HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-10-20 r/ ,'" ~. -' 4 I 7-/0;) c::;- Rcce:pt ';1 .. RESID6NTlAl" APPLICA1~N/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd. Oregon BuiZding Division 726-3753 97477 tJ /YlcK.., Job Location: 7(/7 v/ft l..&c-,/we,v 5 u,-tl.<. AsaesGors Map H Subdivision: CUneI': UJtifVlj/ II'Y~ II qC; N, r;,rUV-V <I Addre8S: City: c~..,..#e., / [lNm" n Addi ticn n Remodel. ~ .'.1ob-:.l.e Homo G l",vlV 'brl.J~ J./ / A- ~/~ .5' Taz Lot # Lb77 Phone: (., 'lfs-(.. b r~ <97<16,;- )j~O Zip: \\'7 ICY /'~ Describe ll'ork: M.otJ~~ tk,~. ~-~ ;l7';<L/D ~.uc-u::ta ~-tv~ ~.;tS:JI'/as: See- {JW P Itt..v, thL. Cj){)e!!- /O-I:J-f% PfU/it'_ Cl.. .sov~ 'Iqcp fV&.yyrl.... Lt\ Cbr......,....c; Pf/.,ljUh:""'" S.e,A-n> I f Electrica I .a ..:dll h. P, mw ..J J l1ochar.ical bffl~a..IcL ;:::-x.~U4=r'rn,J -:CUC-~ Date of Application Contractors General Plumbing Conet~ation Lender ~ Signed: Date: c.I2/ (() -20 -Yi(' I J <<, ~g ",$ Address Lise. # E:z::oil'CB :1_ 72.-&:.'7 Phone t,f55!-&b'f 7</-7- 2('W '-l.Ji!q7 It i.s ths resporuri.bility of the PBrmit holder to Bee that all. irwpeations a:t'e made at the proper tim€~ that each .::ddres8 is readabZe from tho otreot, <1fd that tho permit card io 1.ocatoa at tho front of the property. ;fBui!di'!1g DilJi::ior: approved plan shell r>emain on tha Building Site at all times. PROCEDUP.E Fan INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 rrccor>de1"J state your City designated job nur.:ber>~ job ad6-c8s, type of in3pec-:.icn requested a~.d when you wiZl be ready fOr> inspection, Contzoactor8 or> Owners nt:me end Fhone number. Requests received before 7:00 a":'f r..~LZ be made the same day~ requests mede afte:ro 7:00 a:n LJil.l be made the next :.:JOrking day. " Y;"'" City Desigr.atea Job Number Is: g~ oqtf-b p~~.},":~~rl T!:,i':'!.t~~~r.rq o o !XJ SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation~ but prior to set up of forms. UNDERS~AB PLUMBING. F:~ECTRICA~ & l.fECHAtlICAL: To be made before any work is .:!ovcred. "rl-... '>J FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret.. 'dO 1 ?Ie>,'?-'-/ UND~GROUND PLUMBING, SEWER, W.1TER. DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fil- Ur.g trenches. ~ o UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & I1ECHANICAL: To be rrruie prior to installation of J2oor> insulation 01' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made proiaI' to installation of flOOr> insulation or dscking. l-t A- ROUGH PLU!!BIllGf Er.ECTRICAL)& MECH- ANICAL: No :Jerk l.S W DC cotJered ,w:tiL thes8 inspections have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: PPior to pkcir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. D FRAHING: Must be requested after appI'oval of rough plwr.bing~ alectl'i- cal & mechanical. AU roofing bracing & chimneys, etc. rrrJ.st be ; completed. No I.JOrk is to be con- .., cealed until this inspection has . bBB.n made and approved. o o D ~ D [K] o 'd-I?) FI/1A~ PWI1lJIIIG Ifl o FINA~ I1ECHANICA~ I,,\~ FINA~ ELECTRICA~ O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulation ar.d . required vapor ba:rriers are in plaae but before any Zath~ gypswn board or wU covering is appUed~ and before any in3ulation is concealed. DE'.!OLITION OR ;\'OVED BUILDIilGS :=J Sani taPY 8e'..Jer aapped ::::t p:..opc;rt'::1 line ~ Septia tank p:.L"i:ped and fille~ with ~ra:;eZ O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aLl drywall is in place~ but prior to any taping. ---, Final - ({hen above ite:ns aPe completed ~ and when demolition is complete 01' stru~- ture moved and prczmises aleaned up. O MASONRY: Steel location, bond beam:J, grouting 01' verticals in accorodance LJith U. B. C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE,,: After installation is ccmpleted. Mobile Homes D so ZJ Blocking and Set-.p ~~ ~ Plumbing conneations sewer> and wate~ CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte~ forms t'? ~ Electl'ical Connection _ Blocking, set-up. are created but prior> to pouzoing ) .LJ and plwnbing conr.ections rrr...st ce approved concrete. beforc requesting e7.ec:l'ical inspec-:.ion 1\71 SIDEWA~K & DRIVEWAY: For all CO>l- lK.J crete paving LJithin street right- t""",,1 Kl Acaessory Building of-wc.y, to b(! mad~ after all. e:cca- ~ . vating c~let~ & far>::! work & sub- :vl Final _ Aftar p,pcr.es, skirting, decks, . base matel'1.al 'n 1'l.ooe. . S " 2J otc. are complotea. IN.IT$A- d'O M YS " . 