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Permit Electrical 2006-12-4
~ . ZON (Y\ll (' ./ L^.~ INITIALS " IlIA. ~ DATE 1::1 -04 -OU O~ SOURCEA'lr.'f'S0" ,..~ 12/4/06 ,..<r[)"01",<<W~fffl-SOutPtffi~] Jr>>o ~[fJC~~ ,..,..._......... ,_'.', _""'_,",,~,_-.'_'_'...'.." ...' . " ""_:'_ .c..;.,,.,.-.,........:-..._.:........, "0 ,..,:.,'....,<:.-.,-..,....;.:.,..' .... ..,-'. 225 FIFll-l ~'TRE1<..'" . SPRINGFIELD, OR r.rJ477 . PII:(541)726-3753 _ FAX: (541)726-3689 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPliCATION City Job Numbcr COIAA..~O&..\ - 0/488 I. i~ LOCATION OF INSTALLATION: 3333 R\VE~ 8EN-O E>~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 170"! 'ZZOO 00 ?O~ JOB DESCRIPTION: Install LV Control wiringfor Pneumatic Tube Permits are Don-transferable and expire if work is not started within ISO day. ofi..uance or if work is Su.pended for ISO day.. " 2. l'CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY -. ...__._-~-_. ------- .-.--. --- - -- Electrical Contractor L.H. Morris Electric Address 483 Shelley Street City Springfield Phone 747-0811 Supervisor License Nmnber 3006S Expiration Date 10/1/07 Constr. Contr. Nwnber 20-39C Expiration Date 7/1/08 Signature of Supervising Electrician -/f~-r Owners Name 7 ~t:-lA e"I4- I +l Address ?u '80" 11.4, ct City eu. ~eN (;' Phone \\I9~'l'lron~sTA~LtTI01't,\liE IF 1HE WORK. 1,l11e ;""~I))dj(k~l ~1 \ J;tde on._.~_~;, l\nulrir.\;!;;ch rn-"'I':'-"' . ~r; TU'l.: VI-illm, ;:,.-r,,,,,u \'in\'l~~f~lf,lreasc'orrt:nt. FOR ~~-s~blJlR IS ABANDONED .'IJ~V 1 Rn DAY PERIOD. ..w ,v;:':N"'~YoU.\.O -.-TEl'rnON:i.Jre\lun I the Oregon Utlh\y AI I dopted bY set lortt 101l0W. r.Ule~~t,.,ihose ru\e~~~ 952-001 N8U\reti.IlIllR -001 :oo,tJ1ffi~ugh I the rules b:. in OAR 9S; may obtain copi~ ~ telephone ~ OO~~i;g the cente;~ t~~t~t~~ Notification number lor the.O. .~00.332.2344). , center IS 1 Date 3. COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOW A- New Residential- Single or Multi-Family per dwelling unit Service Included 1000 sq. ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft. or portion thereof Each Manufact'd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder $106,00 $19.00 $50.00 B. .Sc~:~~~~t~r Ft't'den - InstnJl:ltion. AItt'r.ltions ur Rc~~~~atio~_ ~ 200 Amps or less 201 Amps to 400 Amps 401 Amps to 600 Amps 601 Amps to 1000 Amps Over 1000 AmpsIVolts RecOlUlect Only $63.00 $ 75.00 $125.00 $163.00 $375.00 $ 50.00 r . -- 1)\0 ~ c. . Tempora')' Services or F~</e9 'jO \\\\''1 \ ,a.'tl (eO< e9pn ~ \ol\~ In.tallatio~l'l,ltMi,\ii.Q'\\IIeQ,~cati9tP9\ .001 , .. II'" ~(f'O) \)\6''' '(). gtfJ'l; ~~IAltl~~... ~oset OJ).~ Jasll:@.oo I>.. ~e~~i~g'(\ ~me' 'n~g9.00 \o\~~e~il\HIp~k>I~ 1JI"o09\95...~ ~9,e~""a\~'OO ~O\\'~';,Z~'.p'&'( ~~\\. ~\j \nO .>-I~~r.",:,;;:\)\\\1li....~).ve JhOJStlfnCb.li 1 ....0.. n.?-:rr Ol.l"'_n\\\ng'" ~e 'Q'rJrfr'3'3<- Ne'W~~~n ~~..on Per Panel ____. .l!lt\~irctli1Eln\e $ 43.00 Each Additional Circuit or with 8eJvice or Feeder Permit $ 3.00 ~--~ ---- -. -.. - - -. - I-:\\\\. -. E. Mi.cellaneou. (Sen'icelfeeder not included) ,E:lclt'I,,;tallatilln , . . -. . ,-\::,;'" S ~I}\ . :. " 'C-'I..? I' "'1\\' Pumpori~)'l\tion~~ '\ Sl-\f',\..\...,:,~ ?$60!OOrC9 SlgnlOutlmsL!g~t1ug~' ,'~\J'C-~ \ '>\\J~~OO ,\, ,\~ ,110(\ \J f','O"" Limited En"'llY(\l-,~ruenlil\1 O~ IS $ 25.00 LimitedEn~~W\'(~\;;t~::S' ?t.\l\~' $45.00 2745.00 Minimum Electri~IPermtW!'~ion Fee is $45.00 + Surcbarge. 4. . SUBroTAl-~), ABOVE: 8% Slate Surcharge 21 Y. 60 W% Administrative Fee 274.50- - 5% Technology Fee /37. 25 3376.35 TOTAL Shared Drivc(T:)lBuilding FormsIElectrical Permit Application 8-06.doc