HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2011-7-7 Electrical Permit Application 7"7~,~'-ii-"'ld'l': Ji...' . t~"", ~:;" ~~'-'",' oJ'''~, '";,.',,;r,,' .:ii.",,;:,,; ;(t:I~;Y<; ~~)SP~ING Ji;JE,1fJ)~; ,~,~,I!!Q,<?~t.i')1' 225 Fiflh Street+SpTingfield, OR 97477+PH(541)726-3753+FAX(541)726-3689 ;!?~P,A~lo/1E~J U,SE ONLY, Permit no.: <; //- /1018' Date: 7- 7-// This permit is issued under OAR 9\8-309-0000. Permits are nontransferable. Permits expire if work is not started witbin 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for \80 days. ,;:!~;~t1ii,\t'::;LOCA~:'GOVERNMEN1;,,'AP,P,ROVAt'::"'\','O: i', .' ';':,;f'(!;;:'!;~~;;;:.~,!f,EE 'SCHEDULE , ; " Zoning approval verified? DYes DNo ';~,".'j,*';~"\,:~~:~; ~\':":_>r,;:'\':-,l'i;\'''~'",' '," ;,_(;e ;"''<~ ~';'-__" , ' Qty. CoSt Total Nu'mli'if:'oftinspeCtioDS per item'( ) '),.;:!j!t,jp,.,,,,,,:CAl"EGORY,iOF~CONSl"RUCl"ION;,,:; '.;:.(.', ,,"'I', i{i;";"::-.t..:o_"",~":,,;,,,,.;;,,,, "....,,.,., '-..J.'l,' :' '- . ',. ,'.:.<'... ') ea. cost o Residential I 0 Government I ~Commercial Residential, per unit, service included: 1,000 sq. ft. or less (4) $134.00 $ .,Ai";,;:;JOB ,'SITE INFORMA l"IONAND~,LOCA TION ,;;"'. Job site address: /dO",>, (1J""tJ1if('.A.uJ/ A-I/l- Each additional 500 sq. ft. or portion $ 25.00 $ thereof City: CJ)r /-- 4. ,Au< I State: 01( I ZIP: 'Ii/17ft Limited energy (2) $ 32.00 $ Subdivision: V '\'10'8\ \<\ I Lot no.:O<I rYY'l Each manufactured home or modular $ 63.00 $ , I' :<';[:;;;;;;:(,~ij;:\"f.'iijDESCRIP,l"ION:OF~WORK;'~.3j,,'; ,~:; ,:;';' dwelling service or feeder (2) I tIJJ feJev-s FfJ,;" bI.....,t/t' P"Mt--I..tf-f. Df-z.bf- es or feeders: installation, alteration, relocation 200/amps or less (2) , $ ?"2)J . '!i<-- ~ Vrw1..1. c-i"..;..ITAu b/l..mvs +-#~. LJ $ 81.00 :"'::',;:"i", : ,.":,,,.:: :PRClPE~l"W' OWNER'""",,""" "\"":C' ",",;':;\.,: 201 to 400 amps (2) $ 95.00 $ > ..,'.'.'.. ~'j).,.,.;...,t:'),...,1 , .. ,..,... '; \;,_.. ... . .t:*-./:,':;' G";-""';.';';~:'l. f. .:".;' Name: J:::",,,h i',).c rlIAMh.} ,-, ~ wrr-h 401 to 600 amps (2) $158,00 $ Address: /,/Ol{t::;" I LJ 101t~ ~~ $1. 601 to 1,000 amps (2) $205.00 $ City:5"l"/..tll/~.A I State: 01<. I ZIP:17lf"le: Over 1,000 ainps or volts (2) $469.00 $ Phone: , I Fax: Reconnect only (2) $ 63.00 $ - - - - E-mail: Temporary services or feeders: installation, alteration, relocation This installation is being made on residential or farm property 200 amps or less (2) $ 63.00 $ owned by me or a member of my immediate family. This 201 to 400 amps (2) $ 87.00 $ property is not intended for sale, exchange, lease, or rent OAR 40 I [0 600 amps (2) 479.540(1) and 479.560(1). ' $126.00 $ Signature: Over 600 amps or LOOO,volts, see services or feeders section ahove :.';'~;';:iJ~P':2}CONTRACl"OR,:INSJ AI&Al"ION;';''' '~', " :'~,,^ Branch circuits: new, alteration, extension per panel Business name: !