HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-8-21 Recoipt !I I ?<I?::Y... (\0 ... RESID~TIAl-" D . APPLICAT./PERMIT. 225 .North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZdi~g Division 726-3753 Job Loc3tion: 7P. - 80 . ,91 ac1u / t\l) O' Asccsco"C MaP. *. I 'I ()~fJl 0 J;J~ ~= Lot g fYJ404 Subdivision:" ~ r\ n 0-.) \ <8t flrif1 r4rrC 4- ' ~ - - ."'- q. J - - I V 7)1 cevrf- 'Dc R~J Add:rcss: /b3 $.en C{!t/<- City: r; IA.'::;j? A/LJI- tl Q,mer: Sf. Phone: 3c(!7 - 657~ q 7cjo ~ Zip: 5?1N~" n Addi ticn n Remodel n .'!obi.le llama Date of Application 5?' ~? ~ 7u Valus gz _ .....~ Contractors Adgrpss Lise. U Bldrs General Sf. (J; nUI1+ i\.A'q.Mi ~ 91 W!lof Qs ok...-.JVe... : Plumbing (l fI..-WltJbfl/<; tl/u ,M b iM3' ?F/OlJ,-Tac.fP>' I~LI tZc,j i t.lechanical . . . I El,"ctri!;~ 1 ~u.; (,d frS. r:; I e~;( ~ tJI(] fJO)L/no 2--J SupeIi"\l~;)~~Elec tr~c liJ,n Describe II'ork: pUfr f:-;L. ..-.', ", -,.... Sigr.ed: Dato: ~(~ Exo:i"L"es B6aTd,. ReQ. ~ INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: . ~ To be nrlde after all insul.a.ti::m CV".d .., required vapor barriers are in place ,," ",' but before any lath, gypsum board 01' wU covering is applied, and betoroo any irwulation is concealed. r::iI DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made LAJ after aLL drywU is in place, but pr-ior' to any taping. O ~SONRY: Steel location, bond beamo, groutina 01' verticals in accordance r.ri.th U. B. C. Section 2415. O WOODSTove: After installation is ccmpZet~d. ~ CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte:o fol'ms ar'e erected but prior' to pouring '.. LWn.:!rote. Phnnp c:, rJ.5!l..I Q::l2/l.b. . '1(30/9/) \. .> , , / :/JIO/:,) It i.s the responnibility of the permit holder to Boe that all. inDpectionB arB r.:ads a:t th~ pr:'por timG~ that each ;;ddross is rcadabZe {room the street, and that the permit card is located at tho front of the property. A!Jui!.di."1g Divi::io'!': approved plan shall remain on ths Bu{.Zding Sits at all times. Pf!OCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REOUEST;CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City designated job numbor, job address, typo of in:zpec-:iclI requested ar.d when you !Jill be ready for inspection, Contractors 01' OtJnere n:::me and phone number. Requests received cefore 7:00 C":'I :..'ill be nrlde the same dcy, requests made a~teP 7:00 am IJill be nrlde the nc%t :.JOroking daYn f\f(J.' Your City Deaigr.atcd Job Number Is: ,-,,0\ UJ WJDEFWWOR PLUNBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to in3tallation of floor insu la tion or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to in8tal~ticn of floor in9~tation or decki"fi. ROUCH ?f.W!B1!/G. Er.ECTRTCAl. ,e MEClI- r7I ANICAL: No work is to be cot.-ered ~ ,ur.til these inspections have be~ made and approve.:!. FIREPLACE:' . Prior to plc.cir..g facing... - mc:tel'ials and b!1fore fmming inspec- ... tior:. ,R~mli~p~ T"~"p~tiG~R O SITE: INSPECI'ION:, To be rmde after. excavation, but pr-ior to set up of forms. M UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRIC,1L & I6..J MECHANICAL: To be made before any 1JOpk is :Jovcr>ed. ~ FOOTING ~ FOUND.1TION: To be "",de after tl"enches are excavated and f01'lT18 are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret~. [t1 o UNDSRC,WUND P~UMI3INCI SEWER. W,1TE,~ DRAINAGE: To be rrrl.:te priOl' to fiZ- lir.g trenches. o ~ o [1] FRAI!ItIr:: M4st be requested aftel" approval of l"OUgh plwr.bing, al.ectri- cal & machani:Jal. An roOfing braciTltJ & chimneys, et.::. ,",.lst be ,completad. !Io /JDpk is to be con- , cec.led until thiD inspection has 'bc~n mad!1 and approved. SIDEWALK & DRIt'ErJI'..Y: Fol' all con- crete paving ~thin street right- of-l.JCY, to be made after all- exca- vating complete & fo~ work & cub- base matenal in pLa::e. . , O !'ENCE: Wher: co:npl.ite -- Provide gates or movable sections throougr, . P.U.E. W'STREET TREES: I '3 street trees from approved lis~ shall be installed - minimum 6' high' at ~lanti.!l9.--, - - : DEf.tOLITION OR NoveD BUILDl4'IGS :::J Sani tary setJ81" ::apped at prop~rt;; lir-e " , " ',tllll>. !",~I'iI'fmn><\'\~..,itl j,.~: ~.\..I \ . ~ Septi:: tcmk p:~cd and fiLle~ !.rith gra:ull I Final - t/hen ab.:'ve items are ccmplotcd ~ ar.d when demolitior. is complete or 8t~J- ture.