HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-8-18 ...'~-- ".--.-. ..'.1.. ','_r... . ,,:';~'..... ". ...........:_. '.. ". ~._._.. . .... ..,:........;:.;,..........c.;...........:..........:.;..,:,.,..,. _.. ._.~.......~, .. RESI~T1AL.. APPLICATION/PERNIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 II/II... ASGesGol'& Map II ,Ro/ n.,'0~ /7-0"3 - 34- -Iz.. P-"CjeJr. . /.1-;..(( C. 113aJ Job Location: Subdivision.' Q.mel': BIr,o '='--~-<-'1 Q/c....-<2- Tc::r Lot II .Lrr 41/ ~c;. ~ e- do-r0 t!)vC! ~ rp e c:.v f2..eSr \ cd' e<-rc Q.... SF\< ~ /6/;B '7 Value 0 4- , od-C. Address: --;_ Vy "fJ City: ;C;; r __0, ,.e"p ? M n n n }JC'!,' Additicn Remodel !!obila Homa Date of AppZicaticn :..'ont:l'a~tors &--ed.-. 11t-e, r A!ev+- ~u<uh ... Eleat"ical-;r~~~ l.feehar.ic::Z 1Ih__ Mo,...".,f,., I' General PlumbiTlfT ~c ./k;",+)-P; Co.nstJ"Uctior. Lenael' Phone: 6 ~ 6 - 9d--~ Zip: "9 7<H=:> f?- Describe Il'ork: AaareG3 , / .. Rcce;,t < / If'{) 7/ JjuzdO(0 . #~f\ #~~ (t! 'I/o:-'(If Siqr:ed: Date: Li:Jc. if "2-7 ?O-7J7/!? "Z=- 7r>e. c... f/~<;; ..-.:~ =ddC-, r ~- - -~p", ~k at.,p_ rr-UA7"'~"~ c;~,t.../a, r E=uir;Js rr..one I/-'Z,?'> c: -~,., <:;-~I d:. - ?n 6&;-9<1j;( 2,4:r.;-30S~ 6:::?: _/I':-cPo 4$?J2, - JI5(7~ It is the responoibility of the permit holder to see that all inapectio1'lS are r.:ade at the propel" time.. that. ;:~~h ::ddress is l'ea.::ciZ.:: j"1Yxn the stl'cct~ and that the permit card is l.ocated at the front of the propel't:y. .Eui~i~ Divi~io~ approved pLan sheZl rer.:ain on the Buildinp Sit~ at all tim~s. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REOUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state YOUl' City desigr.ated job nw::ber~ ;)00 ac.aess~ type of ir.3pe~;;;icn requested a:","::/'- when you wiZZ be ready fol' inGpcct-:.on~ Contractcl'S or Ol.mers ncme end ;;r.or.e number. Reques;;;s received cefere 7:00 (:."; :..>iZL be made the same dc:y" l'equest:8 mctic aft.::r 7:00 am wilZ D~ made the nc::t :.Jol'kir.g "y. q~q7JirPn Tr~~~~r.ir."~ --, SITE I!,'S?~C':'IO!.t: To be made ~ excavation" but priOl' to set forms~ =:J after up of UNDERSLA!3 PLUMBING. ELF:C7'RIr..11'.. 1-1ECH..1..,7IC;.L: To be made before work is ~ovcl'ed. . any IJ FeOTING ! FOUND,1TION: To be made after trencnes al'e excavated and forme QJ'C el'ected" but prior to pourir~ cencret~. UNDSRG.fWU.'.'D P~U:.!?JI;;G, SEWER, fI'.1TER, DRAINAGE: To be made priol' to fiZ- lir.g trenches. 2J Il ~ UllDEPFLOO.~ P[,U.'~r:,1G 8 /.!E:CHANTCA!.: To be maae Drior to in3ta~~t~on of j100r insuLation or decking. POST A!.'D BEAM: To be ",.ade prior to ir.stall::;;;icn of flool' ir.s~Lation or decki11G. ROUGH ?LW:anlC_ PTECTR!CA;.!. W!'CH- AHICAL: No ~ork is to DC covercd- .ur.tiZ these inspec:ior.s have beer. made ar.:i czppl'ove::. FIREPLACE: PriOl' to pl.ccir.g facing materiaLs and before f1'aming inspec- tior.. ~~'~nG~ ~fust be l'eque~ted aftel' appl'ov~L of rough