HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-6-25 .. RESlDlNTlA'L" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 SPRINCFlELD - Job l.ocation: \~~~ ~It l\ J:tiQA, 1 )k. \ '\ (""?. ':'JU \ ~ T= wt # 0 ~('Y) Assessor's .~!ap /I - - Subdivision: Cl->ler{' 12.ll'MI\r1 t A'(\o.~ Add.~es3: h~~, ~ l ~ .\. \ MQ f) Phone: City: ~rtJ fuL n n n n N.,.,J Addi tien ~r RemodeZ ,~!obi.Ze ':-!oma Date of AppLicaticn Cont"ractol'S General Plumbing ElectricaL Mecirar.iccZ '^ ctl .0 fU.A..., cO"st~~ceion Lender Zip: "l\\~ - \f1h\ C\\Ltll . ?<:ce:pc ,1 'SQ'~ {)(" Descr;be r\'ol'k: ~~~~ Value Addres3 &!}.() .00 ,,:,1 ~ ~L Siqr.ed:~ Date 4 " .l..n II /:,)5 X.::lJ J Li3C.# ? :::;;il'CS pr..one Ie is ~ho l'esponoibitity of ehB permit hotder eo sss that aZZ inopections are ~ade at the proper tim€, that ~~ch ~es8 is l'eada~:2 Jl-om ehs street, and chat the permit card is 7..xa:ted at th6 f1"011t of the property. .tEu.i.?di~.g iHvi::w'!: app:oot:ed plan shell l'er.-.a:n on t~ Building Sit;; at all tUnlSS. P.70CSDU.~E FOR INSPEC::ION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nUl7:oel', JOD ac.::.ress, type of inspec::icl'l r~queB~cd ~~ when you wi~~ be ready for inspection, Contractors or Owners ncme ~nd phone ~~hcl'. Requests recei~ed befcr~ 7:QO ~ ..."'iZl. 06 rr:ade the same dc.y, requests made afta' 7:00 am lJ'il.l. be nr::zde the n=t :JOrkin; day. _~~mli:"t:'r( T'''pn",~t~:r:.._q O SITE IN~P::C':'!ON: ~o be made e=cauatton~ ~ut p~cr to set fol'fl'/s. o after up of UNDcRSLAB Pl[.','.fBI.'IG. ELcCTRIC1L .3 NECHA,'!ICA[,: To be made before work is .:ovcred. o POOT I:IG .!! FOW/D,U Iell: To be made after trencnes are exoavated and fcroms are erected, but prier to pourir~ ccncreto. UNDSRGROUND ?["L:M2IHG. SSWE:R. W.1T!".Q, DRAINAGE: To be ma.::e prior to fi.~- Zing trenches. o o UNDE.f?FLO(),~ Pr.W$IYG ~ NE:C.tfANICAL: To be maCe prior 'CO in3~aZ.Zction of [2001' insulation or deCking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instal.lation of fZoor insulation or d8ckirtg . o o ROUGH ?r.lr.~BrHG. Er.EC7!?ICAL ,>j ME:C,<::J- ANICAL: No ~rk is to oe covered ur.ti~ these inaoeaticr.s h=v~ beer. made and approved. FI_~EPLACE: Prior to pLccir.g facing mctQria~s and bGfore [roaming inspec- tior:. D o FRA!~Il!G: ,'.!u3t be requsated af-:02r approva~ of rough p~Wihing, e~ect;roi- caZ & mecr.ani-=aZ" AZ!. roofing bracing & ahimncys, at.:. ~~st bs . corrrp~etad. .'10 work is to be CCTl- ccec:.l~ unti~ this insoeation has . b6~ made and appro~ed. Your Ci ty. D6oigr.ated Job Nu:r.ber Io: o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IHSP~CTION: To be tnade after all. inS"'..t~ti..:m c:!"A rCU{Uil'ed vapor barTiers a:re in place but be"'ore any 'Lath, gypSU'1t board or wall covering is app~ied, and belol's any insulation is con.cea~ed. WDl gl /J I DElfOLITIO~.' OR .'