HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2001-6-19 June 19, 2001. 0' J Omfia Omi[cf & Swinney :fire Syrink{er Systems Inc. 1265 35tfi Street Syringfie{cf, OR 97478 Re: Symantec (iate'way :fire. SyrinFi{er 'Dear Mr. Omfict 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 .Jls a fo{[(yw uy to my fetter aatea 5/17/01 ana in accoraance witn ORS455.020 ana section 104.2.8 of tne Oregon State Syecia{ty Coae, tne City of syringfie{a 1-vi{{ arrow tne 22-incn maximum c{earance distance for syrinFi{ers unaer 'TJI construction yer N:fT.Jt 13, 1999 edition. Section .Jt-1-4 6'B ana 5- of tne :N:J'P.Jt 13, 1999 edition yroviaes in yart tnat syrinFi{ers are not re quire a in eacn joist cnanne{ as {ong as tne syrinFi{er aef{ectors are not more tnan 22 incnes be{ow tne roof aecFi. Resyectfu{{y, . '~ d~~~,-0 'Dave Tuent Community Sen'ices Manager Tnc{osure Cc: 'Dennis Sne1-v, 'Deyuty Cnief/:fire Marslia{ Lisa :]-{oyyer, 'Bui{ding Safety Suyen'isor .Jt{ {ierara, 'Deyuty :fire Marsna{ Lorne T{eger,T{ans Txaminer 06/19/01 TlIE 11:35 FAX 5417410347 " 13-36 OMLID SWINNEY LgJ UU.l --.... lNSTALLATION OF SPRINkU:R SYSTEMS - Table 5-6.2.2(d) Protection Areas and Maximum Spacin~ (Stand:\rd Spr-ay TJpiight/Standnrd Spray Pendent.) for High-l'iled Storage Spacing (maximum) ft2 ,Protection Area ft Construction Type System 1)pe All Hydraulically caJC\l~ Jated with density :<:0,25 100 AIl Hydraulically calcu- lal:cd with density <0.25 130 5-6.3 Sprinkler Spacing (Standard Pendent and Upright Spray SprinkIU!'i). 5..6.3.1 Maximum Distance Belmen Sprinklen. The rna:dmulll distance permitted between sprinklers shall comply with Tables !5~~2,2(a) th((lugh (d)., . , . "":'6.3.2'Mald.murn Distance f.rom Walls. 5- * The distance from sprinklers t.o walls shall not exo;:ecd one-half of the allowable distance between sprln. klers a.s indicated in Ta.bles 5-6.2,2(a) through (d), The dis- tance frOIl) the wall to the sprinkler shall be measured perpendicular to the wall. Wbere walls are angled or irreg- ular, the maximuq1 horizontal distance between a sprinkler and any point offl(IOr area protected by that sprinkle.r shall Dot exceed 0.75 times the allowable distance permitted between sprinklers, 'provided the maximUm perpendicular distance is not exceeded, Exr:tjJtion:'!' W1thfn ,\"mall fYJomsasd.efimd.inJ-4.2"SPrinklers,shal1*' I be permitted to bl! located not more,than 9 fl (2.7 m) from any single wrJ.ll, Sprillkle:r spacing limitations of 5-6.3 and area lil1litations oJ Tabl~ 5-6,2.2(a) shaU nQt be cxciedeil.. 5- '(Jnder curved surfaces, the horizontal distance shall be me(l.sured at the floor level from Lhe wall, or the intersec- tion of the CUlVed surface and the; floor to the nearest sprin- kler shall not be greater than one.half the allowable di.~t:ance between sprinklers. 5-6.3.3 Minimum Distance from Walls, Sprinklers shall be located a minhnum of 4 in. (102 mm) from a wall, 5-6.3.4 Minimum Distance :8etween Sprinklers. Sprinklers shall be spaced not less tha.n 6 ft (l.B m) On center. E:<:cejJtian No.1: Sp1+nklerJ shall be pmrtitu.d /0 be Placed less tho.n 6 fi (1,8 m) on a:rr.ttrr wlu;:rr. the following ctmditi.ons a11f satisfied: . (0.) Baf./lF.s shalt be installe.d and Incated midway betwem sprin- kI.ers and arranged /.