HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-8-15 .. RESI~NTlAL" APPLICA'I!ON /PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ., Rcce:.pt fi \4crl4 \ ~ (mckl 140me-) 1 /1.1 4/'f)t./M Job Loca.tion: X' 1'J1o~ S u,tb:> G.-1€Y\n bR. \ l'I()~,)/)4 Asoeeaors Map 1/ II/A- Lt/'cil/H/f'W Subdivision: CA.mer: I. f),-. I'\M ~ iJ r A->'TN'-c~_, Address: 1100/1/. IFI2II.Y , nr-p_ . City: E'5 -,,,1-<". , QNM' n Addition n n Tc.:r: Lot # 1~r."T .1- i51n('K J ",-,tf-, Phone: b?'X -1o{,C19 'l '7 Llo.~ Zip: DSDcribe fl'orl,: f-k,..lse .)i2.E Genera L E: ~^' i " .... .y" } I" PLumbing . .~(, ~? h ( t. \"-, ELectricaL -I-< alnl, P-,:cn,<) /v, l4.char.icaL _C,Ut\,' hUT,-, "~'''~"C:l'..,...,.....-_....~ We c It is the responsibility of ths permit holder to see that azz. inspections are r.:ade at the proper tim&,1 that t:aCh ;:;dd;rS88 is rsa.:, fl'Ol1f the streot, and that tho permit card is 'Located at tho front of the property. "Bui?di~.g Oivicior: approT.:ed plan shaH remain on th; Bu.-:.lding Sits at aU times. PROCEDURE Fon INSPECTION R~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designa.ted job ntq;;ber~ J'ob adarcss~ type of ir.3psCt~. 1"aqucsted ar:d when you wi'LL be ready f01" inspaction~ ContMctorB 01" Owners ncme end r;hone number. Requests received GeferB ? :o( ~'ill. be madg the same dc.y~ requests made afta' 7:00 a:n will. be made the n~xt ',X}rking dab. Your City Deoigr.ated Job NumbDr Io: ER Of!) Q~ Remodel /")c.('c I L\. .e ~'(2.d- ~ ,',fobi le llama Data of Application (;ontractors 'Rnmn"~t:'A T"'~np(!~ir.~~ O SITE INSPSC':'ION: To be r.r::r.de after e.:::ccavation~ but prio'/' to set up of forms. O. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRJC.U. & i'ofECHA,'lICAL: To bs made before any ~rk is covcred. FOOTING 5 FOUNDATION: To be rrrzae after trenches are excavated and forms are erected~ but prior to pourir~ ccncr6t~. D. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. W.1TER. DRAIIIAGE: To be m:2de prior to fi"l- .Ur.g trenches. o o UNDERFLOOR PW/o!8ING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inata"lZation of /1001' insutation or decking. POST AND BEAU: To be made prior to instaUation of flool' ins~Zation 01' dsckinr;. ROUGH PUP.1BD/G. ET.,ECTRTCAL t MECH- ANICAL~ No :Jerk is to be covered .untiL thcsa inspections have been made and approved. . FIREPLACE: Priol' to pZacir.g facing matsria"ls and befora framing inspec- tion. FRAJ1ING: Must be requested after approvaZ of rough plwrbing~ alectl"i- cal ,{ mechanwal. AU roOfing bracing & chimncys~ et~. nr~st be ... completed. !lo work is to be con- .. cealed until this inspection has ~ bG~n made and approved. o o o ~1 LjJ Liac.# Siqr.Od:~/~ :J - ' .J':.)." c;;r;; V . '-' <.:.:ri Erpires PhJne .J--l::.'lD ~~- :<X( /- 91'> ...\- SeG P kiT Pll'j1J : Date: LJ /40:7 . L1.2.Y.'~' '7- (j(j- Is'-('l () \) dLi.-.<.1loo ~ VaLu.)( 6/a, f.9.9 qe Address L/99D r{) "'~ pIl.J- If' .-<;'.::I<'/./'7 .~0 -.:)./,] . DE,',JOLITIO.'! OR gOVE!; BUILDIilGS :=J Sani tary S6'..Jer .::apped at p~opc;rty Zit. =:] Septic tank p....