HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-6-22 15-~/ .. RESIDENTIAL" . .. APPLicATI.PERMIT 225 North 5th Street . Spl'ingfieZd. Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ASDBS80l'"S Map, /I. f3~o !2..;c.-e.v ).I..,'lIs Ov......e- pZ-- e-z:, "!74--~. Tao: Lot # FZ_ 3t:::>o R,'ve-v J./-,.!/<:, . ~T s / Job Location: StJxli1Jision: GUner: ri,/~.-LA ~ tI!t_:;., ~c: 40 -I-t. AOI? /?~.' Ac1dress: ~6 City: ~~ /. ~"'" n Addition' n n Remodsl Uobilll Homa (OJp.!~q. 'Date of Application 686-94:)/ ? 1t/-ot; Phone: zip: Describe Work: . ~w fI..e?,'cfle~ce- Val"s . B6 J ~'2--q (.'ontract01"S Address Genel"al gl-ed'...~ ;;/.-o~ ~b.6 e4c#. /4e, E:i";? , Plumbing i4-1~+ I?'t......." ec...?p ...~ c:>t.-c.c EIsctrical ~",-f;'.. E:'I-:r__ e,,/e..,e ~ Mschar.ical J,i4.e-a-...:.-IA fLp",.f.),<q ;r~ -1-,,- C,'I'7' tt)t-e Conat1"Llcticm LendsI' . -L-- / . I Rccsf.pt !J . \ 4\Qlo, ~~ ~L\.(5lb . , ,\.~~ ~" ~ ( Siqr.ed: Date: ~ .' ..; ,'I . d. "'1'. . CO' I. &/1S >81 ~ . - - . b/'ZJ~q Expires i Phone ~.J,q,p.r '1.d~4 ~5: ~86~I..<ZA q~-W 6'=!' I . , . . Lise. II 'Z.-7 -zo-z../~ 7'.P- 7&6 C- 4- (.g If 3:> I{-'Z;O b-~O '?-?-! d--~ It is eM resp07loibiti.ty of ths pilrmlt hDZelsr to 8BB that all. inopactions are mads at ths proper time.. fran ths strsst, and that ths permit card i8 Located at the f>oont of ths prGpsrty. 4BuiZding Diuicion approved pZi:m .!I.halt. remain on the Building Sit:; at atl timBS. I tr.at ~cch :ddress is reada1 i I 1 PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job number.. job atiQoCS8.. type of i":.3P9C~icr. raqusstcd ar.d when you 1Ji'LZ. bs ready for i118pcoti011~ Contractors or Q.mers name and phons number. Requests received befere 7:00 c: r..'iZZ. b9 made thf: same day.. 1"6qu9sts ~ a:~er 7:00 am L1i.ll bo. fmde the nc::t wrkin.g day. 0n d~ ' lour City De.igr.ated Job /lwnber Io: AL-r ~ .:--_)-t" . RP'11J1-t."od, T'!1ft'2t?'!t"""t''t 0: SITE INSPECTION: To b. made aftsr e:cavation.. but prior to Bet up of .forms. O W~~MBnU~mG. UE~M~L& . MECHANICAL: To be made before any . work is covored. rv1 FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To .be rn:z.ds L::J after trenches a:re excavated and . . forms are erected.. but prior to pouring ccncretB. I)C~' UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. W.4TER. . DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fil- .l.i.r.g trenches. l.fI.' UNDERPWOR PW~ING & MECHANICAL: . 'To be made prior to in3tallation of [Zoor insulation or decking.. ~ POST AND BEAM: To be mad<: prior to j/\. i.nstallation of floor irwulation or , dBcking. rvl RDllGH PLT.NBING. ELECTRICAL " MECH- L.::::J ANICAL: No IJOrk ie to be covered ~ur.tiz. those inspections have been made and approved. . FIREPLACE: Prior to pZacir.g faain.g material.s and before framing inspec- , tion. PRAJ.1ING: Must be requelJted aftsr approval. of rough plwr.bing.. alectl'i- .oat & mechanical. All roOfing . bracing & chirrr1u;ys.. eta. nr.lst be . ":.,compl.otod. No work is to be CDn- ~.:..~:cealed until this inspection has /beBn 11Kllle and approved. ..:.. [lJ [II ,....