HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/1/2011 'pty of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 . . Property Line Adjustment Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) A licant Name: Nick Bo les Phone 541 954-0217 Com an : Address: OBO Ente rises LLC Fax: 1390 Grosbeak Crt, Redmond, OR 97756 A licant's Re .. Dan Nelson, PLS Phone 541 746-0637 Com an : Branch En ineerino, Inc. Fax: 541) 746-0389 Address: 310 Fifth St., S rin field, OR 97477 Assessors Ma #: 17-02-33-32 PROPERTY 1 Tax Lot 6200 Pro Address: 5175 Main Street, S rinafield, OR 97478 Owner: OBO Ente rises, LLC Phone Pro Com an Address: Fax: 1390 Grosbeak Crt, Redmond, OR 97756 Assessors Ma #: 17-02-33-32 PROPERTY 2 Tax Lot 6300 Pro Address: 5195 Main Street, S rin field, OR 97478 Pro Owner: OBO Ente rises, LLC Phone: 54] 954-0217 Com an Fax: Address: 1390 Grosbeak Crt, Redmond, OR 97756 . . Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this appiication, Pro osal: To ad'ust the common line to allow a more desireable build in la out. Si natures: Please si Associated A Iications: I. -Otla?~ kP/tlk-~ Case No.: [(4 () A . lication Fee: $ 11\ -- ~\ C?. ~ &'74 . ('5 Date: (/ Reviewed b '2._ (. II ~ Technical Fee: $ ''"7 Posta e Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ R.etaiwMBER: PR.JI/-OQDOS JUl 0 1 2011 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 4 Originai 8ubmat&/ Signatures . . The undersigne.d acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Applicant: 1\_ _ d r7 d ~ Date: Signature Nick Boyles Print If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Property Owner 1: ~d~?- Date: l ,/ Nick Boyles Print If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Property Owner 2: ~/':U Nick Boyles Print Date Received: JUL 0 1 2011 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 4 Property Line AdjUst!nt Submittal Requirements !eCklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ~ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. ~ Property Line Adjustment Application Form ~ Copy of the Deed for all properties involved in the property line adjustment. r8J Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances for all properties involved in the property line adjustment. ~ Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken, including findings demonstrating compliance with SDC 5.16-125, Property Line Adjustment Criteria. r8J Three (3) Copies of a Preliminary Survey including the following: ~ Prepared, stamped, and signed by an Oregon licensed land surveyor ~ Scale appropriate to the area involved and the amount of detail and data ~ North arrow, date of preparation, and title, i.e. Proposed Property Line Adjustment Survey ~ Boundaries of the lots/parcels involved, including dimensions and area ~ Zoning and plan designation of the lots/parcels ~ Existing property line and proposed property line, clearly differentiated by line type ~ Location and outline to scale of all existing structures, including required setbacks from current proper;ty lines and proposed property lines ~ Location, widths, and names of all existing streets, alleys, or other rights-of-way within or adjacent to the lots/parcels and the location and width of driveways ~ Location of all public and private easements and utility lines within or crossing the lots/parcels. For properties outside the city limits, location of all septic tanks and drain fields. ~ Reference to the recorded Subdivision or Partition by name or reference number and blocks, lot/parcel numbers, where applicable Date Received: JUL 0 1 2011 Original E:ubmlttal Revised 6/6/11 Liz Miller 4 of 4 . . NARRATIVE PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR OBO ENTERPRISES LLC The property line to be adjusted is between Tax lot 6200 and Tax lot 6300, Tax Map 17- 02-33-32, both properties being owned by OBO Enterprises, llC. Both properties are zoned Community Commercial. Tax lot 6200 is currently vacant and on Tax lot 6300 there is an existing residential dwelling scheduled for demolition. The purpose for this property line adjustment is to allow a more desirable building configuration that will meet setback requirements. The properties are being developed with multi-family residential units and commercial buildings. The property line will be adjusted to separate the residential units from the commercial