HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-8-20 (C;-~3 hA. .. RESID~T1AL" (SlU. APPLICAT.PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieLd, Oregon 97477 BuiLding Division 726-3753 Job Location: fi5 E? f; /7 ~ n ,'veL- /l-,'..,e.t/ )1..;//< f)J.- .'tJe.- -;c..J .3d-11.Taz Lot H i Q. ICCJ /Jr,-lls ) dot 33 ASDeBaOl''::: Map II Subdivision: lA.mel': Ibv~ /bt-e>o;; ~h& ~0-f-c.... ~~c/ ./ Address: City: ~m,' n Addition n Remodel n .'fobi Ie Homa ?/;,}/qO Reauif'p.d J1I8vecticna . _. _ lLJ' SITE INSPECTION: . )'0 De maaB alter f' ezaavation, but pr>ior to Bet up of forms. D . UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To bB made before any . wrk is covered. [R] FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To b. ""d. after trenches ar6 e:tcavated and forms are erectsd, but priar to pouring concrete. I\7l UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING. ~~.1TER:-, l&.J (DRAINAGE:\ To be rrrute prior to fil- . tir~ trenches. ri7l. UNDERFWOR(P.LUMBINGJ & (J.tECHANICAL:J ~' To be made prior to installation of floor insulation or decking. rY1 POST AND BEAM: To b. made pmr to ~ instaZ.z.ation of flool' insulation Or" deckirl{J . r'\J ROflGH(PLUMBIII!t> (FLECTRTCAr. &~ L..2SJ ANICAL: No work is tii- be covePea- .until those inspections have beer. made and approved. D FIREPLACE: Prior to p'Zacir.g faoing materials and before flY1JTt'ing inspec- tion. ~ FRAMING: Must be requeated aftel' appl'ova.l of rough plwr.bing~ olectl'i- oat & mechanical. All roOfing braoing tJ ahimncys~ st". must bs . comptstod. No work is to be con- , ceaLed until. thio inspection has 'b6~n made and approved. Pr.one: ~6-94:3/ ~71f7oL; Rcce:pt II. Zip: DescPibe fl'or1(: /Li2S.;/~G~ 5"It ~/. ~C :::',S87 ... Signed: Date: "" Bldrs Board Reg. gxoir..es /j!~/9r? /"/:.}o!: / / ..?-/2 '3Y'9,;, <:;/~!9'/ . Phonp ~.-9g3/ -24-5ho SC; ."a: 1"-7,u.-C /~ -/AzR 1\/1 INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: ~ To bs made after aLl. insulation and .. l'oquired vapor barriers are in p tace , but before any 1.ath~ gypsum board or . wU covering is applied, and before pny inautation ~a concealed. I Xl DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after all dPyLxz.U is in place~ but prior to any taping. O ~SONRY: Steel. l.ocation~ bond beama~ grouting 01' verticaLs in accordance lJi th U. B. C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpZeted. M CURB & APPROACR API/ON: Aft.I' forms lAJ are oreated but prior to pouring . concrete. r\7I SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all oon- ~ crete paving within streot right- of-way~ to be made after aU e:r:ca- vating ccmplete & form WOl'k & sub- 'base material in plaae. D :'ENCE: filum compl.;;te -- Provide gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. . [lfwo S~ 'DEMOLITION OR :~JOVED BUILDINGS ~ Sani :a:ry Se1Jer aapped at p::.op&rt"'i Ur:e :=J Septia tank p-'.ir.!ptZd and fi1l2~ t.ri.th ~ra~lll I Final. - rllum above ite:ns are ccmpl.eted ~ ar~ when demoLition is complete 01' 8tru~- ture moved and pr~8es a leaned up. Nobile Hames :==J Blocking and Set-up :==J Plumbing connections -- s~er and Water ~ ELectrical Connection - Blocking~ set-up --1 and plumbing connections fTr..ist be approved before requesting electrical inspec:ion :==J Acaessol";i Building I Final - After p:1rches, skirting~ decks~ ~ etc. are completed. D All project conditions~ 3uch as the installation of streat trees~ co~Zetion of the requirad landscapir.g~ etc. ~ must be oatisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be r3qu.estad. 