HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-5-16 . .. RESIDENTIAL" SPRINCFlEL.C AF?~;CATION/PERMIT 225 10rth 5th Street Spl"~ng:ieZd, O~egon 37477 BuiZd~ng Di~i3ion 726-5753 o48=e860r.: .\!ap _, 60 1.. ~ Nee.. H I \,..L- S /703 34 /2- F<. I\J r-:I~ ~ 1(,(,<; ~Ili~_ T= I;ot # /7. Scro L.. 0'1 2. 4 .:ob :.oC.::ti:;!l1: Subd{.:r;3icn.: Qo_-ner: ~~~Dz,~ '0\2..0":., -'<ia,.<S3: '; (~(" E. 41') 11:!.. City: F l.A b~ ~ Rl n n n \ IJ C. Pr.on.: ~8~ '1 4 'g, Zip: 17 40 r Addi:-:.cl"I Describe il'ork: }\SW ""'=>I..J 6>(., E. f'A-I'^. I L- '( '?S-~ 1 '0 e l'J G.12.. '117'.1 ?er.:oc.eL .'~c;:r:'!~ :=lama ~--.;2 if -PS tc:e of Appli~:icn ~;"ncrCC::Or8 VaZue /'ftJl 7 P. . Gene1"':%L PLumiJiTllJ !l.ectric::l. NB::hcr.ic::.l Addres3 \ ::l-/ / ..._ "~'_/~ ",r.. '~Haf/"o,-", /.>-u tn.l!..d1,1 P.:3.Je.F.u P.AL.M~ -E~7"pJL.. ""4-0"f/ !<.l\€rL>?-'D. ell Mc:G>/Z...i r:./-OvJ ~ ., t:; \rl I ~ .Y'J P-l \ \Jc.. ~~;;:.oeN ~\2-Q<':'. ~ L J:a..-T PI U AI P.:>hJ ?, Co"sel"'.1c~i"" l.::na'Bl' .. . . :~.CCfl~~::-; It; -:'2.Cf t2-, (/?l{ (.,9 I Siar.2d: ~r/ .i)-I/o -y,c, Date: ('i3C. Fi E:oir::s P,l..on;; L'l III ';;>018" ~Rb-94~1 '20 -2.) P'b a~{)/8<;' ~4 S- - '3 DF;'l;"". '4-0- I ~"1.., C. -,/'3IIRf:" "/"'I8-6BMJ '4,&6 M~6/Bti 34-2 -8(t) I [: is :hB :-espcnaibili:y of eh8 pe1"rfi: iu:JZdu :0 see that ::%t! i.1tGpecti.o71S C2"e :7;OOe at :h" prop~r tim€~ t,l-.at ~h dt:boess is t'ea:.::.ab:e .:"ronJ eho street, and =nat the pcrr.r.:e C,;L,"'Ci is t.::cated at the l1'011t of the prooer"ty. --eui.!di:-.g i>'::Ji=:.o:-: cp;roz."ed Fl.cr. s;..::.H remain on the E:J.~Zdi"9 Si.t:; at a.U tUnes. ?.'~OCE!J,~'PS .r:'on nIS?~c:J'rQll .::'E'ClUE'ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City .iesigr.ated job n.ur.:ber, jOb adCrcss, type of ir..3pec-;icn r~~~estcd a:-~ ~hen ycu ~i~L be ~aady for ir~pcction:J Contractors or ~~e~s r~e erA phone number. Requssts receiv.d cefere 7:00 ~ ~'in b. "."de en. s=. ",=y. requests md. afta' 7:00 am .nn b. made eh. =t :.;orkin,; daY'~S 0 '3/ /,/ Your City, Desigr.atcd Job Nwnba Is: IJ ~ 7 I ~?t"".'~>:."I_ ':'",.~~~..~~:,,,,,..'t ~ s;':'~ !:..~?!'::':.];'!: ~o as r.ruie af=.J1' ~ e.:cavo:t:..:;n, ':;u:: pM-or t:; .3e: up of forms. ~ U""~PS[.':'3 P!";":.'-l3!.'IG. 2['2C':'.~It:.t! ~ ~ ;'.'::Cif..:,;.:tC':'i.: To be r.