HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-4-22 .. RESI~NTlAL" . APPLI_N/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 . Job Location: 7CJZ rC:IVEIC'. J./iLLS /7- () '3 ~:3l/~/;;;J. Tez Lot H / d2/~t5D Lo., - Z 6 Value -<ljp7F)_=3, ~ ';ontractors Address I Lise. H Expires_ General RI<""-EI"'Cl':"p B~-",L..J r"_3Uo Eo 4Qp-l E=':1~1J~ ;:::.7 II~. Plumbing Al"e:;fz.r <=>!_d/At=-.I,...J t':.' EII/..8:. ,/-Je:: n"Lo "7n - e~B ~-:3-0 Electncal rHO'~fO~ i::::'/ F"ro.f/'?...... -F-.1,-<i=,UR" eO _ 7d(",.,c.- ~-?H Mec"""~~,,t LAr?'~Y I~/"~' GALMo,"" \Llr-tG C'TY .q1P,4~ "'l-30 Conet",ction LeMer e.R:FFDe"r 8en", '('''"_ . - <An'::" A"" 4~r-~AL_' It -lit ths l'sspontribility of ths ptn.",it hoUsr to 8SS that all. i71l1pections a:t'6 mads at ths proper tim&~ that each =ddrtJ88 is readab; f1'Onl t"" etreet, and that the p"""'t card i. located at the j'ront of t"" prupe:t'ty. i ASui!ding Di.ui::wn approved plan B.hall. remain on tha Buildinp Sits at a'Ll timBS. ! PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE'OlJEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state YOUI' City designated job number, ,job addJoC88, type of in3pec:icn requested ar.d tJ,':Bn you fJil.'L be ready for inspection, Contractors or tA.mers name and phone numbcr. Requ€sts received eefere 7:00 c:: :.."iZl. bs made thE: same dcy, requests made afta' 7:00 <mr wiz.z. be m:uis the nut :JOrkina day. i I , ; ASDSSBOr$ Map II : SrJxJiuision: --.z:\VEIZ '-'ILLS' . , CUneI': Bi?:'=~RC::>."",= .3<'o<P F. ..anfl-l E:u6.8:.1J E ,..-,R: . I Address: City: ~'l~,j 'n Addition' n Remodel n ,'.fobillJ Roma :SlrJ ~!-E" '41t (", ffiA 'Dbte of Application Reauirp-d Tnsop.~tiGr~ ~ SITE INSPECTION: To be made after .a4J e.:ccavation, but prior to Se: up of . forms. -;-{ UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & KJ . MECHANICAG: To be made beforB any work is .;:ovcred. ~~'FOOTING 4 FOUNDA;ION: To be nru1e ~ after trenches are excavated and 'forms are ll1"ected, but prior to pouring ccncret&. UNDSRGFKJUND PU1MBING, SEWeR, W.1TE.~ DRAINAGE: To be nude prior to fil- .Ur".g trencMs. .P/?:, Ips:; . PI''''''e: G"BC" 9.q 0 I Zip: C\7<Wll _ Describe "'ark: . r AII\ ,/1..'( r<=..t::S-..= e. tlc.a:.. Your City Desigr.ated Job Numba' Is:, Rcce-f.pt ., (I 3 '7 7 c I , I , 1 , 1 I i '1 Siqr.ed: Date: Cv _~~-~L1- ,:),:). rl;{ll' I c Phone ~Gf/43{ 3<11.3:l?; ~8~ I(~~ <leA RCZC . I. 8"?5 () 3 Ol ~ 81 ~. UNDERFLOOR PWl!BING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to in3tal.l.ation of floor ins~l.ation or decking.. .' ":/f POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to ~ instal.l.ation of floor instoZation or dscki~ 0 ~ ljOUCH PLlP.$I!lC. ELECTRTCAL' " MECH- !SJ ANICAL: No work is to be cove~ed .until. thos6 inspections have beer. ~ made aM approved. '. . FIREPLACE: Prior to pZacir".{1 facing material.s and before framing inspec- tion. ~ FRAJ~INC: Must be 1"equsoted after approval of rough plwrbing, alectri- .oat & mechanical. Att roOfing bracing t chimneys, etc. nr..lst be ;.completcd. !lo fJOrk is to be COJ1- ~,'....cecled until thio inspection has .