HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 2011-6-7 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building I Residential Permit PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2011-01320 IVR Number: 811108121011 www.ci.springfield.or.us r PROJECT STATUS: STATUS DATE: ISSUED: APPLIED: 06/07/2011 06/07/2011 Issued 06/07/2011 225 Fifth SI Springfield,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 permitcenter@ci.springfield.or.us EXPIRES: VALUE: 12/03/2011 $0,00 SITE ADDRESS: 1458 F ST, Springfield, OR 97477 ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1703362206900 SCOPE: Site Work Only WORK INVOLVED: Demolition TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Demolition and sewer cap Phone Number: OWNER: ADDRESS: G STREET UROLOGY CENTER LLC 2400 HARTMAN LN SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ~ Contractor Type Plumbing Contractor General Contractor Contractor Name STATON COMPANIES STATON COMPANIES Lic Type CCB CCB BUILDING INFORMATION I # of Stories: Height of Structure: Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Hazmat: # of Units: o . Lie No 3371 3371 Lie Exp 03/21f2012 03/21/2012 Phone 541-726-9422 541-726-9422 Lot Size: Sq Ft 1st Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage: Sq Ft Carport: Sq Ft Other: 0 Occupancy load: Electrical Specialty Code Edition: Springfield Fire Code Edition: Mechanical Specialty Code Edition: Municipal! Development Code: Plumbing Specialty Code Edition: Residential Specialty Code Edition: Structural Specialty Code Edition: Site Information I laW requires you.\~ AiTENTION: orego; by the Oregon Utlh~" folloW r~les ad~~:e Those rules are sei~o\. Nog~~~~~2~r-0010 \hroUi~~ ~tt~e9~ules by In090 You may obtain ~fe' the telephone o I'\'ng the center. ~ U't'll1ty No\\\\catlOn ca I h oregon Ilumberfor \ e, \.800-332-2344). center IS # of Bedrooms: Sprinkled Building: Fire Alarms: Energy Path: Engineered Fill: Fill Volume: Flood Hazard Area: Land Hazard Area: ._,' =~;;;.a~~~~'ir~~\.\. t1PIRE If ~{ ~~~~ 1\-11S PE~~i~ ~NDER 1\-11~~;~ED fOR "Ul\-10 CED 01'1 IS i\B{\ COMMEND"'! PERIOD. "N'!130 Springfield Building Permit 6/7/2011 12.:10'.Q3PM Page 1 of3 SPRI..N~.ELD ~,.. p.!fb ...."..'". OREGON www.ci.springfield.or.us CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building I Residential Permit PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2011-01320 IVR Number: 811108121011 225 Fifth SI Springfield,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 permilcenter@ci.springfield.or.U5 PROJECT STATUS: STATUS DATE: Issued 06/07/2011 ISSUED: APPLIED: 06/07/2011 06/07/2011 EXPIRES: VALUE: 12/03/2011 $0.00 SITE ADDRESS: 1458 F ST, Springfield, OR 97477 ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1703362206900 SCOPE: Site Work Only WORK INVOLVED: Demolition TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Frontyard Setback: Interior Setback: Sideyard Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setback: Demolition and sewer cap DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Reqd: Paved Drive Reqd: % of Lot Coverage: Highest point on structure to north property line: REQUIRED PARKING Total: Handicapped: Compact: PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS , Street Improvements: Storm Sewer: Storm Sewer Available: Speciallnstructon: Subdivision Accepted: Notes: Sidewalk Type: Downspout/Drains: Valuation Description I Descriotion Tvoe of Construction Unit Amount Unit Tvoe Unit Cost Value FEES PAID I Descriotion 9.~~f a Buj~d;ng or Structure ~at~~ Oregon Surcha!ge (~2"10 of app"c."b~e~es) ____ ____ . ~~min fee (10% of applicable fees) Sewer cap/septic tank demolit!.?n Technology fee (5% of permit I~~al) Total Amount Paid Amount Paid Date Paid Reciot # $58.00 06/07/2011 2011001466 $6.96 06/07/2011 2011001466 .