HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-4-29 ~ NON: .. RESIDilNTlAL" APPLICA_/PERMIT - 5th Street SpringfieLd, Oregon 97477 BuiLding Division 726-3753 ' ,\~~q /f2.-:~et- II-J II c;; ~ 've.- As.es.or. Map # ,L7 3?- 75177 12 ~ Tcz Lot # Subdivision: nt'" e ~ h / II c, ) _0 -}- <37 I') 0 ::)::) 4- \ d-. \ \ 700 0L- ~~~V\ ~. AddJoees: '760 ~ de;/!" J/.vQ ~?, ./ Dats of App1.i.catic;n Cont.ractors General r~~e~ i Plumbing4hc...,/<Jie- I Uechanical " !/V1a.J-e;l.Po I ~ I E~e"trical T4w'1-fo~ c- " I Suoerv>."Sing Electrician .t:;)~. ~__, "~ ' [,.:,? - It is th. rBsponoibiUey of tM p.rmit ho B1' to 8e8 that a'Ll inopBctions ar6 mads at ths prOpBl' tim~1 tr.at sach ~SB8 is readab~e from tlul etreet. and that the p"""':t oard ie Zooated at the front of the property. ABuildi.ng Divi::ior: apPl'01Jtld plan shatz. remain on tha Sui-lain{; Sits at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTIO/l REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (pcoorderJ etate your City deeignated job number, job addroe., type of inspeotic" raquestcd ar.d when you (Jill bs ready for inspaotion, Contractors or CMners nams and phone number. RequGsts l'eceiL"ec before 7:00 cr.I ,'ill be made the eome day, requeete made after 7:00 om "";11 b. made the nat oorking daY"q l 030 .You.r City D80igr.atcd Job Number Ie: Job Location: E:3t::t? CUneI': City: .0..Nt>l.l pec-...J n n n Addition Remodel Nobile Homo +/II/~/ ..1i1limi"'PJi. T'lIfr'],~f!tifl'l1'f O SITE INSPECTION: To b~ mads after excavation", but priol' to sst up of forms. O ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & o MECHANICAL: To bQ mads b6for6 any . work is aovered. f'\::::r FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made ~ after trBnches are exoavated and forms ars erectsd", but pzoiol' to pouring ccncreto;. UNDE ~D PLUMBING!:. SEWE1i:l'W.1TEll)' HAINAGEJ/ To be made prior to J'.- :.:. 1;- t. anaMs. ,. UNDERFLOc..v! 1'l.f'l>!BINfj ~ /(ECHANICA~ To be mads pl"'ior to 1.notaLl.a.tion of [toOl' insulation or deoking. POST AND BEAM: To be made priar to installation of floor insulation or dacking , Rn"~LUMB~Ar.fCTRICA~- ANICAL:rNo WoWc is~e coveFetr . ur.~ those inspections have beer. made and approVBl!.. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and beforB framing inspec- tion. FRAMINC: Must be requ.Boted aftel' approval of rough plwr.bing", a"lectri- cal & mechanical. All roOfing . braoing ~ chimneys", Bta. must bs :completod. No wol'k is to be cen- . , cealed until this inspection has 'b6~n made and approvBd. ~ FIliAL PLUMBING IZl, FI/lAL MECHA/lICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ~ o Rcce:pt Ii " P1-.one: 6~ 6-crt1-'3/ c;?' -7d 10 L:; Zip: Describe "'ork: /1..eS) ~l?"1 <2... ' --- e;g(r&q I Value "?'O, Z-~q Signed: Date: Acjcjress ' Lj HC. II -:..fo {o F l./l)/>'\ Jt..t e J 2-2.~6 fJ,A/tu,{,iI' &- Bldrs Board Rerr, 2--7 (" 7lnlnt.J Exoires '1-7n-'11 /-~/- q / Phnn,::. InY'r .qtf2j ~ 2rs-n lC/f INSULATION~VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: ~ To be 11rlds after all insu Zation and o. required vapor bar1*iBrs are in plaoe but bBforB any lath", gypsum board or wll covering is applied", and bsforB any inou'tation is ooncealed. IDEUOLITION OR I,:OVED BUILDINGS =:l Sanitary SB:Uer "apped a.t p~opert1i line ~ Septi" tank p~ed and fitta~ with gra~Bl l\:7I DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made ~ after azz. drywazz. is in place", but prior to any taping. ::J Final - When above ite.'7Is ;u"e ccmpleted . ar~ ~hen demolition is co~lete or stru~- ture moved and premises cZeaned up. O MASONRY: Steel Zooation, bond beamo", grouting or lJerticals in acoordance with V.