HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/06/2011 RegularCity of Springfield Regular Meeting - MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2011 The City of Springfield Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, June 6, 2011 at 7:02 p.m., with Mayor Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Lundberg and Councilors Pishioneri, VanGordon, Wylie, Moore, Ralston, and Woodrow. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery, City Attorney Mary Bridget Smith, City Recorder Amy Sowa, and members of the staff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Lundberg. SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT 1. Employee Recognition: Debbie Adair, 15 Years of Service. City Manager Gino Grimaldi introduced Debbie Adair from the Fire and Life Safety Department. He also introduced former Fire Chief Dennis Murphy. Chief Murphy noted the accomplishments and- work Ms. Adair had done in ambulance billing for the Springfield Fire Department over the past 15 years. Ambulance billing was non-general funds that supported ambulance services across the State. He noted her growth professionally during her 15 years with the City. Mr. Grimaldi acknowledged Ms. Adair's accomplishments over the last 15 years. Ms. Adair had been involved in the many changes that had occurred in the Fire and Life Safety Department. She currently served as EMS Accounts Supervisor and led a group of individuals that out-produced any ambulance billing outfit in the State. Ms. Adair had been involved in the process improvement process in the City and served as a trainer for that program. She had also completed the City's SOLID program, a training program for new managers. In 2010, Ms. Adair earned accreditation in the National Academy of Ambulance Coding, which was quite an accomplishment. Mr. Grimaldi presented Ms. Adair with a plaque. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Claims a. Approval of the April 2011, Disbursements for Approval. 2. Minutes a. April 25, 2011 - Goal Setting Session b. May 2, 2011 -Work Session c. May 2, 2011 -Regular Meeting City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2011 Page 2 3. Resolutions a. RESOLUTION NO. 11-16 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT CITY PROJECT P21002• TRAFFIC SIGNAL REHABILITATION AND STREET LIGHT REPLACEMENT. b. RESOLUTION NO. 11 - 17 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PROJECT P21025 STORM SEWER 46"H-47 TH NORTH OF BLUEBELLE. c. RESOLUTION NO. 11-18 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PERMIT PROJECT P30406; PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR MOUNTAINGATE PHASE 3A. d. RESOLUTION NO. 11-19 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PERMIT PROJECT P31016• PIONEER PARKWAY EMX INTERNATIONAL WAY SEGMENT 4. Ordinances 5. Other Routine Matters a. Approval of the Liquor License Endorsement for Gateway Hospitality, LLC, DBA: Hilton Garden Inn Eugene/Springfield, Hotel/Restaurant, Located at 3528 Gateway Street, Springfield, Oregon. b. Approval of the Liquor License Endorsement for Lucky Five, Inc. DBA: Jazzie's Deli and Grill, Located at 1869 Pioneer Parkway East, Springfield, Oregon. c. Approval of the Liquor License Endorsement for Pier Sushi DBA: Kim and Kathy Enterprises, LLC, Located at. 720 South A Street, Springfield, Oregon. d. Approval of the Liquor License Endorsement for Westend Tavern, Inc. Located at 563 West Centennial Blvd, Springfield, Oregon. e. Appointment of Mr. Jon Kubu, Senior Manager of Enterprise Support Services at Symantec, and Mr. Steve Bradbury, General Manager of Franz Family Bakeries, to the Lane Workforce Partnership Board. f. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a First Amendment with the Firm of Leahy, Van Vactor & Cox, LLC for General Counsel Services. g. Authorize City Manager to Sign the Amended Contract with Life Flight Network, LLC for FireMed Administrative Services. h. Approval to Award the Purchase of a Cat Backhoe Loader to Peterson Machinery Company in the Amount of $85,662.00. i. Authorize the City Manager to Execute Updated TEAM Springfield Mission, Purpose, Bylaws and Goals Statement. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDARWITH CHECK #105699 FROM THE APRIL DISBURSEMENTS REMOVED. THE MOTION PASSED BY A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. ITEMS REMOVED La. Check 4105699 from the April 2011, Disbursements for Approval. 1 Councilor VanGordon declared a conflict of interest as check # 105699 was to his employer, United Parcel Service. He recused himself from the vote. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2011 Page 3 IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO APPROVE CHECK #105699 FROM THE APRIL 2011 DISBURSEMENTS. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (1 ABSTENTION - VANGORDON). PUBLIC HEARINGS - Please limit comments to 3 minutes. Request to speak cards are available at both entrances. Please present cards to City Recorder. Speakers may not yield their time to others. 