HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-6-19 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections: 726.3769 Oltice: 726.3759 . SPAINCFIELP ....~ .... . JOB NUMBER Cfro C(22.' 225 Firltl Street Sprlnglleld, Oregon 97477 ASSESSORS MAP' LOT' /2 rat) TAX LOT' BLOCK: SUBDIVISION: OWNER: ADDRESS: CITY: DILK :::ai1f'.. '1f30 RIVff J./.ill<; 7JnVf'-. Spy I Yltj-hek:! CONTRACTOR'S NAME GENERAl' PLUMBING' MECHANICAL:e..omM(-!:. P"lbII.J IgSLl2lN...Sk.cJ.e. D NOTICE: . T.l:JIS-or-rt'llf-' LAND USE: _._ . _I,;, '''"ALL EXP Alm../"n.~",,,, ~~16TJrfBWOR'~ -~... vlvDER TH~ .., OCCY GROUP: COMM~MCED OR IS ABAN~~!T~: . OF STORIES: ~t-jy lBQnl\v peRIOD. HEI\'r"SO~8E: _____ WATER HEATER: RANGE: _ DESCRIBE WORK' NEW REMODEL ELECTRICAL' QUAD AREA: . OF BLDGS: .1 PHONF' 7Lf7-/4D1 STATE: -D.R Cf14-1l ZIP: ADDITION DEMOLISH OTHER ADDRESS CONST. CONTRACTOR' PHONE EXPIFlES m4bD b- 25? 41 iZ/::'-DICO - OFFICE USE - f'LOOD PLAIN' ZONING CODE:_ . Of' BDRMS: SECONDAFlY HEAT: __..... SQUAnt' FOOTAGE: '''.._._. To rOQuest an Inspection, you must call 726.3769. Tills Is a 24 hour recording. All Inspections requested before 7:00 a,m. will be made the same working day, InspectIons requested o(tcr 7:00 a.m. will be mado the (ollowlng worl( day. cgEO-OIR\=D INSPECTIONS . o Temporary EloClrlc 0 Rough Nfcclumicnl - PrIor to 0 Finnl Plumbing - When 011 ~:'" plumbing worl( Is complet.c. o Sito Inspection - To be made I_I Rough Electricnl - Prior to D Finnl Elcct~cnl _ Wilen all after excavation, bul prior to cover. clectru':al worl( is complete, selling lorrns. ~ -------...(.. o Underslnb Plumblng/Elcctricnl1 0 Electrical Service - Mllslt6' 0 Finnl Mcchilni ill - When all Mcchnnlcal - Prior to cover. approved to obtain pcnrlnr enl ITlcclw(\Ica orl< Is complete. electrical power. o Fooling - After trenches arc excavated. o Masonry - Steel location, bond beams, grouting. o Foundation - After forms arc erected but prior to concrete , placement. o Underground Plumbing - Prior to filling trench. . o Underlloor Plumblng/Mcchnnlcnl - PrIor to Insulatlon or decl<lng. o Post nnd Bcam - Prior 10 floor Insulation or decl(lng. o Floor Insulation - Prior to decking. o Sanilmy Sewer - Prior (0 filling trench. D Slonn Sewer - Prior to (1Iling trench. o Wnler Line - PrIor to filling trench. o Rough PILimbino' - Pilor to cover. o Fireplace - Prior to facing materIals and framing Insp. Fln;:11 Ouilding - When all required Inspections have been approved and building Is completed. , o o Frnmlng - Prior to cover. OOt.her Wall/e'olling Insulntion - Prior to cover. o Drywnll - Prior to taping. MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o Wood Stovc - After InstalJn:lon. D Insert - After fireplace approvel and Installation or unit. o [Hocking nnd Set.Up - WIlcn all blocl(ln~) Is complete. o Curbcut & Approi:Jch - Afler forms are erected but [)rlor to placement of concrct(~. o Plumbing Connections - When twme 110S been connected to water {HH.l sewer. o Sidewalk & DriVCW:I.... - After oxcavnlion Is com[)lete. forms and sub.b:lse materl,,1 In place. o Electrical COllncctlon - When blocldnu. sel.up. and plumbing Inspections IHWe been npproved and Ihe tWine is connected to the servIce panel. D Fence - When completed. o Final - After all required Inspections arc approved and porclles, sldrting, c1ccl(s, and venting htlve been Installed. o Stroot Troos - When all required trees arc planted. Lot faces Lot,s'c. ftg. LOI Type . Interior' Lot coverage Corner Topography Total helghl Panhandle Cul.dc-sac BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. x $/SO. FT. Main Garage Carport Tolal Value Building Permit Fcc Slate Surcharge Total Fcc (A) .. i, IS THE PROPOSED WORK iN THE. . "'HISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? II yes. this application must be signed and approved by the Historical Coordinator prior to permit issuance. SClbacl<s _ P.L. I HSE GAR I ACC N S W ..L___ ___ . APPROVED: VALUE " (B) SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixtures Rcsldcnllal 63111(5) NO Sanitary S?WCr Water FT. FT. Storm Sower FT. MobIle Homo Plumbing Pormll Slate Surcharge Total Charge (C) MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan N' Wood Stovc/lnscrl/Flrcpl;)cc'Unil Dryer Vont /J flp",,/- rill"" tJ I Mechanical Parmi I Issuance Slale Surcharge Total Permit (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Homo Stale Issuance Slale Surcharge Sidewalk II Curbcul II Oomollllon ?Iale Surcharge Total Miscellaneous Permits (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (exclu(Jing eleclrical) (A, B, C, D, and E Combined) FEE I~Oi) jrJ. OJ -~ 'tfT] t u'.U BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This permit is gmntcd on the express condition thaI the said construction shall, In all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopled by the City 01 Springlleld, including the Development Code, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any lime upon violation of any provisions ot said ordinances. Plan Check Fcc: _, Dale Paid: Receipt Number: Received By: Plans Rcvic~Cd '0-;'---"'---- Dale \ Systems Dcvelopmcnl Charge Is due on all undeveloped properties wllhln 1110 City limBs which arc being Improved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS " \ ( By signature, I state and agree. lhat I h3;.ve carefully examined Iho completed appllcalion and do hereby eertHy that all Informatlon hereon i:; true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordlnancu5 of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of lhe Slale of Oregon pertaining lo the work described heroin, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Safely Division. J furthor ccrli fy 01al only contractors and employees wh'o arc In complio.ncc'witl, ORS 701.055 will be used on th15 proiect. . I further agree 10 ensure that all required Inspections are reQue~tcd at Ihe proper lime, that each address Is readable from the sire ,th tho permit card Is localed at tho front of tho prop rly, a Ihe approved set of plans will remain on the sit at 'mes d ln~ c/)syuctlon. Slgnalur :/~06 fl.iJt.OA tI-&- b-/tJ-'1? Oat... VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUMBHl /); 0 l.{ ()& fJl(f!'f~ '2/t. E2rO /J aYW~ DATE PAID AMOUNT RECEIVED RECEIVED BY