-.aae be.'cr.e cny z.:ol'ic is ':::JtJ~I'ed, !Xl ""C..,......G ~ ~...rt.'D.'1'......, ~. . :'" .../ ~ :v~.. n. ._.: .0 ce .~.e af:~r :rencr.2s ~e e=cxjated ar~ f~rms are arec:ad. ~ut prier to pcu!"'~r.l} ccn.C":"et,;, :~ ~. (/,,!I):::Rr;.~crJ.'," P~L'.'.~!:"G. sr..l2.~. ;;.1:"':.9. DRAI.':,J,CE: :'0 be r.n::.e prier =0 fi.:- t.ir.g ;rer.cr.2:i:. U,'J:JE:RE'!.COR !'!:,iJ....'31'YG 1 ,'.r::':H.J._VIC:'!.: To ~e ~-C6 prier :0 ~n3~aiia;~on of ::001" ~nsuia;icr. or dec~ing, ~ P'JST AND 3EAN: To,;e rr:adc .:':--:':01' ~ ~ns:all...:;;;en. ot floor ir.st.:Z-a:=icr. or decki", . ~ .~~I_"~_o.; ?':.~~.'~~-'!C. ::":.E::.f?~C:'!. .; .'E::,,- ~: ,~'o -':01';': :.. ;:) ~c ~o::erec; ur.;~i ;r.CJ~ ~r~=ec:iv~3 h=tJ€ ;ep.r. !n:J.de ::r.d =?pr~r,}~::.. r:.~::?!.:"C!: P!"';or ~ pu;;:;{..,..g .~a~ng mC:.1l"";a.:.s ar.d b.fc1"e ,r"rzri..,..g in.3?eC- tior:.. . o ~ z:'RA"'~!.'Ir;: ."fu3t;.e ':'equ.ea::o?d c.l~:e1' C?Pl'?:;..;i. of r0t4gh ;tur..iJiru:;. .1tOlC:r-::- cat & ::,:ec;'.l:J1i..::l':'. .H.Z ~ol:."'.g bracir~ ~ chiT.ncys~ ~t.::. ~:3C be . co~le:ca. .'10 '~r-< t.a ~o Cll con~ - cec'Zold :u::it :f:i3 ir.a::lec:icn. r.a3 . b4en. :r:ad~ end ';:PP1'?t:ed. ~ -"S"~ ...,.r''''V/''APOc ='A-"IO' I"S'"C'T'Tf':", J.j{ IIL.......:..II~, .. _..tf.. _.. ", _ ._':.111, To be trade after all insul.:::.ti.on cr.d . required vapor tarT"'~ers are iT! place but cefore any lath. gypsum bcm'd or wz,z covering is cpplied. :r.d, celore any insulation is concealed. 1\71 DR~. WALL INSP::C!'!C.v: Tc be made 16l after an Gr;jwaU is in place. bu~ prior 1:"0 C'Tly taping. o NASO.'I!?,!: Steel. beam:;. grouting cu:cor-.:ance with 241&. locatioT!~ bond 01' verticals in U. a. C. Section I Dc::.tOl.ITIO;'! OR ;~:OVE:; 3!JILDr;;CS =:J Sc:n.i~y se'Jer capped at ~~p&:!'t:J' Zir:a. =.J Septic tank. p...."?ed a:".d f':.Z'l.a.d :.;ith ;-r:::.:;e'Z. I Pinal - mum aXve it.e.C':s ar'e C!c::,:oi.atec ---1 and ~hen i~clitior. is c~ie~e 01' st~~~- tu:-oe r::otJed ar..:! pr~;3es ::le.:=ne.:i :.lp. o ';';OODS'!'OW: : cc.~l.e:€d. Aftor instalZation is I Nobile 2c:::es :::J Blocking and Sat-up :::J P!um0ir~ c~r.nec;~~ns :::J Electri.cc.l Ccm:ection - Blocking. se-;--u~ c:n.d pZwnbing ccm:ectwns r,r..:st =2 Ct??':'~::ed betore request~ng e!ec~~~cal in.s?ec=io~ ;';:";8r .::r..::!. WC.;21' ~ .4c=essc..~, 3ua.:i~r..g ---, Fin=l - Aft~l' ;~rc~es. 3k~rt{.nG. dec/~. ---1 etc. are c~le:~d. o AlZ proj.ec; cor.ditioT!s. JUC~ as :p~ ins:atlac:on. ~f a:ree~ =r~es. :c.