-- -- -- -- .---- . ---- ------ $5.80 06/07/2011 2011001466 ------------- $58.00 06/07/2011 2011001466 $5.80 06/0712011------- 2011001466 -------- .-- $134.56 Springfield Building Permit 6/7/2011 12:10:03PM Page 2 of 3 SP~IN...G... F.IEL~.D ~.,.- , ,~ ,-7-- OREGON CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building I Residential Permit PERMIT NO: .811-SPR2011-01320 IVR Number: 811108121011 www.cLspringfield.or.us 225 Fifth SI Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 permitcenter@ci.springfield.or.us PROJECT STATUS: STATUS DATE: Issued 06/07/2011 ISSUED: APPLIED: 06/07/2011 06/07/2011 EXPIRES: VALUE: 12/03/2011 $0.00 SITE ADDRESS: 1458 F ST, Springfield, OR 97477 ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1703362206900 SCOPE: Site Work Only WORK INVOLVED: Demolition TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Demolition and sewer cap Plan Review ~ Department Application Acceptance Received Due Date Comoleted Result 06/07/2011 06/07/2011 I 06/07/2011 Over the Counter I--'--~-'--'-^"----.---'-~ rnilialReview . .," . .... 06/07/2011 .' c~~~'~en~':/~.^6v~r~,!he co~~ter p~rm-it ':::=;i'. Permit Issuance 06/07/2011 Reviewer David Bowlsby 06/07/2011 :. :p<;-~ . .'"~;;"; .-''; ',-i .. """" ~ 'p -, - ,Ovefthe C(;Qnter-';. ~{',-oavidBowisby:-:-~. .;.... - - ...., .~..,' , . ;.:~.., . . " -_....J . . ". . ~ --... . .. -~--,~-,-,----~,-,-,--,,_.., .06/07/2011 ,iff'.: ~,,:i.' 06/07/2011 06/07/2011 Issued Pu_blicWprks Re,view. ,.... 06/07(20~1 .'\ 06~O!J~01].,'~ 'C6mm~r-ts: <'qver thec6u~ter permit -~, ..",,."~' :4;1:;..' . Structural Review 06/07/2011 06/07/2011 Comments: Over the counter permit IP!anri-jhgRe~iew' ,~;~? 06/b7/20~'1 Comments: Over the counter.permit'.. L _ _. . 06/~!lJ011. ";:,',00" . ;:~ot R~quir~~:. . ,. '." 06/07/2011 Not Required ., 06/0712011'. 06/07/2011. N.ot Requjre~" ---.- -. -----_.~----~._.__.. --.---:--1"T<---r-- ,:-- ~ J ';,A;';. ,,, 'i~ David Bowlsby David, ~owlsby r _] ;~";"'\- .. David Bowlsby David Bo)Visby ," , INSPECTIONS REQUIRED .' ~ Inspections 1820 Demolition Demolition: After demolition is complete, sewer is capped or septic is pumped and filled and inspection is requested and approved, and all debris is removed from the site. 7160 Sewer/Septic Cap By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State or Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. <: v~v .1Q.("7 I L ( Owner or Contractor Signature Date Springfield Building Permit 6/7/2011 12:10:03PM Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD,OREGON 225 FIFfH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH:(541)726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689 DEMOLmON PERMIT APPLICATIONS Your demolition permit is currently being processed. There may be a slight delay, of up to 2 working days for small structures, due to the time required to review the history of the structure to determine if it needs to be documented before demolition. This documentation is for archival ptirpo,s~s O,n,!Y} and, \yiltnot affect the granting of the demolition permit. If the structure is very large or complicated the documentation process may take up to a maximum of 4 working days. Documentation will consist of photographing the building, taking measurements and making scaled drawings. The documentation will be undertaken by the City at no cost to you. Documentation is being done on all structures dated prior to 1940 that may have historic importance to the City's development. THIS DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT IMPEDE THE DEMOLITION PROCESS. An age cut-off of 1940 was chosen because this is the date that the National Parks Service and The Springfield Development Code use to determine potential historic significance. If you would prefer to complete this documentation yourself you must provide the City with the following information: 1) black and white photographs of each elevation, a floor plan with measurements, and 2) a set of elevation drawings with measurements. . Thank you for your patience. I grant the City of Springfield permission to enter my property to complete documentation prior to the requested demolition of the strp.cture located at: '-. l Address: .