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Exterior Wall Envelope
Self-Certification Form
I, .JOI-Il\j Th~~r-J
owner-builder at the foll?wing address:
.': .....
. am the general contractor or the
21 C}7 Tl"fl:! CST
Street Address
<;ft)J G F~gjj'J ,
8li- sn~ ZOH-'"3I'2.
To conform to the 2008 Oregon Residential Specialty Code (ORSC), Section.
R703.1,1, I am notifying the building official that I am aware of the exterior wall
envelope requirements of R703.1.1, and hereby certify that the components of
the exterior wall envelope have been installed in accordance with the code
requirements. [Section R703.1.1 is provided for reference on the reverse side of
this form.]
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Revised: 2/8/2010
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Excerptfrom 2008 Oregon Residential Specialty Code Section R703, Exterior Covering:
.. R?03.1.1 Exterior Wall Envelope. To promote buillling durability, the exterior wall envelope shall
be installed in a'mannerthat water that enters the assembly can drain to the exterior. The envelope
shall consist cjf an exterior veneer,a water.resistivebarrier as required in R703.2; a minimum 1/8'
inch space between the water-resistive barrier and the exterior veneer, and integrated flashings as
. '.. . .
required in R703.8. The required space shall be formed by the use of ~~~~~-;c~i9Pible,f~(r!DlI "
strip, drainage mat or drainage board. The envelope shall provide proper integration of flashings
, with the water-resi~tive barrier, the space provided and the exterior veneer. These components, in
'conjunction, shall provide a means of draining water, that enters the assembly to ..the exterior. . ' . .
. . - . . .' .. . . .... . t i l. '. ,~i r \.
' EXceptions: (. '- \ Ie '....
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. . ,. . . . ..' ."
1. A space is not required where the exterior veneer is in~talled over a water-resistive barrier
' complying with section R703.2 which is manufactured in ,a manner,:l' f~h~nf~,drain~g~ .pd
, meetsthe 75% drainage efficiency requirement ofASTM E2273 or other recognized
national stimdards: ' ,
2. A space is no~ required where. window sills are equipped \('lith Ilan Jj~s~ing~,w~i.ch dr~in t~
the exterior surface .of the veneer in a through wall fashion: ~1I'pan't1aslirnghfiall be . . '.-
detailed within the construction documentS and'shallbe of either. self-adhering"
membrane complying' with'AAMA 7i1-D7 Drof an approved corrosion-resistant'material or
acombinationthereot Seif:adhering membranes extending tothe exte'rior surtace of the
veneer shall be concealed with trims or other,measures to protect from suniight.'"
3. . AspaceisilOt requiredwherethe exte;iorveneer is man~facturedin a manner to enhance
drainage'and meets the 7S% drainage 'efficienCy req'uirements of ASTM E2273 or other
. recognized natianai standards'~nd,isi"stalled over a water resistive barriercomplyingWith
~ectionR703:2:' " ", " '.: " ,'., "". .,,' .""."
4.' 'A space is ntit required where the exterior veneer is matching 'an existing exterior finish as
, in additions, alterations,orrepairs. ..' , ' -
S. A, water-resistant exterior wall enveiope shall not be required over concrete or masonry
walls designed in accordance with Chapter 6 and flashed according to section R703.tor
R703.8. ' , r
6. 'Complian'ce ";ith the req~ire';'ents for a means.of drainage, and the reqUireme~t~ of: ;.~ " .
' Section R703.2 and Section R703.8, shall not be required for an exterior 'Vall eAyelqpe,tlia.tr
" . '.. . . t'!!-'" _ "
has been del)1onstratedto resist wind-driven rain through testing of the exterior wall ~
. . ""', " . . ,,,. -
e~velC?pe, ind':lding'joints, penetrat,ions and intersections with dissimilar material;/in \ .'\
accordance with ASTM E 331 under the following conditions: ; \' ~::\";
6.1.' Exterior wall envelope test asse'mblies shall inClude at least one opening, bne control
joint, one wall/eave interface and one wall sill. All tested openings and penetrations
shall ~e representative of the intended end-use configuration.
,6.2. Exterior wall envelope test assemblies shall be at least4 feet by 8 feet in size.
6.3. . Exterior wall assemblies shall be tested at a minimum' differential pressure of 6.24
pounds per square fool. '
6.4. Exterior wall envelope assemblies shall be subjected to a minimum test exposure
duration of 2 hciurs. ' " '" "
The exterior wall envelope design shall be conside'red to resist wind-driven rain where the
results of the testing indicate that ivater did not penetrate: control joints in the exterior
wall envelope; joints at the perimeter of openings penetration; or intersections of
terminations with dissimilar materials. ' ,