() protett the ac/w;.ting elcm.mrs, (b) Baf.fks sho,J.l be oJ noncoTnbl/stibk err liTflited-comblwiblt: maf,e,. rial that. will stay in place biflrre and during sprinkll'l' operation, (e) Ba/Jli.r shall bi:, nor. ?eSJ than 8 in, (203 mm) wide and 6 in, (152 trim) high. The tops of bafflts shall extend bettJJten 2 in.' a:nd 3 in. (51 mm and 76 mm) above the dejlel;um of uptight sfrriiTllt~s, Tk bot- toms of f;afJles shall fP:t.rnd do((mwarrl. to a leuel at least cum with the deflectors of p~ sprinklers. ' 1999 Edition m2 m 9.3 12 3.7 [In buildings with stora.ge bays 25 ft (7.6 m.) wide, 12 ft 6 in. (3.8 m) shall be pern'!itr,~d] 12.1 15 4,6 E:rcepti{m No, 2.. lrt-rack sprinkl.ers shall be pr:rm.itted tfJ be Placed le,rs than 6ft (1,8 m) on center, Erception No.3: Old-style sprinku:r-s proUJcting fur storage vault.s shall be fltm11itted /,(J he Placed less than 6ft (1,8 m) (m centltr. 5.6.4 Deflector Position (Standard Pendent and Upright Spray Sprinklers). Distance Below Ceilings. Under unobstnlcted construction, the disr,<ltl,ee berween chI;: sprinklc:r deflector and the ceiling shall be a minimum of 1 in, (25.4: mm) and a maximum of 12 in. (305 mrn), ' E:rccption: Ceiling-type sprinkja:s (cO'fU6l,Zled, nJct!.rsed, and flush types) shall be permitted f.o 'have tM opl'l'atingckmmt above the ceiling ,and thr. deflector located r/,r.(1.r~ to the rmling wht!rP. imta,lled in r~(.(.or- dfl.71ce wilh their listing, 5-6.4:1.2 Under obstructed construcriorl, the ;;?rl"lrl~, deflc=ctor shall be locatcd',within the, horizoma.1 plane$ of 1 in, to 6 in. (25.4 mm w 152 mm) below the structural members ;and a ma"imum distance of 22 in, (559 mm) below the ceiling/roof deck. '* Exaption. No.1: Sprinklers s!tali be pm'mitted to bit installed with the d.ejkclor (Lt or abOTJ(; the bottom of rlu: structural member to (1. ma~:i'lnum of 22 i'n., (559 mtn) l;e!lJW tk Cl!.i/ing/r()(Jf decJz uJhF:1'e the sprinkler is installed in cOTiformanu with5-6,S: 1, 2. Exception No, 2: Whc'l"t sflTinklers arr. insudlsd in each bay of (1)- strlJ,cUid consf:rUdion, d41.ectors .rhall be P(:T71l.ittetl to be a minimum oJ,1, in, (25,4711111) and a maximum of 12 in, (305 mm) below the cetlmg. E:>:crpti.on No, 3.. SJrri:T/,hler deflectors shall be pF:rmitted. /.0 he 1 in, to 6 in. below composite wood joists to a ttiaximum rlistcmce uJ 22 in, below the ceiling/roof dedi. 011,[Y where joist r,hamuls Q.re fire-stopped /.() the Jull depth of the joists with maum.rzl equivalent to the web con- stru.r.tion so that individual clmnnel CffP.f1S do nol exceed 300 ft? (27, 9 Tll~), Excepti07t No.4:" Deflectors of sprinklers 'Under COfu:retF. tee cem- struc/ion with stems spur,p,r/. less than 71 liJt (2,3 m) but mare th(1.7l 3 ft (0,9 m) on C6'n/ers shtlll, regardless oj r.he depth oj the tee, be per- mil.ted to be loe(1ted at or tJ.botJe a homontal plane 1 in. (25.4 nlm) helow the bol.tom oj thF. slr.ms of the tees and shall r,omPly with. Table 5-6,5,1,2, &.'" Sprinklers