HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-6-16 / I ! i I I i . .. RESIDENTIAL" COlofEINATION APPLICA!!IONjPEP.MIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieLd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 .'ob r.oc~tiO": 2332 Shady Lane A....aor. ftbp ,j 17-03-27-10 Sulxiim3ion.: Grovedale Lot 7 Ta Lat # 701 Q..'nBr: Housing Authority & Community Services Agency of Lane Countv Addrs..: 172 Eas t 8 th Avenue City: Eugene, OR n n Ixx I n V",,"., Additi.cn Rt111fO.:!d ,'fabi La ,qoms Dats oj' AppZicaticn ~,;ontractor8 GmuI"" t PZumbi7I!J E'Zsctrical. 0.1> :"""-0 n (~r:('\<:'~. I?' l I I/) >.Ie" hi, (J ,'.!eeha:r.ic.:.L Construction t.endJno Plum.: 687-4114 Zi?: 97401 Dumbs Work: Va!"" $1,000.00 Adti.-Q83 I~Lif) Tn (\ f LJ I~ . .=!cce~~r;, A-IJ!:tJ/'? Building Permit $ 10.00 4 % .40 Plumbing Permit 5,00 , 4 % .20 , Electrical Permit 15.00. 4 % .60 Mechanical Permit 14.50 4 % .58 ~ ~ '1.'6 ,'-0, I I Siqr,ed: Date: ~JG ~ -/~- f; z..... Lise.' Phone l.og-g-74Qf-j E::;ircs It 1.8 :he re"ponaibiZit-:/ of eJw permit haldsr to tillS ;hat aU inspections are r.rt:ti.Il. at :hs ~c t:im~~ tr.at lU:Ch ..::.::!dresD ill r.c.::ab~,j! from th.. 8'C"N6t~ and that e1uJ Pfa'm'Lt Cl:U'd is Z.:x:atlld at: tM front of en. property. ~eui!.di~.IJ Di'IJi::io'!': awrct:sd ~Lan shc:.Zl r7!iJ::?7't~~.. Building Sit" at aLl. t:imss. Pt?ocrDTJRE POR nTSPECTIOl1 R!:OUEST: Cazt 11", " _' G.CC02"deJ stat. y(11a" City dsaignatad J"ob 'IUIlr.bar, job address, typ. of in.:rt'4C:icn zosqucrstBd ar.d whim you :..riIZ. b. ready for inspcot"":.cnJ Contractors or Q.mars nc:ms and pM"" nzmzbcr. Re~sts rBcoiT:ed :::ofero 7:00 (:':l .-iIt b6 tmd. the _. dcy. ..._.t. tmd. aft"" 7:00 ,""...:It b. tmd. tha ..at :.JOrki", day. ~",mJ'lt.,,.I r":rpM-:r::'<t ~I'!'~ INSF'::r:::O,V: To b. mcu:J.. aftu ~~~ !me prier tc ..~ up of f:n<m1l. UND!'RS!.A8 PUfN8I!:G. ~r....rcTRrCAL & :1ECHA:IICAL: To bs mad,a before c:ny worK i. ~auared. '0 o o FCOTTYG 'rOUNDATIC,7: To b. tmd. attllr tren.=il:o. are -=:cauatsd and farms are tlrsotQdJ bt"t priar CO pou.ring ccnoret.. U.'!D~G.~U.'!D p!.1.lH2n:o\ S~'. W.1TE.f?, D.t?AI"IAGr:~ To be ~ prior to fiL- l.i.r.g ermcn.s. ~ [M Ul!DE.f:!.'5WOR !'r.W5JI:1G 4 uEatANICAL: To DS .':'laa.Q prior ;0 tnst.:2l.Lanon of flea?' insuLation 0':" tUcking. ?OST AND 3EAM: To bs mad.e pl""i..Ol" eo ins:all.ancn of rzoor iMloOZ.arion or docki",. liet'CH ?!lP.~9I.'1q. ~E'C"':'R.!CA!: ,. !./ECR- A1lICAL: tio '.JOl"k is to ae covsred ur.ti1. thes. ':nstl.c~s have be81l ntad. and. approve.:. FP.E?l.ACE: Priol" to ?lccir.g facing mc:~ariaLa and bcf'Ol"s l'rarrring il'lsp~ et:or.. o w o o PPA.HI!lC: ."!'U.3t b. ~qus:1ttld af~Jr apprcv.::L of raugh p1.wr.bi"'1J dect:M.