buildings. A joint use access and private utility easement will be recorded after the final property line adjustment and a draft copy of that easement is included with this application. Both properties will have frontage to 51st Place and 52nd Street, sharing a driveway abutting . each street. The proposed development is being reviewed at the City of Springfield under Final Site Plan Review Application TYP211-00002. Date Received: JUl 0 1 2011 Original Submittal . . TL ,",WO 135994/17 02 33 32 06200 ,INDIVIIlI/AI. BARGAIN AND SALE DEED '5~ 10" ?I)''' WI"l'lXI l5Ol33-C JANA LEE 0LSCJ:l 98103904 ,Granlor, """",to oao fm.'ERpRlSES, LLC t Grantee, !he foIlow;ng de.<ribod <eo! P"'P"'Y.1uaIod in tane County Oregon ,..,.,r. A parcel of land in the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 33. Townshit> 17 So\J.th, lWlge 2 west of the Willamette Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of the McKenzie Highway at a point vhich is 158.47 feet l\,'1orth 89044' west of the intersection of the East line of the A; W;' Barmlet Donation Land Claim No. 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, run thence South 0.05' West 352.42 feet,: thence North 890441 West 215.78 feet, thence North 00"051 East 352.42 feet to the .sou:th line of the said highvay, thence south 89-441 East 215.78 feet to the place of ~inning, in Lane COUnty, Oregon. Excepting that portion conveyed to the City of Springfield for roadway, recorded January 10. 1972. Reel 568. Recet>tion IB1516. . Also excepting that portion conveyed to Icenneth L Rolfe, et ux, by deed recorded July 28, 1976, Reel 805, Reception .7638;158, Official Records, Lane County, Oregon.. mIIlEC.29'981102REC 5. .e'7IlEC.29'98fI02PFINl 10.0 !!!!1J)EC.29'9SD02A&T FUIID 20. ThelNecomiderationforthiHOnveyanceuS for a ~rship interest in OBO &1terprises, LLC "lHJS INSIRUMENT WilL NOT AJJ!JW USE OF THE PROPERlY DESCRJBID IN THIS INSIRUMENT IN VlOIATION OF APPUCABLE IAN!) USE lAWS AND REGUlAnONS.IlfFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPI1NG THIS INSI1lUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING Fa IIlII TO THE PROPBm' SHOUlD alECK WITH THE APPIlOPIlIAn; CITY OR COUNIY PlANNING DEPARlMENTTO VERIfY API'ROVED USES AND TO DmRMINE Am UMIlS ON IAWSUllS AGAINst FAlU/.ING 011. FOREST PUCnaS AS D91NB) IN ORS 30.930.' DoIod, December 28. 1998 ~11~ :;h~ J Lee 1500 State of Oregon County of Lane - 5S. I, lhe County Oerk. in and lor the said County, do hereby cert1ly that the within Instrument was received (or record at '98 DEe 29 pn 3'43 R.., 2499R Lone County OFActAL ReconIs Lane County am: By, 12;p A ,d.~..;y CounlyOtrk STAn: OF ClRE<XJN I ).., County of Lane I This inslrument was ocknowledged be!ore me on '~rnhPr' ~ . 1 qqR Jana Lee Olson by ';' II!lllEllLYA_ JmN!Yf\lllJC.0I\SlllIl CCIDISSKlNNO.S04071 IIYCClIllIlSSD<EJllRESlllOJSllO,lOJ1 IcryPublic My commis'sion expires: UnIU a change;,~, all"", .Ialem"'" ,hall be .....10 ~'fal1awing addrn." I No change in eddress for tax statements JUL 0 1 AIte.- .-.dmg...... to, w""'"' Pi...., n.1e Co.. P,O.Box 10146, Eugene, o.ogan 974Ml . . '_T__I')4:Jrl?1-S\lbmittal ived:! \... , \:< r: f: t" \ ! j'/' . [~:',.' i. j:' i' (. ':..,'" j. . ~ " i::: F.. ; f,,' i':.' ! r r. I f.' ! L... I,' f; "".' j": L J-": &..:..:. L,..:. E/:" f~-'; r,~.;:: r',::' . r ---------- Dlvialon of Chl.f Deputy Clerk 2MUn\Ul Lon. Counly Doodo ond Roc...do UW"W II'! 1111111111 ~1111111II"lIIl1llllllllllll1lmlll . $26.00 00376739211_154701110018 01/07/200302:13:07 P" RPR-DEED Cnl=1 Sln=7 CASHIER 04 ".DO S11.DO SI0.DO TL (.~OO IIlDIVIDUAL BARGAIIl AIlD SALB DBBD ..1ANA LEE OLSON, grantor, conveys to OBO ENTERPRISES, LLC, grantee the following described real property situated in Lane County Oregon, to wit: Se:ginninq on the South line of the McKenzie Highway to a point North 89 deqreee 44 I West S. 0 feet trOlJl, the intereection of said South line and the East line of the A. W. Bammit Donation Land claim No. 38. Notification No. 7187. 'I'oWnship 17 South. Ranqe 2 west of the WUlemette .Meridil!lD; runninq thence North 89 degreesiU' West along the South line of Bald highway 153.47 feet~ thence South 0 degree S' west, 217.8 feet; thence South 89 degrees 44' East 153.47 feet; thence North Q degree 5' Ea:lI't' 217.8 feet to the Place of Bo<:Jinnibg. in Lane County, Oregon; EXCEPT TBEREFRa( a parcel of land lyinq iJil the A. W. Haamlit Donation Land Claim No. 