HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1999-3-30 Mar-22-99 04:0BP P.03 . Joe NUMBER 910 'fl.o . .. \1 RESiDENTIAL PERMIT' APPLICATION Inspections: 726-3169 Olflce: 726-3159 22S Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK' 72. 'I /703341'1.-. IJ6(;0 TAX LOT' ASSESSORS MAP' l.O'I' BLOCK: SUBOIVISION: 00,,(/-,+ 1/ AOOIll!S!l: ,77-- <( <LJ~ r; ~rl ) I fILa 1 Lot. 1:/1/ ffll Ih II PHONF' OWNER: ZIP: "1- ~ 77 STAT",I?/l CITY' DESCRIBE WORK:~ vr A II 0. il tJ1l.j~~~f1 "3 J-kJT (J )A-~ LU NEW REMODEL ADDITION DEMOLISH ___ OTHER CON ST. CONTRACTOR'S NAME ADDRESS CONTRACTOR' E.xPI RES ::- PHONE GENERAL: -L9!df\ ~ O~ ~j[. <~::J 8 ~q 9' PLUMBING:B1 J ~~ Ut~ ,~CVl '/In~ MECHANICAL! III , StlDlo t1 s o f'y? j! Ai It.~ /I ------~ ELECTRICAl' f+{_ C\.~Uflo..t'\ '" a h s~ 3 ';)hQ e E.r:: jlJ-J-q9 r.. .. I' -I',... - OFFICE.uee - LAND USE: 'r:R~~IT SHAll EXPIRE IFlfd5ob')p.i!AIN: __...__ I \ -,-" , '~!nc:'" TLIIS pi= . OF UNITS: , .". .1 , , . .,. -R/:;!8"NIN'a-:BoDE:_ CONSTR, TYPE: '-.. ;ANDONEi:'&~f'BDRMS: fllH HICJ (11\, I'lgl'lIQg, HEAT SOURCE: ___.___." SECONllARy HEAT: QUAD AREA: . OF BLOGS: OCCY GROUP: . OF STORIES: WATER HEATER' RANGE: _ SQUARE FOOTAGE: To request an Inspection, you must call 726.3769. This Is a 24 hourAqg'l!dlng, All Inspections requested before 7:00 a,m will be made tM same wOl'1<lng day, Inspections requested after 7:00 a,rtl)IY6'1I 1,'j,1 iQ/'dQM.followlng work day, N W rU/~ . ~;JUn laW r RE UIRED INSPEmi~~~Ple th eoqUiresYOUIO In OAR Q",~ enter, h reOon I J,' , h Mochll,!/~ y,'PtlOf)l\iq.OO 0 " ~~I~'Plumt;'lilv- When all ove '. aU may b . II gfl'J.llll I~O:<Wq!i1t1T Complete, Callmg Ih 0 I . VA 952 0 n, e cenle PIes of If. - 01. R gh EI.clrleftrl!!boElr~r!Re r, (Nmtf.lQa ~lfIH~tee"- When all ver. Cent ,Oregon'util; ele~ 0l,llhbl<Y8,k'ls complala. er,S 1'80~. 2 OlifiCatiOn O Electrlc.1 Servlca - Must be a~ n'1.\ M..chonlcal - WMn oil Approvod to obt~ln permRI"lP.:nt echanlcal work Is cOmprBh! olectrleal power. o Temporary Electrle o SUe 'nopacUon - To be mado Arter excavation, bUI prlor to aett/no forme. o lInderolab Plumbing/Electrical I Mechanical - Prior to cover. o Footing - After trenches are G'JCc::avated. D Final Building - Wnen all reQuired Inej)eCtlans have be-on approved end building is completed. D Flrept~ce ~ Prior to facing materials and fl'arnlng Insp. o Meoonry - Steel location, bond beams, grouting, o FramIng - Prior to cover. OOth..r o Foundntlan - Arter forms are er8ct.,d.but- prior to concrete place mont, o Wail/Ceiling Insulation - Prior 10 cover. o lIndergroul)JS.Plumblng - Prior to filling trench, o Drywall - Prior to laplng. MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o Underlloor Plumblng/Mechanlca' - Prior to Insulation Or decking. o Wood StOVQ - Aftar In5tal/ntlon. o Blocking end Set,Up - When .11 1:)10cklng Is complete. o Po.., and Beam - Prior 10 floOt Insulation or deeklng, o Insert - Allor flrf1plaee approval and lnstallntlon of unit. o Floor InSl.IllIllon - Prior to deet<lng, o Plumbing Conn&ctlon$ - When homo hc1S been connected to water and seWQr'. o Curbcut & Appropch - Af!~r forms ara c.:roctod Olll prior to placomont "f concrele. o Sanitary Sewer - Prtor to tilling trench. D EleC:lrlca' Connoctlon - When blocking, 8At'UJ). and plumbIng Jnspecrlons havo been approved and the home 15 connoctod to the service panel, o Sidewall, & Crlvcw,v - After excavation Is eOmplGIO. forms and sub.base m~.tcrla' In place, o Storm Sewer - Prior to mllng tl'et'tch. o Fonee - When r:OI'I~pletcd. o Water Line - Prior 10 filling trench. o Flnol - After all required IMpoetlons are approved and porchos, akirtlng, decks, and venting nave been Installed. o Rough Plumbing - P,lor to cover. o SIreot Troos -. WI"H!fn air required trees are planted. Mar-22-99 04:0BP ..