~~:T ~T---- -' Property~er Signature: - V ~7 ,.' G~t:'.. b..YL ~~ f(~~~\0 Job Number: stf- 0/'52-0 Date: aof<Ol/u .. . I - CITY OF SPRlNGFIELD, OREGON . , 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH:(541)726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689 DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION Address: ~~5S ~ ~FD $f 1-0(32-0 -=f Structure to be Demolished: Job Number: The applicant is hereby notified that any redevelopment of the subject site must comply with all of the applicable laws, codes, ordinances, polices and plans in effect at the time the redevelopment proposal is accepted as complete for City review. This would include correction of substandard conditions associated with the present development Examples of such corrections may include modification of inadequate drainage facilities; compliance with building set- backs from property lines; correction of substandard sidewalks and street improvements, including driveway width and placement; and other corrections which may be necessary to comply with existing development standards. Furthermore, if an existing use is demolished or otherwise removed prior to the development of the proposed use, then the system development charge credit for the previously existing use shall expire two years after the date of issuance of the demolition permit or other removal of the previously existing use. (Springfield Municipal Code 3-416(1)). . My signature below indicates that I have read and understand the above conditions relating to the demolition of the above mentioned structure. \/ ~.V ~!(97' ~L \ 'Date 1-,'0 \2o..l \2.,,,1+-6'( 'fil/l. ~ oM",,,,,,~q'l :w."\I~Te. , , , .) , ' Signature .' ! , ") "'. .). i ~.) _ \'\ :- . :\ '- I' I ,<-~. , - ;';';"[jEPARTMENT US{ON~y'~;~t Plumbing Permit Application SPRiNG.'ELD ~., 225 Fifth Street. Springfield, OR 97477 . PH(541)726-3753 . FAX(541)726-3689 l-o(~zO b ~7 -I Permit no.: Date: This permit is issued under OAR 918-780-0060, Permits are issued only to the person or contractor doing the work. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days, "':~!f,l;%<' :~t!OCAL;GOVERNMENt. );p.I?ROVAI!i~"1j'~'I':'!iiii".' Zoning approval verified? DYes D No Sanitation approval verified? DYes D No CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION . Residential \:S:'!(:~\JOB'.$ITE o Government 0 Commercial INFORMAtION;!AND';E()tATION~,:jV.:,.' ',! S City: ~ Reference: Taxlo!.: '/;:"i!'j'.':;j- ~1!';::' ,'DESCRII?TION'OF.':WORK :;,:fl,t~;:,,\\I\':P~ili:': . PROPERTY.: OWNER""t:!. !:;,.i:':k\,tW,:(;:ii~( . Name: Address: City: Phone: E-mail: This installation is being made on residential or farm property. owned by me or a member of my immediate family, and is exempt from licensing requirements under OAR 918-695-0020. Signature: . CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION. Business name: c::,;~CO Address: .'/1 0 6 () 'I-- )~ I: City: B GtJb ZIP: q 1'IP( Phone:9!-l -720- "t't u... E-mail: ~4.-ww.. CO ,COWl CCB license no.:. O~., BCD license no.: Plumbing license no.: Print name: ~ 12- Signature: ::-12-..:- 440-2500-J (11/08/COM) ~~:;!;7:.' . ;r~~~':'-~;f.i.i,{:-~ft;;1:~G-S:fEEf!S_bA EOLJ l::E~n~/(: :~l!?r~:~~1N:;i.0f::~~~V~j (iR~~~{d~~(~~~~~'~~~~~~~~:!;~7~~::;;f;;~~;~~~i~:~~:;f~1: 2~~', i:~;~~~~.