HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-6-16 (2) - ~ .. RESIDENTIAL" COMBINATION APPLICATION!PF:P.MIT - SPRlNGI'lWl 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Locman: 2332 Shady Lane , A.oe.ao~. Map * 17-03-27-10 SUbdivision: Grovedale Lot 7 T= Lo. * 701 QJnQr: Housing Authority & Community Services Agency of Lane Countv l?CC8~O t .~ R-1/40 Addrs.., 172 East 8th Avenue City: Eugene, OR ~" n Addi.ricn Ixx I R....,,:.L n !1(Jbit. Flams Date ot Apptica:ti.on :.:ontl"aC'tOr8 _L D,g :"_",,0 /") ('.rW","-\". PLumbing n.cmcal. e, d J/l $" JOt>.hIJ CJ Phon.: 687-4114 Zi;>: 97401 Dumb. (lork: VaL.... $1,000.00 Addrsss 18u/') Tn n , LJ Building Permit $ 10.00 4 % .40 Plumbing Permit 5.00 4 % .20 , Electrical Permit 15,.00, 4 % .60 Mechanical Permit 14,50 4 % .58 . , ~ -:2\ 'leg \po Sitmsd: Dats: c#JG (, -/(". p/ ,V.olr=ic.::L Consmu:ricn L...a.n. !.i.ae.N Eroil't:s PhD71C IoI?Q-,L/QR It is :n. nsp07lS'ibiUty of thII panrrit hDl.ti.G- to ... :hat aLl. inspact'ions are r.ruU at :hs fM?4U" ti.mc, that ~Ja .;::/.dJoss8 ia r.a:!ab~~ from .he ..,..... and Cha. Che p""";C card is !.7caCed aC tho fron. of tho ;>rop...ty. t8uit.ding Dil1ici.ar: apprm:ad pum shalZ. ~ an t)w Building Sit~ tIt aH tima.. 701U>- 371ft'1 PFf()crDURE POR "'l'''~';'I,....IO" REgUEST: CaZl. ..l .'..~ ~.~) stat. yO'lQ' City dssignatlld job msnb~.. job at!drcss, type of in3poc:icn rsquestlld ar.d w...." you iJ'i.t l. be ready for inspcct"'"..on, Con.~ 0'1" Cbwr8 name and pJr.on. numba. .f!.~8tS rscs;,ued cefaro 7: 00 ~ "';U be nads Che _. dt:y, rsqus.c. nads af.:::, 7:00 em .,.;n be nads Che ""'" :xI~1d.n;; day. O"'ffll'f",-:-.i r"lrpM~1 . 0; SITS INSPEC":'IO,'1: To b. ~ aftllr ____;..~ llut pl"i.o1> CC ... lip of forortl. '0 UNDf:RSLAB pWHBmc. eI.Et:T1lICAt & . MECHA.NICAL: To b. mt::tU befcr. atqJ foJOzoJc -La .:ovarcd. o ~ W o w o FOOTING . FOUNDATION: To b. ..:ds attar trsnahss are ucava.tQC! and f01'ffttl c:ra .:NC't4d. but pM.ar to pouring ccnor.te:. U.'!DE:RCROU.l!D PLUHSING, SErIER. "'.iT'!':'?, D.TUrNAGE: TO bll 1ffCl..':U pM.CJO to [i1.- ~v.g tN7IcMS. UNDE!lFLOOR PLWBINC & !.m:!IANIOAL: To b. na:u%.8 pJ"i.oZO to 1.I'l3tal.lanon of fI,ctno insul.:ricn ar dec1d.n;;. POST AND BeAll: To be ..,m, pl"i.o1> to instaL.latt.cn of f"l.oop inB"Z4ti.oft Of" decking. IiQP'lll pr,re~l1I.7.v.: ~!~A;' t l~CFf- APICAL: No :Jar-I< 1.8 to oc Cot.'usa !D':ti 1. tnes. inspec:ioJ..s hauc befm nads and apprcr1s:!. ' FI!'IPLACE: PM.Cl' CO ;>l=ir.g fcaing """'........ and befar. froming iMpsc- tier::. @ ':;'RAJ!I!1C: Hu:Jt b. 'l'"fIqUSDt.d aft;o "':"Y" ......_1. of zoough pLumbing, .LBCtM.- ~L & :r.flchani.:uzL. AL~ l'Oofing braci"'1 .i chimru;ys, lit.::. neat b" c:ompLiltad. !lo roxnok i.s to b. con- aaaLfId WltiL thi.D i7lBNCticn: has b.... ..:ds and apprcr1.d. !auz- City D'h~~.."''''