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the WillBllll5tte Meridian, in Lane COUnty, Oregon. and being a portion of that property described in that certain deed to William PreelV', recorded in Book 31B, Page 68. Lane County Oreqon Deed Records, the said parcel being deacr1hed all follOWllI Beginning at the intersection of the west llDe of 52nd street with tbl!l South line of the exiating Hcltenzie B.19hwaY; thence Westalonq said SOuth line 25 feet; thence Southeasterly in a atraight line to said west. Une at a Potiit 25 feet. South of the Point of Beginning; thenoe North along said West line 25 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County. Oregon. ALSO BXCBPT the East 10 feet thereof conveyed to the City of Springfit!ld for road purpose. by deed reeordad September 17, 1991, Recorder,' II Reception No. 91-44657. Lane County Oregon Offioia1 Records. The true consideration for this conveyance is for a menwership interest in oao Enterprises, LLC. "This instrument will not allow use, of the property described in this instrument in violation of applicable land use laws And regulations. Before signing or Accepting this instrument, the person acquiring fee title to the property sbould. check with the appropriate city or county planning department to verify approved uses and to determine any limits on lawsuits against farming or forest practices as defined in ORS 30.930." Dated. l!b/cr:3 ;JanW.:!:"'Jl~:;;<1P~~ State of Oregon ss. County of Lane This instrument was acknowledged before by Jana Lee Olson . N~~O({~ me on -:;;.., rt. , 2003, I) OFFIClAl SEAL SlEPHANIE BUZZARD NOT-'RV PUBLIC - OREGON ., -' COMMISSIONNO.A336378 - 'Iff COUMISSION EXPlRESJULY 11 2004 A7:~ II ::oH Until a change is requested, a:I.1 tax statements shall be sent to the following address: OBO Enterprises, LLC, 1001 River Loop 1, Eugene, Oregon 97404. After recording return to:OBO Enterprises, LLC, 1001 River Loop mate Received: Euqene, Oregon 97404 LJ My comission expires: Jt!L c. 1 2011 Original submittal . . . J , '---,c' =-'r.' CASCADE TITLE CD. *0269495* STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT SUPPLEMENTAL BRANCH ENGINEERING INC. ATTN: DAN NELSON 310 5TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 EMAIL: DANN@BRANCHENGINEERING.COM Our No: CT-0269495 Date: JUNE 28, 2011 Charge: $300.00 Project No.: 09-159 As requested, Cascade Title Co. has searched our tract indices as to the following described real property: A parcel of land in the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 33, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of the McKenzie Highway at a point which is 158.47 feet North 890 44' West of the intersection of the East line of the A. W. Harnmet Donation Land Claim No. 38/ Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willarnette Meridian; run thence South 0' 05' West 352.42 feet; thence North 89' 44' West 215.78 feet; thence North 0' 05' East 352.42 feet to the South line of the said highway; thence South 89' 44' East 215.78 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon;' .EXCEPTING that portion conveyed to the City of Springfield for roadway, recorded January 10/ 1972, Reel 568, Reception No. 81516, Lane County Official Records, in Lane County, Oregon; ALSO July Lane EXCEPTING that portion conveyed to Kenneth L. Rolfe, et ux, by deed recorded 28, 1976, Reel 805, Reception No. 7638158, Lane County Official Records, in County, Oregon. and as of: JUNE 24, 2011 AT 8:00 A.M., we find the following: Vestee: OBO ENTERPRISES, LLC Said property is subject to the following on record matters: 1. Highway Construction Permit, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded May 16, 1966, Reception No. 47494, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 2. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded August 4, 1967, Reception No. 93869, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. NOTE: Taxes, Account No. 0135994, Assessor's Map No. 17 02 33 b2't #Q200, Cod~ 19-00, 2010-2011, in the amount of $1,999.08, PAID IN FULL. a e Kecelveu: continued- JUl 0 1 2011 Original Submittal MAIN OFFICE * 811 WILLAMETTE ST. * EUGENE, OREGON 97401 * PH: (541) 687-2233 FLORENCE * 1901 HWY 101 - S. 2 * FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 * PH: (541) 997-8417 EUGENE FAX: 485-0307 * E-MAIL: ~nfo@cascadet~tle.com * FLORENCE FAX: 997-8246 . . . J' NOTE: The vestee acquired title under deed recorded December 29, 1998, Reception No. 98103904, Lane County Official Records, and has been in continuous title since that date. NOTE: This report is being supplemented to update the report - NO CHANGE. This report is to be utilized for information only. This report is not to be used as a basis for transferring, encumber~ng or foreclosing the real property described. The liability of Cascade Title Co. is limited to the addressee and shall not exceed the premium paid hereunder. CASCADE TITLE CO., 'by: sm/Title Officer: KURT BEATY Date Received: JUL 0 1 2011 Original Submittal / . . -. -,';, ';'''.''''':': ,. CASCADE TITLE' . CO., *0269496* ''.,' STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT SUPPLEMENTAL BRANCH ATTN: EMAIL: ENGINEERING INC. DAN NELSON DANN@BRANCHENGINEERING.COM Our No: CT-0269496 Date: JUNE 28, 2011 Charge: $300.00 Project No.: 09-159 As requested, Cascade Title Co. has searched our tract indices as to the following described real property: (ATTACHED) and as of: JUNE 24, 2011 at 8:00 A.~.,. we find the following: Vestee: OBO ENTERPRISES, LLC Said property is subject to the following on record matters: 1. Rights of the public in and t.o that portion lying wi thin the bounds of 52nd Street on the East. 2. Easement for slope and storm drainage facilities, including the terms and provisions thereof, as granted to the State of Oregonl by and through its State Highway Commission by Highway Construction Permit recorded July 21, 1966, Reception No. 54871, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 3. Easement, 5.0 feet in width, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to the City of Springfield, as set forth in instrument recorded September 17, 1991, Reception No. 9144657, Lane County Official Records. NOTE: Taxes, Account No. 0136000, Assessor's Map No. 17 02 33 3 2, #6300, Code 19-00, 2010-2011, in the amount of $1,175.80, PAID IN FULL. NOTE: This report is being supplemented to update the report - NO CHANGE. This report is to be utilized for information only. This report is not to be used as a basis for transferring, encumbering or foreclosing the real property described. The liability of Cascade Title Co. is limited to the addressee and shall not exceed the premium paid hereunder. CASCADE TITLE CO., by: Date Received: JUL 0 1 2011 sm/Title Officer: KURT BEATY Original Submittal MAIN OFFICE * 811 WILLAMETTE ST. * EUGENE, OREGON 97401 * PH: (541) 687-2233 FLORENCE * 1901 HWY 101 - S. 2 * FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 * PH: (541) 997-8417 EUGENE FAX: 485-0307 * E-MAIL: info@cascadetit1e.com * FLORENCE FAX: 997-8246 ~ J . . . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Beginning on the South line of the McKenzie Highway to a point North 890 44' West 5.0 feet from the intersection of said South line and the East line of the A.W. Hammit Donation Land Claim No. 38, Notification No. 7187, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; running thence North 890 44' West along the South line of said highway 153.47 feet; thence South 00 5' West, 217.8 feet; thence South 890 44' East 153.47 feet; thence North 00 5' East 217.8 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; EXCEPT THEREFROM a parcel of land lying in the A.W. Hammit Donation Land Claim No. 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willarnette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, and being a portion of that property described in that certain deed to William prociw, recorded in Book 318, Page 68, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, the said parcel being described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the West line of 52nd Street with the South line of the existing McKenzie Highway; thence West along said South line 25 feet; thence Southeasterly in a straight line to said West line at a point 25 feet South of the point of beginning; thence North along said West line 25 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; ALSO EXCEPT the East 10 feet thereof conveyed to the City of Springfield for road purposes by deed recorded September 17, 1991, Reception No. 91-44657, Lane County Official Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: JUL 0 1 2011 Original Submittal