-. .m INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIlSPECTION: ~ To bs mads after all insulation ar.d '. '.' required vapor barriers are in place 'f. . ~ but before any lath.. gypsum board 01' . . . wZl. coverind is applied.. and before . . '. -.fD'JY insu.l.ation is conceal.ed. ':. r7l DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made L.AJ after all drytuall is in place.. . but prior to any taping. O. MASONRY: Steel location, bo7u1 beamo, grouting 01' verticals in aceordance with U. B. C. Section Z41S. O WOODSTOVE: Aftsr inBtalZation is ccrrrplst.d.. . ~ CURB & APPROACH API/ON: 'Aft..~ form. ~'- are ol'eated but prior to pouring " . con---rete. I'l7I SIDEWALK d' DRIVEWAY: POl' all 0011- L:1J creta pc:wing t.1ithin streot right- pf-way.. to bo made after all. e:rca- vating ccmplets & form ~k & sub- . base material. in place. O F'ENCE: W7um ccrrrpute -- Provids. "'jjCitii or movabl.e sections through P.U.E. .. .',,,. o .. I DE/./OLITZON OR NOVED BUILDINGS ~ Sanitazoy Se:.J6r ~apped a.t propert-:I lir:e ---l _ I. :=J Ssptia tank p"""'P.d and fiI led '1 th ;;raoa . ! ::J Final - rih.en. above ite.'TIs are cc.~leted and when der.roZition is ccmpl.etei or struJ ture moved and premises cleaned! up. i ( I Mobi le Hemes =:J Blocking and Set-,p . --, Plumbing eonnBctions sewer and Water -.J I . --, Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up ---1 and plumbing ccnnactions nr~8t ee approv~ . beforc requesting elec:rical in8pec~ion =:J Aecessol"':I Bui lding '.i ::J Final. - After p:Jrc1:es.. skirting.. decks, etc. are completed. o r- ~. AU proje~t conditions.. ouch as ths installat~on of street trees.. co.--:rplotion of the ~. required Zandsccpir.g.. ete... must be satisfied bofore the BUILDING FINAL can be rsquest3d. 121 PIIlAL PLU~lNG [l] PINAL MECHANICAL []g PINAL ELE~RICAL o e> PINAL BUILDING: ThB Pinal Building Inspection must bB requeotBd after Electl'ical... and Mechar.ica,l Inspecticno hcwa beBn made and approved. . .. ~ 'it. ~ the Final Plumbi"3 'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, \ ADJUST/tENT TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 . .,,",,.",. ......._...._"'"~... .. ..- .-.--,., . ..- ,8;'0(] b g /2/'7 .6#- 22-.f? e_ .-b/r psu8'tS ,- ~oaro~d B1~~ uo paBn Bq 22~ ggo'rot suo ~~~ B0UD12~ 1.4']- 8.ltl 01l'1 s8911CZcW:a p.lD S.rO;~D.l;UO" 111t.:O ;%'1{; fij']-;.uJ" ol8t{;.mj I 'uOJ-sttl : -']{1 8u,]-PH"S 8l{; Jo uo'tssfWolsd ;n01.{;'J..<'l e..m;.,71ol.;s l1uv jo aprw sq 21'J"l X:JNVd I -n:X)O ON ;I1l1.:;' pIC' "u:;'9olatt poq'}4D8ap 'tolOC'l 9l{; 0; 8u'tU']-I1;olBd uc8aol() Jo a;rr.J.S ~ ! o~~ JO B<=] 3~~ puo 'PlB1JBu-;.zdS JO "~1~ "'i~ JO Ba=1PolO B~~ ~~~ B"""I' I -~OOOO u1 auop Bq HOIjB pau:.IoJ~Bd ~~O('I 22" P'"O "W ~0Ij; "h~.no .n~~.rnJ 'I' I puD ":;,.,<1olol0D PUD an.r; 8']- uoa.ral{ UOH'lJU4l0JUJ- 1'Z11 ;D1.{; fiJJ-;ol8., Fiq8.r9t{ I op pUD "t"U.d ~oJ uonoondcb> pa"2dwoo "'i~ aaN:rwrxa J;nnaalI'l~ HAYH I ! b8-IZ_;n ~'~?c0-~~7 I 1 I , i HWH~d ID)!U,DlpaW .. . 1 ,. !. 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