~vea and pr~mi3es ~leaned up. " Mobile Hcmec :=J,~z.ocking and Sat-:.tp. :=J Plumbing connections -- sewer and water --T'Elcctrical Connection - Blocking, sot-lip --.J and plwnbing ccmr.ections lrr..lst he approved before requesting electrical in8pectio~ \ :=J Ac::es~Or!i Building I Final - Aft:!r porcr.es, skirting, ---.J etc. are complet~d. decks, D All pr'oject conditions, aud: aD the -:'nstallation of stl'eot troees, '.co::rpZati.m of tne roequil'ed landsccpir:g, etc., must be satisfied before the Bl.'ILDIIlC FINAL can be requestad. ~ FIliAL PWMB[lJG [2] FIliAL MEoUAIIICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o @ FINAL BUILDING: Tho Final Building Inspection must be requested after tho Pinal Plumbina Electrical, and Mechar.ical Inspectiono hava been made and appl'olJ~d. ~Ar.L MANI/OLES AND CLEANOUTS !IUST BF. ACCES$IBLF., ADJUST!fF;NT TO BE,.t,f4DE AT ,",0 CaST TO CI'1'Y J P:l!~C ! of 2 . -;:1- - JOB NJ;!()/{):{)SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- I Zona: t... 7)~ - - Occuoaneu G. ~ ~ l-COG~ SQ. FTG . I X VaLue I 2..jO?lo?fi.;o "62. ,t;7b6D1 I I I I I I I I 1;532-37(". o.i I/~ If: 'II- , ,"3'""8<,. ..,." I /q,./I!!> 1 'I~/.lt> ,- Lot Sq. Ft;;. 6...~4)1"? S "f lot C"verag~ 2'~?~ .f of Stories "2.. TotaL Height -=z::2 / Topography e>-2~ I lITeM I "bin I Garaae I Carvort 11I006S801"1I I I IS.D.C. TOTAL VAWe fvat.uC} 1.5 :r: Building Permit State Suroharge TotaL Cha;ogea NO'1 FEE "'2.1 II 21/5" ~__ z:n"./.N~i!F lITEM I Futures I Re8identiaL (J bath! I SanitaT"Y Sewel" Watel" PLumbing Perr.:i t State SurcF-.arge Total. CharQo8 11Tt'N I Res. So. fta. I N3LJ/E:r:tend Ci'l"CUi t8 I Temporary Ser-vioe I I NO'1 FEE I I, Ifl I i EleatricaL Permit State Surcharqe Tota l Charges IITSM I F'urn.:zoe !!TV'S I E=haua t 1/ood I Vent Fan I Woodsto:Je , NO. FEE ;;> ~:SlJ "<~ T~~"2 3' Permit Issuanca Me:::hanicaL Permit State Surcharac ....T"tnl r:nara6[1 -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~rit~ Davo3it Storage /.faintenan.~~ Permit I Total Charqcs ICurbcu~ I SidewaLk I Fcn:::e l Eleo trica l Labe l I Mobile Home 7- -:< '/ /""3$ I . TOTAl, AMOUNT DUE: If LOT TYPE Interior ~ Corner PanhandLe Cu1.-de-sac I I -5"2. Se:: -::Z~.- ~.- I I I I I~.- 1/77~s-t::> I ~./~ V~'.~I- CHARGE CHARGE '/5~ /;5: - I , 7'S' I (.,5:75" - , CHARGE "7. -i' ~._tr -" -. c_ . 1"2/.- I I /.~I j -:2:':-~"'Sl . I I I I I l- ??<e::>1 ""I~_?OI I I r I I I. I I I / .&t::7", d>? I Lot Faoes - I I P.L. INor th lEast ISou th IWest ~ Bedroom8: ;Z,;KE!!?.....,:;;: I I En""qu Soureas J-'ll"'" Tuoa I Heat 4""/.....?S:'. ~.~ Access. I Water Hf!(Jt~I'- _ --=-., ::. I Range - j Fir(JPlaca I Wood::;toi:e I T;ipe/Cor:st: ~ ,t!!f"' . Setbacks House ,.caroaqe .r ~__, 5"MA. F2es Building Value & Permit This pennit in granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in. all. respeots, oonform to the Ordinanoe adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the oonstruction and uoe of buildings, and m::y be sUDpended or revoked at cny t-:.me u.pon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. INan Check Fea...ud f;. KU Ivate Paid: t;.\.'~ ''11 ) I Reedpt #: n T) q 64,Q... I Signed: y::j\1.!:) j Plumbing Permit No person Dhall construct, inB~L!J alter or change any new or e:isting p1.Umbing or "drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the lega1. possessor of a valid pLwnber'8 license, except that a person may do plumbing lJork to property which is owned, 1.eased or operoted by the app1.i- cant. ElectricalPermi t Where State La1.J requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Ele~tricaL Contractor, the eLectrica1. portion of,this permit shall r~t be valid until the label has been aigned by the E'Lectrical Contractor. &~ml'c#c ~;;;"ff~",~/r 5~r;~ ~/?9r.o?' #- .;)~f"~ t??~/"/??/.7? . Mechanical Permit ~~~a;-~ ~rner- - ./~ " ?f?-/7-9o Vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that aL? iroformation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all work perfor:1fed shall bs d0:16 in accol"- dance with the Ordinances of the city of Sprinafield, and th: Lx~8 of tha State of Oreg:m p$rtaining to the work described herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structura witho~t pe~io3ion of the Building Di~ vision. I furthor certify that o:1ly oontI'a.:::tors ar.d e."npz...,yecs w}:o are in compliance with ORS 701.05~ ~i1.l be used on this project ~j~ \?v cJr"G'/2.( 110 ,I D.ltr.