1. Supplemental Budget Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 11-20 - A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: GENERAL, STREET, SPECIAL REVENUE, TRANSIENT-ROOM TAX, POLICE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, BANCROFT REDEMPTION, DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT CAPITAL, DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS, SDC LOCAL STORM IMPROVEMENT, SDC LOCAL STORM REIMBURSEMENT, SDC TRANSPORTATION. REIMBURSEMENT, SDC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT, LOCAL WASTEWATER OPERATION, AMBULANCE BOOTH-KELLY REGIONAL FIBER CONSORTIUM INSURANCE AND VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT FUNDS. Finance Director Bob Duey presented the staff report on this item. At various times during the fiscal year the Council was requested to make adjustments to the annual budget to reflect needed changes in planned activities, to recognize new revenues, or to make other required adjustments. These adjustments to resources and requirements changed the current budget and were processed through supplemental budget requests scheduled by the Finance Department on an annual basis. This was the last of three scheduled FYI I supplemental budget requests to come before Council. The supplemental budget being presented included adjusting resources and requirements in the General, Street, Special Revenue, Transient Room Tax, Police Local Option Levy, Bancroft Redemption, Development Assessment Capital, Development Projects, SDC Local Storm Improvement, SDC Local Storm Reimbursement, SDC Transportation Reimbursement, SDC Transportation Improvement, Local Wastewater Operation, Ambulance, Booth-Kelly, Regional Fiber Consortium, Insurance, and Vehicle & Equipment Funds. The City Council was asked to approve the attached Supplemental Budget Resolution Mayor Lundberg opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Lundberg closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 11-20. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. , City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2011 Page 4 BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE Curtiss Greer, 357 55th Street, Springfield, OR. Mr. Greer spoke regarding the May 2 Council meeting and comments made at that time. He complimented Councilor Ralston for his comments regarding illegal aliens, and said he was puzzled by the removal of Councilor Ralston from the Human Services Commission (HSC). He felt that those that were quoted in the newspaper were supportive of illegal immigration. For those living here legally, Councilor Ralston's comments did not apply. The action of the Council led him to believe there was support for unlawful activity. To subdue Councilor Ralston in support of unlawful action was wrong. We were a nation restricted by law and if those people wished to have the Council support breaking this law, what would they ask for next. He noted actions elsewhere in the United States. It was free speech to burn the American Flag, but when a Koran was burned, people were murdered in retaliation. If a person spoke out against the murders, they were taken to court and banned from speaking. Councilor Ralston had served his country and his community, but was being stopped because he was a white Christian. He said he couldn't support the goal of diversity or tolerance that was so unbridled to allow action without virtue. We were the United States of America, not the broken into parts as diversity expected. 2. David Flores, 1395 South 2nd Street, Springfield, OR. Mr. Flores said he was saddened by the Mayor and City Council for its treatment of Dave Ralston regarding the matter of illegals in our State. He called himself an American Mexican because of our politically correct society. In the 1960's, he was called Mexican, then a Chicano, then a Hispanic, and now a Latino. When this debate started with Councilor Ralston, Mr. Flores submitted a letter to several Register Guard reporters in defense of Councilor Ralston for the opinion page, only to be ignored. The only thing Councilor Ralston did when he weighed in on the debate regarding illegals coming across our borders was that he was an AWM (Average White Male). Anytime an AWM spoke out against any issue of race or gender, they were deemed a racist, bigot or homophobic. Dave Ralston was Mr. Flores' friend and he was not a bigot, racist or homophobe. In the Council's zeal to have open borders and sanctuary cities, they had allowed incidents where his people were abused. He recounted incidents of others.trying to enter this country illegally and issues related. In the early 20th. century, Mexicans were allowed to come over the border to work in the fields for white men. They worked from California to Washington. The environments they worked in were very poor. Mr. Flores was angered by the abusive treatment that was leveled against his people. If they were truly looking out for the best interest of his people, they would demand that they enter this country like so many other people from other cultures throughout the world. 