HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DIM PLANNER 7/7/2011 . ~, REC:=:IVED CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING . DISTRIBUTION DATE: July 7, 2011 TO: -z ..-g: .~ -z =t .~ . JUL - 7 2011 Current Planning Sta . r ,J Donovan, L Pauly, T Jones, B . J)(M Po.dut" M Metzger, L Miller A Limbird S Hopkins, M Markarian y." \ Jeff Paschall, Supervising Ivil Engineer, Public Works Departmen J -f 10 p~ Ken Vogeney, City Engineer, Public Works Department (l Matt Stouder, AlC Engineering Supervising Civil Engineer, Public Works Clayton McEachern, Public Works, Engineering Kyle Greene, Public Works, Engineering Kristi Krueger, Civil Engineer, Public Works Department Brian Barnett, Traffic Engineer Michael Liebler, Transportation Planning Engineer, Public Works Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall, Fire & Life Safety Department Melissa Fechtel, Fire & Life Safety Department Greg Ferschweiler, Maintenance, Public Works Department Ronni Price, Planner, Willamalane Park and Recreation District Greg Hyde, Willamalane Park and Recreation District Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald Peoples Utility District (EPUD) Yan Seiner, Springfield Utility Board (Water) Sanjeev King, Springfield Utility (Electric) Amy Chinitz, Springfield Utility Board (DWP) Scott Nelson, ODOT (copy of packets) 9-8-10 Jackie Murdoch, AIC Building Official Will Mueller, LTD Norm Palmer, Quest Communications Tom Boyatt, Public Works Jamie Porter, Rainbow Water District Chris Moorhead, City Surveyor Celia Barry,(Steve Smith, Phil Relds, Shashi Bajracharya, Lydia McKinney) Lane County Transportation Jim Henry, Central Lane Communications 911 Billy Elder, Northwest Natural Gas Tom Henerty, Com cast Cable Jerry Smith, Police Chief Water Resource Coordinator, ESD Jeff Towery, AIC DSD & Public Works Director Len Goodwin, Public Works Jeff DeFranco, Springfield School District 19 Joe Leahy, City Attorney Storm water Facilities Planner, ESD John Tamulonis, Economic Development Mgr. Courtney Griesel, Planner 1 (EDM) Brenda Jones, Administrative Specialist (DIM Annexations) ,"'\ I' (, r' A Development Issues Meeting will take place on Thursda~July 28, 2011 @ 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. in the DSD Conference 616 @ Springfield City Hall. Please review the enclosed information, and come prepared to discuss this application with the Planner and applicant. Should you have any questions, please contact @ Andy Limbird (541) 726-3784. Revised: 2-9-11 . . DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT. SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL 225 FIFTH STREET DSD Conference Room 616 Meeting Date: July 28, 20ll @ 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. 1. DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MTG #PRE11-00014 ELENA BROWN Assessor's Map: 17-02-36-24 TL 101, 102 Address; 8067 & 8101 Thurston Road Existing Use: Residential Applicant submitted plans to discuss the partitioning of two lots in the UGB, each existing lot would have a 3-lot partition. Planner: Andy Limbird .c SPR&FIELO. J July 7, 2011 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX (541)726-3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us Elena M. Brown PO Box 506 Fossil, OR 97830 RE: PRE11-00014 (17-02-36-24 TL 101, 102) Development Issues Meeting - Applicant submitted plans to discuss the partitioning of two lots in the UGB, each existing lot would have a 3-lot partition. Dear Ms. Brown: Thank you for your Development Issues Meeting submittal. The following meeting has been scheduled. TYPE: DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING PLACE: CITY OF SPRINGFiELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT DSD CONFERENCE ROOM 616 225 FiFTH STREET SPRINGFiELD, OR 97477 DATErr1ME: Thursday, July 28, 2011 at 1:30 - 2.:30 p.m. CONTACT PERSON: Andy Limbird If you have any questions, please call me at 541-726-3784. Sincerely, Andy Limbird Planner cc: James Branch Branch Engineering 310 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 . . Development Issues Meeting (DIM) Required Project. Information . _.. (Applicant: complete this section) Prospective A licant Name: Elena M. Brown ",<"". Phone: 541) 763-2260 Fax: Mobile: (541) 337-1284 ,'. .. '-. Phone: 541) 746-0637 Fax: (541) 746-0389 Com an : Address: P.O. Box 506, Fossil, OR 97830 Prospective A licant's Re .. James A Branch Com an : Address: Branch En ineerino, Inc. 310 5th Street, S rinofield, OR 97477 ,. '~"'';' ' , .