HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1981-11-12 -....., - .- ....... '-- .,-._-~~~- -----..- .---..-.--.-17--0:,~$..;.w-~.. ~-' .fRECEIPl' # _Slln \9' n RESIDENT.~- COMBINATION/APPLIC N PERMIT crn Of SPRIUGF:ELD 2Z5 i:O.:mI S'iH S':.'?EET SPRJ','.'GFIE!.D, (lREGO,'1 97417 auildi,..g Divi~ 726-3753 Subdivision: Job Location: jfj/99 .A1;,,~.~. _u....OI'. IIap # / 7 - t) 3 - ;l. -S- - '3 Y' Ta: Lot # //00 '>..m81' Ik. ~~I Lh"'-L-"~6~ AdlW.. 4~ &l.W. 2-'~u;I A:\1e. ClOy \--11 I'.c~~ ore. n n n PhoM # Zip q..,,~ O'OI'k NrJ ~'4.~ Addition .~<mod.. ~. ~IA fY\ ) 1lUthol'i.,ed Ci.ty Agent Uscn. E%y'.:rcs \:)\ \.f\ \\C'1'f1~ u AddzteSB ~\05_\V/C'iJ f'Qb~nw- c..."",,1 Contractors Nar:f' Plumbing !14ctri oat I/aclrar.icc 1 ...,...._"'&..J.:l'tion Lander Phon. # .1 ~' ~QUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsibility of the permit h~lder to see th3t' aU bspeet'iona are made at the proper time, that each address is readable ftoem the streCl:t. and the,,: the pe~t card is loca:ted at the front of the propertY. 6 AU. manholes anti cleanouts are to be adjust3d at no cost to the City o o o o o o D o o o Page 1 of '2 1- SI'Tt IlISPtCTICN: To h. made after excavation, but prior to set U? of fQn"..5 . o UND~St.AB PLUMBING. E~CT!UC.'\L & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work 13 covered. o FQOTIUG & rOCrlDATION: To be made after trenches are e:u:a.vated and torms a~ erect!:d., but prier to pouring concrete. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SE:1IER. WATER. DRAInAGE: To be made prior to fU- ling ~renches. D mfDERF~OOR ?Lm{BING ~ MECHANICAL: To be made prior to ins~allation of floor insu13tion or decking. POST ~ B!:AH: inS"tllllation or decking. D To be ~de prior to of floor insuladoo ROUCH PLUMB!NG. rLECTP.ICAL & HECH- ~~CI~L: No ~ork is to be covered unt'il these inspec~ior~ have been rnac!e and approved.. o rIREPLACE: Prior to placing facing 0 lllater1als and before fru.ing inspee- don. WOOOSTOVES: After installad.on is completed. FRAHI!m: Must be requested after D approval of rough plumbing, electri- cal. &. mechanical. All roofing, bracing &. chimneys, etc. must be completed. No work is to be con- cealed until th.is inspection has been made and 4rr~_,_J. CURB & APPROAC!i APP.ON: After forms are erec~ed bu~ prior to pouring eoncre~e . D SIDEWALK & DRIV1rJAY: For all con- crete paving within street ~igh~- ~f-way, te be cade after all exca- va'dng complete &. tOnD work & sub- base materi:1l in place. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulation and required vapor barriers are in place but before any la~h. gypsum board or wall covering is applied, and. beforer-:-yQ'"THtR INSPECTIONS: may be requir~d any inSulation is concealed. ~ ~n accordance with Building Code, to be indicat~ in ;:1&:0.5 or by no.. ~ ~w B~~ .I~.~t,rl 000 ~ . ,,1 ~k"'\\\ IO"t-- (I OC\~~. ~)~\~~. . DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be fI'l3de after all drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel loc3.tion, bond be3m9, grouting cr v~icals in accordance wi~h U.B.C. Section 21l-15. FINAL PLUIiBING All project conditior.s, such as the ins~allation of street trees, cocpletion of the required landscaping, e~c.. mU8~ be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. D FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested a:ter the Final Plumbin~ Electrical, and Mechanical Inspections have been me:e ~d approved. FINAL tL~CTRIC.'\L No occupancy of the premises C3n be made until the Final Building Inspection has been made and approved, anC a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS eE~~ ISSUED BY THE BUILDIMG DIVI- SION A.~D POSTED ON THE PR~ISES. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST: Call 726-3769 (recorder)state your City designated job number, job address, type of inspection requested and when you will bo r~ady for in8~ec- tion. Contractors or Owners name and phone numbers. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. "iUbe mad. the sa~e d.y, reque.ts made after 7,00 jr!!!Jj Iw~d,...;.:e next working day. YOUR CITY nESIGNA~tD JOB NUM9ER IS: ~~~ . . . ....