HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-1-6 .. RESIDFi.l.LTlAL" APPLICAT-'PERl1IT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Or'egon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 q&,-I: 9? y/Iu~d~ .. /7-{)3~Z1o~d..3 0 TcfLot# 402- ~i ~ ~~V~~/7/~- Q.me", .-!Jtn'k--- U ) AA~ Addre.s: B /~ '71. '&:l..1J ~ Cit>J: /~ ~ , , ': I .Job Loc:::tion.: A8Desoor~ Map Ii . Suhd~Vi8iO(A.I \ N r1 n n Phane: 1'-/7- ?'70 f 47 </7 7 Zip: ~ < Desfribe -- - ~ -- N~., Addi tiCJ1 Rcr.fo.:e! .'!ob~ to Ho:~a Data of Application 9~.:;J.S-:~ "cm;r-==:ors General.. IJM-""" , I:){J~ LFU)/ S . AJ '1J1 L7 t;- j) p -,,7 AI;' Plu'17oir.q Zlr.ctrical. t..'e::;..ar.tc:::.Z CO"st~~ction L~ndp.r rl'ork: ~/ ill 7~ 7173. 80 Value 1 . ,- . - l' .AIl,:"cee," . tj/l 1"-, (0';'< Cf ,..- ' I """"IIIl Atit:i.~e:;3 .~ vf "J ) ~ 00 lV"7 ~ CL- Siqr.ed: /-1o-'g1 Date: F---,--,-i~ (;, L-:.sc. ~ E=-:;iras r,"'o~:c ;~; is tn.,. roesponaibility of the permit holder to see that: an inapections are r.:OO6 at the proper tWII,;, that aceh .:ddres3 is ra"~"'-;":~ ....rom tho street, and that the permit ca:rd is lxated at the froant of tr.e property. .;!ui~di~-=G Divi=ior: ap"proL'ea "pLan sr.:;ZL l~er.:air. on thcz Bu:.Zdinp ~:';:$ c: al.Z times. I .:-:!C:.:~~'p~ FOP. I:".'S?2f:TIOI! l=?E'CUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) s:ate your City desigr.:l:cd .10b ntu.":ber, ~~~~=s;ca ar:a u~en you ~iZZ oe ready lor insp=ction, Contracters or vw~e~s r~e ~nd ~r4ne r.~er. ._'i.Zl. be made the same dc;y, requests mede c;ft::~ ?o'()O am LJil.Z ix: made the n.c.:t :.;orkir.q i.=::. .~...r'!1~: ",p,'; T"'~"f'....":~:r.r'.q ] I~ ~~~~;~~~~~:-;~~o'pzJ~rb~=~~'~ ~~~t~f ~ forms. ~ U.',lDEf1SL/,E PLU!.f3Il!G. ELECTRIC,i! & ....'ECHX:IC;.L: To ba mada Defor.;] any work is ~ovcred. . F!7~.u"G ! ~!JND,1 T IO!.'o' To be made afte:~ trencnes are excavated ar.d forma are erected, but prior to rx:.u~r.g c:nc::t~~ .. _ ;;J r~:H U..D_7tr9;U..D . _U.'whC. sJk... "-'TE.'(. 0 DR:'I11!..G2: To De ma:ie prior to fiL- Zir.g trenches. ;, I I UllDE.7FLObH\ PLW$nJG & MECHANICAL: To DO made prier to in3taLLation of 11001' ~u~tion or decking. POST Alto BEAM: To be made priol' to instaLLaticn of fLoor ins~latior. or deeki~. HJ.. ~ 1 ROUCH ~~"BL".'Co ELE[;"]'.'?ICA!, I: /-fECH- Ai/leAL: ir'o :JOrk is to be covered ur.tiL these inspectior.s have beer. made and ~pprove.=. Fr.r~E:PLACE: Prior to plccir..g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. FPoA..r;"IGo' Muct be rcqu.cated aft-er approval of rough pl~hing, eLectri- cal & mechanical. AZ! roOfing bracing ~ chimneys~ etc. nr~st be . completed. .'10 work is to be con- " cealed until thio inspection has 'b€~n made and approved. ] ~ KJ KJ ] ~ 1,'1 ~ FIliAL PLUI.!BIIIG ?C1 Kl I1IAL 1.fE~HA.'lICAL loA" .gj FINAL ELECT.qICAL ~ Your City Desigr4ted Job Nu.mb~l' Ia: niSi..ILkIONIVAPO.r: P.4RgIE.r:r I:.'S?