0.;0 &,<CCu* ~..;..........,.... 7- . O PENCE: When complQte -- Provide gates 01' movable sections througr. P.U.E. D D All project conditions, :Jucn as the installation of street trees~ c~~letion of the 1'8quir>ed landscc;pir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be r~qu.estad. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested alter the Final Plumbing Electrical, and Mechar:ical Inspectw1UJ ~})a been made and approve~. ~ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fEtlT T~. BE NIl,DE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 I I JOB NO. ffD 4LfIP Page 2 I~ I. L-CO'G~' ., Zone: ~ "'R. )l'?#""5 Lot Sq. Ftg. S of lot C""erage fi of StoM.es Total. Height Topogrophy SOLAR AC-CESS REQ.- Oc:cuoancl./ eJ A'Z>R/~~ ~~..,.r;- WT TYPE I Lot Faces - I I P.~. INorth lEast South IWest . I I Enerau Sources I I Heat I 1 Water Hp.otp.1" I I Range I I Fireplace I I Wood3tove II TirDB I ~"'D i-I/ /-7sl I -#7" 10.7'7 I. I lITEM I Main ler.:raae I Cal"l:Wl't I Accessol'u SQ.FTG ::? &>0 .0...,./ N&-. S' TOTA~ VAWE Is.D.c. (vct..uCJ 1.5 % Building Permit State SUI'charge TotaL Charges lITEM I NO/. I ."....~-, ~LJ7> ResidentiaL (1 bath) I I /1 Water / 1 I~R~ 2?h'A'/N~J.. Sanitary Sewer Plwnbing Perd. t State Surcr.apge Total Charaes ITEM 1110. i II 1 I ( I 1/ I Res. So. fto. New/Extend Circuits ~"'<' .L'....,;) Ser>vice ~&JP Ele~tI'icaZ Pe.nmit _Stat8_Sur~haPQe ./ Total Charces IITSM PurJ1a:ce ETU' S I E:::haust Hood I NO., I I I I 1 Vent Fan 1I00dsto1J8 Permit Issuance Me~haniaa.l permit State SUrchazoae 'I'ota I ChtrrOp.s -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~ritl.f D8DOsit I Storage > I Ma.int~e I Pcnmt I I TotaL ChaNes . lOur''''': I Sidm.1aLk ~ IFe~e I Electroica! Label NobiLe Home 2J....J~€ W;z>&:' 7'~ I TOTAL AMOUIIT DUE:' I I I 1 96'<::::'. .-.I 1 I 12Ft, Ifd-. !...).'").- !-'d, 1 /6.80 ,. I /b. &>0 I I I 1 "'<G:>. ....... I 70. oe> I-~ ?;1:--sr>1 7'3"1:5Z> I . I I I I I I I 1 I I I 15: 00 I /s:...... I /5:-" I f'.z): ce '-'~ I ~.2-51 I /77. 25"' l. I Interior Corner PanhandLe Cul-de-sac x Value /6.- .9.0 FEE CHARGE '26'. ~ /S.= FEE CHARGE FEE CHARGE Ih.?~ Type/Cor.st: Bedrooms: Setbacks House Caraqe I Access. I i I I Fees BuiJdi~g Value & Permit This permit is gronted on the express condition that the said a011stpuction shall~ in aZl respects, confo~ to the Ordinar~e adopted by the City of Springfield, inaZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the constl"Uction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at cr.y tUne upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. r } Q L 'IV 1tJ-/7-.f(! / ~c;qS ce.- Pe r m i t Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Receipt #: I Signed: Plumbing No person shalt cGnstruat, instatz, alter or change any new or existing plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license~ except that a person may do plwnbing work to property which is owned~ teased or operated by the appli- cant. . Electrical Permit Where State LabJ'requires t;..at the electrical tJOrk be done by an Electrical Cont:roactor~ the electncal portion of this permit shaH not be valid until the label has been signed by the Elecrncal Contractor. Mechanical Permit I 1 I I I I , . I, I I I I HAVE OAREFUL~Y SXA.~INED the compLeted appLication for pel'mit, and do I hereby certify that aU information hereon is true and corrcct~ and I , further certify that any ar.d all. work perfo~ed shaH bEl do:1e in accol'- I dance 'IJ1ith the Ordinances of the City of Sp-ringfield~ and th<: W:.;S of tho * State of Oregon'p~l'taining to the work described herein~ and that NO OCCU- PANCY wiH be rrnde of any structure without pernrission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that cmly contractors ar.d e:rrpkJyees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project -\~ ~s~ /c>-/:?-6'i& Uaoe ~~9. ~~ f t)- n-8& Dot. Signed