.tCV:::; 3lJILDD,'CS ~ Sani=cry s€"..)er :;apped ::;t :n:...oP&l'"t::. Zir:J :::J Se"t~.... +--k p'.-~d .---,,; ~-~'11..A :.r.".h -a-.<o-: ~ ...... .......... ......:'... ............J... ..~'- .... :;1'. ........ ] F--:'naZ - r;'hen above ita.7:s a:re cc."iOZetGd and when da.~cZ.itior: is compiete or st~~~ ture ~oved ar~ ?l'&,~3eS :;Zeaned ~? . Nobi ZJ h'c,~es :::J aZocking and Se~-~p :::J PLumbing connections sewer cr3 wctar :::J Electrical. Ccnr.ectior: - BlocKir~, set-u; c:nd ,?Zumbir.g connections r.r.;,st !;e a;"prot;ed befol'c requesting eZec:ricaZ ins;ec=~~ ~ Acces.:=or',;l' 3uiZ.dinq ] Pin=Z - After ;~rcr.es, s~rt~ng, dJ~k3. etc. are a~le=&d. D All. project co~di;io~~, $uch as ;he {ns:aLZc~ion of a:~eet =r2e$. :~~!e~~~~ of the ~equired iAndscc.pir..g, etc., must ~e satisf:..ed before tr.e aUII...DI."iG FI."!)'L :;.=n bQ rZq".l;>!sc3d. o pnlA!, PLUU9I!lG o FI:/AL MECHANICAL o FINAL ELEC':'.'?IC/"L o o PINAL BUILDING: The F~nal 3uild~ng Inspection ~st be re~AeGted cfter ;r.e :ina~ 2!umoi~~ Electrical, ar~ uechar.ical Ir.s?ectic~3 ;~va been made ~~ ~?Fr~v2d. ~ any DR!WALL I,'/SP!:CTSON: Ta be made alter an drywall is in pl.ace, but prior to any :aping" O ~so/~qy: Steel. location, bona beamo, grouting or verticals in accordance ~th V.B.C. Section ~15' rtJODSTOVE..: After inBtal.lation is ec,-rrpl.e;ed. O CURB & .4PPROACH AP_~N: Aftezo form~ are erected au t prior to pCU1'"'~ng .:on.=rete. o o SIDEWALK & DRlf~AY: For aZl con- crete ,?aving ~ithin street right- of-wc.:!~ :0 be made after .:1Z! e.=ce.. vatinG ccmolete & forom work j ::;ub- baoe mc.te;r.aZ in p'Zace. "ALL MA/lHCLES AND C[,EANQUTS .~IUST BE ACCESSrsC.Z, AD,IUST.'!Z:iT TO ;E ,'.!.1DE' !:T .':0 C:-5': TO CIT'! 'P::~i? oj 2 o :'ENCE: When comol~te -- ?:ro'Jide ga;;s or movabZ~/ sections th.rough P.U.E. D ?::.ge 2 I JOB NO,~O 7.~J /I SOLAR .ESS REQ- I Zone: Lot Sq. F~. ~ ~f ~t Caverag& # of'StoPies I !!'otaL Height I I Topography lITEM I ,''''in SQ,FTC _~ace C.::r:-c!'~ I. I ,"'ccesso!'~ S.D,C, TOTAL VALUE Ivc:.uc) 1,5 = BuiLdi.ng Permit State Surch.xrge Total cra-:ogea r:ITE'M ~ Fi-.