HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-6-17 (]I b I . ELE.CAL PE~L1CATION \ '" 225 FIFTH STREET .' , , SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477: ,'! ,..- i INSPECTION REQUEST: 726-3769 ' , OFFICE: 726-3759 ' , ' '! I " .; i 'I i ;! . 3. .COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOW !J<OCATI9N OF INSTALI.,ATj..oN, i;, ~ C:J. 0 [Q:.- 'SCo-t"r 'I(Q..." J . - .. A, New'R,e~dential-Single or' ,,- - s\\"Ie\o\\O"'~l\'Multi-Family per dwelling unit. LEGAL DESCRIPTION sUll",\\\ed:c~\C \al\d US Serrice Included: ----L703 Z 'S'Lf 3..'^n90c~@'e s9 Items Cost l",e~O'\U~"d- doeb .,- J~ ~<\B DESCIpP~N'Ol\'~~~a\.. 17', ~2-- ~q.ft. or less $106.00 \~o,dl ,\,l'~Ol\'l\9 (, -/~':>~ditionaI500 , ~~ :.q:_~_o:portion Permits are uon-transfern1lll!'and eXJ?,\ijlIaWe , thereof if work is not started wit~\l\"SlWIgys Each Manufd Home or of issuance or if work is suspended for Modular Dwelling 180 days. Service or Feeder :City Joh Numher 0 2 ~ cx::>7l. ( - 0 I Sum $ 19,00 $ 50.00 190 :H3IHS\KJ : 39NtlH:J SL'lg $ l:aJ3H lW\;l lOOl L1 Nnr:31~rr 1196000-10; j~SN\;l~l 2. CONTRACTOR INST ALLA TION ONLY B. Services or Feeders , 0 " n .-"-'. J' Installation, Alter~tions or ~~ . ElectricaIContr~lCto~ ,\ ' ) \ '-1....0\\ l ~l:..l rue..... Relocation: . y..~ ~\j 'i:J\ , "M: ,/;...:.-1 ' ,,,'\ l\ ,,:>~ Address ~573lo N\LV1 \ I yx r (fl , 200 amps or les~,?,'?-~ ~'?-~ "I:)\L- $ 63.00 ~ ': / 201 amps.l..'l~ _'? ~~'\;) _ $ 75.00-,--- Cii)(\ J.. f.JJl~ Phone 9f:J, .$""- ,94l{b \t~'l02.{'{'ill~f~tqQ'\'n\R.~'\;)\j _ $125.00_ , " ./ l(C ~~" l~m~w>~lpS _$163.00_ Supervisor License Number ""3101 " . -<"v,f:. '? n:.~~.~~IIR~lijt.> _ $375.00 _ ExPiratibn Date 'I I, 'l> ( 0 7.. 'r-\S\~~'t'{~ff;;l~~' - $ 50,00_ /' .... ~ c. fe~~~~~, Serrices or Feeders L.Constr Contr. Number ~ G('\-,l/, In~\lIiatio~, Alteration or Relocation E~piration ~a~; >J /t-Y!Q'S 200 amps or less , ~. 201 amps to 400 amps >" ", Signa.turcof.~~pcl"\'ising Elect~ciaJ1 -~-----.Oy~~ 4Ql to,,~90}WPs~:~'~~,': ~'~l , Ove~,600 amPS,or.lpO.O,vott~fee,;' "B'" b ,.",\ 1'10," _\..7""",\. -~. .' . a ove"v ~. " ~;y <:f>:" ~. "~~~r\. . ","I...'ii:~O ,o-'>.q,c,O,~ .,;.~ \ ~~ _', .. J --.~...u. i:.',\..."S' ~" K:;-0 ~o'" , /' J...... - . ~ 'll D,. Bra}lch.!>I~CIII!S 00'~0':1,~",,~~' . Owners ~,' ~ \V'L'~\..), C\.. \ .;, _ ~\')\:J ~~~}~.A:lt~r5ti~n:& ExieJlsi~n pe/Panel , .' ...~\ . 0' \:jJ;. ,~, _\0.... 5=f ;..('<,!, Address;QD \:L c:....c ("')--t'\ ed. ";'~~,c;'(of'~e('ci;rcu1i6"\0:",~"; , $43.00 ct.f}.."!,)' . . ~o,,:~' _IO"IJ:\<:.o:..' .",-'k ~'I - (I 4f .11' , r:{ ~S1" ,0,~,', ,0 (., ,",-,\" . Cit)<!.. pr Phone / V'/lc-.-,'t'jf,)'!l ....Each!Addiiio.llal Circuit or with Service - . . v" ~~ t~ . or':Feeder Permit . $ 3.00 OWNER INSTALLATION, ;'f;, \ The installation is being made on . E, Miscellaneous (Sc.-viec/feeder not included) property I o\vn which is not intended r '-Each installation \ for sale, leas.e or ~ent. .} Pump 'or i'ri{gation ~ $50.00 : :Sign/Outline Lighting _'$50.00 , Limited EnergyIRes $25.00 . Liniited Energy/Comm $45.00 Minim~m E;ect;'ie Permi; Inspection Fcc ~~ SlIrchal'g~s , , I $50,00 $69.00 $100.00 Owners Signature: 4, SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 7% State Surcharge 8% Administrativc Fcc I.(~ 31f" "3:6<.