under or ncar the peak ofa roof or ceiling shall have deflectors located not more than 3 Ft (0,9 m) vertically dOMI from the peak. (SeeFiguros 5-6.4,1.3(0,) and 5-6.4,l.3(b),] 06/19/01 Tlm 11:34 FAX 5417410347 OMLIV SnlNNhY ~VVI- 13-160 INSTALLi'..TION OF SPRINKLER SYS-rfMS It should be recognized that the termfaslre.sprmse (like ule term quick 1'lJ.lpO'l'l.SlIused to define a particular type of sprin. klc:r) refers to the thermal sensitivity within the operating element ,of a sprinkler, not the time of operation in a partic- ular installation; There: li,C many other factors, such as ceil- ing' height, spacing, ambient .oom temperature, and distance below ceiling, that aff<<::ct the time of response of sprinklers. In most fU'e scenarios, sprinkler activation times will be shortest where the thermal clel11c:nrs are located 1 in. (25.4 mm) to 3 in. (76,2 mm) below the ceiling. A fast responSe sprinkler is expected to operate quicker than a . standard response sprinkler in Lhe same installation orienta- tion. ;For modeling purposes, concealed sprinklers can be \.onsidered equivalent to pendent sprinklers having a similar thermal response sensirivity installed 12 hi, (305 mm) below smooth unobstructed ceilings, and recessed sprinklers can b<<:: considered equivalent to penden t sprinklers having a sim. ilar thermal response sensitivity installed 8 in, (203 mm) below smootlJ unobSl:rut:ted ceilings. A-I-4.5.2 ESFR Sprinkler. It is irnpoI'~t to re4.li.7:e that the effectiveness of Ulese highly t~ted and O1gineered spriJ'lkleTs depends on the combination of fast response and the ql.la.1ity and uniformity of the sprinkler discharge. It should also be .realizedth;;1.l EsFR sprinlclerscannol be relied upon to provide. fire control, let alone suppr~sion, if they aTe used o1itsidethe guidelines spedfied in 7-9,5, ' A-1-4.5.2 QRES Sprinkler. Research into the dcvdopI1'1et~t of QRES sprinklers is continuing under the auspices of the National Fire Protection Resc3rch FOU1l<~ation. It is expected that the proposed design criteria will be added to the st3ndard when a thorough analysis of the test data is c;.o:mplr:ted, A-1-4.5.4 Dry Sprinlcler- UJl,du certain ambient conditions, wet pipe systems having dry-pendent (or upright) sprinklers C<.Ul frce2;e due to he:l.t loss by conduction. Therefore, due con- , sidention should be given to the amount of heat maintained .' ,in 't.l\e heale.dspace, the lengdl of the nipple iIi ilic heated space, and other 'relevant faC:tor.~, Dry sprinkler'; are intended to extend into an unheated area from a wc:t pipe system or to be used on a dry pipe system. A-1-4.6 Obl;DUctcd Construction. TIle fonowing are exampk_q of obstrUcted constrUction, The definitions are provided ILl a$Sist the user in detennining the type of constnIction feature, (a) Bcmll atlli Girder Con.stnUnon. The term beam end gitdet eonstrtu:ticm as used in this standa:rd inc1l~des noncombU$t1'ble and eombustible roof or floor ~ecks ~llppo1'ted by wood beams of 4 in. (102 mm) or greater nominal thickness or concrete or steel beams spaced 3 {tto 71/'l It (0.9 m to 2,g m) on center and