HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-1-6 (2) .. RESID.T1AL" APPLICATION /PERffIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 <7(,01: 9? ~d"'~~ 17-03, Z(o-d"3 1/ ref leU 402- c?i~ ~tt~(.~)j~/7/~- Q.mer: ..-:if17/.<.- u) ,;Atf-::, Address: 73/~ /1. 'b<1J r'<-fi Cit>J: ../~ ~ . .lob Location: ASDeSDor.: Nap /I SUbd~UiSiO~~ , Phone: 7<-/7- i'70 'I 4'7 <17 7 Zip: N ~}~ .--- II'ark: e>;A iJ ll,...l ..~/ -- I I Addi ticn n n R(!r.'Io.:eZ .'~o'b~ Ze Hama <!' 7~ 173. 80 ~a!ue L':-" ".... . -17' Aac:."eDS Date of Applicaticn 9.....:J. s:.c9-b ~onrl''::=:O]'S General. ~ P!"."bir.q bJ.o Ii) LF fA )/ _,. . Z!emiea! .;4,j 'flY''';' r,.. j} ~ j7A/ .;. / 1.~e=;..:::r.ic.:Z CO"st~~ction L~nder _Rcce"t . trr> 7 (0 ~ ; .~ vf ,\00 \00 ) .j.M/~ Siqr.ed: Date: eL- f[ --:t"'::"i7=3-rr V:1 ""7. /-/0-'31 Lise. .:: E::n.l"cs :--.-:or..: !; is th,- responDibility of the permit holder to see that aZ~ in:;pectio713 aI'e r.:ade at the proper timc~ that ::c.ch ::tiJboes3 is rea.::a.;:c /"rom tho street. and that the permit c(U'd is 1.ocated at the [rent of tr.e property. .~ui!di~~ ~vi=io~ ap~roved FL~n sr~~L re~air. on thG BuiLdin~Ei:~ a~ aLL times. ?'.'!C~.~=''''.~~ FOR I:'''SP~~IO!l RE'OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigr..:1.~cd .70b nur.:ber, ~~~~~s;ca a~G U~en you wi~~ DC ready lor insp=ction, ContI'ac&ers or vw~e~s r~~e and ~r~r.e r.~cr. _"i.ZL bc "made thE: same day, requests made c.ita 7:90 am wilt 0.:1 made the n==t :JOl"kir..; a.:::.. :;,"r.ui?O~,~ T"',,!I"',,,~"'ir.,.._<: YOUI' City Det;igr4ted Job Numbtzr It;: r.:; :::']SULA'TIONIVI1P08 e.4RRIE'R I:.fS?~C'!'!C:;': To be rr.ade after all insu"L.:::twn w.a required vapor carriers are in pLace but cefore any lath, gypsu.~ beard or r.xzlZ. coverino is aooLied, and bejore any inau~atiOn is ~onceaLed. . II DR:fl"ALL IusPEcrrON: Tc be made after all drywaZL is in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beam3, grouting or verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 241&. ] S:7= I:.'$?=';':'~:J:.': To be made after cxca~~ti~n, but prier to set;: up of form3. ] UNDE.r;SLI.!3 PLll.'BIlIC. ELECTRICi! & :.Zc;u;:n;;.i..: '.:'0 ba made Defore cny IJOri< i3 .:1ov!:red. . 1 ':, . X1 Fif5'!'.r.-:C!' FOUNDATI01l: To be made ~ afte~ trenc~es are excavated ar~ form;l are erected, but prior to pour-:.r.g ccncrete:. "l :;.cP "Vl U!!ViitGQU:.!D P!.Wf!JIl:C, sJk.~ f,I.1TE,~ ~ DR:.Ill/tC2: To be made prior to fii..- lir4 trenches. ; I \71 UIIDE.~FLoo.'11 PW!!BING & NECHANICA,,: ~ To 00 rr~e prier to in~taLZation of f7.oor" jl!9ulc.tion or decking. Xl POST Afib BEAM: To be made prior to ~ in3taLlatien of f~r ins~latior. or dsCki~" ..j).."l, I Xl RO,--'C!1. UP.!BI:.'G, ELECTPTCA[, !: UECH- ~ AuICAL: No work is to DC co~ered ur.tiL"these inspectior.s have beer. made and approve::. ] FI,~F:PLACE: Prior to plc.cir.g facing materiaLs and before framing inspec- tior.. Xl FP.A!r;"m: Mu:::t be reque:Jted after ~ approv~L of rough pl~hing, electri_ caL ,{ mechanical.. AlZ. roOfing bracing t: chimneys, et.:1. nr.lst be . cO'"Plcted. !Io wrk is to be con- ~ cealed until this inspection has 'b€~n made and approved. ~ o -...1 /0 o WOODSTO'/E: After installation is ccmplet€d. [] tW CURB & APPROACH AP.