> TOTAL ~ 5/~ / .' j' " {/' I /' ,0 (}o .. ' \}lllJo "l'(-O"/-I"i'':? :::u /;;L. Seu:tr f!,/ 9483346 .. Q60L)Cr n"'94~08~cr FILE 75 '511'OE5'111'& 1~-- , , . . 12 15.00 ' GRANT OF EASEMENT AND AGREEMENTu,(")~nc:'.02'94~08PFIjND 10.00 ~ ~~Q~DEC.02'94~08A&T rUNO 20.00 It is hereby agreed that the owners and their successors of Lot 1, Olympic Park (Grantors) as platted and recorded in File 75 , Slide. 4 and ,5 Lane County Oregon Plat Records and Lot 1 of the replat of Lot 14 Phairs Addition to Springfield (Grantees) as platted and recorded in File 75, Slides 111 and 112 Lane County Oregon Plat Records will use and maintain a driveway access over and across the following, described parcel of land: Beginning at the Initial Point of Olympic Park as platted and recorded in rile 75, Slides 4 and 5, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said point being on the westerly right-of-way of, being 30.00 feet distant from when measured at right angle to the centedine of 21st Street; thence' along said right-of-way South 00 06' 01" West 21.00 feet to a point being South 00 06' 01" West 6.00 feet from the northeast corner of Lot 5 of said plat; thence leaving said right-of-way North 44 0 55' 29" West 8.48 feet to a point on the north line of said Lot 5, said point also being North 890 57' 00" West 6.00 feet of the northeast corner of said Lot 5; thence along the north line of said Lot 5 and running parallel to and 15.00 feet from when measured at right angles to the north boundary of said plat North 890 57' 00" West 144.37 feet to the point on the west line of said plat; thence along said west line North 00 05' 41" East 15.00 feet to the northwest corner of said plat; thence along the north boundary of said plat South 890 57' 00" East 150.37 feet to the Point of Beginning, being all in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. 1. Grantees are granted the right to use the above described easement, including the existing roadway, as a means of ingress and egress to and from, Grantees are further granted the right to use the described strip for the installation and maintenance of such private and public utilities as may be needed to serve the property described in paragraph 1, or any portions thereof. 2, Grantors and Grantees shall at all times hereafter jointly maintain the easement property and roadway in a condition as good as its present, paved condition, The cost of such maintenance and repairs shall be paid by both parties, 3. Grantors shall, at all times and without restriction, have the right to use the easement property and roadway for purposes not inconsistent with Grantee's full enjoyment of the rights herein ,granted , 4. This grant of easement shall run with the land and shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of Grantors and Grantees, their heirs, successors or assigns. AFTER RECORDATION, RETURN TO: LANE COUNTY SURVEYOR, PSB, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 '- -1 . . 94833I16 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have executed this Grant of Easement and Maintenance Agreement this \I+h day of l-JalJ€MI3E.R. , 1994. ~~ # x rYuane A. Knights ~A-A~ 7f; V~"'q~ Susan E. Knights - - 0 Owners:. Parcell, Olympic Park STATE OF OREGON ) County of Lane )U There personally appeared before me the above named Duane A. Knights and Susan E. Knights who are known to me to be the identical individuals who executed the foregoing instrument and do hereby acknowledge said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. Subscribed and shown me thisll+hday of ~D\lEM~€'71994. -- -., .. , OFFICIAL seAL . "':'. : ROGER r.lIDotECROOK \. .