HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-9-4 RES ID Eat A L .. APPLICATIon/PER/tIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, 01'egon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 .. ~PAINGFlEL.O . ,~t .: jtk~ . . ")b Location: ,;) () / ./ ~!vrJU // # /7 () 3 ;)e;; c/3 OfIO?/ ':a~eS30r': J.!.1.p ~ditJisior.: Tcx Lot 1/ .::.mer: '- ~~/dA/.t / (~A /U)jJ{i ;;20 (7 .Jr2&rr /120 - 7~11 ~ddrcss: ::~trJ: I I Xi I ll,.._, ~ddi:icr. Rc,""'I(x:,;! .'!:::::.1.., .~c..:::! q-f -Eb D::.t:: of A;;pZic::ticn '~'-::"::'=:~:'':: ...:roC:-:::.. Ow ('/.Pjl..J ':~I.L"':";.:.::r..= ~ ~ r,)il--1{//(i/"LJ -~r.:!::'::C:ll. '.':':::r~,:-c.:::;, .~rzs:~Jctian Lcr~r.r Phone: Zip: ?J;~ r~~:~iz/}~Q, t}C'v1tL7-~ t1:dD bt2 c//ttJiJftlJ VaZue 4 -51rtJ$/ tl-(}[) .cC'c:'~t " /.'} / '7? 4-' ...., (/: ~ -""'> iie:::..~C!;:; :; r:tj" i\ iV. ,. ~. \ ' 11. X\~l..' .\\i~.JI \)J' J~ rif-OK- Siar.ed: cc--- tJ- (1- Y (/) Dat.e: ...,":.3C. :.- j-.-:c':: : is t.n,- res:;or:::;ibiLit.y cf the .Dcrm{.: r::u..cc:o to see :i:.1.: aZ! in.:::pc::::iol"',s are r.:aaf: at. :he proper tim~, t::at c::::ci: .::.-i6-es3 is 7'C~> :~~ che Street., ar~ tr~t the oc~;t c~d is ~~c~:ed ~~~?~~ ~r~;:~of_t~~7P:~P~~~d' .::..~:d-:.~~ E,'i:.J':.::i.a:-:. ap?rol:ea. Fien s;....:::.i..: pC!:':.:::r. ~~: ::i;,,: v....l..c.n;-o ~v~.... Cv ........ ......r.:...... ..::::.:~.:?~ P(!.: ~.:,'~?~:::I[J:'.r .::'~';:'~S:-':CALL 726-3769 (rc::orcer) s=c::e your Ci:y desigr..:::=;:c. ;70:: n:o::ber, ::....~s:ca c:-:..:: :",,:':CI: tiO:4 :.;i.;'E. De reacE;J ..;'~'!" -:,:-:,:::;===-:,o'r.. COr::l'acr:crs :::'!" C7.-'nC:OS r";:''':'':2 cr.::: ;:r-.or:e r.~~..?el'. ~.:; De r.;adc :i:;: seme ci.c~. reqo.:esrs r.:.::c.c c.f:~~ 7:1)') c; 1.;iU b;; r.:::::ie :.:':e r.:;=:; :.:ari<:.r.; . ~I~."'r'; T~ ~........-:~:~"...~ ] E:::: :::E?~::_-::':.': To be r.::::cie c-;'":c'!" e=oa'ar:~;;r.. ~u: prier to set up of forms. ] U.':;:'::'=:SL:,? .=~ ~'.'-_'3I:::;. :::::,:,:,.-:::.:::,:,:: & ....'::'.:h".;:::::;.;: ::'0 oa rr:aae aefo'!".;! cr.ll wor~ is ;;cvcred. J .~;:~,;.r.':(; 5 ::J:!::D,~'!'IG::: To be m::ldc Cj :e;~ :r'er.cr:es are e=ccl)ar~d ar.d ferm.. are erec:ed, but prior to pou~r~ ccncre:;:. -_I l.'.'::::nc.::'::':.::J ?:'U.~;;J!t::;. ~:-'.r.":> r".~':'::9, D.:::,:I!I:'.C::: 10 ae m:;.:;.e prio!' ~o fi7..- i.ir.g ~rer.=i:E::. ] U.',lDERF'LQCP ?LU.'~I:.'G " j'.:.r::C.f!/..,'.'IC.'.:.,: ~o DC r.;=ce pricr ro in~raiia~~on of j1oo~ inc~lc:ion or decking. -J po::-:- Al.'V =::/,,'.!: To be rr:ace fJ"f'ior to ir.3:aLi~:icn oJ fLoor ina~~tior. or decking, ."''JI_'.'';N ?!.!..":~!.'.'.,;/"'1-r:E::':'.~!C0O; j'~C.f.:'- ~: :.0 :Jarl: 1.S ~o vc COVl!rea. . ur.:ii tr.ese il'~Dee:ior.s ~ve beer. "..ade ar..i c.p!Jrov'c.::.. l ..J <J f'!.~F.:PLACE: Prior to matcria~s and before tior:. p lc:cir.g framing feeing inspec- (1 F'PA.'~n'i,: /1"..1.:;: ba requested after J approva.l of rou~h plur.