~CTIC:.'.: To be ~~de aftcr all insuZ~ti~n ~~. l'cqu:-:..red vapor barzoiel's are in place cut cefore any lath, gypsum board or wlZ covering is cpplicd~ and before any in3u.Zation is conceaZed. [Z] . II DRYI,'ALL ItlSP!XTIONo' To bo made after aLl drYl.JaZL is in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond ocam3, aroutina or verticaZs in accoraance with V.B.C. Section 241E. WOODSTO~'E: After installation is ccmpZeted. 110 CURB & APPROACH AP.~ll: Afte~ forms are erected but prior to pouring ,zon.::rete. SIDEWALK ,-I; DRIl'EfIAY: For aU con-' crete paving within street right- of-wcy, to be made after aU exca- vating complete & fo~ wol'k & cub- base materiaL in pZa::e. job ~css, t~?C of ~r.3pec:icr. Reques~s recei~e~ ce;cra 7:DD ~ 1(/.t"J5~(o I :JE:::JLITIC;'.' OR .',:,:Jt.~= a;;Iz,n:::c.s i I I ~ Septi~ tank p:,,:,?~d Q:"'.d f~lli!d tJith ;ra:;;cZ t I Find - lihan c:b~va ita,". ara eC"Pletc= I --1 ar:d l.:hen :i~OL....t1.0r. is co.o::;;Zc:c 01' s:~..:~. I ture ~oved ar~ premi3es :Le=nei up. :=J Sani :ar:J sC'Jer ::apped :t p::op,crt"l Zir.a . !!~bi Le Hc~es =:J Blocking and Sct-~p =:J PLumbing connections 8~cr ar.d wc:or ---, ELectrical Conr.action - Blockir~, Bot-up ~ and plumbing ccnr.ections nr~st tc ap?r~~c~ beforc requesting e~ec:ricaZ ir.spec:io~ ~ Ac.:'cscol'Y Building I Fin::J.l - After p:Jl'cr.cs, ~ etc. are compLe:cd. skirting, decks, D ~ D o !'ENCE: When compl~te -- Provide gates or movabLe sections through P.U.E. o AlL project conditions, such as the instaLLation of s:reet trees. c~~la:ion of the required landsct::pir.g~ etc., must be satisfied before the Bl/ILlJD,'C FINAL can be 1':1c;ua8t~d. \VI <9 FIlIAL BUILDINC: The' Final Building Inspection must be l'equeated aleeI' the Fin:.z.l Plur.:bi,.~ Electrical~ and Meciuu:icaL I713pectionn havo been made and apprOVed. o "ALL UANHCLES AND CLEANOln'S UUST BE ACCES$IBLE~ ADJUS7'!fE:1T TO BE f.:.1DE I.T 1:0 ("':'ST TO CI':Y I P::::e ! of 2 ~OB NO.%(;OS9{P SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Zone: L VZ? Oecucaneu crouc.- 7 ..t IS?-I Lot Sq. Ftg. ~7.60 LOT TYPE: . "' Lot Faces :; "r lot C:roerag:: ~~ Interior I I P.L. .~ of Stories '2 ..&. Corner li/arth ."otal Height 2-::3 ' Panhandle lEast IS""th Topography Q-2~ CuL-de-sac West :'::::.1 I;~: 13S.~O t/aZuc J .~1ain 77R7J.BOI ~acp. 6<:)2 I .10 . .... ~ozo.c>eo Car"::!Cl"t I I .4accssol'U I I 1 I / <:::;a 'I I I <So'l 1~<s-611 40....., I /~7. i>c t? I <.~I I 1'1'"3-"";;1 1 7.'): ......, I 1;k~~~~ I / Gxam1.ner J I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the compLeted application for permi:., end do he1eby certify that aU i,:,,;fo~ction hereon is tl'ue ar..d Correc";, c:n:i I 1 [:.41"t1':.01' CCI'tifb' that any ar.d an work perfoMlcd shan be do:'!/! '7~~ n(!~ol'- aa}zce :.nth the 01'din:zncas of tit~ City of Springfield. and th.