HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Correspondence 5-12-23 .p ,~29 964 101 hcCEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PRoVIDEo- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) SENT TO Roy Gray STRi~ '~D ~i1 n ny Drive P.O'8TATEANDZIPB~DE 404 ugene, 97 POSTAGE $ a. CERTIFIED FEE /'::J ~ Cl '" W w SPECIAL DELIVERY ~ U ~ RESTRICTED DELIVERY 0 a: ~ fr 70 a: '" w SHOW TO WHOM ANO ~ w W <.:l OA TE OELlVEREO .... <.:l ;:; W '" ;:; c a: 0::: :I: a: w SHOW TO WHOM. OATE. 0 w '" .... '" ANO AOORESS OF ~ 0 '" .... Ii: ::E 2 c W OELlVERY :z !:; C> <.:l SHOW TO WHOM ANO OATE w Z :::I ii: a: OELlVEREO WITH RESTRICTEO ~ 0 '" C> :z OELlVERY :z a: Cl C> :::I <.:l li:i SHOW TO WHOM, OATEANO a: AOORESS OF OELlVERY WITH ~ RESTRICTEO OELlVERY E (5 "'" Vl c.. STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, CERTIFIED MAIL FEE, AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES. (see front) ;a 1. 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Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If retu.rn.... receipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in Item 1 of Form 3811. 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. "'GPO: 1980331-003 ~ ClTY O~ SPRINGFIELD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (N~~ffi 5th ::; I Ktt I C::OP1"'~rIFII,) nRF~nN 97477 (No. end Street. Apt., Suite, P.O~ Box or R.D. No.) ~;:-... . _p:"Y.-~" ~~~~ UNITED STATES PO;)~~EmC::E ~. OFflClAL BUSIIVESS ! r:- "~: SENDER INSTRU..!'t.,.. Ja. . / PrInt your neme, address, end ZIP~lh' . epace bolow. .' 41 Complete Item. 1, 2, 3t and 4 on the reverse. . Attach to front of III'tIClG If apace pennlta, otherwIH efk to bact of article. . Endorae artlcla "Retum Receipt Req1illltod" adJacent to number. RETURN TO ........ ~$ f\~ fZjr ~. Don Moore ... ~ \ : . ::' ::~::.:~~~"""~ ~... :"y.~,~' ~~~'!>'~~~"'~~'''l'~~ . 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Article Number ..o,,Reginered 0 Insured xe9"'Certified 0 COD o Express Mail P329964107 AlwaYI obtain lignaturll olltddressell.Q!.lIgenlllnd DATE DELIVERED. ~ '~~lk~< ~ ~ S;,..M/C....2.J ~ m -4 C ::D Z ::D m n !!! ~ -4 7.~:",=~~ 8. Address8e'~ Addrea (ONL Y if requested and fee paid) . /3 7 <f S ulJ " y :Dr" L.'" . ELlrt'H'j O~ Cf7Yoy I }, /~/;?J( f rfO;, - ~ STRUCTURAL INSPECTION REPORT JOB ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS ~. .1 f_~ -r- ./L-<.s-?'?? f_ r .. ) / DATE PHONE TENANT OR OCCUPANT TYPE OF INSPECTION: HOUSING OCCUPANCY _ COMPLAINT FIRE DAMAGE -- AI j L I ,IJ. /1 ;P~ kz, ~<-. ,&#;: J' /~ 1') ,t) kj ev ~~ 7JA~rff;~ r 114-r ..''''' .... .. - . l 1A)>4r/;/_ \'t(~.?A2.,J1 /lh. ~~ L61/ ~t , .. ~.,.... .~--- ~. )..':1 bl1h1 If M~f/ P'/fK"e"j ;4-7 ~T 'f!'llh"JZ4, ~ )J)~ ~/( _ . ..... _....--- . j / .' ( ~-1. 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Fs //51 J.:J.I-.J..U FIRE DAMAGE REPORT OR _ ELECTRICAL HAZARD DATE: .l..Q-r;}.] -,1:)' TO: Su; 1 ding Depa rtment FROM: Spri ngfi e 1 d Fi re Department SUBJECT: Structural Damage to Buil di ng Address, or' location of building . " ~ J" / "1 ') 0 (p. Name of o'tmer /?Q.Y (; &.11 Y 11)9.5~Y /1t?II/~~ e:.I..!../'.., r , ) ~'.~ ~ 2:i:a::I ~ yJ'- (.,;? is- Type of building '()/)PLE'i.-,:-; '\TIIRV (Dwelling, Store, Warehouse, etc.) I Estimated value of building $ &.s:(){)(J.(X) Estimated loss to building Da te of fi re 1(2 -c.:;3 -~J $.;J:f.()(JO.OO J Location of damage. in building .RnrJF. fOALLC, ;:t.(}o/, /'.~~Tf1JI".r;. / / 1/}-1lt"/O f!' INr,c r.IOf' ,(]/}/11 )~(...r:.. (Roof, Wall, Exterior, Interior, etc.) Structural weakness as a result of the fire PI"Y)F b)/1tISJ ro"rr/I!.f'<orAu'S, l1J.!bJFf1 ,Inl <;7<;, .. qUi)S} Tlf'u S'5_ . ~ . (Burned rafters, Beams, Joists:, etc.) Additi ana 1 perti nent i nforma ti an Electrical' Hazard /~J///~J(;: /HP/)I}f'..:HI'.V},' O/'lll/., ,cII'F /J/J.rrl /1~;E/J. (Wiring, Outlets~ etc.) . '"l' ~-1- ..__ ~I ~ lid . S i 9 ned(~/,t1 /1 ;.:o/;tl::::2>Clr;e.U cc: '. ;