pZUffhing~ 8lectl'i- cal & mecr.anical. AU roofing bracing ~ chimn~ys" etc. nr~st be ;' completed. !Io 1J01'k is to be con- .. cealed until thiD inspection has . been made and approved. Zl ] ~ Your City Deaigr.ated Job Number Ia: o InSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made aftel' all insul~ti~n ~4 required vapor ];a:r.riers are in p Zaae but ];efol'e any lath" gypsum beard 01' foXlU covering is applied" and befol'e any in3ulation is concealed. cg105b. '3 DDI~LITIO!! OF? ,',:OV:::; B:..'ILDI,",'~S =:J Sani-:OJ'Y se'..lel' ::apped :::~ ~op;;rt":i lir.e ~ Septi~ tank p~~ed ar4 f~lle~ uith Gra~eL ---, Pinal - II'hen aheve ite.-,s are cc::rolett:d ---l ar.d when d~cZitior. is c~Zete 01' st~~- ~~e moved ani pr~ses ::le~ned up. Nobile Hemes ~ BZocking and S2t-~p ~ Plumbing connections sewer ar~ water ~ Electrical Ccnr.ection - Blocking" set-up ---1 and pZwnbing connections m-..:st ce appl'ove.: before requesting elec~rical ins?ec:ion ~ Ac::es.::;or'.::; Building J Final - After F'~rcr.es" ~ etc. are cample;~d. sk~rtir~" decks~ [KJ DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made aftel' aZZ drywall is in place" but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location" bona beam3" grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. o /./OODSTO'lE: Aftel' installation is completed. o All project condition8" such a8 the l.',nstalZation of stl'eet tl'ees~ co.~Zetiort of the required l.andsccpir.g, etc." must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be r2quest::d. 11 FIliAL PLU!~I/IG ~ FIliAL MECHANICAL ~ FINAL ELEC':'HICAL ~ [2J CURB & APPROACH AP.~N: After forms are cl'ected out pl'iol' to poul'ing con.::l'ete. SIDEWALK I: DRIt'EWAY: Fol' aU con- crete paving within stl'ect l'ight- of-IX.Y.. to be made after all exca- vating complete'& fo~ WOl'k & ~ub- base material in place. ~ , FINAL BUIl.DINC: The Finai Building Inspection must be requested after the Final Plumbi"J Electrical" and Mechar:ical Inspectiorw fsai.lC been made and approved. [] D ~ENCE: M'hen complete -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. -ALL f.fANHCl.ES AND CLEANOlRS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE" ADJUST!!EN'!' TO EE RAD., I.,. NO C'~ST TO Cr:'Y I P~Fe 1 of 2 D JOB NO. (j1OGb3s0lAR ACCESS REQ.- ,"",c' / 1'\ Q... Occumnc" cr"",,. - 3'''''' /-'/'.).- / ?,vc/Cor.s:, i-o' Sq. Fe;. !229:R. LeT TYPE r Lot Faces }r/..c:?7. , f t C <?> .x I . Sct,OCC'" ..:; La :roc'l'ag<: "2 /~../<::2....- _ r.tC'l't.C'l' I P.1.. I Hous.~ I Carar}(J ii. of Stories / Corner Il/OT'tll I 7" :Ootat Height /& f PanhandZe lEast I ........ ..,. ~ ISouth 1:2,,' 'I'opog'l'=?n.y ~ "" -~ Cu.t-de-sac jWer,t I ";l~" I I I : ~ /35"2.63 I' r"'ro'.f S~.F7'C '.fain /2 "3.:> ~.<C> ~ace Carver: 4cccss.?'l':1 TOTA!.. t'.4LUE S.D.C. [veLU';} 1.5 = Buildi.ng Pcr:m t State 5urc;"Trge Total (;hargc::; :7':::.: '"' I ,;v. .='i.