-./ NOTARYPU:JUC-OH"GON .-- COMMISSION No,oleeoo MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV, 20, 1996 .~=n-~ Notary Public for Oregon 0 :'S!~ flI._ ... ~ ~ ~ ~~-o -:..1:0 ~ "-v -0 o-~ -~ - ~ " , -"" v . ~ -0-0 ~ " 0,.,_ 0: ~ I!;I:-:::""C a: llj' c t: C,I -' J .; .- OJ :.- -0. <( >- '" ~ ~ v'~ N ,..... Qo:.: ~ C I -" ,.,v '" .. ~.o e: ., ..." o c - ~ ,... ...~ J U " . .,. cO IJ) ~.3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,C..l: 3: <t- O cc 0- 00_ o 0 0 , -0 0 N cr'} 'Oc o ~ ' " U ;>..E '--' o 0 ~ uu ~ c OJ c::S " ..l:::l= .. ~ ~ '" 00 _0 -o~ N ~ '" '" >. UlU _~u.S 0: -'-' '" -.' --'. . .:. . .- - . . \", FILE 75, SLIDES 111 & 112 . 9483345 /5: 10 AGREEMENT Know all men that Ianthia R. Linn and Edward J. Lessor and Zetta N. Lessor, are owners of real property with a common ..,,,);'...~j boundary (Lessor east. Boundary; and Linn west Boundary). RECITALS: ~Q1DEC.02'94U08REC 15.00 WHEREAS Linn is the owner of Lot 14, Phairs Addition to Springfield as platted and recorded in Book 15, Page I, Lane County Oregon Plat Records. WHEREAS Lessor is the owner of wt 13, Phairs Addition to Springfield as platted and ."w.Jed in Book 15, Page 1, Lane County Oregon Plat Records. WHEREAS an e~g fence owned by Lessor encroaches upon a portion of the west lot line of Lot 14, owned by Linn. WHEREAS Lessor and Linn agree that the fence is not located on the common );"v);'...~j line between their respective properties. Y~Q1DEC.D2'94"08PFUND 10.00 NOW, THEREFORE, THE pARTIES AGREE: 1. Lessor will not remove or relocate that portion of their fence (as shown on attached .EXIllBIT 'A') which encroaches upon Linn's property until such time that the fence needs to be repaired or replaced. 2. Linn will have the right to remove or' relocate the fence at her .....);'....se to the true );',v);'...~j line at any given time. Neither Linn nor Lessor will be required to reconstruct the fence. 3. The parties acknowledge for themselves and their successors and assigns that there has never been any intent upon their part to claim the other's property by adverse possession and they further acknowledge that their property line is accurately shown in attached IDuuuu 'A'. And that this a6,,,,"u,ent shall run with the property and be binding upon themselves successor and assigns. Executed by of the parties upOn the date set opposite their ,"");'''v;':ve signature. C a__~~-"A: IP ~,,_ Dated: / I - /~ - :;1~ &~;:'(d~ "",",II/10M Edward J. LessotJ ~ . -:;:> -'~ VI f .-R..-d-<1a:-A ~tta N. Lessor Dated./I~/o - 9"A' AFTER RECORDATION, RETURN TO: LANE COUNTY SURVEYOR, PS8, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 . . .~ . 9483345 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF OREGON ) County of Lane ) Ss . . There personally appeared before me the above named Janthia Linn, who is known to be the identical individual who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged said instrument to her voluntary act and deed. Subscribed and sworn to before me this /07/1 day of /f/C)t/E~.