~racivn af :he required ta.rui3cC?ir.g~ etc.. ,71Use be sa-c:sf.....cd ;;.::.:ore the 3UI[.DI:,':; ?!.':AL :!.:::n. ::e !'2q-~2S:Jd. ~ PltJA!. P!..{;'.',t3I:iG '~. Fl:JAr. .'.!!:HA:1IC.:.[, ~ ?!.'IAL Z!.EC':R!C':';' U J& PINAl. BUI[.:Ji:IC.. The rind auUdir.g !r.s~ection ,~st o-a requ.eated::ttezo :r..z :~:.r..::.l ?l:.l..~bi.,...; 5lflccrical. end .'fecr.a:-.ic.:::Z .inspecci:;;na hc,ve :,een .""'Iade ar.a =-;prcve:i. f':71 CURB & A.J."PF1CACH .4P"~(JN: Afte::, forms ~ are ;::rected but prior to pcr.n"";7lfl C07'.cre te. IVf SIDEr/AL^- 6 DRI:'EW'AY: For all ccn- ~cret.e paving with~n street right- o"'-wc.y~ to be mcde after alL e::cc:.~ vating compZete & form ~rk ~ 3uO- base :r.c.terial in pl.::z::e. o ~!NCS: Wher. ca~vlote -- Provide gatOls or .7IOvahla.' aections through P.U.G. "A['~ .'.fA,'Ib:C[.2S AND CLEANO!JT$ NUST BE AC(;ESSI3[.E. ACJL'S7':~..,'T TO 32 .~~1{jE J.T NO ::5':' TO CI':''! I ?o;;~a of.2 o I JOB NO. g~o3 V/ SOL'-CCESS 1 ::;-r.e: ~C':'".(=a1"'.c" fJrO'.I.7;: 1<:3 I Lot Sq. Ft;. C:x1e:Jn !C~ ,,!?~ i ~ :)f to: ~~er~' ~ Ir.reriol' ! ,j ot Sto~es Corne:- I.... . 1 !J . . p . ., l.o..a.. ",",Cft:; a7tnQ1"'.al-,j! i " Topog:rc;:r.y c-.J.1.-de-saa !:'r.\! I.'I::-::n I 1~":c2 I I :Jr=~1": i. t :tc::aS3~!"J , ~" ~-r _..... .J /040 ~o ~?~A.L :.",.tL{,'!, S.D.C. lr;c;.:..c; 1.5 = au.iZ.ding P2'I":':'i.:: State SiAra;,.Z!'ge To:al :J-.a:oge3 1!,:"Df NO. I IFL-::"..tres IResidential (1 ba:hJ i Sc:n::.t.:lr'.J StWer- I~.u I I ?1>>RM Sc~1 P!:.mrlr:ng Pem t State SUZ'c;'~e T~ta! c;..a":"~es 11I'E.~f ,'iO. I '.rr€s. Sa. ft::J. I/'.MI./?~,:: fN~/EXtend ci~".(its Tempcrcry S~T".n.C8 E!e::t~~cal ?e~~ St.=te Su:r::;..ar~e TotaL cr.a:!'':es I :??~ ?o..a-r..:::c~ ETU' 5 E::haust Hood 17ent F::n I . I ;;:Jodsto~e I Peri':':";t I;;:;u.:;;r.ce MBd'.anic:: L ?erm-:. t State SUZ'chc::w:1c ,!,,,~.~! ~C!"'M!J -- ~:,'CR,-::,tCExr:.',:, -- 10' . l~e~.I.~t~ D2=C3~: Stor=qe .,'~"':nt€'7'lCr...:'2 Parr.:-!.t Tee.::!. .~rtal"";I!S ,':::.1 J,.I 3~ I ~ I I 4-tP7/ 2-1 I ~/o.~,- I I~() I ~4D1 l4-h:f.? I - p=!::<! 2 . L-COG~ I 1 I I I j REQ.- r....DeICor.st: VN I I Er.e!':r'J SO'.J.1""~3 I i .,ec= t I :IGt.:!"!" ~'ea;;!.... I I Ra~e I I :-:.:-epk:.c:e I I ileaa;;; :o:,.'e II :'''.J:'e 3tl:ir?O~8: 3 Fcces ~r', ,)p.t:ca~.~s I .