either'supported on or framed intO girders. [Where sup- porting a wood plank. deek., this includes semi-mill and panel construction, and whe:t'e s'upporting (with steel fumit\g)gyp- sum plank, sted deck, concrete, tile. 01: sii:nilar material, this , includes much ofthr: so-called noncolnbustiblc construction.) (b) C.ompoSitc WoodJoist Construction, The tepn ClJ1"pr)si~ 'Wood joist c01lSttu~t1'rm refers to wood beams of "I" cross section con- strUcted of wood flanges and solid wood "'cb. supporting a floor or roof deck. Composi.te: wood joists on vary in depth up lO 48 in. (1,2 m). can be :;paced up to 48 in. (1.2 III) on Centers, iUld c;an span up to 60 ft (18 m) between support.~. Joist channels liliould be frrcl(Opped to the full depth of thejoists with mate- rial equiV'a.1~nL (0 the web COI\strUction so tbat individu:u chan- '* 1999 Edition ~ nd are:u do not exceed 300 ft! (27,9 m2), [Sa FigunA-1-4.6(a) fflT' em em:mp~ oj t:omposite wood joi.rt ccm.5trudion.] :Figure A-I-4.6{l1) TyPical composite wood jobt CDI1$U'\lcUon. , ~~-':;'~~ _ . _. n ._-,,=,,_=-,;-, ~r~"'--Wood -''-- . ,..._-,~."..". -- / \ bV (21 ( I? 1 \ (1l1V I J ~ \ )1) \ ( t ~ (c) .Panel C011.SlT1J.ction. The term pl1ml COtLStT1J.ction as used in this standard includes ceiling panels form.::d by members capable of trapping heat to aid the operation of sprinklers and limi.ted to a maximunl of 300 ft'- (27.9 m2) in area. Beams spaced more than 71h ft (2,3 m) apart and fra:med into girders qualify as pand c.onstruction, provided the 300-ft2 (27,9-m2) area li.mitalion is met, _ (d) Semi-Mil! Const~tion. The tt:m'l $tmi-miU t:on.stnJ-Ctifn'l as used in this standard refers to a modified standard mill con- struction, whc:r~ greater column spacing u used and beams rc:.st on girders, (e) Wood Joisl Construction, The Lerm wood joist co=lnle- tion refers to solid wood J;nembers of rectangular croSs sec- tion, which c<u~ V<\11' from 2 in, lO 4 in. (51 mm to 102 mm) nominal width and can be up to 14 in. (356 rom) nominal depth, spaced up to 3 ft (0.9 m) OI~ centers. and can span 'up to 40 ft (12 m) between supports, supporting a floor or :roof deck. Solid wood mcmbtrs less than 4 in. (102 mm) nominal ""idth a.nd up to 14 in, (356 mm) nominal depth, -'Paced more than. 3 ft (0,9, m) on Cf;nters, are also COI\sid- t1'ed 1\S wood joist construction.. . .A-1-4.6 'UnobsU'uct~d Constx'uction. The following =e exam. pIes of unobstructed constrUction. The definitions are pro- vided to assist the 11..~Cr in ddC:l'mining the' type of construction feature. (a) Bar JoUl O:mstrw:tUm.. The = barjoi.st wn.stnu:litmrefers to ,const.rl1ction eroployiI~g joislJ consisting of steel trusHhaped memh<::r:s. Wood txUSS-Shaped m~mber.s, which consist of wood top and bOttom chord members not exceedi.ng 4 in, (102 mm) in depth with sreel tube or 00,r webs , are also defined as barjoists, Bar joists include noncombustible ,or CC!mbusu'ble roof or floor decks on bar joist construction. (Sll Ji1gun.s A-1-4.6(b) aruJ, A-1--4,6(c) for =,",plrJ ofbarjoi.st constnu:titm.J Figure A-I-4.6(b) Wood bar joist consuuCliol'l.. 41n, (102 mm) 01 less