HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-4-22 r" .. RESID~T1Al" . APPLICATl.PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: 8b9'. rc:.lI/F:rr~.-/ILL<;' ..c:::rc:-. , , Aso...ors Map N /7 -() 3~ 34. -/d - Ta Loti //t)()() SUbdivision: 'g\VEIZ I-J/LLS" Q.mer: BK:EEDF"r Address: .3 Co(P F. . City: E::U;:::;;'~ hi E I Rp..L? -.5 -4n-1-/ J C)~. [ZlNM., n Addition. n Remodel n Nobile Homa Date of AppU.caticn :S'LrJ c::; i-e .d:J /:(" /RA . cPO Value ~ c:b3e .- Contractors Address Lise. # Expires_ i, Gener~l RI?"-€:~D;:::-r B!?r:>-"'t;J ~__" :3?Cc(o ~ 40-'" I::iJ/-E=:"I..IE=: Z:7 I/~. ; Plwnb.ng Al!;'zr ""!....<J/Ap..,, tJ r-:. I:::'l Xi=: o.J~ nIL. ?n - e"..... c;,,-:3'O ~ Electrical rHO~..fO.rJ '::-U::'::::'f""./' F-;l6:.;;'IJ~ '20- ,orne.- ~-31 Mechm:ical LA=y /A/"; GAIl/..LJ _,dt-!,--'C';1 <1IR4"'\ <:1-30 Construction Lender B.R;FFDC+-I B.",.,.,,> '-f,L'" _' . - <''''- ,,<=" _~ <: ~j-1r--"=A I_~ . , It ia the rssponoibility of ehs pormit hcldor to BBB that all inopecticns are madB at the propel' time, that cc.ch .::dd:resB ~8 readabt, from t118 Btreet. and that the permit card is lccated at the fl"Ont of the prc?perty. "!JlJ.itding D!.l)t::icn approved plan shan remain on t1uJ BuiZdi7tf1 Sit,:; at an times.~ P.70CSDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated J'ol; number, l'equestcd a.....d lJ.':en you !JiLl. be ready foro inspection, Contractors or O/Jners ru:me arul phon6 1IUl1Ibcr. l.~ZZ bo mado the same day, requests made afta" 7:00 emf lJil.l ba m:ufe the r:c::t :.xn"kil1i day. ?J 8 ().3 cQ. (p Reauirp-d Tn~Dp.ctionB rJr SITE INSPECTION: To be 1OO.de after L4J excavation, but prior to Set up of . forms.~_ d UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & ~: MECHANICAL: To be rrwie before any wrk is covered. . ~ . o.7( ro6hNG ! FOUNDATIDN: To be "",de ~ after trenches are e:rcavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret":;w ~ (p ~ UNDERGROUND PLUMBINd. SEWEH. W.1TE.~ ~ DHAINAGE: To be nr:zde prior to fi l- Ung trenches. d 'UNDER?rJJR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: . l2lJ. To be mads prior to inataZ.z.ation of .~ 11001' ins~z.ation or decking.. .. ::71' POST AND BEAU.. To be made prior to ll.J instaUation of fLoor insulation 01' clscki"!;. ;>~, ?l', 1./.). -d ROVCR PLUHBIlJC. EtECTRICAL & MECH- ~ ANICAL: No l.JOrk is to be cOL'ered ,ur.tiL these inspections have beer. ~ made;..and approved. " . FIREPLACE: Prior to pLc.cir.g facing materiaLs and before framing inspec- J:. tion. ~ f'RAJ.!INC: Must bo requeDted after 6.J approvaL of rough plurr.bing, electri- .cal & mechanical. AU roofing V' bracing & chinmcys, etc. nT"..lst be ':compLetcd. No lJOl'k is to be con- ~,'....coaled until thin inspection has ~b6~? made and approved. LOT 31 Rcce~pt " II-z.~f' (I '-' INt":. P}-"",e: ~G, 940 I Zip: <=J7"'10'l _ Doscribe rl'ork: rAP',' L'( n=.. g ~,-= e.. t'c.c:.. Your City Dosigr.ated Jf(fLNwnb6r Io: __ - "'I O? I ,/I'INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION, kiJ To be madG after all insu L.:::ti:Jn w.d " ," required vapOl' barriers are in place . " but befol'e any lath, gypswn boGPd or wLL covering is applied, and before I any i~Zation is concealed. r\/r DRYWALL INSPf:CTION: To be mado 14-J after aLL drywaLL is in place, but prior to any taping. . O MASONRY: Steel location, bo1u1 beam3, grouting 01' verticaLs in accol'dance with U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: Aft~r installation is ccmpLet6d. . ~O ~I ; ~CURB & APPROACH AP.WN: Afte:> forms ~ a1'O crected but prior to pouring .. C07Crete. . ~SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For aLL con- crete paving within street right- of-LX:.Y, to be made after an exca- vating ccmplete & fQ.1'm work & sub- . base materiaL in pla~e. '. O PENCE: When complete -- Provido. gato6 or movable s~ctions through P.U.E. . .,' o . I . ( ~ -10 \ II 1/ I~~f/; I I i i I Siqr.ed: Date: c& '1-)"'Z~ I Phone (d3c'fl</3.l '3<1 S- '36{"1:; Co8Cd , G-, vt ~~ RI7P i job address, type of ir~pec;icn Requests received befcpo 7:00 ~ i ! I DE/.fOLITION OR NOVED BUILDIHCS --, Sani;cry seJel' aapped a.t propr:rt":i Lir:.e ---.J _ 1 ,. =:J Septic tank fT~ed and fi l led '1- th gra~e 1 ! --, Final - r~'hen a.bcve items are cc~Leted -.J ar.d when demolition is ccmpLetolor struc. ture moved and premises cleaned; up. (_ I Mobi Le Hcmes =:J Blocking and Set-"p =:J Plumbing connections SClJer and lJa;or ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up -.J and plumbing connections nT"..lst be approved . before requesting eLec:ricaL inspec:io~ .