=fou.as ". r Cc:rcae I, ~ i ~"".q, /" I I . . I '-0= I I " /I0~;~' lEes; SOlA.;,1 l;,rest j.;!..,:ceS3. i I I Fees Building Value & Permit This permit i:; granted on the e--press ::,ortditi.:m that the sdid. aonsc:"".J.c:::'on s~~!l~ in ~!l respects. ~onf~~ :0 the Ordinance ~do~;ed by tha Cit~ ~f Spri.,..af'~e?d. :.nc~:.cding the ':on:,...a Cx:r.ar.ce. l'eO"..I.L<::eil:a <;i:il ::''17:3:::-:('::-;';r. ar.d ~;~ of buildir~s, and m~y C~wJu;;;perLied or revoked ~t cr.y t:~e u.;~r. vic- Za:ion of ar.y pr:Jvi3ior.s of scd,a Crd.ir.ances. i/wf;~~ ..0 /Plan Check Fee, ~)(t?cJlJ '/ ~f/-dj:, IRec'-::?t g, g"&~:j '77 l:.::::d: \ ......?''''' - 4. .....---- Per~it-d leate ?a-::d, C2A.RGE Plumbing 2.'5- /.~ ..:- /~... /b.-! 6()~1 2.~ I ~2.~'- :';.i.~_=?GE "2..:;iI'O / I'J /H) I I .-3 G' 0-0 I I~I 3~..f.oI. I I I I I I I J ~ ~() I .54 I /4.04 I- CHARGE h,t) 4-5"0 3#0 I- I I J ~, I j -:zl. o If(- I #?/tJ.96 I i Cur:'C'''' I'll Is'" ,. I :.aeJa: ,-.0( I ; :~n::e i E!.c=ro"..a,! rc;e! -if' OC(S/ [.\fobilJ H:;me I :-OTA~ ANOU.'lT DUE:" /404 7trV p, No per~on chalZ Con8~t, instaL!, aZter or change ~ny r~w cr e=~s:ina pLumaing ~r drainage SY8t~~ in ~hole or in p~tJ ~Zess such ;erscn is trA Zegal possessor of 3 valid plumber's license, e:cept tr~t a ?e~son ~a~ do pl~bing ~ork to proper~, which is ~~edJ laas.d or operated by the ~~pli- cant. ~ .' Electrical Perm it Where State Law requires tr.at the electrical tJOrk oe done by an E2J::-;ZO'ical Cont~ctorJ the electrical portion of this permit shall r~t be oa!id ~nti! the Label nas b~en aifined by the Electrical ~ontrc:ct;or. Mechanical Permit ~K:Z1~ "~<I~J I HAVE CARSFUf.LY EXA.J,.fINED t.1.:s con:platad .:::ppZication for per.-:r.::. :::nd do hereby certify that an inf'o:-r.ta;-:.on i:e!'eon -:.S :l"Ua a:r-d ccl'!'cc:~ ::r..:!. Z f.ll'-:f:er ce:o:ify -:hat any ar.d a~l :.:or>.Ic ;erfo!':r:ed ahalZ. be do~e in c.c=,,!'- dance ~t:lt the Or>din::nces of e:he Ci~ ~f Spri"'Jjic7..d~ an.:: ;r.<: L<:..:a of tho State of Orec.::::n ::lZl't.::l:inina to :1:e work desc:-~bcd hel'tJi1".~ cr.c the:: .VO ',XC;J- Pf..'lCY :viZ! b~ rrr::de oj en./, 3t:l"'~c::a'a :Ji;;..o:.t: ?.2l'm"'':aa~l': oj tha Eui!dir.g Di- vision. I furthet' ~e!'tif~ t~~: o~Ly ~cntrc.=tot's ~~ ~l~ye€s wr.o ~ng in c~~p~iance ~;h CRS 701.DSt wilZ be used en thia projzcc ~4~~ ;:,t.';rl2G :)- {Co-8''S Date