HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1982-3-17 .. RESI~NTlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 S 9~ ~~/"'r d/le; /1;>, 17~o,;.. ;4-/3 T= Lot # n ,~~ ~~fi/o/l/ .h!.?t~4 " 59:;' /02tt<'R 4/A. /1AJ, <)/./p/da./f:;o# I O/P. r /' Job Location: AssesGol"S Map # Si.J}diV"';sion: Ct..'ner: AddreS3: City: n NPI.1 n Additicn n Remoc.eL n ,',tobi 1,8 Bome Date of AppUcaticn (;ontl'actOl'B General. Plumbing i 87.ectrical I Me~har.ic.:L I Constl'"Uctian Lender Pr.one: 7-'/6 -0'/ '3/ 97477 Zip: ::I/v~~:;:::b. ';r+: ;:::;r",/4~~ IA/5fC/f'T- VaLue Addres3 .Ni)OO . .. Rcc.~,t" ,J::::?? .D.-':l... ~ . r~ Sigr.ed: ~,'7Mt-_1M1v.; Dat.: .~-j)-,)( ~ Lisa. II ExPires Pr.onc [t is ehs l'esponsibitity of tM perm1.t ho1.t:Urr to sse that aU inopeatians are made at the ~ropel' tim.~ that c:ach .:z:1d.ress is l'eadaD~e fl'CNn ths street, and that th. permit aaPd is tocated at tha f:ront of ths property. "Eui!.di~ Divicic~ appl'Ot.'ed pZan shc.t.t remain on the Eu~Ld-:.ng sits at al.Z. times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:.QUE51::CALL 726-3769 (Z'ccol'der) state your City designated J'ob number3 job add..""€:SS3 type of in3pec-;icn requested ar4 when you ~LL be ready for inspcotion3 Contractors or OWne~s name end phone number. Reques-;s received befcre 7:00 ~ :..>iLl btJ madg t11& same dClb rtJqueets made afta' 7:00 a-n will. b2 made the next :.JOrking day. Reaui~~d InBD~cticns O SITE INSPEC':'ION: To be nruie after excavation3 but pM-Of' to Set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHA,"ICAL: To be made before cny work is ~ovcred. o ro~mG!ro~~TmN: fubsroee after trenches are excavated and forms are erectad3 but prior to pouring c::cncret~. UND~GROUND PLUMBING. SS'tlER. W.1TER, DRAINAGE: To be rrrute prior to fil.- UI"'.g trenches. o o o UNDERF'LOOR PLU!o1BING & MECHANICAL: To be made pri.or to in3tcZ.lation of floor insul.c:tion or decking. POST AND BEAU: To be rnat:k prior to instaZ.Latien of fl.oor i118ulati07l or d8cki11fi . TrOUGH PLUMBI!!G. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to oc covered ur.tU these in..spectior.s hav.a beer. made and approvec. FIRF:PLACE: mar to p'l.a.cir.g facing matgriaLs and before framir~ inspec- tion. . PRANINC: Mu.st b6 rsqueoted after approvaL of rough plwrhinfb alectri- cal & mechanical. An roofing bracing & chimnc;ys3 et;;. nr.J.st be ,complstcd. No work is to be con- ~ cea.led until this inspection has 'be~n made and approved. o D D Your City, Desigr.a.ted Job Numba' Is: U iNSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INS?~CTION: To be ,7lt1.de after all insul.::tian w.d " ra.quired vapor barriers are in place but before any lath3 gypsum board or wlt covering is appZied3 and before any insulation is conceal.ed. O DRYWALL B1SP!CTTON: Tc be made after all drywall is in place3 but prior to c:ny taping. O MASONRY: Steel location3 oona beam33 grouting or verticals in accordance with U.8.C. Section 241$. O WOODSTO"IF:: After installation is ccmpz.et€d. o o CURB & APPRCACH AP.~N: Afte:- forms are erected but prior to pouring .:oners ts. SIDEWALK & DRnTEWAY: For a!l con- crete paving within st"rect right- Of-r..x:.Y3 to bc made after all exca- vating ccmplete & form work & ::;ub- base materia.l in place. f? ~O.jd. R , DEMOLITION OR ;~:OVEr; 3UILDIZ!CS :J Semi:ary Se'_'er ~apped ::t ~opc;rt-i Zir:e ~ Septi~ tank 7~~~d ~~ f~l.l.~d ~ith gra~e! :J Final - flhen a.O....'"Ve ite.