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Permit Electrical 2006-1-3
~ec~ as su~~ the following . no! req;:petIJtJ~d/t!1JJ 2Z5lllFl'RsntEItT:.L.SJ.>RINGmll;D;;OJt:\I74n-:...~ .. FAX,-(541)7~S&lIW ~ - l:W J~. , ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION/ . I '. I Dale 1 - --- 'J ~.klb:NWllberc. GO tV1WOS ~ 01 SS-I Date t J Dl.o AUUlonzedS,gnature 9V1 p~'(\.i ( ( .j. . .' ~. 3. ,COMPUTE FEE SCHEDULE BELOW , ,.....,.......'C".. ,....,--. -~ ...,.....,........-........... T"'<tt. .-..-,....,T""'l........-N . I t "-, I 1 L. "" ~ lJ . ,,,, f ~ J-. I L.. I ., ! 'lJ t-. .....f J ~ \.....1 1 1 V..l "';J.. .1U"':" 'iU..l ..u_.....L.L/~ .......l'.~..L'-'..... . L LOCATlONOFINSTAT,IATlON 19qs Srm+ . ".'. LEGALDESCRII'.TION:.. 11 O? '1.'5 ~ J€>IHlESelUl'TIElN-. . ()/~ tlfhJ 5ef/V'</~f- <4 (; " f.f (I ;M P-eI:m~6~n~f"1I'rRbtt-aA~exp~e it.~is-. Dot started ..ithin 180 da,s'''~:,,,~~..,_.. ir"orkts- SUspended fOr 180 days; . . ....~. ',~.=,!.; ." '_~ <;:t<";~ 2. CONTIDtCTOR INSTALU:tr,ONONI;.Y . f~ #IJ:1:~.f)eLL'5 'detfft '(!~ Ad.:........./o L1D! :2 e;-'70 '7 j ~ eity.- ZAOe.t-L -e Q S....~...;"... I:.icense-:..:......:....... . t 12>.5 / (J -01- ()tp Constr. Contr, Number / () 9 YIP t/ 1//'1107 ~ PI=~?f';J5li7 Expiration Date ExpimtiefrDate. Si6..U_.... ~ ~ Y.~&;~'6' .E,^-u-;...;oe:u.- ' tOpv~~ OwnersName ~PfX7(7/tS Addn=./99<r ~~<;r Phone :i!:L.rJ - 01./ ~ t.j City LJ o. f'dtg. ~p OWNER INSTALLATION The.installatioo.is.beillg-!Illldeon.p, .,.,...J: J.__whiGh- is. not :..._dt.HOfsale;cleas.e:orrcn1= . Owners Signature: r..~_C~~1 ~~ "~.,.- ">,;,. - ... -"'--~ ..... ,..... '~r........" j J1,.. J"u::";f~~~.~,'=;;_".","'~ :--~''''4~_'''''' ;~!IUnl"FiITU.1J r.-- ..", U~.b _....... Service Included lOOlhq=ft;moless-; . . $HJ6.,9l}- Nlffllpelitional500sq, ft, ~RE IF lHEWORK lh~~~\'ll'SHro.LL V~S PERMll ~S ~101 $ 19.00 'ro.~~nn~~~ONEO FOR, C=~ PERIOD. 550.00- ro. . .,.. '"." H. . .. B. 'Servi~~ or Feellers":. ~tail~!i,9~:~lter~tions or Relocation: . . ".'- -. "'''~<''''''''.'- ,. . '. 200=Amps:...... ~ ' " . , 20 I Amps to 400 Amps 4l}t- Amps-tn60lhMnps~. . . 601 Amps to 1000 Amps EJvedOOf}:-AmpsfYoIts-. . . Reconnect Only z.. $63:06- L2frr ! $ 75,00 ! $1.25;00. $163.00 $375;00- $ 50.00 .1 : .-.:......,~-!'~:t~,~ ::~.;.,,;,,:i;f:!o; :;_' '.o'.';~-=~"...i~ ,".. ,'. . C. -~~~W~~~1i~~f~.e~,~~}i:- . - -j -' "' . ....,..-. =-:','-' ..V"_ . ~ .' .Installstion. Alterstion or-ReleeatieB~ ~ 200 Amps or less $ 50,00 201 Amps to 400 Amps $ 69,00 -41tj-Amp!rtOJ\6\l.AIIlV' ,- $11)0;00 t- A r r ",f\! II'JN: Ore'10l, ,un . ~'1J1TeS.~liU .,0 Over:~~~!,~.~,U!~!t~~~J~'1~f~"~'yjl9n Utility, ';I" '.. D.!I"sRf,~(;~]~_~'t~~Jul.El~are setfortl:t;;.' . ,,';>,' ~ ".~ ~r.:,()(';() fhrOl'gh OAR 952.001- New-~....ElIL"...,,,c. Per<Psnel flh I b :d'" ""., .". r!J,8"1 ccples 0 e ru es y one Qroulf ... . " ('" ".. S~413,OQ'r_ Each Additicrnal cirduit otwilijT. ";;:'~2~rl~ ~~',ul'''O"r1 r- ~, -.f. - "o-c '.:'.'~ "2"""~.4{.y SC3~@1 f1/./ ~....,...............'t. .... _ .....un _ . r; ..or i~ i .tl~O<:..0'2 2344). : ;";,~'~'~~~;;'~:':>_': ': '. .....-. -. '~~'''':::'1:0'~,_;;-';;;';:';~.;,~ ;~_~'f~~:'C ~',' ".- . ,'.' .;'0', .:..;~ E. .M:.:' ,1" ", ~eriiiei:~~.::.::..:. ~blaiided)~Eildt-lnStaIIatIoD: :.-:,,: :'" "'~'''~';'~_'' \:EJ.;'~; _ .. ,~,;;'J.",::.,:,;(....;~'':::-;;:, ....;,~.. .;.:,,'~.;- .~ ..-J "".' -' ~. . -:'"" Pump or inigation S~e'ti6!'':- .. , . Limited EnergylResidential L~..;;_j ~=--'bJ:€-"""-'_:":~ $ 50.00 $ 50;00.' $ 25.00 $45;00- MlA~:::c~:.:~~~~~;;~::~+3..- .:.trges ~ 4. :~g~m;1!!pf;~qYE:'/~!f7.~'L: ;ltJ/. q;l. ?f.State Surcharge \ \q . O~ ~ 10% AdiniiliStrative Fee... 'l {), ,0 ~ ......_.-' ....-"__o.......,In..:...:__ r.__.Ir.I__"':__1 n_:. __I:.A':__ I n, A.A 'f()'I' kle . ~b1. \%