~.b6~? made and approved. r.A INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I1ISP,:CTION, L::LJ To be made after all. insulatum w.d '. ~cqu-:..red vapor barrie~s are in place . . but before any lath, gypsum boa:rd or . wll covering is applied, and before ~y insulation is concealed. rv:r DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made 14J after all drywall. is in place, but prior to any taping. . O. ~SONRY: Steel beam3, grou ting accorodance with 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After i71B taUation is ccmp~et€d. location, bona or verticals in U.B.C. Section ~CURB & APPRCACH APRON: After forms ~ erre crBoted but prior to pouring .. concretB. . ~SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For at! con- crete paving within street right- pf-way, to be made after all exca- tJatiTUJ ccmplete & fom wrk & eub- . base material in plaae. O !'ENCE: When compl,;te -- Provide. gates or movable sections through P.U.E. . o DEUOLITION OR !-JOVED BUILDIilCS --, Sani:my seuer :Japped :It propo:rt':t' tir:e ---1 _ I =.J Septio tank P''''''Pcd and filted ~th Jra" :J Pinal - rlhen ab..."1Je ite."1Is a:re cc~leted and when demolition is completeior stru~ ture moved and premises a leaned: up. (- I Mobiz.e Hcmes :::J Blocking and Sat-:.lp :::J Plumbing connections sewer ~ Uater :::J Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up and plwnbing connections m"..lst ell approve. before requesting electricat inspllctio~ :::J Acaessory Bui ld~ng .. ,. :J Fin:z l - Aft:Jr p~1'Ches, etc. are camplet~d. , skirting, decks, o Att projeat conditions, Duch as the installation of streBt trees, c~~letio" of tne required landscc.pir"..g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can .;e raquBstad. c ~ FIliAL PWNBIIIG d FINAL MECHANICAL {] FINAL ELECTRIC~L ] (2) FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeoted alter the Final Plumbi71J Electrical, and Mechanical Inspectiono hclva beGn made and approv.ed. .. 'AU MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/lENT TO BE IIADE AT NO COST TO Crry I Pogo ! of 2 / "~D(J \ .( /) tYv'rYf':/ C:;:::/ (Y PSUfJ1S /~. ~'~f- ;os(oold 8;t1i; uo pasn Bq t1;tl'l SSO"rOI. S80 li1;tl'l ";JU"nd~ u'J. "om 0:tt'1 sasFic-zdu.a p.lD SolO~~v..c;UO::l fi2~ ;t:1{1 F.j"J.;.:a::l olS1.{;,mj I "uO"]s:w -'](1 oU,}PHnS 81.{; Jo UO'}BB'}J.Uol.od ;".D1{;;tl'l e.m;::IPL.l;S Fila) Jo sFrw sq ztYi XaN'td -nJaO ON ;DI{; puz> 'U::'SolBl{ poq"}oU)ssp :l(olOt'l 'l{; 0; OU'J.UJ.D;olSd uaoa.zo Jo S;D;S 91(; jo B:"'.zJI] 3l{; PUt) 'P1o'}Jou'}JdS Jo fi;'}a 9I{; Jo 88::nLrlU'}P.:o Bl{; l{;Yi 8DUDp -olO::l"O U'} St.:op sq t1D1{S pau:.xojolsd :l(.l0t"l 21" p:.t.D Fila) ;1'1{; IiJJ.+or!u, .nJt{;.m,j I puD ';::IQol.olOO puD S~ 8'} uoaoral{ uO"J.;tw.1oJu1- 21t) ;DI{; IiJHJ.BO IiqSoltni. Gp puD ';,....a J:oJ "OJ;oonddo ps;sld.ioo "'I; aaNIW'IXa X77n.?all'/:J 3AVH I S"'11 88-/~-h / ' J:S"=~ ~d;'- ~z:// . ~ 'Z:JIZ/ ~ I I I I I "- I I I I I ..- "$;:; I I ,Sh't-/I '/ I I I I I _.~_. 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