- c::zl & :r.8chani..:a.L. A.L~ roOfing bracing ~ ChirmtcyB. Qt.:. m:.:at bQ c:Jm'OLetcd. ."0 wl"k is to be eon- eQaied untit thia i7tB~8Cticn has bu" ".,a. ana approved. rCVZ' City D.~ .ob Nllmbra I.: IT. mSULATION/VAP!').fl ~A.R.J?IZR I;~sp~c,:,rON: ~ To 08 rrr::tJ.. atur aLL Ut.81lL.4ti.:m c::".d zocqu~ vczpol' barr"i4r1J are in p Lac. Cut b.fcrs any 14thJ gypsum boa:r>d or wzz. covering is appUIUiJ and bsfore any iMUZation i.s caru:salBd. D DRJ1..!ALL IllSPEcr~ON: To be matU aftu aU ~LZ. is in placeJ but prior tc cny tapi7I!J. O MASONRY: S:~.L loca~J ~ b;urm:JJ grou..1.ng Of' vn..l.CCZs ~n aaco~s fJi.eh V.B.C. Ssction 2415. O ;K)ODSTfJVE: Aftw inB'ta1.Z.a'tion is ccmpLst€d. o CURB ,f AI'!'RCAC11 AP_r~)N: After farms are erects!.! but prior tD pouring .:on..."T6t8. D SIDEWALK & :JRn7:WAI: Far aU con... crstQ ;xrrn.ng lo7itJrin atl'6Qt right.. of-wayJ to be ~ a.ftll'l' aL~ uca- vat"';ng ecmpUits 4 f~ Wl"k of zub- bas. rrr:tmaL in pLa:so o o .~c::: WMr. comr1I..t. -- Provit!.e gats8 Of' movablil' sectimts :hrcu.gh P.Q.;:. '1:(3.0 S" 6/ DEMOw."710!'l OR .'lOr::, 3iJIZ:::ICS :J SCDf"i:ary elAJc ::c:ppfUi :t ;:"P~' Zir.. =:1 S.p~ tank p-.;mp.d ar..:: f-!.l.Zad :...i~h ;rcr.Jat --, FinaL...rnum ab..-v. i.t::~s are cc::mZQ'tod ---1 ar~ when ~Ziti.or. is c~L.~~ ~r strue- euz.. r.lCVed err": pr~.. :~anc up. 'Mobi;;;. Hems. ::J Blocki1tl} a1'Id Sllt-:J.? ::J P1.umbin:; C07lmlcti:::ns .- 8c:.JBr :::nd :.:a::Ql" --, E2t:ctr:.ccZ. Connection .. BLacEr.; J IJst-up --.-J and pLumbing .:anr.scticns r.:-":3t ;s C??rO'Vea before rGquQBt-:.ng sZQ~=ricaz.. -:.r.spoc::io:-: ::J AccnaOJ"'.i 8u-:.:di~ ] Fin.:zL - Aft;;l" .?:Jre,r.IlB. sk';:r-::-::n;J dscksJ etc. arB ecrnp~;l:.a. D ALl pr'ojQc1: conditionsJ suc!: as ehQ i"B::aLZatu,Pl of S!:l"nt =reIlB. c:.:':?!-":-i.:nt ol :it# rflquizoed landscc:pi1"4J etc. # must be aatisjiad before :r.s BUII.CI.-:= i'r.~'Al. ::m ;8 Z03c;'..ltlB~::d. @ ,INA!. P!.IJMBIIIC ell n7A!. ,\fEr:lIANICA!. W .='I"lAL EI.EC':'!lIC:':' o @ ?Jll.4.L aUILJINC: The FinaL BuiZding !nspect-:.on must bs zofrqueatQ: af4;Jr ~r.. al:''';na.L ?!ur.:~in; EZtlcm::al.. and. .'!e::itm:ieaL In.spect:.ona r.ava b.." madll and approuad. .ALL UA.!lHCLES AND CLEAl/OUTS !!UST 3E .4C~SSraLE. ~D':UST!fE.vT :0 3E .\!.1DE '.t.r NO C~s: TO ':I'!! I ?;,;a' of.2 i l , I jJcb llumber: Z d () 50/ I : Zone: . Occucancu Grout): WT TrPE: !Lot Sq. Ftg. : ~ ,f lot Coverage I #. of Stories i Total Height :I..r-....,.""t"hy lITEU I iUain I Glaoaaa I Caroort I Acces80ru S'I.FTG TOTAL VALUE: Is.D.c. eva",utJ 1.5", Building Ptll'rrri.t State Surcharge Total Charge. II ITEM Firrures I Residential II bath} I Sanitary SewSl' I Water 1110. I 11 I i I .1 I I Pl:mrbing Ptll'rrri. t Stats Surcr4rgB Tota t Cht::toaea lITEM j Res. So. 