{.:BE:R:- , 1994. . ~O' ~Q L :g~~,"~ Notary Public for Oregon r~""'~"-------- - .....",.;------.-'1) : . OFFICIAL SEAL I f. i DAVID L BROWN : : .. ../ NOTARYPUBLIC-OOEGON ' f COMMISSION NO.0153Sl4 . : !. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 11, 1996 ' ,.....----------... ...-- ................................. .......,~ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF OREGON ) County of Lane ) ss There personally appeared before me the above named Edward J. Lessor and Zetta N. Lessor, who is known to be the identical individuals. who executed the foregoing instrument 'and acknowledged said instrument to their voluntary act and deed. Subscribed and sworn to before me this / () TrI day of A)OUEJ.{ 15>;;.L , 1994. ~' .9L.L~ Notary Public for Oregon r'''~=''>--~;;':~I:~~~~ - - - -"'1 .. , . ! DAVID L: BROVIN . I ... .,/ NOTARYPUBLlC-OOEGON f COMMISSION NO.0153Sl4 : . MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 11, 1996 : .....----------...... .....-........... -- ------- .' .. . . . .: . i/ ~ El.l1wl7' A .9483345 UNN-LESSOR AGREEMENT NOVEMBER 9. /994. NW CORNER LOT /4 (1'.5' , )( I )( I )( I FENCE I )( LOT 13 . I LOT 14 )( (LESSOR) I (LINN) )( ;.. I '" 2 )( .1 I )( I . ENCROACHMENT DETAIL LOT 13 & 14 )( ~' I PHAIR'S ADDITION J TO SPRINGFIELD )( I NOT TO SCALE )( '~ I .\ 0.4'- ~ ( REGISTERED ~ PROFESSIONAL . , LAND SURVEYOR Lb~ , @BranCh Engineering l OREGON J JULY 20. 1993 DA VID L, BROWN 2609 310 N. 5th Street Springfield. Oregon 97477 ~ EXPIRES DEC. 31. 1995 (503)746-0637 FAX (503)746-0389 ~ x' ~., I.' #~\ ~l])-= \~, ...j '<~ " 9483345 '" ~ ~ '" '" ~ l:Il . State of Oregon, County of Lane-ss. -I, the County Clerk, in and (o~ the said ~ounty, do hereby certify that the within Instrument was received for record at 2 DEe 94 9 :23 Reel 2017R Lane County OFFICIAL Records. Lane County Clerk ~ d! .r't/" ~~4~; Clerk! By: . , . . '. :"-"~ ..-." , , . . ;, .. , crp A> fill 'I /\ / D~ ('j 0"^q 11, I . pO 1/0 ("I ."l<J-.38'E' N. ,"H'""",,, .""m";~;. ". .~~~"".;~~ '''' "~.;;,' ";r "",; :~: "oj': ~~:;.]'~ ':;;I~ ~ ,G : ~ '" ~ /l\C~ '7/- ~ ~\~, ()p..O)1,)..~,;., ~ '...." ,.."gJ'j ~"J:L ():::) /d~; ~i>.60357".'''' ~..OV ~',"' i'" \ ~, n ~'" . ., ~6"~0~F;~'w ~ ,1-\ 1 ~ ~ ~ <(~'~ ,,,'" t"l\h D': : """'r' j.o <) (\ ~Y' ~('\': fL~. 6"027'....'. ~F ~ { r w \ c \ .. 0" ... .. .. '".. .'}. L ~ ~ fOl .,'0. ~ o~~.. : "\ - ..) :J J.: ~.~,. l.l-..~.;~" 07 .. 12 .. 13 ...)4.:.2,....~,. ,,,,,,~.~7'...' , "'."'."'''1'' '" . ~ ~ T ~ ..'10"," T90;T ROAD - \.j J.{i/. _ _~ :::..........I ;" . .. / .(,;t4 H.OO' 1.'1 ......o~ ..... TO' w,..T~/J.D~ .- 1400 . 1300 1200,1102 hlIOI... 901 800 801 .. ..;" 0 1: . .... ~ .. .. ~ s..,ns._. . .... t ~~ '6,00' ,)'/;;.:. ' : ~ ,"\ d:~ ; ~ ~ g l!.. I' .. ~ ~ · .. ~~ ~I' .: ~ ~ Co .0" tot II) 11...' ~~L U&l': ~ ....~ll' T';' N."-SS'o,,"'w. ""- ~A?~ n-6~-).s--4-~ SW 1/4 SE I, 1 ESSMENT XATION ONLY . " .. \oj ~ 60' I~ .. \I ~ f~SCGTT I wun .' 60' " ...' .1 .~ " ~ ~. . ~' 78S. '8' ,. ~ II l. . 'EA-sr- '1s.o# \ 14&' .-:' '. t ':~' .,-: ,,' ~ .. , . . .. 8 ~ ~ - . --~\ _ LEE' _ _~~ !O' . (,,0' ~I' 1500 r. . , II ~. ~ .\ .,.... I:l 'I .. ... .' . .\ ~~D. .. T "r\".'O . . . . "'. .' - .,. . ,--, '.. ". . '.' . . .: .' -a:.''- ."'<) :. ..-.... "'r"~' ,. . "~\.." '..,. . .: ~. . o ~ ~