= Lc:-.:s of t1:a I ~ state of Oregon p~l't~ining to the work described herein. cr~ :.;~= NO OCC~. PAVCY will be made of any structure ~ithout p~rmis3io~ of the Building Di- 2 7.~~ ll~ision. I further certif~' that o:tly contraC!tors a:-:d cnpl:;Jyecs who are in /compliance ~th ORS ?Ol.05~ ~ill be used on this proj~ct I ,1/ I /" /-rj) ./Im. ,/2.( P'R,.p;<-n A-7?.:>votE (! / / I ~ 1"13Y.66 i TOTAL VALUE: IVC."uc) 1.5 = Buildin.g Permit State Surcharge Totel Cha....ges :':E;'.: ,'.'0. I FEE :i.:::::-..-res ~esid;;r.tiat /If bath) .:ar.itar:J Sewc"!' -;ate!" So!>RM 7??AWY PZ.u.~bir.? Perr.:i t Sta::e Surcr..(ll"ge T~t=3 Lr:=:>CC:! j::",. i ::>':3. S:J. f==. 2'<<>6 t! 2 I IJ," ~ I I I II I ,~~/Z=tend ~ir~~its '~~raTY S~rvicc Ele~trical Pe~it St:;te Sur~r.a:roe Tot::: Z Cr.arces :-;"" :.a"r~ce PTU' 5 I i;C. I .__ I 2 I ~S&> 6 3.-- .::r..aust Hoo:!. ant Fan :Jods to:Je Pe~~t Iasuanc2 Me~r.anic=l Permit State Surchc.rae Totel Charpf'!:': -- D.'CROACH;'::::.'T -- ~C-...lritu D;:vo:;it :oraae :intenar.~r 'rm.t Tota l C"naracr; a-bcu:: I'T2'~ /-/'1' :de'..J.2lk ''1~e .cctrica l Label 'bi le Home ,r; A.Iv ~ ~ Ao. i ~:.U, ANOU,'rr DUE:. 78. '173.S01 I tl77. II I 97G>."""'.J- /'1.80 3'8<; . B~ I ' J CHARGE: B2 .~C> 20. --I /,)". """'j /5.- I '?o. - f- t.{ 3'.601 Cj'?I.6D I ' I- I "? . .-:>1 /fi? ,CoO J I I J 27.-- r-- y /.081' 2$.~sl, :..::;...-.~:. L-COG~ \ TF-pcICor.st: ~ be::.rooms: '2 X2 ~ Enern;J SO~,..c(>s ril':"(' I I Haa' (};L..e-GT CLt:;,. I t.cces~. [ I Water> Yr.at(>'" l~ I I Hanpr. ., I I Fireplace I I Weoa;: tot:e II F~7 Setbacks 'House I Car-aae ;:::0 I "2'1- 120 120 I 1/5 I Faas , j This pe;:~~ Ig~~; on ~~e~~a: C:it:net~~!et said. eon"trustion I shall~ in all respects, conform to the -Ordinar.ce ~dopted by the City of I Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, reguleting the ccnstr~ctien and u~e of buildings, and may be sUDpended or reuoked at cr.y time upon. vie- lation of any provisions of said Ordir~es. #,orG: R../'l/Y ,i?c=v/.;!;""w Fee' 0# /fNc.JST.:-D . v*~ F/<7a/{'G /5 $' .:?710-5o. rC=-E "?.4 //0 W4"""5 I "1"0 .=8 1i3/f4f""/Y< c 7;>vE $ / <::)0. '12 IPLan Chaek Fee: 11 1'10.08 ICate Paid: f?--.;J,5---e-te. 1&c;;iPt #: D t.691-/ S1.9"e8: ~ ~ /L<... Plumbing Pernfit - (f \ No percon Dhall construct~ instal!, aZtar or change any neu C~ e=istir.q pLumbing or drainage syste~ in ~hoLe or in part, unLess suc~ perDon is tr.e. I Legal possessor of a valid plumber's license. excep~ tr~t a pe~son mQ~ de pZu~bing ~ork to property which is ow~ed, leased or operated by tr.e a~pZi- cant. / c..t()~ ? / Electrical Permit ri.here State Law peauires tr~~ the electrical worK be ao~e bu a~ SZcctric:;Z Con~rac~cr, the eZ~c=ricaZ po~=ior. of :hi3 pe~i: sr~Zl r.o:' be ~a~~ ur.:iZ the ~bz r.as been ~icnei bu the Etc~rricat Con=ra~=o~. I "" Mechanical Permit I I ?7'0-8b ,,"'ate "':'~Aj/~2 5t.gn$& { -/p -t1 futc