HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2011-4-5 s~ ~~ . " . DE~ARTM~~T USE ONLY. ~.sP220II- to tno.: Dale 4-5- '20 ,( This permit is issued under OAR 918-309-0000. Pcnnits a~ nontransferable. Permib expire if work is not started within 180 daysofissuancc or if work is suspended for ]80 da)'s. ~'LOCALGOVERNMENTAf>f'ROVAL:. >, '. . . Zoning approval verified? 0 Yes 0 No , ' , 'CATEGORY. OF. CONSTRUCTION ,':' " o Residential I 0 Govenunent I 0 Commercial ,', JOB SITE INFORMATIO~',ANDLOCATlON ' Job sile .ddress~~ y=::;- ,:::5'" ~ City: I State: I ZIP: Subdivision: \ ~ lJ.)~D'.,~ \ I Lot no.:( )'-'\."'1.1 ) .. , . DESCRlpTlON.OF WORK' 'c" .. ~ (')'01-0-1 -.QJLI s'fU\.)(" . ex CU I is )..i-Ff 1 FlUA:' Li" A, . ., .:. ' ". PROPERTY OWNER : ',' 'j ( r' ~ (- Name: ". r'K S U0~~ \ 'ZA- D Address;:-,l lS' S -t-" -.J Ci~:;l IJ IStatecf-J I zIP:ChLf77 Phone-Y~ ,) 7 2.A.tv 57 'ax - - E-mail: This installation is being made on residential or farol.property o,...nOO by me or a member of my immediate tamily. This property is nol intended for sale, exchange, lease, or rent OAR 419.540(1) aod 419.560(1). Signature: , . CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION, :';- Business name: \ k' r.. l- I (J r+v t i. .) -,I.Jr\ r Address: Z.1"5"~(\ --;- .r CilV <;: ^ rr 0 (( I Stale 0 V I ZIP Ci14-11 Phone: ~l :14"-,(...,,. ! Fax:'Stl-I -14h-3~55 E-mail: --;:;>~(@~t<"..e:IMA:_.o1V\ ceo licen':' no.: 4'5 12..'1 I BCD license no.: 20-2...,C- Signing supervisor's license no,: 4'il'''''S ! Print name of signing supcrvisor:"jnJtu.D I I L.v V ^ n l""..~),,,,, \~ ..., SigmlhlTC of signing supervisor: u I w requires you to ATTENTION: Oregon a th" Oregon Utility follow rules adopted bJse r~les are set forth NotificatIOn center.16~hrOugh OAR 952-001- in OAR 952-001-0gtain copies of the rules by 0090,. You may 0 Note: the telephone callmg the center. ( n U'ility Notification number for the. o~e8g00 0_3~~-2344), Center IS ,- ~ 'IJ Ci -""".~"~ it "., '. ,'.,':'. FEE SCHEDULE', .C, .Nti'm~r'or~~~o~s~rite~,6' ,_" 'Qt)..\-.. .C~t ., ~:~~I I<<sid.ntial, IW'f unit, sprvice included: \,000 sq. fl. ",1= (4) $134,00 $ Each additional 500 sq. ft_ or porticm $ 25,00 S thereof Urnited energy (2) $ 32,00 $ Each manufacwred home Of modular $ 63.00 S dwelling service or feeder (2) Services or fec.-ders: instal/alio". alteration. relocation 200 amps or less (2) $ 81,00 $ 20 I to 400 amps (2) $ 95,00 $ 401 10600 amps (2) $158.00 $ 60 \to 1,000 amps (2) $205,00 $ Over 1.000 amps or volts (2) $469,00 $ Reconnect only (2) $ 63.00 $ Temporary services or fe.eden: installation altemtiml, relocatiml 200 amps Of 'ess (2) 20t to 400 amps (2) 40110600 amps (2) $ 83.00 $ $ 81,00 S $126.00 $ Over 600 amps or 1.000 \'olts, see services or feeders section above Branch circuits: new, alteration, exlension per panel <1, Fee for branch ci~uits with purcha.<re ofa service or feeder fee: Each branch circuit $ 6.00 $ b. Fee for branch circuits ,vithout purchase of a service or feeder fee: First branch circuil (2) Each additional branch circuit I II) ~ 'C . $ '1~. r;CJ $ 55.00 $ 6,00 Miscellaneous fH'S: service or feeder not included Each pump or irrigation circle (2) S 63.00 $ Each sign or outline lighting (2) S 63.00 S Signal cln.:uit or a limited.cnergy panel, alteration. or extension (2) Each additional inspKtion: (I) $ 63.00 $ $58,00 $ , ,,'. ':<.:.J' AePLlCANTUSE $ /21 o-J $ I <S:- 2-1 ---- $ 6. 3'> $ , /, sq (A) Enter subtotal of above fees (Minimum Pumit Fee $58.(0) (B) Entl..-"1" 12~ia surch:uge (.12 x [A]) (C) Technology Fee (5% of {AD TOTAL fees and surcharges (A through C); , . l\-1t \NORK ~lOliCE, MIl S\-I/l.LL t~PIRt ~~M\1 IS NOl T~~~~:~~LtO UNO~! ~:~~60N~O FOR ',Q\\~N\tNCtS ~~R\OO, : \'1'1 '\80 or" · .. ,'" SP~~N~~ ~ ~OI(EGON www.cLspringfield.or.us TRANSACTION RECEIPT 811-5PR2011-00545 225 5TH 5T CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth SI Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753 permitcenter@ci.springfield.or.us . 