~s are cc:-:r:;l.etec. ,1 ~ '..,.. ..... ar~ ~hen ~emo~~~~r. ~s comp~ete or s~~~~- t".J.1'e moved c:nC prer:n3es cle.::.ned up. Mobi te Hcmes =:J Btocking and Set-~p =:J Plumbing connections s&Wer ar~ ~a=er I Electrical Ccnr.ection - Blocking 3 6et-u:; --1 and plumbing conr:ections nr...st te appravec before request~ng eZec:rical in8pec~io~ ~ Accessol"i Euac~ng :J Final - Aftc;r ;al'cr.es3 sk~rting3 decKs3 etc. are ccmpZe~~d. o All project cor:ditions3 such as /:he -:.,ns:aZZatiOrl of street trees, ~o,-:-:pZa'Ci.:m of the required la.ndsccpir.g3 etc. 3 must be satisfied before the allILVIllG FINAL can ~e r~t;'...est.2d. o FIliAL PLUMBIlIG D FIliAL /ofE~HANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o I o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requ.e:;ted af:er the :~nal p!u.:nbing Electriaal3 and Mechanical InspectiontJ hava been made and approvad. o D FENCE: When co.7rpl~te -- ProVid6' gates 01' ;71ovable secticns through P.U,E, "ALL MANHCLES AND C!.EANQUTS nUST BE ACCESSIELE3 ADJUST:'!ENT TO BE t.~1DE I1T lIO C::J5T TO CITY I Pa.ge 1 of .2 I JOB NO.'5'(DIl!JDK'SOLAR A.SS I Zon.a: - - - ..... OCcuoanct/ G!'O'J.;:J: Lot Sq. Ft;. LOT TYPE S of '!ot CJlJBra{J& Interior # of ' Stories Corner Total Height P~le :-.....t'....:::...'"":'hy Cul-de-sac IITEN IMain' Gerace Carv~l't Ac~essol':; I I IS,D.C, I SQ,FTG TOTAL VALUE (\JC/,UC) ),5 :: Building Permit State Surcharge Tota 1, Cha..:'~ge3 lITEM INO,/ FEE I FL-tures I ResidentiaL 11 bath} I I lsanitary Sewer I I Water I I I Pl;.qnbing Permi t Stats Su:rcr.azoge Tetal Cht::.r.2..ss I ITEM I Res. So. fta. I NetJ/Ertend Ciraui ts !T....'t"....-d Service ,.'10,/ EZ8crnca 1, Permi t St.:;,te Sur~harae Total Cfmoces I ITEM IIC'I I Purnace STU'S I E::haust Hood I I Vent Fan I I;;Oodsto"e-(fvu.-lli+ I I ' I Permit I3suanca Mecr.anic::l Per:m.t State Surch.a:rae Tota Z Charol?tJ -- ENCROACHNE.'I.'T -- Se~~~ D2~3it Storage I ,'1fr;ntenar.LJ8 I Permit I Total C1u:::ry:teS I CUrbcu;; I Sids1.1a Zk IF~e I E1.ectroica Z. Lab9l I 1 ,\lobi l8 Home i 1 I I TOTAL Al.fOUNT DUE:" x Value FEE I I I I I I I i I I I I I ) I , . CHARGE 1 i I I FEE , . CHARGE I I I I I I I , . CHARCE j I I I J/)./)() , , I J I . J/.-D I I. I/!J A.~ J.j () PCiJa 2 REQ.- . L-COG~ T:.J'f)e/Cor.at: BeC:rooms .' I [,at Faaee - I I P,L, INorth lEast South IWest Access. I I Enarau S~~ce8 I I Heat I I Water R~atp.r J I Range II FiI'eDLaCe I I Wood.1:ove T.Jr;8 Setbacks House Caraqe Fass Building Value & Permit This perrrr~t it; gI'anted on. the express condition that ths sdid .zonstr"'.tction. shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Crdinanae, regulcting the aonstr"'~~ticn and u~e of buildings, and m=y be suspended or revoked at cny time u~on vio- lation of any prQvisior.s of said OI'dir~nces. ~Plan Check Fee: I Cat. Paut: IReadpt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person DMZ!, construct, instaU, alter or chtmge any new or e-.-isting plumbing or drainage system in ~hole or in part, ur.lSS8 such person is tr~ legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe:"son may do plumbing work to p~operty which is owned, leased or operated by the app~i- cant, Electrical Permi t Where State !.a:JJJ ~equires tr.at the e~eotrica~ work be done by an E~e::!trica~ Contractor, the eLectrica~ portion of this permit shaLZ roOt be :Jalid until the Zabel has been signsd by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit Plan E:::amt..ner /.lace I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED t.w completed application. for permit. and do hsreby certify that aLL info-:om.ation hereon is true and correct, and I r..uother certify that any ar.d all work perfcmred ahalZ. be dor:e in: accor- dance :.lith tha Ordinances of the City of SpringficW., and th~ La:.:s of tha ,. State of Oreg.:m psrta.inin:g to the work described herein, o::nd ::hat NO OCC[J- PAller will be nr:zde of any structure witho:A.t permission of the 3uilding 0--;- vision.. I further certify that G:'Ily contractors ar.d e::rpl.;Y8es t.;J:,? are in compliance with OES 701.055 will be used on this project l I' ---...~/ '/ /// ~ _ _ -J/*L~ /'I/~ Signad /' I e/ , ) 3-/7-;?2 Date