~ir.g. 2leetri_ CQL & mccr~ni~aL. AL! roofir~ bracing ~ chimneys, ct~. ~..I.st~ be comol.cted. !/o I.J:)rk i:: to bi2 con- . cce'led un::::Z thi:; insoection has . bun mad.; and approved. I~..I.r ~ity Desigr~tcd Job ~umbcr Is: [Xl ::::;;:..r:..~.':IC::/Vt..?(y.::. .::..L-:::'=:':::.=' !::~.=~::':'!':::: :2'0 DC r.:a.:ie afrer ail. ir.s..~.:::ior. c::'"~. recu-:.red Vapor :::::rr!'iers are in pi.cce cu: befcre any lari:, gypSU':7 Dc:::..r:i Or' ~t~ coverina is c=~Zie~; ar~ aejorc ar.~ ir.sul:arion is ~ol1ceaZea. .. ~C~ c~css, r~=e 0: -:.r.=!Je==~cr. 2~~..I.cs:;,s recei~~~ ~~ ~.~ 7.r~ -- gtpOv:;.z 7 i ~::,':::"i':':C:: \.-.=: :::::7:: E::I:':_-:::= b Scmitar;.-t SiJ'..)er oc:ppea ::t P:OPC'!"=-i :=J Scp:i:: tank P:"'7.:a C':"'.c. f:.'J.'J.;:d !:it.': Zi~.1 CRJ D.~~';;,;:.,!.. I:.!SP~::'!'ID.'.': Tc be r.:ac.c cfteI' cl:z, aI':;:.;aL'i. is in place, cur prior to any tapir~. :J PinaL - rrr.en 6.:ve i'te:7:s are c=.,::?Zc.:c:i .. . ~... - ..~ ,,,., ~ - ....~ - ..,-.. .. ..-- ". c...... t.:r:...r. ...e:..CI-~......Or. 1.S C:;''':'t.t-.~.. C. ...~...v 'CUre r.;~vei ar.::. pr~3es ::Z,c.::r.ci uFo !..':J~ilc n=,~;::,; o .'.:r;SO:'I.'?Y: Steel o;;a;;;3. aroutin.7 a.::cor~ce '/J"'~ th 241~. location, bor:d or vertic::Zs in U.B.C. Sectior. ::J BZocking ar..d Szr:-up l ::J Pl,ur.;~i.r.J conne=:i~ns sc..)cr cr.::. t.:,:::er I ::J EZcctric~Z Cenr.ection - Bloekir.", set-u.= I Gnd oZumbina connections ~~st tc ~~r:J~~ij before requ~s::.ng elect~~=aZ ir.spc=;ic:-:. , .=:J Acccs:::or:.. BuiZ:::.:..nq I :J FinaL - !.fter porcr.cs, sk~rt~ng. de=ks. etc. are c~ple:cd. D Ali Fr~icct condition3. :::ue~ as the instailat~on of s:reet ~rees. co~Lcti~n of tne required Landscapir.g. etc.. must be satisjicd bCJore the 8L~LDI~= FI~AL can be r~qucst=i. J FIliAL PW"BlIIG ] FIN:'L 1!E~HA,'.'ICAL ~ FIN,;!. t~::;.'UCI.L ] ill Fn,':.L BUILDINC: The Final BuiZd~r.g !ns::>cction must be requested aftcr tha Pin::l Plur.:bir~ Electrical. and Mecnar.icaZ Inspection3 naue been made and approv~d. o r.'DOD$To~rE: After installation is cc,-:rpi,etcd. -ALL f.!A.":P.CLES AN;) CLEANCU':'$ .'lUST Er IoCCES~IS!.~, ADJL's:'.'~.':'!' -:0 BE 1~1!'E I.':' ':0 :~S': TO CI':''! I :I.....c ! of 2 D CURB tJ 11T'PF?CACl! AP.r:O;'.': Afte-:- ioms a:I'e {!rectci au: prior to pouring ~on::rete. o SIDEWA[.R t, DRn'Er,I,~y: For aU con- crete pavinJ witn~n street rigrot- of-lX.y, to be mada after aU exc:;a- vating compZete & fo~ work & cub. base materiaZ in pUu!e. D ~F.~:E: M~er. c~~olcte -- Provide gates or movable. sections through P.U.E. o J06 NO. ~//lfb'J. 7 :C'11C: Cot Sq. Ft;;. ~f l~e CJlJeraq~ of Stones 'otal Height .'opogl'aphy ',:,~..., ~~i" '..=racp. 'a~Cl"t cccssor:1 oe:"~a~~' R c:_E S S LeT TYPE S~.F':'C ',D.C. TOTAL VALUE lVCL.UC) 1.5 :: Buadir:~ Permit Totel Cha::oge3 State $:.a'cn.zrpe ::;:..' ~:--..o.res ~~~~ttal (1 b~~r.) =:-:t<::::r-:.J Set.,'e!" ':~c!' 1"0 I h.. I I I Pl:.L"7:=:'~; Per;.:i t '!'::t=~ C-,....:::"~c~ State S:JJ"cr..a:rpe .'