'L AM~OUNJ~DUE ,. "CW', ">'1 6.00 55,00 66.00 15.24 6.35 - ~~_..._..- --------- TOTAL DUE: 148,59 1:"':PAYMENf--ryI'E~',,"';;'PAYOR '~cAsHiER:NMAcVADor >;;~,,::'J>'.'a;Or.rNII:NTS:';"T,,;'\f'if;;i<.. '(,,' "AMOUNT PAID' "",v~ ( . ''''/J' w... ....,..~.~.......~...,__."'.~.--,_.....~"'-'_~__._~~~____~___....."_,_"'_."-"..,._~.__._~,= _ _.' ..._ . . .__.,,_ _....._ Credit Card' JK GUCKENBERGER ELECTRIC 148,59 055310 INC RECEIPT NO: 2011000656 RECORD NO: 811.SPR2011.00545 U:j'E::S'(;Rn:rI'ION:"0'0T:;',~ ~~,'" ";:;;';::.t;?"",;T;r,:r;"^",,.~~'*it..;g~k:(;:CO[iN'J~C5DE" ''''S /,~ - Branch circuits with service or feeder each circuit 224.00000A26102 --~. .. Branch circuits without service or feeder - 1st circuit 224-00000-426102 Branch circuits without service or feeder - each additional 224-00000-426102 _ _~e_~f Oregon Surcharge (12% of applicable fe~sL-._ 821.0000..2:?15004 '0 __ !.e.c.hn~l.ogy'!"e (5"1o~eer~it total)____~__,_,__~__,____229~00000-42560~___.___ DATE: 04/05/2011 TOTAL PAID: 148,59 FROM ~KG Elec~ric Inc. (TUE)APR 5 20" '2:24/ST. '2:23/~o.7600000650 P lectrital hrmit Application ~:~1~~~~111t~k, " '.'~)' ' DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 5 fIfth Strn". Sprintfhld. OR '1-477. PH(5041)716-1753. F.\..'\:.(s.l1 )716,,]689 ..,', ,! :~~~1i~~;;~~_0~~~~ Permil no.: Date: ,_ ''i>~ ~ '1 b 'hi~ ,permit iJ iutM:d under OAR 9J8-309--OOOO. Pennib Iln! nontranrferable- Permit. es.pirc ifwoti( 'iI not started l"ifhin 180 8Y~ of iuuanec or if work is s..spetld~ for 188 day... Cil)': IJhone: F:'mai\: This installation is being mndt: on re::;idential ur farm property l" '\ by Ole or a member of my immediale family, Thi;:; p.,_.-_.'ty is not intended for sale, exchange, lea.<oe, or renL OAR 4 79,540( I) and 479,560(1), ZIP: --- FEE SCHEDULE Number of ins~ctioos per ilem ( ) QI}', COlt Total ""- cost Reeidrnti.aJ, prr unit, service included: - LOOO sq. fl. orles.... (4) $134,00 $ ,-- t:.ach additional 500 sq. fl. or portion $ 25.00 $ lhcroof Limited energy (2) $ 32.00 $ EAch manu!aclllrcd home or modular $ 63.00 $ dwdlinE; servicem rcedcl" (2) Sc-n.icn or r~us: installation. altt!,-affcln. ,-e/oc(Jfioll - 200 amp1i or 1~!' (2) S 81.00 $ 201 to 400 amps (2) S ~5.oo $ f--- $158.00 4<11 10 600 .mps (2) $ .--- 60 110 IJlOO .mps (2) , $205.00 S Ovel" I,OOO.:unps or volts (2) $489.00 $ Rccoona..1. only (2) $ 83.00 S I Temporary senica or fr,eden: installatiun, altera/iulI. rdocatia" 200 amps 01' \ebo'1> (2) S 53.DO S 20 I 10 MlO amps (2) S 97.00 S 4Q I (('1600 cunps (2) $126,00 $ Over 600 an\ps 01" 1,000 ~o1ls, see services Of feeders section above BrllJu:h circuits.: IWW. alteration. ulmsion pupanel a. foe fOI" bruncb circu1ts.: with f!Ul"c-hasc ora foCrvice or reooer fee; \ -, Each bnmch ol.;if(.U~\ $ 8.00 $ b. Fee for branch circuits withouf purchase of a servicc or feeder fee: first branch cin:::uil (2) I S 55.00 S S1- E.l:lch addilional bnmch ~i~ujt 17-- $ 6,00 $ -n.. Misct'llaneous fees: service- or feeder nol included each pump iN img.:llion circle (2) S 83.00 $ r- Each sign or outline lightinB (2) S 83.00 $ SignaJ circUit (If a limitcd-Qn~rB~~ panel. allenrtion, or ex'1a1sion (2) $ 63.00 S Ea<:b .ddilioaal inspKlion: (I) 558.00 $ 1-. ' APPUCANT USE (A) Enter subtotal of llbove fec!ii $ 121- - (F\.1inimulR Permtr F~ S58.00) (B) Enter 12% surcbarge (.12:< [AD $ - (C) "echn()lt."'8>~ I:c.c. (SG{~ (\f\A\) $ TOTAL fees and surchaf1\" (A 'hn.ugh C): $fL-l ~ .- T LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL ',oiling u~lpfo\'al verified? 0 Yes 0 No CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCl10N ] Residential lO,,-crnrnent 0 Commt'fcial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCAl10N + ZIP: .(It-, site address: Z. '2-7:, :i'y StFt-d )ubdlvision: LotntJ.: <:;>J l!)L.....-fI OA) Name: Addres,,:;,: Signa lure: CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Hu.."iness name: City: Phone: E-m:lil: Si~ing supt..'Tvisor's license no.: Pri.~_~,name or sig.ning supervisor:, !-iign.1lllfc of signing. supervisor: --l.n~5l:l4-J (0-'OlilCOI\l)