~ ';ob NlImbczo Ill: r:J INSULA'1'ION/VItPOR 8A1t.rrrER ~!!C'!!'ON.: ~ To be nads at- aLL insul.:C';'" and zocqw'..zosd _ b"""""'" """ iN ;>!<:c. llu. ~.fo~. <Df!J l.:th. gyp_ boar<! ar wtt aovflr'i.ng i. appl1.4Id, and betaN any inlruZ4tion is concsaLai. O DR!'fIALL .tu~rr;.'-J.":'IJN: Tc lHJ nrzd4 aftu aLl. dryuzz.z. is in place, lluc pl"i.o1> to <Df!J t:aping. O I/ASONRY: S~sL !...---;..:' I><m<! b<<J1f'f3, gpcu..utg (JZ' vwtt.eeLa :.n a...~. IJith U.B.C. Saa1:i.on 2415. O :KJODSTOVE:: Af.... inBtaLl.:ricn i. """'l'L.Ud. O CURB " APPROAC1f ~N: AftII:' forma are erectad but pr-f.or :0 pcuri.ng .J01L~t4. O SIDEWALK d iJRr/'EflAY: Far aU c:cn.. arst. pcrtJf.ng ll1it}n:n .tl"'BQt roight- of-q~ to be mads aftllr aL%. e.:ca- tlaring ccmpl4t. & f~ unok & ~ub- bas. nctmaL in ?~.. O !'ENOl:: iIhsr. oomp~.. -- Proui<is ga;;; czo :7fOVabL. sscticns through p,U.::. o ~a.o S" CJ I DEMO"".-TIO,' OR .'IOt'?:) 3UIL;;:IGS :J Sam.:.:ry IIGJI1" cc:;;pea ::1: F.:'f'C"'t'i Hr.. ::::J Ssp"", c-.rc F'.;mped Ir"; f! L.ed "'tk i{lVJs! --, FinaL.. J-IMn a.D..."'V. i:~ are c::r.rpZllt.d ...J ar..d lJMn :.Umc~itiar. ia cor.;:1.4-::e or struC- ture mou8d ar.:i ?l'cm.3.. d...an4.:i up. NobiLa Hem.1I :J BLoo1d.n;; and S.c-.p :J Plumb1.ng ~ticnB -- lIaJar c:nd :Ja:.r ---, ElQotrica.l. Ccnnt'otion - Btookf.r.:;~ .B1:-UP --.J and pLumbing aanr.eo'ticna r.:"":3t :. a;1PT'OV,d b.fore NqUse":ng Bl..:=ricaL ::r.sp.c:ion. ::::J AOC.SDDr'i Bui :di~ --, Fi.n.:z.L - After" .,?:7re,r.GfI, s1d.r'tinq, dscks, ...J e'tc. ar. ccmp :'4t~a. o ALl proj.at aondi:i.orul, suo.1: as the instaLL:rt..:on of s:rcret tNe., cC.':1?ZJ=ian of :it# l"fIqUiNd landsoqri".g, etc. ~ I'l'l'Ust b. satisi14d bcf'oN tr,lJ BlIILCI.-::; Fr:tAL :an :. I'Iqu4stozti. W FINAL pWHBINr; UJ PINAL 1a:~NICAL G] nVAt ::U:C'!RIOAL 0 , @ PINAL BUIUJINC: The FinaL BuiLding IMPection must be l"equeatc af":D" ;;'.Q fin::L nwr.bina ezeo~aL, and .'1echar.icaL Inspectu:mo haue bairn mad. and appZOC1Jlld. I p"..' .tALL MANHOLES AND CLEAl/OUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTHENT '1'0 9E M.1DE AT NO CO~ TO :;!'!Y ! of 2 'II. __ __...J __.0_"""......_... ----.- IJOb Number: 75 J {) SO / 1 Zona: ~ OCcuPanclJ Group: I ! Lot Sq, Ft(;, : ~ of lot C,,"erage i # of Stol'ie. ! Total Height iT...t''''';J4~hy . IITEU 1,,_.- Il'uw6 SQ.FTG Cc:1>aail Coroort I Accessoru I I TOTAL VALUE Is.D.c. llJal.UGJ 1.5 :r Buitding Fsrmit Stat. Suroharg. Total C'harg.. lITEM I Fiztures I R.sidsntial (1 bath) I Sanitary St1UJer 1_"" I NO. FEE 1 Plumbi"'J Pmr.i t Stat. Suror.arg. Tota! Cht::.raes , lITEM I Ras. Sa. fta. I N.",/EJ:ttmd Oiroui te , NO'1 ? I I I I I Temporary Sl!l'Vice Ele~tM.cal Permit Stats SW"~harQ. Total C1rarc::stJ lITEM I fuMtaCB !!TU'S I E=haust Hood. I Vent Fan I WOOdstOV8 liO. FEE 1 Permit Iosuanca M.