5U FIlIAL PLUMBIIIG IKJ FINAL MECHANICAL ~ FINAL ELECTRICAL 10 o FINAL BUILDING: The Pinal Buitding Inopcation must be requeoted after the Final Plumbing El.ectl'ical~ and Mechanical. Inspectiona have been made and approv2d. 'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJU~r:!lENT TO BE IMDE AT /10 COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 .-;;1- - L-COG~ I JOB NO. Qrt}1'}4 SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- I Zone: /n~ Occu""",,y G4?-'::?""!".~/ l',;~e/Cor.8t: Lot Sq. Ftg. .!S~ LOT TIPE r Lot Faces - ~(77/ /""~_ ..x:... I Setbacks I of lot C.:1lJerage 7~"""'" Interior I P L H ~ .. OUSB uarage I Access. I of Stories / Corner INorth Total Height /7 ' Panhandle lEast . . .~ ISouth :S// Topography L':? -...:; -'T7 Cul-de-eac 'West 1"'5"' I lITEM lM%in I Cm-aae SQ. FTG 1 :r:lB L\{J() I~ft~e ,/,;Z7}-t~ \<\.\{\ ,~lo4.0 CaM)Ort AcceBBOMI TOTAL VALUE Is.D.c. (vaLUe) 1.5 % Bui lding permi t State Surcha:rge Total Charogea I ITEM NO. I Fixtures I Reeidential (J bath) .:1 I Sanitc,,!/ S""er I ~t~ ( S7oni'1 DIM/IV I FEE Plumbing Penr.i t State Su.rcl'.arge Total Charcles lITEM I Res. '50. NO. FEE Fta. NllLJ/Eztend Circuits ::'.....t'"... ..... ~ Seroice J I J.gll/Sh/({)JC~ Eleatrical Permit State SUrcharae Total Charges lITEM NO'1 FEE FI.lrJ1a:ce ETU'S FA E:r:haust Hood. J j Vent Fan S I JlOodsto7Je 7A~~ L. Permit Issuance Mechanica l permi t State Surcharoe Totat Charaes -- ENCROAC/JHE1/T -- SacruM. t'u DZ1XJsi t Storage 1 I Mrintenanes II Parmit II. Total C'harcles I Cur~cut .\ I SideLIa lk I I I I 1 ~-;z 1''71 IF~e I EZeottticat Labst I Nobi Ie Rane I I I I TOTAL ANOUNT DUE:.oI T)tlJ9/.c,{) I f/5:n ) 1'%. ['j) (iI-. "10 3/'J" <to CHARGE fJ2.!70 , :JO,OO I~OO ;'0.00 J() ?SO 5.3% I /12. g9 I . CHARGE :3 7,S(J / ~, {JO 3 ?, ,0 ~O. 06 /1.,5'0 911, '50 I. CI/ARCE I c.oo 1 if, 50 '1,60 ?~- Z/.SIJ 1./" '2'3.~ . /3,30 /'i,?5 /3$B.cm _ . ~ Bedroom., "3' .., r E7Zer>au Sources I I Heat FA EL/!'cl; I I Watsp !/p.ot(!'f' ~/,-c 7 Range t:J~C,;T. FireD lace WOod3tove Twoe J;;r / I I -- Fees -- Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the ezp:re8s oondition that the said construction shalt, in all r>sspccts, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crd-:.nancs, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at cr:y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. . " I I I . Iplan Check Fee: I 'I.~. r;o IDate Paid: M- \ - '-{U IReceipt Q: / rI4() I I Signed: (oI/m Plumbing Permit No,~erson shall construct, install, alter or change any new or existing plwnlJing 01' drainags syste:n in whole or in part, unless Buch poroson is ths legal possessor of a valid plwnber's 'License, e:rcept that a person may do plumbing work to property "hich ie """ed, leased or operated ~y the appli- cant. Electrical Permi t Where State LmJ requires that the e lectrica l tJOrk be done by an Elsctrica l Contractor, thB elsctricaT. porotion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit ,~:;Jr I~/""~ , g -"'?-~ uaee I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for psmt, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct" and I further certify that any ar:d all work perfomted shall be done in accor- dance lJith the Ordinancee of the City of Springfield, and the La:.Je of tho " State of Oregon pertaining to the work describod herein" and that NO OCCU- PANCY !J1il7. be "rIde of any structure !J1ithout p3rmission of the Building Di- vision. I fUrther certifY that ~ty aantraators and employees who ars in comptiance with ORS 701.055 witt be used on this project _A~~~ Si(Jrtad ?'/~//90 Dot(