-t:'u:res l?esidential (1 bath) San.i~.t Sewer I we:te.."" I Pl:Jr.fb--;r.g Pe~t State Surcha:r-ge Total CT,cr-Gl!s lITEM I Rl!s. Sa. fta. /New/E--tend Circuits lTemporary S~Jice I 1.'10'1 I I I I I I Elect'["f~caZ Permit St.::..te Surcha..""oe Total Cha..""ces 1 ZZ'2N .'iC. I F~":' l.r:o..a"rl.:1ce ETU'S E=hmist Hood. Vent Pan I I LI I I iloodsto:;e I v I I Permit Issucnce Mechanic::l Perr:ri.t State Sur~hc:zoac TotcZ. Char?e!J. -- EllCRCACiiNEHT I SeC".J.ritu '2'Ooait ! Storcqe 1.'1a.intenar.ce IPerr.rU I Total C:-o:"'.a!"p'cs I c-.a-bC'"...l-; ! Side..xzZk I Yen.:;e ! !Zectr-!.ca! :.cbel , ! ,\fobi Ze Home /'"Jccu:;ar..cu Grau:;: LOT "'.I':l:" Interiar Corner ?~le Cul-de-sac x Value IrOTAL A:.fOUNT DUE: '" .~e~ I I I I I I J I I. I I I I I I I I. I I I , I IIO,CJ:! J ( ~ OCJ I I ,UJ I 1/5.iDo I. CHARGE CHARGE CHARCE .~oo I I I I f I j I I [ I I I J.c) 0~ . 'L -CO G~ Lot F(lces . T~pe/Ccr:8t : Bedroar.:s: J I Enp.ra~ SourcP-s I I Heat . I' ilat~r .:JmtP.!' J I Ra1"..qa I 1 ?-=-Z"6olc.ce I I Waod::;;ov€ II ';'".I::e P.L !North. lEase IS""tn tWest Se:backs I .'1""88 I Cara,. I : J Access. Faes I I I j I I I i. J I I I. Building Value & Permit This per.mit iz granted on the express condition that the s~id.constl'Uc~ion shall, in aZl ~espcct3, conform to the Qrdinar.ae ~oFted by the City of Sp~~1"4fi.eldJ ~ncZuding the Zoni1".g Cr-dinanc6, regulatir.g ;r.e ccnst~~c;icn ar~ use of buildir~sJ and m=y be suspended or revaked at cr.y time u;or. vic- lation of any pr~vi~ior.s of said Ordir4nces. I Plan Check I Cat. Paid: I R8adpt #: ISi&",8d: Fee: j 1 j Plumbing Permit No person. Dhal7, construct. ins taU" aUe"!' or change Gn:! 1".BW ar e:::isting plumbing 01' dr~inage systen in ~hole or in part, ur.less such ~erson is tr~ legal possessor of a ~alid plumber's license. except tr~t a pe~son ~a~ do plumbing work to prapert'~ which is Cl/...'r.ed. teased 01' operc:.ted by the appZi- aant, Electrica I Permi t Where State Law requires tr.at th9 elect1"'~cal work be done by an Electrical Contractorl the elec~r1'~al portion of this pe~it shall r~t be valid until the label has been. signed by the ElectricaL ~ontl'~ctor. Mechanical Permit Pl.cn Ex....-m..r:er uar:e I !iAVf: CARSFULZ,Y !XANI:1ED t.w aompleted application f"or pe~tl zr..d de hereby certif"y that all i~fo~ation he~eon is true and corrcctl cr~ I r.J.rther cer-:iiy that any ar.d all work per[orned ahal! be do:-:e in aCC::7r- dance :.lith the Ordinances of tJuz City of SPl""~n.gf:.;:ZdI and thz [,c:..;a of t;:(3 State of Oregon p::rt.=:.ning :0 the wortc d.es~bcd hereinl c:r.d th.a= NO CCCU- P~!!lC? /V";lZ. be ,~.a.:ie of any st:'Uctu.re witho",t permissio:,: of the 3uiZding ff":"- viaion. I further aertif;J :h::r.t o:'tly aontr'a.ctors a;~ ~Zoyees wf:o aJ"e in aampliance with ORS 701.05E will be used on this project $Ik IlL Signzd '. 2 s J..~ '2- fu.ta