=:ta'es ::resiCc:r:tial :2 oc:.ti:J 5ar.i~.J Se!J..'cr / :,cter / 0r5AW7 PA' (1/#4&>., Pl.;.41;:b-:;r.? Per.':7'~ t Sta~e 5:aocr.::1'pe Tete? cr.crmlr: I:,v" i =?~!:. S~. f=:::. /23'" I I / ~~/r'-ter4 Ci'l'~~its :~crCTY SCJ-~ice Ele~tricaZ. Pe~it St=te Surci:.:::roe Total C'r.::.rces -7:;'"-' 1'",1 II z I I ~-.,. :"urr.:.ICC PTU' 5 '::=n.aust Hoo~ lent Fan "':Jods=o~c Perr:":"~t 13su::nc~ Me::r..:::r:ic:: r Pcr.~:: State Su:rcr.crac T(}~t::l C.""_'i"!'"Or.3 -- E:.'C:ROACH,'.::.:',''j' -- 'Cc-..lr-:..tu D:::Jo::;it: 'toraac '-=t.ntcr~r~,':' :::m:-:.t Tote! Cn.c:.r',"e~ :.c'.?CU; 1- -:<3' /55' idiJ"..)~Zk ,.n:c Zcctric~! Label '"bile Harne _.-,;,~ ,;;,::;..J:.~' Z;i.;E.:. x Value I I I I I I 5YP~.6'. =j I.~/O. ~~ ,- I 2"7~...... I /'7_70 I I "?/2.9<::> /- C;':";.~:.7::: I I ?::?-So I '"20. eTP I I.~-I I---:<o........! 107-5""0 I ~.s~1 //2..8&1 ....;;.-:.-._.- -=? ?- So I I Ie:;. C>"<:'> I I ~.z..sol '<'631 ~.s: 13'1- Cf:;J-:Cf: t;;. ~'" ~S"" ~.<><:> /6.$'0 I I . ~51 I / 7..~ 3"1- I I I i. ~_S -=?6>.2.J A- I I I II 11 II II l-COG~ Ee::.r:)o~s: '3 I Ent!rr.:; SO:.i.r(!/?3 i1'cc:.t T:J~c FA c:"7.<:Z-'\ ,. I AeCC33. I I I h'atr.!' Hr."1':r'" HQ1!~..~ FiT'cPi.ac,~ Wooa::;tol:<? F;:r.s Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on the express condition that the said.conatru!Ztion shall, in all respect:;, conform to the Ordinar.ce adopted by tile City of Springfield, including the Zoning C'rdinance, regulating tile ccn:;tl""..l:::icn and U3e of buildings, and may be su:;pended or revokec at cr.y time upor. vic- Lation of any pravisior.8 of said Ordir~nceG. I Plan Check Fee.' It:{ .3, 17~ Cote Paid, '9i -Cu -'[/7 IR~C.iP' #, B lP9,'\ 5'-1' S1..gl':ca: c..c- Plumbing Permit No pcrcon cr~ZZ construct, instal~, atter or char~e any r.e~ cr c=istir.g pl~~~ir~ or drainage spstem in ~hole or in par:, ur.lecs suer. ;cr;;on is the legaZ p03sessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son ~a~ do plu~bing work to properqJ which is ow~ed, leased or operatea by the appli- cant, Electrica I Perm it Vnere Stete L~ reauires tr~t the electrical worK be don~ b~ an EZe::trical Contractor, the elec~riceL ~or=ior. of this pe~it sr~Zl r.et" be ~~LiC ur.til the Label r.as beer: ;;ignec,' by tn.e Eiecr;ricaZ ~on:;r.::::tQr. Mechanical Permit /Z~.. PJP"/"CJn<ner -.p" . r> $'/'/-J?7 iJatc I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the corr:pletcd application for permit. and do hereby certify that a!l i~fo~~tion hereon is tr~e ar~ corr~~t, ar~ I further certify that any arn all work pcrfo~cd shall be ao~c in Qc::or- dance ~th the Ordin~nces of the City of Springfield, ani tn= ~~~ of the .4 State of Oreg:m p.:rta.ining to the work described here::'l, cr.d tha: 1..0 OCC'.)- PAllCY IJi lZ be nnde of any structurz withO:.i.t p3rmission of tiu~ Buildir:g Di.. vision. I further certif:i that o:1.ly contra::tors ar:.d c"1'lployecs who arc ir; c~pliance with ORS 701.05E will be used on this proj~ct J3/6/ft57