HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1999-1-5 J~' iii.: t(V/ LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORI(: B3D 'R IYeY HI \ \s Dr. I7b33'f/7- RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections: 726.3769 o lIice: 726.3759 ASSESSORS MAP: LOT' . ~PftlNCr=I(~Lp 12m o LOCI(: La..r.yv--LS.ha.Yo 0 Qmse. ADDRESS' B=1() 1< lVPY Ud Is Dr. CITY:~ OWNER: -------.- STATE: .-I)f( DESCRIBE WORI<: Jnsta.ll NEW REMODEL PI-fONE CONTRACTOR'S NAME GENERAL: . 1'100/1 7 JOB NUMOER f1 ~ot1J . 225 Firth Streel Springfield, Oregoll 97477 TAX LOT' /'2Ji!)tJ SUElDIVISION: PHON... 7.IP:J11.'frJ (~<, HLYr\n U':... tI, Al~toou:: ADDITION DEMOLISH On-IEIl ____._.___ ADDRESS CON ST. CONTRACTOR' PLUMBING: MECHANICAL: CnmtDVt. 8DW.i~J1J ..5(.5kJl_ ELECTRICAL: dJOt.IW EXPII1ES ~~ 21-'1'1 1';.10 . D/fi) - OFFICE UoSl;,. . KI, ENTION:Oregon law requires you to QUAD ATroTIC~. LAND USE: _._lo"o~rules adopted by 1ttl:!>6ce9Qnl\>llilitv Notification Center. Those rules are set forth . OF BLlffj,lt :-:::;r.:r;- ~II';~L [;;PIRE IFTHEWJA~NITS: :~ ~010thrdt.'?/tIICl~Ft~00t,,--- OCCY G!i\9ip!'lC'R~Z!i:[, b:~:~Er. TI :J&.PERMIT fER~m. TYPE: -9090. You may obtain COlOli@WCl3Mffi.Js!es bv ~ v camng the center. (Note: the telephone . OF ST(!).ffil1:S:"'Mr~J:n 1"\E:l1~ AQA~lnONED Fe~AT SOUIlCE: '1""1berfgrthg Oregon 8!Jftl9N\3{lIi~ali\:ll{lT: ___.. WATER t17E~TER1 DAY PFRIOn RANCE: Center is l'800<~ft5~)fOOMCE: ..__._._. To rcquc:.it a.n Inspecllon, you musl call 726.3769, TllJ~ Is .1 24 tlour recording. Alllnspccllon:;; rcqllc~tcd before 7:00 :un. will be mL!.de Ihe snme worl<lng dilY, In:.pcctJons requested Mlcr 7:00 n.m. will be mnde the following worl< dny. o Temporary Electric D Site In:;.pcction - To bc mndc allcr cxc[lvatlon, but prior 10 settinG IOOTl5. o Undcrslnb Plumbing I ElcclricnlJ Mechanical - Prior to cover. o Footlno - Arter trenches .1ro cxc41vntcd. o Masonry - Steel locallon, bond beam.::i, groutlng. o Foul1dntlon - After (arms are erected but prior to concrete placement. o Underground Plumbing - Prior to lllllng trench. o Undcrfloor Plumblnul Mcchanicnl - Prior to lnsulnllon or dcclcing. o Post i1nd Ocam - Prlo; to (loor Insulallon or dccI<lng, o Floor Insulation - Prior 10 decldna. o Sanilary Sewer - Prior to fll1inU (rencll. o Storm Sewer - Prior 10 filling Irencll. o Woler Line - Prior 10 lilliog trencll. o Rough PlumbillO - Prior \0 cover. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS o Rough Mechanicnl - Prior to cover. . o f1ou{lh Electric..1 - Prior to cover. o Electric.11 Servlcc - MlJSI be approvecl to obl,iin pCl"fna.nr.nl eleclrlca.l power, o Fircplnce - Prior 10 filclng materials nnd frtHning Insp. o FramInG - Prlor to cover. o Wallle'olling Insulation - Prlor to cover. D Dry...iall - Prior 10 1.1ping. o Wood Stove - ^Jter In:;t<:llJil:ion. o Inser! - After fireplace <1pprOval and lnslnllatlon of unit. o Curbcllt f~ APIHO,ICh - Afler forms arc erected blll prior 10 plilccmenl o( concn:ICl. o Sidewalk e.. Drivew:l\, - Afler exc<:Ivi1(iOIl is complele. torms nneJ sul).base In.:l:<:rlill in place. o Fence - Wilen completed. o ~;Irool Tree:; - V.JIH::n all required Irees ore planted. o Final Pllll11bing - When till plllml)lng w~)(lc is complet,c. D Fill,ll EleclticOlI - V....hcn all eleclrica.l worl( is complete. ~J1~1 MeCh:lI~COI - When 011 lccllLlnical worl("I~; complete. o Fin,al UllildillO - When <:III required Inspections have been approved ,:lnd building Is completed. o Olhcr MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o Olocl,ing nnd Set.Up - Wilen till bl()cl<ln~l is complcte. o Pllll11binu Conncctions - When homl~ has been cOllllected to Willer :IIH.I :icwer. o ElcctliG:1l Connoction - When blor.ldnO. sel.up, <:Ind plumbing 111!;PCCllo(ls h,wc been approved illltJ Ille home is connected to lhe service panet. I I Fin.,l - Arter all required Inspections arc npproved and porches, sl<Jrting, dccl<s, and ventJn{] ha.ve been Installed. Lot laces Lot Type, _ Inlerlor" Lol sq',flg, ',. Lot coverage Corner Topogrophy . Panhandle Tolal height Cul.<Jc-s"c BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. X $/SO, FT. Main Garngc COlrpOr! TOIOI Value Oulltling pcrmi I Fcc Stale Surcllargc Total Fcc (A) ScllJ.1cl<3 .IS THE PHOI'OSED WOR1< iN T1iE . ""HISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON THE HISTORtCAL REGISTER? 11 yes, Ihis appllcolion musl be signed ~nd ~pproved by the H1storlc~t Coordinator prior \0 permll Issuance. J::b.... HSE _GAR ACC ~--- _$_______ Y::f._._ __ ____ .L__ VALUE " (0) SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixtures nesldenli~1 8alh(") N' Sanitary S~wcr "'J: Water FT, Storm Sewer FT. Mobile Home Plumbing Permit State Surcl1C.HOC Tolal Charge (C). MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace Exhaust Hood Venl Fan N' Wood Stovc/lnscrllFlrcplacc'Unil Dryer Vent A(e Mechanical PCflni I Issuance Slate Surcl1:1I0c Total Permit (0) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Homo State Issuance Stale Surcharge Sldewolk II Curbcul II DcmoJlllon Slole Surcharge Total Miscellaneous Permils (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding eleclrical) (A, 0, C, D, and E Combined) FEE &.6b If: (jl? B2.~ ()O 'fS /..7[_ Uz,o APPROVED' BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This permit is 9 r,:u"l led on the express condition thai lI"lc said construction 3h~ll, in .:Ill respecls, conform \0 (he Ordinance ~dopted by the City 01 SprinGfield, including the Development Code, rcgul.:ltin'g the construction ;)nd use of buildings, and milY be suspended or revol<ed not any IIrne upon viol~lion of ;my provi5ions or said ordlnnnces. Plan Checl< Fcc: Dtltc Paid: Receipt Nurnber:__, Received By: PIi1ns RcvTc~etl.-'l3y_._------- Date Syslems Developmenl Charge is due on all undeveloped properties within tho Cily limits which arc being Improved, ADDITIONAL,hOMMENTS . ~t:z:rll"~-,&,~, f I7IoLJ \ ( By signature, I stale and .10roe, that I h.:l:vO carefully examined the completed npplication and do hereby certify that .:1/1 Informallon hereon i:; (rue .'1l1cl correct, .:Ind I further certify thai ony and all VJork performed shall be done in occordance with the Ordi/lj)ncu:J o( the; City of Spring(lcld. und the Laws of lhe Slale of Oregon pertaining to (he worl< descrIbed her0in, and lhal NO OCCUPAr-JCY will be made of any ::;tructure wilhoul perrnis::;iOIl of the BuildIng Safety Division. J rurtl"lN certify 11"1 a t only contraclors ::lI1d employees who arc in cornpli<lncc'wilh ORS 701.955 will be used on thIs projecl. r rurlhC'r ~gree to cn::;ure \hGt all required Inspections Grc requeGled at the proper time, th~t eact, address Is rea.dable (rom the street, Ih:1t the permit card Is localed at the fronl o( the property,:m t e .1pprovcd sel of plnns will rcm:::tln on Ule Gile al ;)11 Signature D~le moo '" '""~Oo'c,. J.- 5-1....1 VALIDATION: RECEII'T NUMOEfl .{}? 7-- '17/ 1/~/1i , , -, 1/ /Z;iJ /7 AMOUNT F1ECEIVl:D t...IJ"Io # f-.Jov./' DATE PAin FiECEIVED 8Y