\ 0 J I \ (1)f) J / J: J I .fiT H .;. , a. Fee for branch circuits with purc,hase of a service or feeder fee: .. Address: -OD /,1,...1 -9/~'n3 Each branch circuit SI $ 6.00 $ ,oil City;?/ I /'l11 /Wn I State:!'J1" ' I zlpQ-7'1 ():;L b. Fee for branch circuits without purchase of a service or feeder fee: Phone:~47 -68t:,.,:J:::tlt!)1 Fax:~q/M~ - - First branch circuit (2) $ 55.00 $ E-maid . -+. -I;) ..." 1..lnd Jo}gjl-r. :"'.' Each additional branc.h circuit $ 6.00 $ CCB license no.: 5m x>!!? 1 BCD license nobD-J ds7 Miscellaneous fees: se0'ice or feeder not included Signing supervisor's license no.: _,,>,;1:S,:J S - Each pump or irrigation circle (2) $ 63.00 $ Print name of signing supervisol\\. L,."-. ~ ~ ;;:" Each sign or outline lighting (2) $ 63.00 $ Signature of signing supervisor: ~ .p'~ __ I Signal circuit or a limited-energy panel, $ 63.00 $ V '/ alteration, or extension (2) Each additional inspection: (I) $58.00 $ ~~~,tfJfJ1~l{1~~~~~lAFf~IUCANjJ~OSE'~i:~~~~\~;';j\.~~Ir;;cl:;:': \^-~\iJ (A) Enter subtotal of above fees ISo-' y (Minimum Permit Fce $58.00) $ "\. ~ (8) Enter 12% surcharge (.12 x IA]) $ 75 ~ ~ 1\~ (C) Technology Fec (5% oflA]) $ 1/V TOTAL fees and surcharges (A through C): $ 117 ~ r11Ab ts"% 11-li1~/~ Plu-1 AC~I'vJ /rl. s-o - - 440.2584-) (9/08/COM) Qo lJ,1" to ~\\)~ . '--U , ~ U\.P~' 1D~: J czqLi. b D SPRIN.G..FIEl~ ~~ ,~ ,:<;";> .OREGOH TRANSACTION RECEIPT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth $t Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753 www.ci.springfield.or.us 811-SPR2011-01698 4045 COMMERCIAL AVE permitcenter@ci.springfield.or.us RECEIPT NO: 2011001915 RECORD NO: 811-SPR2011-01698 DATE: 07/07/2011 lP.ES:GRIr?;1iION.,;;",ii;""":i'iiiiii:iiiiii.i:,:"",,,.:.. .:"!I'lii~~I"""illJli1lIIIiiIiii:iimli,iII1I..liiIiIii~lFg.c:ci:>J!iRfJl:c_QP1~li!I!~"jiLN~;;i!hl:;lFiiilii"i'i";8Niol!.ijijjf*DXjt1!illJm" !:!mli,,,,,J;~ Branch circuits with service or leeder each circuit 224-00000-426102 306.00 Electrical Plan Review (25% 01 electrical lee) 224-00000-426102 157.50 Services 200 amps or less 224-00000-426102 324.00 State 01 Oregon Surcharge (12% 01 applicable lees) 821-00000-215004 75.60 Technology lee (5% 01 penni! t.otal) 100-00000-425605 .31.50 TOTAL DUE: 894.60 I.. "PAYMENm;,iliMpEi,ii!ii.,H..PAYORlIi'!!IIWillii'A~Ii!E~iilH9IlftERJII.WiCOMNiENTS1l!1~~.I!!i!ffliililiiiGUliii:1lJ:!'!I'!IiAM0I!.iN:ijFj~IG~~!!!;;~;:1':!!'1 Credit Card NEW WAY ELECTRIC INC $894.60 517061 TOTAL PAID: $894.60