If you have any questions, please feel'free to phone me at 726-3790.
Lisa Hopper
. Building Services Representative
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Staff Report
Springfield-Eugene Veterinary Emergency Hospital
April 22, 1996
SnrinQfield-EuQene Veterinarv Ememencv HosnitaI. 96-04-101
~ - -
Located at 103 West Q Street, also known as Assessor's Map 17032741, Tax Lot 00100, Springfield,
Annlicant's Reailest
The applicant is requesting a variance from Chapter 9, Article 7 of the Springfield City Code, More
specifically, they are requesting a variance from Section 9-7-14 (2) to increase the allowable height of a
freestanding sign in a Community Commercial district.
The current Sign Code which was adopted by the Springfield City Council in May of 1994 establishes a
maximum height for freestanding signs on Commercilil property both in the City limits and the City's
Urban Growth Boundary.
Section 9-7-14 (2) Free StandinR" Roof and Projecting S~ In addition to wall signs permitted
above, one sign from this group shall be pennitted for each development area, The total area
permitted for a free standing sign, roof or projecting sign shall be 100 square feet for one face or
200 square feet for 2 or more faces at a maximum of 20 feet above grade.
The applicant proposes to install a freestanding sign, 40 feet in height, on the Northeast section of their
property. The North/South Dimension on the East side of the property is 102.33', The plot plan which
was submitted by the applicant indicates that the proposed sign will be located approximately 10 feet from
the North property line. .
The property is located to the North ofI-105 approximately 65 feet. The northerly 40 feet of this 65 foot
distance if virtually flat, with the exception of a ditch. The remaining 25 feet is a steep embankment which
goes to the overpass of the freeway. This embankment rises approximately 1.5' for every l' of distance.
The chiropractic building that is located to the east of this property is placed 15 feet from their front
property line and approximately 20 feet from the applicants east property line.. The large sign which is
placed on the property is located in front of the building and is approximately 35' tall. The sign was
permitted under the Sign Code which was in effect in 1977, The location of the applicants neighboring
building significantly reduces visual contact of their property and/or building for traffic traveling west on
the highway.
. The highway to the west of the applicants property is fairly flat, and with the proposed illuminated sign, it
is staffs opinion that the sign will be visible for the eastbound traffic prior to the highway exit. The
proposed location of the sign could prohibit west bound traffic from identifying the business at a distance
until after the exit, but the sign would be visible at the signal on QStreet when exiting the highway.
Staff Report
103 West Q Street
Springfield-Eugene Veterinary Emergency Hospital
April 22, 1996
Page 2.
Following an inspection of the property, it is staffs opinion that the applicant could place the proposed sign
at the most westerly section of the property and the sign would then be more visible for the traffic traveling
east, and could possibly be visible for the west bound traffic prior to the exit. Staff contacted the State
Highway Department regarding the possibility of the placement of an identification sign on a state highway
for directional purposes. The Highway Department said that directional signs of that type are not allowed.
Although staff sympathizes with the applicants request, staff could fmd nothing in the Code to allow the
placement of the proposed sign at the height of 40 feet.
Staff recommends denial of the additional height for the proposed freestanding sign based on the
1. Staff could not identify any significant unusual conditions associated with this property that would
warrant the approval of the proposed request.
2, Granting of this. variance could be considered precedence for other commercially zoned properties
bordering the highway,