HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-1-16 OWNER: MY's. U. :1<. ('.A((~Y ADDRESS" 23lfJ CJnr:\(:\y IANp CITY: ~pn()tj-\..Idd DESCRIBE WORI<: ln~~at; ~(P. IIJSef.t~F(...I"_ ~1llj ~ S-1D\1~ REMODEL -L... ADDITION DEMOLISH OTHEfl CONTRACTOR'S NAME GENERAl' PLUMBING' MECHANICAL: f.om+nr--!:. R~_IEt5J 1)()1\I s-J.-!..' .sl~ 'k- 0 C"1?= OFFICE USE~ ~ 9 w I- ~ :J:-O LAND USE: -.----..t::..~--UJ- !:!:: W Z # OF UNITS: II' ~ 0 a:CJ)~ 0..- - Z .,... ... -t-cil W <C. HEAT SOURCE: _---L~ -Ie-_ RANGE: ___ f: Z q: ffi OO"""'''-'Q.. ;...~~.- To request an Inspection, you must call 726-3769. This Is a 24 hOWCa:sr<~9.~II2j::;PCCllons rcqllCSIC(.I before 7:00 ::un. wIll be made the some working day, Ins pee (Ions requested ortor 7:00 a.4l)wffi bIa:~cctflc following worl( day. -o..O~CX) REQUIRED IN&~-go~~ o ROllgh Mccl1iHli~ .l:-PffGr k) <c cover. RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspeclions: 726-3769 Olllce: 726.3759 LOT: NEW ELECTRICAl' QUAD AREA: # OF BLDGS' OCCY GROUP: # OF STORIES: ___ WATER HEAT En: o Tcmpornry Electric o Site Inspection - To bc made after excavation, but prior \0 scltlng IOOllS. o Undcrslnb Plumbingl ElcctricnlJ Mcchnnlcal - Prior to cover. o Footing - Atter trenches arc excavated. o Masonry - Sleel locallon, bond beams, grouting. o Foundntlon - Afler forms arc erected bul prior to concrele placement. o Underground Plumbing - Prior 10 filling trench. o Undcrlloor Plumblng/Mechnnicnl - Prior to InsulatIon or decldng. o Post nnd Beam - Prior 10 floor Insulation or decl<Ing. o Floor Insulnlion - Prior to deckIng. o Sanll..ry Sewer - Prior to filling Irench. o Storm Sewer - Pdor 10 ruling trench. o Waler Line - Prior 10 filling trench. o Rough Plul11bing - Prior 10 cover. . $PRINCr-IELD BLOCI<: STATE: OR ADDRESS CaNST. CONTRACTOR # ODl!k[) ~I::- CONSTn. TYPE: o Rough Electric..' - Prior to CQver. o ElcctriC<11 Service - Must be (lpprOvcd 10 oblain pcrmanent electrical power. o Fireplace - Prior 10 (tlclng materials and framing Insp. o o Framing - Prior 10 cover. Wall/C"ciling Insulntion - Prlor to cover. o Drywnll - Prlor 10 taping. o Wood Stove - After tn5talln:fon. o Insert - After fireplace approval and Inslal/nllon of unit. o Curbcllt & Approuch - After forms arc crected but Drior 10 placement of concrcle. o Sidewnlk & DriVCW:I\, - After excavation is complete, fOllllS Dnel Sul).b.1SC rn..tcrlil/ in pl;H;C, o Fcnce - WIlen cornpleted. o ~;troo1 Tree:; - When all required lrees arc planted. . JOB NUMoEn!:t1-@ (p i SUBDIVISION: PHONE: _!1!ifo -b31io ZIP: ilJ!:fL7 l'XPII1ES PHONE " to- Z7 -'1~ 1.7Io-DIOO FLOOD I'LAIN: ZONINC CODE:__ If Of' 80nMS: SECONDMIY HEAr: ____.. SQUAnE FOOTACE: ._"'_'_' o Fin,ll PIllIllbing - When nIl pruml)lng w9rl< is compICl.C. D Firlul Eleclrlcal - V"11en all electrical worle is complcte. ~echilllicill - When all IIH.::cllOnlcnl worl< 15 complete. o Fin<ll Ouilding - W"Cn all required in~pectlons have been approved and bui/cllng 13 completed. ~ crlt?~._ MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o Olocking nlHI Sel.Up - Wilen nil blocl<lnu I:; complele. o PIUl1\bil1~) Connections - When 11Ornr.:: Ilil$ been corll)eClcej to wnlcr <111(1 sewer. o EtcclliGtll COtlllCCtiOIl - When blor.ldnO, SCHlp, ol1d plumbing inspections Il:wc l)ccn approved illHI IlIe hOlllo Is connectod to lhe service panel. o Fillnl - Arlor ull required Inspection::> <:IrQ approved nnd porellc5, sl<irling, decl<:;. and venllno hnve been Instilllcd. Lot faces Lot Type Lot sq. rtg, Interior Lol coverage Corner Topography Panllandlc Tolal helgllt Cul.