. ~~. ~t~. ~/E=:cr~ ~ir:~its ~~rCTy S~~ica 1:."". I I I I2.Jv,.",~! I I I I I I I I I St:::te SW'cr.arae Elcct~ic=l Pc~it Tot:::l O.::::!"cer; '. !":o-..::cc E'!'!J'S ",:',aust Hoo.: "1"lt Fan odsto:Je PeT'r.":i.t Issu:mc:1 I:::....' _ I Q'-'I I I I I Me::h::zr.ic:::l Permit State Surchc.roc To:!::! Cr.aror~ .~...ri.t:J D~ro:;it )race .-:tp.71.'2r:.:'p ~t Total C"r.C:l"'nr~ '.?cut :€"..1.]:Zk :::r. 'err-ica Z Label ile H::me ".:.L AA'OlJ::!" Dut:.. i:;,';CRQACHI..'E!.'7' I I I I I I ;Z'S5 6.-1 I I ! Interio'/" COM1er Panhandle Cut-de-sac x I I I I I I I /, J I / /7, S{) I ,?/JI /& .<6. I, V"aluc C;':;'.=::2 I ,:::?,,;?-s=1 I I I I I, -.--- ---1 ~ I I I I I I J I, I I I J I I, I ':<2..so ,~C> -::::5- C/o , '~tD S.? /& REQ.- L-COC~ . J I F1'It!r'7;J SO:tl'C:':; J I ,'lea:; II II II I FireD lace U Wcoc:,::ot:t: IU T:J~(' 'i'.:..pe/Cor.st: bc=roor.:s: I Lot Faces - Scthack!: I P.L. IHOUSp. I earaae IUort;l IF.oat ISouth IWeot Foes ll.cccss. I I I Watr'!" _'!ratr" ffanp.-: Building Value & Permit I This pennit it; gmn.tcd on the c%press condition. that the sp.id. con3truction j shall, in all respects, conform to the ara"inancc adopted by the City of I Springfield. incZuding the Zoning Crd~nancc, regulating the ccnst~~=ticn and use of buiLdinps. and m:1Y be 8ulJpendcd or revoked at cr.y time upor: uie., Latia" of any provisions of aaid Ordir4nces. I I I I Plan Check IVate Pa,d: I Rea=ipt g: ISifP:cd: Fer.: Ij,3Y Q-9-v(", p, f/77C'c(3. Cc.. Plumbing Permit No per~on chaZl construct, install, aZter o~ crAnge any new C~ e=i~:ir.~ pLu~oir~ or drainage syste~ in ~hoZe o~ in par:;, unless such Fersor. is. tr.~ legal possessor af a ualid pLu~Der's license, except tr~: a Fc~son ~a~ ce plu~Ding ~o~k ta property which is Ok~ei, Zeased or opcrared by tr.e c;?~i- cant. Electrica I Permit h~ere S:=te Lau reauires tr~: the eleotricaZ ~orK De aona b~ C~ E!c=:~i==: Can:-rcc:;cr, the electric:::.:' ;;o~:;iol: of :;his pe1":':':i: sr--=:.Z r.o: =e ::.:;~::.: :':1::::: the i.aocl has b~en =:iqnci. ::y r:hc Elccr:ricaZ :".ol1:r.::c:~~. .- -- - Mechanical Permit 4~ p~_..-? Pr;qA c.xam1.ner 7 /''' f ,,/-ci L'at<: ~~ =t:::. I SA IT CAREFULLY EXANI/IED the completed app l ication for pe~i::, end do hereby certify that all i~fo~~tion hereon is r:ruc ar~' correct, ar.d I further certify that any ar.d all ~ork perfor:nr.d shall be dO-:1p. .,~~ n(!~or- dance :.lith the Ordinances of tne City of Sprin!Jfidd, and th= Lc-..:s of tr.c State of Oreg,:)n p::rt.:zining to the IX1rk described herein, c.r.d :i:.=: ,',':1 CCC'.:- PIoVCf will be made of any structure without p~rmiS3io-:1 of the EuiZdinp Di- vision. I further ccrti!:) that O:1Zy contra::tors a::d c.~pz.:,yecs 1;1:0 arc ir: c~plianee uith ORS 701.05t uill be used C~ this proj$et ~~4-<~ /,,--Y-.7~ Si.gn:zd [),:zte ,