~:t;;~ ,,~}~~~"~~~,~t~, New residential I bathroom/I kitchen (includes: first J 00 feet of water/sewer lines, hose $238.00 $ bibs, ice maker, under floor low-point drains and rain-drain packages) 2 bathroomsll kitchen $374.00 $ 3 bathroomsll kitchen $439.00 $ Each additional bathroom (over 3) $95.00 $ Each additional kitchen (over I) $95.00 $ Residential fire sprinklers (includes plan review) o to 2,000 square feet $58.00 $ 2,001 to 3,600 square feet $116.00 $ 3,60 I to 7,200 square feet $174.00 $ 7,201 square feet and greater $232.00 $ Manufactured"dwelling or pre-fab (circle one) Connections to building sewer and $58.00 $ water supply Commercial, industrial, and dwellings other than one- or two-family Minimum fee I I $58.00 I $ Each fixture I $19.00 $ Miscellaneous fees 100' storm, sewer, water line $76.00 $ Each fixture, appurtenance, and piping $19.00 $ Storm water retention/detention facility $19.00 $ Irrigation systems $19.00 $ Piping or private storm drainage $19.00 $ svstems exceedine. the first 100 feet Specialty fixtures $19.00 $ Reinspection (no. of hrs. x fee per hr.) $58.00 $ Special requested inspections (no. of $58.00 $ hrs. x fee per hr.) Each additional inspection: (1) $58.00 $ ,~'ij,~'~ii~ii~gi'(pfpi~;;g~trt~ii~X?i_;P~;~~~~r};1 Mjnimum fee $ Enter value of installation and equipment $ Enter fee based on installation and equipment value. I $ /i""~(ii,~"'P;P.P.(}ICii.NJ~USE~~~ "~" L" '.._ ,'._ ,'I!~._______..,._ _.."n. ." _, "_" (A) Enter subtotal of above fees $ (Minimum Permit Fee $58.00) (B) Investigative fee (equal to [A]) $ (C) Enter 12% surcharge (.12 x [A+B]) $ (D) Technology Fee (5% of[A]) $ TOTAL fees and surcharr.es (A through D): $ J --:>11 I -b C~f f1>~O . . Suite 100 Dawn M. Bodell, DO Douglas G. Hoff, MD Chnstopher C. Kyle, MD, MPH Robert B. Litin, MD Roger M. McKimmy, MD Bryan A. Mehlhaff, MD Jeffrey B. Woolsey, MD Angela E. Watson, PA MS Chad A. Jorgensen, PA-C Suite 200 Mark R. Carson, MD, PhD Connie S. DiMarco, MD David S. DiMarco, MD David Esrig, MD Thomas A. Kollmorgen, MD Olaf E. Sohlberg, MD Brady R. Walker, MD' Dana Rubin, PA-C 2400 Hartman Lane Springfield, Oregon 97477 Phone 541.334.3350 Toll Free 1.800.246,9925 oregonurology.com 5/(- O/32~ June 7, 2011 City of Springfield Springfield, OR Sirs, This letter is to inform you that the Oregon Urology Institute and G Street Urology Center, LLC are authorizing the Staton companies to obtain a demolition permit and is under contract with these entities to demolish the structure located at 1458 F Street in Springfield. An asbestos survey has been performed and all asbestos has been removed from the premises. Sincerely ~J?:) sp. :~N.:...=-IE ~~ ~. . . -'.. -- '1:, '~.J .~::\~ OREGON TRANSACTION RECEIPT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth 5t Springfield,OR 97477 541-726-3753 www.ci.springfield.or.us 811-5PR2011-01320 1458 F 5T permitcenter@ci.springfield.or.us RECORD NO: 811-SPR2011-01320 DATE: 06/07/2011 _~"-"'L -;so;:;:,- "4C.f.i\C<>Q@teODE( -. ":~;." . :;AMd@J~b_UE.:..:::~......:.:J 224-00000-426605 5.80 224-00000-425602 58.00 ---~..__._...- 224-00000-425603 58.00 821-00000-215004 6.96 100-00000-425605 5.80 ------ TOTAL DUE: 134.56 bF:'~XMENLrXIi.E<';iSF1~iQ~;;';:,g]"~~I~_~~Q.>iO.VV:~~~Y-=-7;:::;2e.ol1l1rviEtffs;;:;~ '2 . :";;::::Z~':':'~1'II19UNI PAID. .; :,,' ยท i .21 Check STATON COMPANIES 134.56 3113 RECEIPT NO: 2011001466 [DE5-CRII~.TION- :,.- ;.:.:.:'~...:: .J...., ..-''', .~ Admin fee (10% of applicable fees) Demolition of a Building o~ Struc~ure Sewer cap/septic tan~ demolition State of Oregon Surcharge (12~~~ applicable fees) TechnologJ~~e (5% of permit total) ~"'._.~_.,_~_ TOTAL PAID: 134.56