=J AccessoZ"".i Building :J Final - Aft~r p::>rcr.es, skirting, decks, etc. are camplet~d. o " -. (- All proje~t conditions, such as the irwtalLation of streot trees, co.-:rpLotion of tite \..... requirod landsccpir..g, etc., must be satisfiad befoI'e the BUILDING FINAL can be requsstad. dt')' ~ FIliAL PLUMBIIIG ~ ~~AL MECHANICAL VI) KI FINAL ELECTRICAL :J 1'1 I-:-Y' FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be l'oqueDted after W ELectrical, and Mechar.ical InspectionD havo been made and approved. the FinaL PLwnbing I.. 'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!IENT .T9 81'; HADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page! of 2 r -- JOB NO. BB03ZC, SOLAR ACCES S REQ.- C/R L-cod" Zona: L,. ,0 Z? Oacupanc" Cz:ii.: il?- 31 P/ T-,;pe/Co".st: ~V Bedro"",s: ~ Lot Sq. Feg. 7~~ t WT Tl'JII' I Lot Faoes - 1V6R7 A" I Energy SO""ro.. T"oe ~ L ". I Setbaoks Heat ~ /-:A. S of Lot Coverage 7/ /e> Inte",or I P L H . C A I I '."" . - .. OU88 ara.ge ceeDS. Wa.teJ'O .l/p.ataro" .f of Stories ~ Corner INorth "7-}" ~/ ' I I Range .e:z. <:<T . T.O tal Height '2"1 ' Panhandls .IEast /:?' I I' Fir80!aoe - J i!Jo, . IScuth if;'J" I W00d3tooe ..,....,hy..L.:L~ Cul-de-eao IWest h ' /.; , I I ITEM S~. FTC /'9 '/':Z.. ~':::>B Iobin -fJc:ttaal! Caroort ACCBS801'U S.D.C. TOTAL VAWE_ (vct.uc) . 1. S " Bui1.ding P""";t State Su:roharge Tota l Cha.-ges ITEM NO. 'I FEE Firtures Residential fI1 bath) ~ Sani taJoy Sewer J Water ;- ~~m ZRA7'H"n ~6 Pl~bing Pei-.:i t .State Surcr.arge Total Charaes ITEM 110. FEE Res. Sa. fto. /9~-< / Hew/Extend Cil'cuits Temporary Seroice / I /" 1/ I '2aoA-/~v/e:e Ele~tl'ical Permit State Suraharae Total Char~e8 ITEM NO.' FEE Pu:rn:1.ce 'ETU' S E::::haus t Hood I I q 3..- Vent Fan [~rfill'tn'~ G~ ;::}~~ ,/IPR:/A'".#CE V~~'Z. . . Permi t Issuanca Mechanical Permit State SUrcha:rae ...ll2B!l Sloi!rqR8 -- t...'..""Un(,...~..U~....l SeC".,(M.tl! D2DOsit Storage .lbintenan.,:,Q F'crnri t Total Charogt!.t!., " :\a'bcut I-~ ' 72 Sid_ lk .li'en.::e rlect1"i.cal label 'fobit. Homs !'OTAL ANOUNT DUE:' x Value nL~"<"""'" .' j/e!Jt'f.~9 ~2-7- ~~--s: <>&> /7.75 )- '$ 7"<. 71: . -- Fees -- I I I J Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on the express oondition that the sdid construction shall~ in aZl respects~ conform to the Ordinance adopted by thB City of Springfield~ incZuding the Zoning Ordinance~ regulating the construotion and UDe of buildings~ and may be suopended or revoked at cny time upon vio- lation'of any provisions ,of, said Ordi~es. I Plan Cheok Fee: .a ,30. "7.~ IDate Paid: t/--/~--;>?lS"" r IReoeipt#: Ilaou:> !Signed: Lk...tL Plumbing Permit 1 CHARCE 67.:5"0 ';?<' . -0 /5:- "q<::J.""" /::?2.~Jt> -~ G</~ jZB,6~ I. CHARGE <:?,? 5"CJ . /L"' _ V..-J . 7'7"?)~ ~6>.- -"-t y..,)"Z> -?~-SZ> . CHARGE 6.- ~ De:> ~- -:? _Dr"C> 6.- 1 I I I q6).-5~ I- ~ /.5'31 ~Z.o ~ ,. /lJ.60 20.150 No person Dhall aonstruat~ instaLZ~ aUer or ahange any nelJ or e::isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part~ unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plwnber's license~ except that a person may do plumbing work to property !Jhich is owned~ leased or operated by the appli- cant. " Electrical. Permi t Where State LaJJ requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contraotor, the eleotrical portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electriaal Contractor. Mechanical Permit j j I ,. I')' \') ~~ 7'-22-eB <late I I I I I rJ/ /7G7. 7~ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths oompleted applioation for permit, and do 'h2reby certify that all information hereon is truB and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all 001'1< perfol":1led shall be done in accol""- dance ..nth the Ordinances of ths City of Springfield, and the La-~s of tho State of OregDn p2rtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY !orilt be nude of any structura: tJithout parmis8ion of the Building Di- vision. I furthel"" certify that only cantra.ztors ar.d e:np~yees who CU"e in ~pliance lJith ORS 701.055 will be used on this pl""oject -xt!/A dJfJ. d~/~I ~!(.-. /;:jF3 ~