'ta. I NAI/E:rtlmd Cireuite TEmporary ServiCB I NO. I? I I Ele:!t:M.cal PlU*mit StatQ SUrahazot:r. Total Cirtzrqe. I:TEN 1.~Cd !!TU'S j E::haust Hood. I Vent Fan l WOOdstOVB NO., FEE 1 'j I Permit I3Buanca Me:han.ic::l Perrrrtt Stata Surckt:rae T()tal. Chara,m I -- E:/lCROACI/J.!E:NT -- I Sec-.J.ritu D2D03it I StoraaB I UaintEl7lan;:d I Pcrnrit I Totat ChaMCS I CuJ"bC'.l: I Sidsu:: lk I pen::e l rtsctM.ca l Label I />lobi l(l BomB I I , TOTAL IL"!OUNT DUE:" Intamr Corner Panhandle CUl-ds-soc x ~- Faea I I I I I I I I $1 . 000 . 00 I I NA I- I I I 10.40 I- I CHARGE: I s; 5.00 I I I I I I I I is; I I~ Value $ 10.00 .40 s; FE!: 5.00 .20 , ?o I- FF:E: I I " 1~ on CHARGE: P"'lO 2 Referer.ce i'lum];ers: . L-COG #: T;,;pe/Cor.st: Bedrooms : I I E:ner'J}l Sources I I Heat I I Wa~Br Rnatp.r I I Range I I fireD lace I : Wooastove T"oJP8 I Lot Faces - I Setbacks I P.L. I House Caraqe INorth IEl7st I !South I IWest I I Access. I I I I Building Value & Permit This psnni t io granted on the e:t:pl'eS8 condi tion that ths said construotion' shall, in all 1'8speats, confo,,", to the Ordi1UUlCe adopted by the City of Spzringfie1.d, incZuding -:he Zoning crdincnce, regulating the construction and use of buildingsJ and may be BUBpended or rsvoked at c.ny ~..me upon vio- lation of any provisiona of said Ordir.ancss. ,I Plan Check Pee: I Vate Paid: I' R~ceipt #: Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shall. constructJ insta~t., aLter or change any new or s..-isting plumbing or drainage syste:n in ts1hols or in part, un~sss such person is ths lega~ poS8BBSGr of a va~id plumber's UCBnBB, e%Cept that a pers07'l mc:y dJ:J plumbing O1Ork to p2'0p81'ty "hiah ie 0L>nSd, leased or operated by the appli- 'aant. ,/ Electrical Permi t fihere Srote Laz.1 requires rhat th~ e!samoal """k be dJme by an EWatrical ContmC"tor.. tns electrica~ portion of this permit shaU not be valid until the lobel has be... signed by the E:lectrical Contractor. ,~ 1~ 00 .60 $ 15.60 - Cl1ARCE Mechanical I Permit '1 $ 4.50 10.00 1$ 14.50 I ~,R 1$ 15.08 , .20 $ ....~,' PLan Exantt.ner 3-11-82 ""ts I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths completed application for PBrmit, and do hsreby cBrtifY that al.l inforomation hereon is trua and cOlTectJ and I f'.aother certify that any ar.d aU lJOr1c performed shall be daM in acaor- dance :Jith tha Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and thOJ La;)s of tho * Stat6 of OrBgan psrtaining to the work d6scribad herein, end that no occu- PANCY fJiU bB rrr:zde' of any structlu"a fNithcr.lt psrntis8ion of ths Bui7.ding Di- vision, I fu:zother certif':/ that ~l.y contractors ar.d e:rrployess wht? arB in ccmpliance with ORS '101,055 tJill. bB used on this project 7fj/; (i~dh/Z Sign2d - t6 - /1-f;:1 . '"'" Date