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is completed. ....., .. . Mobile Homes =:J Blooking and Set-~p =:J Plumbirlfl connections -- s.;wer and wa:er RrCURB & APPROACH APRON: Aft&.... forms . I Electrical Connection - Blocking", Bet-up are orected but prior to pouring .. ---.J and plumbing connBctions r:T.lst 1;e approved . C07UJrets. .' bBfore requesting electrical inspBction '~SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- . crBte paving within strBQt right- =:J Aoaessol"d Building of-way. to be made after all 8Zoa- vating complsts & for.m work & sub- o base tm.terial in plaae. ::J Final - Aftl)r parohes", sk-:.rting", decks~ stc. are complet&d. O FENCE: When complo;te -- .Provide gates or movablB sBotions through P.U,E. ' o o All projBct conditions", ouch as the installation of street tr6es~ c~~lotion.of the requil'Bd Zandacapir.g", etc. '" must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be raquest3d. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeoted alter the Pinal Plumbing Electrical", and MBchar.ical Inspectiono hava bBBn made and approved. 'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!IE/lT TO, BE MADE AT /10 COST TO CI71' I Page 1 of 2 ,~" NO. SOLAR AC~u;;' ~ REQ,- ) L-COG" I Zone' \,;C) V OcOUOO7ICY Grou__~~ t)'\ ~oeICor.8t:V. Bea.r:"..:,:.J., Lot Sq. Ftg, qtW p:, LOT TYPE " I Lot Face. - IN' 1 Ene""" Sauroee S f 10 f;' ,n I Setbaak. I ii.at i=' ~ a t C:>IJerage oC../ '7e> Interior P L H '~ J A . ." OUSB uarags coeBS. I Water' ,tltUJ.tg.,r r__ N of searie. I Co"".~ INo~tn ,-"', ' I Rang. c:. TotaL Heiaht ~f) - PanhandLe IEa.t C>< Fireolaae-=-- ~ h ,,-"" "'V I-d ,ISouth" 10 ','7' I Wood.to.e opograp y 2. OR' ~ Cu e-.ao IWeet 2.2. ( I I , I I ITEM SQ,FTG juIJ..r1 4.ti) M:zin Carao. Can>ort Acoessoru I I TOTAL VALUE IS.D,C. (vaLUe) 1.5 r Building Permit State Suroharge Tota 1 Charge. lITEM I Fizttaoes IR.eidential (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewe'r I Watel' I , NO'I .;2.1 Plumbing Pern:i t State Surc1-.tl.1'ge Total Chara88 I ITEM NO. I Res. Sa. fta. I NswlF:rtend Circuit. I Tempo:rary Se~iae I Eteatl'ioal permit State Surcharqe Total Chart;es I ITEM I NO. I Furnace ETU' S I F:rhauet Hood i Vent Fan ~ WOOdstoV6 I PeI'Tf't'it IS8uanca Me::har.ioal Pernrit State Surcharoae 'T'n-tn I r.J,a,..nlul -- E/lCROACHMENT -- I Secuntll Ds'OOsit Storags Maintenance Permit Total Charao. CUrbout 2- f / I Sidewalk '3 <; , I FeMe ~ I Eleotriaal Label I NoM le Home I I l/rOTAL AMOUNT DL',~:' x Value FEE 7fY231 I 1/1953,5'71 ' "i4hf'D I / 7. 30 I 30.3 ,~o I, I CHARGE /?xJ DO I I I I ~(!)C' I/hflSpO , FEE CHARGE / / / FEE I ' I I I I I /0 6-0 I 2'5,'!r'-Z> I I ,7S I 37,22> l, CHARGE ~o-o ~So Ig;~o I I j I I I I I I I /05/,61.2-1, I!J ,4>0 /15.'-!: Tvoe \ I I 1 Ji'~~1! -- Building Value & Permit This psrmlt iD granted on ths e:z:presB condition that ths said construction ehall, in all reepeots, """fa""' to the Ordinance adopted by the City of springfi.eld, inoluding thB Zoning Ordinance, zoegulating thB constl"Uction and uos of buildings, and may be suspended 01' zoevoked at c:ny time upon vie-, lotion of any prouieione of eaid Ordinancee. I PLan Cheok Fee: 2--2.4. 'i 0 IDate Paid: l..i -/ z.-'tJ IReoeipt N: !Q7L!V I Signed: (~~' Plumbing Permit No pszoBon oOOll oonstruct, install, aUezo Ol' change any nBlJ or msting plwnbi.~ 01' drainage syste:n in lJhols 01' in part, unless such pezoson is the "Legal poSBSSSOZO of a vc:r;i.d plwnbsr's license, B%cspt that. a person may do plumbing "",rk to property LJhioh ie OLJrlBd, leaeed or operated by the appli- """t. " . '.:". Electrical Permi t llhere State Lab> requiree that the eleotrioal "",rk b. done by an Eleotrioal Contraotor, the eleatriaaL portion of thie permit ehall not be vaLid until the label has boen signed by the Eleotrioal Contractor. S /~ ~/Uc,-r-/?cJA.J Mechanical Permit Plan ~fr;7 ~ va1ph;4/ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the oOllTpleted applioation for permit, and do Mzoeby oertify that all information MZOSon is truB and correct, and I flu'ther aertify that any ani all "",rk performed .hall be done in aaoor- , danae LJith ths Ordinance. of the city of Springfield, and tho La:.>B of tho . State of Oregan pertaining to the "",rk de.cribed hBr.r.n, 'and that NO OCCU- PANCY LJill be maae of any etruoture LJithout permieeion of the Building ai- vision. I [urother ctll"tify that cmly contractors and e:nP~yees lJho ars in aomplianoe LJith ORS 701. 055 LJitl be ue.d on thie projeot _ j:f/ ~'~ -'4////c?/ Signad Oate