~N: Afte,:, forms are cre~ted but prior to pouring .:!o1U:rete. SIDEWALK I: DRIl"Ef/~Y: For all con-" crete paving within street right- of-l.JCY, to be made after all e.:rca- vating complete & for.m work & sub- base material. in pla:Je. o o ITllfI.: When co:npLc;te -- Provide gates or movabLe sectiona through P.U.E. o 1,~ ~ FIliAL PWt.IBIIIG ~-("\ KI FIliAL UE~HA.'IICAL ,...,.. 81 FINAL ELECTHICAL J job c==rcss, t~?e of i~~pe==icn R€qucs~s recei~e= ce;cre 7:D~ ~ JfIJl5'7(O I JE::~LI']';O;'.' CR :":JV;:; 5UII.D_-:::S i I , i =:J Septi:: tank p:..,"?~ci w.d fi.Z~ed uith F1'a:;:J~ J :J Pinal - erner. c:b=v. it."s arc cc."!'l.<<= I a~~ ~hen d~"Litior. is co~ie:c or Bt~~~- I tu.....e moved ar.i pri!mi3es :Ze.::nc.: up. =:l Sani:ari:/ seJel' capped ::t p:opcrt":i l.i!':e . NobiLe Hc~es :=J Blocking and S~t-~p :=J Plumbing connections -- scuer ar~ water ~ El.ectrical. Connection - Blockir~, 8e:-u~ ~ and plumbing connections ~~st tc C?pr~uei before requesti.ng electrical ir.spec:io~ :=J Acces:ol"":7' Building :J Final. - After p:1l"cr.es, etc. are comple:cd. sk~rting, decks, o ALL project conditions, ~uch as the instaLlation of street trees, co~la:i~n of the required landscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILCn,'C FINAL can be raquestcd. \c, @ FIlIAL BUILDINC: The" Final Building Inspection must be requeoted after the .rin:1.l Plwr:biro.] ElectricaL, and Mechar.ical InspectionD navo been modo and approved. -ALL f.lANHCLES AND CLEANOU'!'S ,lfUST BE ACCES$IBLr, ADJUS7'!~.'lT TO BE /":1DE t.T r.o (,~ST TO C1':1 I PaFe ! of 2 JOB NO.tbOS9{P ,,,"0: /.:.D;E? Lot Sq. Ft;. : ~f lot Caue~agc .:1 of Stones ."otal. Height Topography -- Faes I X I raluo I 3S,3o 77.1<7/.90 l.to......1 ~020.~ I I I: I 178 'I7~B~1 1/177.1/' I- I ~7t'.""" -J- /<(.8C> I 3'8<1.8<::' I- / k:sa '1 / <"So' I 1'2 ",s-6' 21'1",,~1 I I I' I I I I i I ~760 79~ "2 2?J' ~-2~ :::::.1 I;~: 6<:);::: .~1ai71 :Jcracp ::"ar=Cl"t: .-tceCSSOl'"tJ TOTAL VAWE IVc:.l.lJ.C) 1.5 ::: S.D.C. Building Permit State SW'eh~e Total Cha.""gea :':'E;.... I ,~'O. ~i....-:-'..u'es ;es;.c;mtial 4-bath) .:a-r.itaJ"".J Sez.:t!r' '~te'!" 5r~RJi'? "WAV.N PZu,-:-:b-:.r.? Perr::i t Etatc S:.a-cr.lZJ"Pe T::'t::! C'r.::'!"El2S - ~ .. ....... i 'es. 5:1. ft:::. 22<>6 r} ;;;;.)/E=:er.d ~ir::'.J.i ts 'C-=C1'cry Service EZ.e~~!"ical Pe~t St::te Su:t'~hazoae Tota Z. Cr.x!'ces 7'";"', :aor.:::.cc !!'!'U'S I"C'I 2 /7',Sc> 1613'.- I I ..=r.aus t Hood ant Fan ;:)oasto:Je PeT'r":it Issu.anca Me::r.anic::l. Permit State Surcrn:1"GC Total Cr.arGl'fJ OCruZ::OGnClI C1"O'.J. FEE LOT TYPE .& Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac Ci-:A.~C~ I I B-2.:5"01 2c>.~1 h).~1 2'0. DO l . /:<>7- 5(::; t7 I <:~ I Isl3'- ""'" I 1 7'\." .....1 ~::,"..-'-'- 15.- I '70. .... ~ t..{ 3'.601 '7~.~,- i., I ,/..-> I /1i? ,""'D I , I I 27.-- ~ Y I (.e>8 I' r-7.8_6~' _ -- D,'CRQACHJ..'E:.'T -- ~C"...lro-::tu D::r:o::it :orc.ne ..in tp.nar.~r .~t ::'.;cu: Total C;f1~:.!!.'::~_ I--g-i,/ /-/'7' :d~lk ''l=e CctricaZ Label bile Home ~~....~An.; P'R"",...., A-;Z;>c>ve t A;?~~~ - - I ~ GXam1.nel' ...... ~~ ~ L"at~ I . I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED th.e completed application fol' permi:., end do hezfeby certify that aZ1. i,,:,:fo;or..ation hereon is true and C01'7'CO:, and I I f:J.rtr.er certify that any ar.d an LJOl'k pel'fomlcd shaH be do~p. ...,., ""~Ol'- ~ce :.nth the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th= k_"s of tJ:a I ~ State of Oregon p~rtaining to the work described herein, end :j~t NO OCCV- - PlnCY will be made of any structure without p~rmis3io~ of the 3uiZdinp Di- 2 7~S- ~ \ uision. I further ccrtif:.; t~t O:1..ty contraa-tors a;-.d C71pl"yecs 1.:1:0 are in I !~Pliance ~th ons 701.05; will be used on this proj:::ct 1/ ,. I/' T' '/I.a:? '(2 I I! I i . ':'.U. ANOU,"f!' DUE:. <Jl /~S"l.-66 'f':....pe/Cor.st: L-COG~ Lot Face. - F~7 Set"bacJa; . ~:; I Garaae "2c,t "20 20 1/5" Il.cces,. i I be:iro"",.: '2 X?' E"2rn~ So~rcrs T~~~ I Heat "'::!...t:;;' ~ CLt:;, I Water "~rat,.?O ., I Hanpc " I FircDiacC' I Waoa:; tOlo'e II P.L. North lEast ISouth IWe.t Building Value & Permit This permit iD granted on the express condition that the s.:iid conatructio" shatZ, in all respects, conform to the Ordinar.ce ado~tej by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning ordinance, regulating the ecn~t1'U~ticn and UDe of buil.dings, and m:2Y be 8uDpended 01' revoked at cr.y time upon vie. lation of any proviaion8 of said Ordir.ances. #or~: R./9/Y #~V/C?J0-7 j-'::=E c'h' /'fNc....rsrc-""D . V1'z:"oe: ,r/"7Cf/?~ 15 :tP ::;rYO.5o. re-E ?// /,D W/j-5 / "7"0.""'8 13441'"/(<::. c puE iJY I.c>o. 'f;z IPlan Check Fee: Tt J'I(). 08 I Date Paid: 5?':-,.;z,s---e>fp I&Cd~t #: D t.69~/ IS<gr.ea: ~~_ t""':, 'LA..~ Plumbing Pe~'nfjt ',-, rr \ No percon Dhall ~onstruct, instal!, aZter or change any new or c:istir.g pLumbing 01' drainage syste~ in whole or in part, ur.less sucn Feraon ia the legal possesso~ of a valid plumoer's license, except tr~t a pc~son ma~ de plur.:bing LJork to property which is Ol..'n.ed, leased 01' operated oy the a;;p"L.i- cant. /"/ / / / v O~ ?'--\ . . I Electrica I Perm it ~ne1'e State Law ~eouires tr~~ the eZectrical worK be done a~ ar. ELec:ric~Z Con~rac:cr, the eZectricaZ ~or:ior. of this oe~it sr~Zl r.ot'ca ~a~ii ur.:iZ the ~eZ has been signei by tr.e Elc~~ical' ~on~r=~:o~. I ! i , i , , I I I Mechanical Permit I i I I I I ! i ! , "77'O-15b ~/~2 {-/P-t'J flue