~hanic.:zl P9l'IlIit State surcharae Tntf11. Cha:ronn I -- ENCROACHM&YT -- ISB~~~ Daoosit I Storaqe I Mainte'l'l.lI1U!B Ip"""';t I Total Charoaos I Cw'bcu. I sidBwlk IF~B I F:Lsctroica l Labsl I/>!obils HomB I I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:- WT TYPE Interior CornB!' pan/umdl. Cul-de-sac x Value I 1$1.000.00 I NA . $ 10.00 .40 $ 10.40 - CHARGE $ 5.00 FEE I I 1$ 5.00 I .20 I.~ '.?O - CHARGE ~ 1, nn I I,~ 1<; nn I .60 j $ 15.60 . CllARCE $ 4.50 I I 10.00 1$ 14.50 I .SR 1$ 15.08 I. i i I I . I I I .20 I I I I $ '.1 . ~'oA.-'=e. Pago 2 ~ L-COC #: Referer.ce Nwnbers: T',)f)e/Cor.st: Bedrooms: I I Enorqy Souroo. I I Heat I I Watel" .qpntp.l" I I RaTI{J. I I FireR we I I Wo0d3tov. II '!uo. I Lot Faoes - I Setbaok. I p, L. House Carags !North lEast ISouth IW.st Access. -- Fees I I Building Value & Permit This pezrrrro;t io granted on the ezpress condition that the said constructitm' shall, in all respects, conform to the Orodinance adopted by the City of Springfietd, including -:he Zoning ardinance, regulating the aonstruction and use of buildings, and may be BU8pended or re:voksd at c:ny t":.me upon vio- lation of any proviBions of said Ordir.ances. Plan Check Fes: Date Paid: Receipt #: I signed: Plumbing Permit No person shaH construat, instal.!, az.ter or change any ~ or s...-isting plumbing or drainage syste:n in whole or in part, unless such person is ths legal. possessor of a valid plwnber'6 license, s:cept that a parson 1I'IaY do plumbing "",rk to prop""ty ",hioh is 0l0I7I6d. Zoased or operated by tho appli- cant. Electrical Permi t Whsr. Stat. La>1 roquir.. root t'l! .Zsotrical "",rk b. don. by an EZootrical Contractor, ths electrical portion of this pemrit shaH not be valid until tho lob. l 00. be"" signed by tho Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit 'PLan E:r:crrrt.ner 3-11-82 va.e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED tho completed applioation for p.rmit. and do hsreby certify that all info'l'maticn hereon is true and correat, and I further certify that any and all. work pBrformsd shan bB done in accor- dono. :.lith the Ordinano.. of tho City of Spl'ingfic7.d, and the Lo:.!. of the State of Oregon psrtaining to the WOl"k deScM.bcd herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be Tmde of any structura withtr.J.t permission. of ths Building Di- vision. I further certif':J that O':1ly aontraators ar.d enpl.Oyees who are in cur:pl.iance with ORS 701.055 win bB used on this project -JIll; (iL1M/Z Signed 1-//-1'-< Oat.