>-.;,_ r .~,' ",,- . .- .,.~. '.- -, . . '.. .. ,.~ ",-:'-' ~. ~ . Owner: Elena M. Brown Phone: Same Com an Address: Fax: Sarne ".' ;." ~ ~ -', '.',', ..,:~: '. <'. .: -"" . ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-36-24 TAX LOT NO S : 101 & 102 8067 & 8101 Thurston Rd, S rin field, OR 97478 5.1 and 4.8 Acres [gl . S uare Feet 0 't . .}, ....1 _. ,_..;. ;', ','Ci u.'_-,," ,.p"'-_._ ,,'-': ',1..Y,.., ~":' 'J.' .'}.~, ,'l!-,-,' J,' ",-'-I;J.io'~".: f!t !;.+_:;:-:.,>"~~" "":', ":" ":':"':.{., _~:".,.,,<, (',' " ":c'>\) , Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposai description to this application, Pro osal: Two 3 lot artilions Existin Use: # of Lots/Parcels: 6 72,000 sf 0.6 dujacre . -, c, ..,< _ ,. ,"-' '".;: Y'_" _'f(_"'):'~'~:"'''I< '. '''';', 'W ,L,;,,:, ~_ ,:" - ,'.,., '",'C. ;",.,';IU-'.-.'" "';~~iI:"" i -a..-"i'!-." ._..,' < -- ...~.; - -- '"U"_ \'ZO." ---:";.'c~"-;'-- Prospective Applicant: . ~ >n b2lUML Date: 1 II Required Project Information (City Intake Staff: complete this section) Signature IZL-EkA M. i3Q.O\VN Print Case No.: f t I' - 000 I 4- 52 Date: 7- 7- / / Reviewed b : A lication Fee: $ Technical Fee: $0 Posta e Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ . '5 L \ . -- Date R CT NUMBER: pKfII- 000 12- ~'9,"1'ii~"-'i.~;~,!,:,;;.};j;:''''~,~i%iil:;r{'~~''''~'~-:;;;;~''!j.7;;jii';:;;o,;_c~;;.\'Tii",,:~'1,':);;,,{!ii.,,:'.j;;'j~"'st'1.~'!:<t'i?C;:";:~;::r.;;,';.;;;,,"':"}~~\l1il\~MJ,;-;w{:~m;;j~~i~;f, i;(~"'1c:;",'1":e~!it~t'~1'';;>-+,~~';;''',~~:fi'~>ll:li'#llil',,,J.';:g~n:-,;~'\il'ffi~';:"4;r,1:~,~~::::j~~i~.~i],,:"t~I-"::':i,-~;;;j3:'!;;';:~"'m'~::tm'; JUl 0 7 2011 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Original Submittal 1 of 3 . . DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING FOR PARTITIONS OF ADJOINING TAX LOTS 101 & 102 OF TAX MAP 17-02-36-24 Narrativ,c: Applicantpropases twa partitians .of her existing 4.8 Ac. and 5.1 Ac. praperties inta 3 parcels each. The praperties are within the UGH and abut the city limits baundary. Since City water and sewer services are nat available, an-site septic systems, and water service fram existing and/ar future welles) are propased. The twa larger narth parcels (Pel. I in bath partitians) will be retained vacant by applicant far future develapment. The applicant wauld like ta cantinue using the existing gravel driveway tempararily until a future public street is built as identified in the attached Canceptual Develapment Plan. On-site starm drainage far bath Pels. 2 will be rain gardens .or drywells. Questions: I. Daes the City staff see any problems with this prapased land divisian layaut? If sa, are there any suggested changes? 2. The existing gravel driveway within the 25' wide access easement is prapased ta serve the faur hame sites. A partian .of the access easement within Pel. I .of Pel. 2 (TL 10 I) will be eliminated when a future public street is develaped per the future develapment plan. Daes the City staff see any prablem with this access plan? If sa, what changes wauld yau suggest? 3. Are there any fire protectian issues? The existing well provides ISO gpm with negligible drawdaWll. 4. The plan envisians twa new hame sites an the propased Pel. 2 (TL 101) and Pel. 2 (TLl02) , with septic systems ta the sauth imd water wells ta'the narth side .of each parcel (.or cannectians ta existing well). Daes staff see any prablems with this cancept? 5. The Canceptual Develapment Plan was created in 1995. Daes the City staff have any suggested changes ta that plan? \. '\ \ I Date Received: JUL 0 7 2011 Original Submittal spr_~ap . . PRE11-00014 DIM 17-02-36-24 TL 101,102 ~11..-' ... Page I of I ... -'- -......-.-... ..... ,,~ ". .,; " E-U,~~ II_Ee.l];l n ~~.to\G'" ,.. Date Received: JUL 0 7 2011 Original Submittal http://spifs020/mapguide2009/mapviewerphp/printablepage. php?SESSI ON=96408768- ffff- ffff-800... 7/7/20 II -../ ' ;.. ~ r-- -f.\t~~,\ ~ ~ " t -=- -=-,- -:..:::..:-:'.. -=- -=--::J~ ~~ Z'O~ X1~ ~12 ~ '1 :0 8 i3 ~~~ c" I' ~~ <'0<, ro- ,I I ! ~ III "0<< x .lN3/Y3SV3 .lJJ7Ufl aNY I I SS31193/SS3119NI W .s~-1 f-- ~u "" Ej~ " ...; ..... 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