{Jc.sac BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. X $/SO. FT. Main Garage Carport Total Value Building Permit Fcc State Surcharge Total Fcc (A) . SetbaGlc; P.L. HSE I GAR I N ---- -~-- 1 " ~THE PROPOSED WORI, ;N THE. ....HISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? If yes, this application must be sIgned and approved by the Historical Coordinator prior to permit issuance. '. ACC I I W .---..- --- ---- -' APPROVED: E L___1-.... .J VALUE '. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (8) PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixtures Residential O<.Jth(s) N" SanltDry S~wcr Waler FT. FT. Storm Sewer FT. Mobile Home Plumbing Permil Slate Surchargc Tolal CI1LHge (C) MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace Exhaust Hood Venl Fan N' Wood Slovc/lnscrt/Flrcplacc'Unil Dryer Vent Mccllanici11 Perllli I Issu,;)nco Stille SurChalfJC Tolal Permit (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Horne State Issuance S\alo Surcl1aruo Sidcwalle II Curbcut II Demolitlon ~Iate Surcharge Totill Mlscellaneou$ Permits (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (exclulling electrical) (A, 8, C, 0, and E Coml)lned) -' FEE .'T . l' .' \' :l "' ," .- '.' ( 1 ,. '- ; :."{". ., ~~ '. . ;; .:fis. - -tJ~L-- .~+,=tS .:fs O-{,. 0-<> BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This permil is granted on the express condition that the said conslruction shall, in all respects, conform to 1I1C Ordinance adopled by Ihe Cily of Springfield. including the Development Code, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked a\ any time. upon violation of any provi~ions of said ordinances. Plan Ctlcck Fcc: _ Date Paid: Receipt NUlllbcl':__. Received By: Plans Revic~ed--'O-y-'--"'---- Date Sys.lcms Ouvclopmcnt Charge is due on all undeveloped, properties within the City limits wtllcll arc being improved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS By signature, I stalc and agree, thai 1 have carefully examined tho completed applic<Jllon and do hereby eertHy Ihat all InformatIon hereon i::; true ane! correct, and I further certify that .-:lny and all VJork performed shall be done in accordance with the OrdinancL:::; of tllr; City of Springfield, and the Laws of the Slate of Oregon pertaining to the worle described hen:dn, .1nd tllal NO OCCUPANCY will be macJe or any structure witllOut pt:rmission of 1110 Buildlnu SrJfety Division. I furllWf cerli fy tllat only contractors and employees who arc in cornpliance'with QRS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree tQ ensure thaI aJJ required Inspections nre reQue31ed at the proper lime, that each address Is readable from the street, that tile permit card is rocated at the fronl of the IJropcrty, tlnd the approved set of plans will remain on the site /a.llli~:':conslrUCtlOn. 4"",,",, tV? ~Ie L-/r; -78'- VALIDATION: RECEIi'T NUMBEI.l ?-. f6 4'1/ I-lie - '1 <t DATE PAIr> AMOUNT f1ECEIVf.D --1,:}.t,. a-o "'I< u.:J FIECEIVED BY