~. .. . '. Lot (ace5 Lol Typo lot sq ltg, Interior LOI coverage Corner Topography Panhandle Total IU;llght Gul.de-~~" BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO, FT, X tISO. FT, - Main Gar.go C~Hport Total ValulJ BUilding Permit F'ee Stdle S'Jr~harge T{lI~JI ,:CC . .' . P.04 Setbacks P.l. HSE I GAR Ace J:!._ __.1-- I IS THE PROPOSED WORK IN THE '. HISTORICAL OISTFlICT,'OR ON THE HISTORICAL. REGISTER? II yes, this application must be signed ."d approved by tho Historical Coordinator prior to permH Issuance. I kLJ~-= =---1 LL__L,_; _._ s ~ VALUE " IA) SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) PLUMBING PERMIT IT~M Fixtures ._...L___ Residential Balh(s) N' Sa.nltary S~wer 1'1: ~----...~.~_.,.- Water fI FT. Sto'''' Sewer Mobile Home Plumbing Permit State Surcharge Tolar Charge (C) MECHANICAL PERMIT t:utnucu Ext)autH Hoou Vent Fan N' Wood StovellnsertlFlreplace Unll D'y~r Vent Mechanical Pel mlt 1~l;Ouance St3te StHCh.J.rgc ,otal Permit (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home State Issuance SlalO SurCharge SldoWD.lk II Curbcut II Demolition State Surcharge Total Mlscellaneou~ Permits tE) TOTAL AMOUN, DUE (e~eluolng electrical) lA, 6, C. D, and E Combined) FEIU, 15,~. JS:~ l{(IJ~ ~ /6. b I ~ tsL:l In. 00 04~J . ~S ~,90 I APPROVED: . " H" BUILDING VALliE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This pem1it is grC:l.nted on tho oxpress condItion that 'he said construction shall, In all respects. conform to the Ordinance adopted by tho City 01 Springfield, Including tho Oovolopment Code, regulating the construction and use of Oulldings. Qr'!cJ may be suspended or revoked at any lime upon vlolatlon or any prQvluio"u of saId .~(dlnaneQs. Plan Check Feo: Date Paid: RII;IC~I~1 Numbor: Rocei....ed By: Plans Rcvfewed"By--" .~~_._. Date Syslems Development CharQ8 Is due on all undevelopod properties within tl10 City limits which are being ImprOVed, ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ~jj_.C;,;;',':J ~ tNM~ 11 ~ add( frdV'A-1 6'z.t-'Z.~ ~ ~..UUI ~ ,/f.,L'ft. (,.J ( "" '-ENTIO fOIl^.\. N:oro:>_ N . 'U1es ~-"'dW . (~!.ificatioo~OPted bv t~~Uires ~OIJ ,^ ~~;;;~;52'00 l-~j ~ ~~se rU/;~ :~~~ ~tility --"''',ay b """'"t'''uughO ..)....l'On Calling th 0 tain c' "11'1952 n .....-wf1 ~",:::I .....3Flt OD'I:l~ ~~ .On.. "'I/oerforth ' t:f, (Note' th a, 'lie rUles b ~ e Ofl'ln~ .,' e te/or"_ Y ._..._n. ':'b'llerisl ~zr.ullurYN ..-~"C' -800_:~.,') __ ottt,cati^~ -,J""'t~). By slgnatura, I st~le and agree, that t have carefully examJned tho completed eppllcatlon and dO hereby'certUy that aU Information hereon Is Irue and correct, and I lurtner certlly that any and all work performed shall be done In accordance wllh the Ordinances of tho City of SprlngflQld. and the Laws of the Stato of Oregon perlalnlng to tho work closcrlbed he,eln, and thai NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any stru.:::ture wi thou! pol;!rlni~:sion or the BuildIng Safety DJvlslon. I lurther cortlfy t11at only contractors and employees who aro In complianc~ wllh ORS 701,055 will ba used on this ptOjl;lr,;;L I further agree to ensure that all requIred Inspectlons are reQu6stec;l lie proper t1m€.. that oach address I. readable 'rom the slreOl, that :M f>mmlt card Is located at the front of the property, end tile approved alll ot plens w)lI remain On 'ho el~ aH time. durIng oonstructlon. Slgnatu,( J.. Q S ~ ~.c , Oat,. -3 - (> Cs:. -qq VALIDATION: tJ~3~/'1 DAT~ PAID '?/ 3d I'll . AMOUNT RECeiVED - _f;,'!,Jo RECEIVED6Y k w~ RECEIPT NUMBER