3. Kevin LeVcque, 2844 Mason Street, Eugene, OR 97404. Mr. LeVeque said in 2003 the Council and City allowed socialized gambling for Texas Hold-Em in Springfield. The rules were vague at the time, but didn't allow the game to have a dealer or cash games. That still hadn't been changed or decided. Because of that rule, as an organizer he had no game because everyone went to Eugene to play. He felt Springfield had lost out and he would like Springfield to be able to do what they do in Eugene. There had been no problems in Eugene. Eugene allowed them to have dealers and have cash games. He asked Council to look at how many licenses had been sold this year. He asked the Council to reconsider the rules. Councilor Pishioneri said the Council went through this and it was clear that Springfield did not want to participate in illegal activity in the City. Springfield had an opinion from the State Attorney General's Office that indicated that was not permitted. If the law was changed, allowing dealers and cash games, he was fine allowing that to occur. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2011 Page 5 Mr. LeVeque noted that the Eugene games were not played like in casinos where the house took part of the pay. Mr. Grimaldi said staff could pull together the information for discussion. 4. Mike Tayloe, 1462 I Street, Springfield, OR. Mr. Tayloe said he was here to talk about good governance. He noted that every major public body normally scheduled Business from the Audience near the beginning of the meeting and he would suggest Springfield do the same. When the City's public works department emails surfaced, this City said we would solve it in Springfield. When Councilor Ralston made his comments, people from Eugene came over to tell Springfield what needed to be done. If the Human Services Commission (HSC) had asked to have Councilor Ralston removed from the commission, they, would have had some basis. He felt they conducted a serial Council meeting to get to that conclusion. If the election for the Council was tomorrow, he would not vote for any of them. 5. Joe Hamerton, 527 North 38th Street, Springfield, OR. Mr. Hamerton said he was not here to discuss Councilor Ralston's comments, but he was supportive of what he said regarding City support for illegal aliens. Tonight he was here to talk about the police contract with Willamalane for patrol at Clearwater Park. Mr. Hamerton served as a member of the Willamalane Park District Budget Committee was also a member of the local Veterans' of Foreign Wars (VFW). He supported adding police patrol at Clearwater Park because this was now a very nice facility and the added police presence would assure that facility would remain. It would also keep it safe for people on the bike path and doing other activities at the park. COUNCIL RESPONSE Councilor Wylie clarified that she did not support illegal immigration and was waiting for national elected officials to address this issue. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS 1. Correspondence from Ken Neubeck, Amigos Multicultural Services Center Executive Director, Eugene, Oregon Regarding Recent Council Comments. 2. Correspondence from Kitty Piercy, Mayor of Eugene, Regarding Recent Council Actions. 3. Correspondence from Mary Salinas, Community Activist, Springfield, Oregon Regarding Assistance from St. Vincent DePaul and the Eugene Mission for Homeless Citizens.. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO ACCEPT THE CORRESPONDENCE FOR FILING. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BIDS 1. Award of Contract for Engineering Services for the 58' Street Relief Sewer Line and Bypass Manhole P21046. Civil Engineer Pam Eide presented the staff report on this item. The proposed contract was for engineering services for the 58th Street Relief Sanitary Sewer Line and Bypass Manhole project. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2011 Page 6 The relief sewer line would be designed and installed along East Main and 58th Streets. The engineering services would include sewer route determination for a 4,900-foot long, 10 to 20-foot deep, 15-inch relief sanitary sewer line and bypass manhole. The project may include replacement of an existing 1,000 feet of 8-inch diameter concrete sanitary sewer line including residential laterals within the right of way. The award of contracts for engineering services were exempt from formal bidding requirements under the City's purchasing rules. Rather, the City typically selected engineering consultants through a competitive Request.for Proposal (RFP) process that based the selection primarily on qualifications rather than price alone. After accepting Proposals from nine consulting engineering firms, City staff ranked Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. of Portland, Oregon, the highest using the criteria set forth in the Request for Proposals. The selection of Murray, Smith & Associates was based as follows: 80% on their non-monetary proposal and 20% on their cost proposal. Although Murray, Smith & Associates did not submit the lowest cost proposal, they were ranked highest overall considering their scores in experience and expertise for the type of work required, which comprised the majority of the non-monetary selection criteria. The attached Council Briefing Memorandum described the selection process in more detail. Sufficient funds were budgeted in the project account (850226) in the Sewer Capital Fund (409) to allow award of the contract. Councilor Ralston asked if it was a policy that we didn't take the lowest bid. Ms. Eide said that was correct for RFP's for professional services. Lowest bids only were taken on construction contracts.. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO APPROVE TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH MURRAY, SMITH & ASSOCIATES, INC., IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $237,737.00 FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR SANITARY SEWER SCOPING, DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. ORDINANCES BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Committee Appointments 2. Business from Council a. Committee Reports L Councilor Woodrow said she attended McKenzie Willamette Hospital when they received recognition for their Wound Center. They received it for their first year of operation, which was quite an accomplishment. It was exciting to be there to see them receive that award. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2011 Page 7 BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER 1. Approve a Contract for Fire Apparatus Maintenance and Repair with Oregon Apparatus Repair, Inc. Deputy Chief Mark Walker presented the staff report on this item. Springfield Fire & Life Safety recently completed a public procurement process and was requesting to enter into a contract for apparatus maintenance and repair services. The City auditors discovered no sourcing had been done thus an RFP was issued for apparatus maintenance services. No contract was currently in place. Fire & Life Safety recently completed an RFP process to procure ongoing services for maintenance and repair of fire apparatus. Oregon Apparatus. Repair, Inc. was highest scored based on the requirements of the department. The other two respondents were Hughes Fire Equipment Inc. and City of Eugene Public Works. Fleet Department. SFLS spends over $200,000 per year on maintenance, repair and inspection of the apparatus fleet to ensure the safety of the firefighters and the public. Repair and maintenance must comply with 20 different organizations. The proposed FY 12 budget had sufficient funds available for these services. Oregon Apparatus Repair, Inc. had over 30 years experience in fire apparatus maintenance and had provided a variety of services to Springfield Fire over the years. The proposed contract would run through June 30, 2012, with two additional one year periods possible with agreement by both parties and the Council. Councilor Pishioneri asked if this was similar to the last RFP regarding criteria being used other than just cost. He didn't see the proposals from the competitor. Contract Manager Jayne McMahan said there were several evaluation criteria, including cost. It was an estimate based on last year's costs. Councilor Pishioneri asked if there was. any competition. Ms. McMahan said there was one other company that submitted an RFP. Their cost comparisons were equal. Award of the bid was based on the other criteria attributed to Oregon Apparatus Repair, Inc. Councilor Pishioneri said he appreciated staff offering the opportunity to other businesses. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN A CONTRACT WITH OREGON APPARATUS REPAIR, INC. FOR MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF FIRE APPARATUS. THE MOTION PASSED BY A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with Willamalane Park and Recreation District. Police Chief Jerry Smith presented the staff report on this item. In an`effort to maintain a safe experience for all visitors, Willamalane Park District sought to employ services of the Springfield Police Department to patrol Clearwater Park and along the bike path that extended from the park City of Springfield - Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2011 Page 8 toward the west along a new path. Patrol shifts would be a minimum of three hour shifts for a total of 150 hours from June 1St through October 31, 2011. They were paying a fully compensated overtime rate at $96.99 per hour for those services (which included overhead costs). The overtime shifts were at the discretion of the police department. Enforcement action would be cited into Circuit or Justice Court because this area was outside of the City of Springfield (some of which was outside the Urban Growth Boundary). The total value of this IGA was approximately $15,000. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO APPROVE TO ENTER INTO THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT FOR UNIFORMED OFFICER PATROL SERVICES AT CLEARWATER PARK. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY ' ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:34 p.m. Minutes Recorder Amy Sowa Christine L. Lundberg. Mayor Attest: "U,4, City Reco er