---.-.. .... ,p.-,., -.-. _. --.-- ......-.---,-...-....-. -..,....-r->_.-. . _-...~.....~:-.-..,~~.. ,...._.-. .'_ _. '-..,.c..~..'..~....'.-'_"-.'..'._"-'_-'.'-.-.,,".'._.:.~il ..~.~,_.-.;;'7.;..:~.-:::....-:2:-;;;~.T:..',.,..;.;~'':''''.~- ..:..,._~>:~;:,:'...-:-_-:-H.__.:.-::;_,_:.~:"~_:., . ".:; ~.. , _ ~ .~.v, FINAL HECHAHICJ.L I E3IOlq4 I Jon' NlJHSER I?ONE t OCCUPANCY C.ROUP Lot Square .t"tg. :1 ~f Lot Covered ;; of S;OM-Be TotaL Height ro,?og:rap~y I I 1.<~. t"tn. '.pi", ISq. Ftg. C-arc:g6 I Sq. Ftg. C~or: 1< Ftq. k::C6~BO:oy -'I. ISo. F':a. tat:.!B ," .:: :r r ;:: P.rm: t C1t~BB S't.n.tll Surt!htrrtttt TOTAL CH.(RCES ls!/stem D6vl11.or:mtlnt Charas l1.s:;v~bB NO. rEE I Fi:1::tl,.~s I !/ati:l' Service I Sonit~/ SINB1" lJ"'L\ '\ I I I I SUBTOT.(L Staes Suzochargs TOTAL CHARGES I INO. I FEE I So. Footaatl I !1tN 01" ~B1'tSi01tICi:l.eu.it Te.~'!"':lr"./ Co:o:s~c:ion SU!!TOTAL StfIt9 SW"cha:rce TOTAL CHARCES 11.'('1. . FEE ~"!R .. !I1'U'S Erhau.t Hoed VB71t Fan Wood Stavs/Hl1Q.tQ" SUBTOTAL Stato SW-charcc 1'O'!Al. CHARGES ".' ...' .-. ,-', '1_". '.. -I .. ,. I I . L-cnr; i! BEDROOMS P.:lge 2 REFERENCE Nt~BERS TYPE/CnT'STll.lJCTION , 'Aragef ACC~S., I i f i' i I I :-:'~i~Zc.za I ;v'oc~ 5;":')(J. . I ~O~';;'::' I i Lot Ty'?6 SetbaCKS Ir:.tBM.Or I Lot Faces: Comer I P. r.. r House PanhandZelNor~h Othsr I t.'aBt I South I We.e I I = .J. S<: . '<.>1 ; ~jtt) I El:ergy So:.:'ces I ~1<?1t I r~'~tel" H6!1ter I ,::.:ar.ge I ?oo~ I FEES BUILDING VALUE/PERHIT 1" ~ This pcrrrri-t is grant?d on the erpr6$tI b~ndi:~ that ths said construction ehaU, in aZZ't'.B::Scts, canfol":"!: to ehs'O"!'di"I~OB8.adapeed b~ eljs Ci:"J ,c;'oiip";"f!fieZd, iri'clUd~g the' ziming ~OMi:"'a11I1B, re~.l.z.at~ng -;i-.s con- str.tCti07l !D'ld uss qf lr..li1.dings, crn.t:i ,'"'IaY.;e e".l.s,;sr.dsd or l'6"JokJzd a-: 'any time upon Violati.;n of an~; previ- sions of lJaid Ordinances. ~ - . J I i I - I CHARGE I [('}UU i I ILOPUI I .4Ul I I ().~()j . CHARGE C1/.'J/GE I i~ I I .. J. , .j.... PZ.an Chsck Fee !!ate P<rid RccBipt /I. PLUMBING PEl/MIT No person shatt. construct, ~nBt:zH, !ll~Gr or cha:nge any nerJ or uisting plumbing or dra::.nags syB~1Im in whels or in pa:rt~ IDllsS8 Buch per.o:,: is ::he !ilgal. poSS'1ssor of a tJaUd pl:l11lbsr's Ue.r.B.~ UClpt that a person may do plumbing t..'Ork to pre-ptl*, w!:-:.ch is comed, Zeassd 0" apfll'ated by ehe <Zp?li=nt. ELECTRICAL PERMIT Whsre State Laza' requires that ths iI~Ba"t:-ica! lJOrk be done by an Etectrical C?7ttractor~ ti:a BZBot::o-.:caZ *,or- tion of this permit shan not be va!id unt-::r. t;hs !a- ba Z has bssn aignsd by ths ~Loctric.:Z. Contrc.::or. The E2sctriaaZ Saf.t;y LaJ.J does not rBqu-:':re :: ?s:-son to obtain a Zicsns. as an !3Leetricr:.cn ar.:l/ap sZca- meal CO"ltr::zctol' to maks an ewotr-:':caL. -:':ns:..:Zl.::tion on p1'Opsrty which is ownad by hitnseZi~ or a .~&".bs:" of his ir.medi.c.u family which is not ~r.::an.:itld .-';1' 8aLe~ Lease or rant. HECIIANIC.(L P::RMIT I I I I I I j ENCROACHMENT I Se~r:ty !)t:posi.t I St.orage I NaincfUl!fCs I Permit I TOTAL A!1OU!/T DUE , 1C'.uoboue ISidm.Jalk I Frmc-a I ;;lecerica I Labs I ~1 ,NVI T(7l'AL AMOUNT DUE Pl.an E=ami."1Br Dat" I I HAl'!" C.1REFULLY E,WIINED ths comp18eod application for permit, and do I ~ hereby certify that an information hereon is truo and eo.rrBat~ and I . , . fw-ther ee:rtify that any and an wrk porfr7rmed shaU be do11Q in accor- I dance IJtih ths O"!'di=e. of ehs City of Spri"f!fieZd, OM ehe Law. of the _ State of Ol'Ogon pe"taining Co th. "",.k ds.cribed herein, and chat ,vo oc- ~ CTJPANCY :.riU be mads of any St1'"..lCturB :.rithout permission of ths Building I .: Division. I f'.aother certify that onLy aontractors and employees who are in compLiancf1 wi:h ORS 701.055 lJil.Z be ussd on -:hia proJoBcto ~:: i~~. ~ ~~~~~l,.u time . , .\ -:-: '.:~~~~~~:~_.:::f:~'"i.~~~~~;;:,:;~~:~~l~~"i:~:~.~-=-'~~~:Sd.*;~{~:;l;;~g~~~~~ ,~;j~.S:<:;-"~~P:~:~?:'-=-.. 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