~t:d and ff,.U{J~ uith g} --, Pinal - rrhan abcve items are cc."i1pletr. ---1 and whan demolition is oompleto or at ture moved and pr~3es cleanad up. Mobi lo Hemac ~ BLocking and Set-up ~Plumbing connections -- S&WOl" ar~ wa: ---i Electrical. Connection - Blocking ~ eet ~ and plumbing connections nr..:st te appr before requesting electrical inspoc:i ~ Accascol"',i Building ---'Jfinal - Aft~r p~rches~ Bkirting~ deck. ~stc. ara complet~d. D AlL project conditions~ such as the installation of street traes~ c~~letion of the required landscc.pir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied before the BUILDING PIlIAL can be r$CjUesct1( ~ FINAL BUI~DING: The Final Building Inspection must bs rsquBoted after V Eleccrical~ and Mechar.ical InspectionD hava basn made and approlJad. o FINAL PLUMBING o FINAL I4E~HANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL ~D D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all. insulati~n a.....d . required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath~ gypswn bOC11"d 01' wU colJering is appliedJ and befora CD1y inauZation is concealed. D DRYWALL INSPECTION: To ba made afte1' aLl drywaU is in pZace~ but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location~ bond beama~ grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. : F ~,~ w.,.,~ " CURB 11 APPROACH APR?N: Afte:- .forms are ere~ted but pr't.or to pcunng ~on.:;!1'ete. . r--:' ~DEr"ALK & DRIVEWAY: For all ~on- ~ creta paving within street right- of-wcy~ to be made after all exca- vating ccmplete & fOrel wrk & sub- . base m:2tarial in pla~e. D f'ENCE: What: compl~te -- Provida gates or movable sections through ITf~~ the Final PLwrrbil 'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/refiT TO BE /oIAD!: AT flO COST TO CITY I Pag. 1 0: c'c:.!io,. .. I JO~. ~qrfb)4.s0LAR ACCESS REQ.- Izona: \/ I' Oocuoano" GJ f ) Lot W f ". --- WT TYPE - -I Lot faoes t ' I Setbaoks %;; Zot C:Jverag~ Intertor I P L H' _ .. QUBe I Caraqe #- of Stories Corner INorth TotaL .~eight PanhandLe lEast I ISouth I Topog"aphy CuL-de-sao IWest I ITEM I SQ.fTG I x Value Main I Gerace I CaM:lort I ACCBssoru LleD.CD TOTAL VALUE I Is.D.c. 1.5 x ,ua,u~JI[,1q~xl~~~l.q4!' BuiLding Permit I q.OO I State Suroharge . C-f":::' I TotaL Charges \. \C\ .4 <=) I, i ITEM NO. I Fillf'RWU /YJ N I ResidentiaL 11 bath) I Sani tary Sewer fEE CHARGE I~.CD IXl ro . ts'.OO bOO .00 '70.00 0.SQI . ')~..:::Ol, CHARGE 15.00 Water ~_n1 PZ.;.gnbing Perr::i t State Surcr.a.rge Total. CJ-.aroes ITEM 'NO. 1&0. Es f-t... tn H INGWIEztend Circuits \iJo"ary se~D I I t~at"iOaL Permit j :::~e Suraharoe fEE I~OOI M.W I. :"f) ;3) .::Y") I ' I I I I Total CharCBS lITEM I Furnace ETU' 5 I E::rhaus t Hood I Vent Fan I Woodstove I I NO. FEE CIJARCE Pemrit Issuance Me::hanical. Permit State Surcharae Total CharaeD -- ENCROACHMENT -- Ise~~rit~ Deposit I Storage I Main.tenartCs iJ 10 f Parmit Total Charoqes I CUrbcu; I Sidewa Lk \ Q HUrt\ (\ C\ I ?J~r \ f) I ()....J I ..Qq. r:o I F'en~e I EZectrica l Labe l I <,:!obHe Home ~ 6-i ..Q.<) b~YU\l'L. r 's.r)~ ~rJ I ,V.A~ I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:'. 5L.f( "Q41 ' '- L-cod~ Type/Cor.st: .1 Access. l I I I Bedrooms: _ -.;) I Enerau Sources ~~ I Heat .l-- r j !,~ ~~~ H.at,,}. ~ R ""Fireplace I WOod3tot:e I TuDe Fees Building\Value & Permit This pel"mit in gMnted on the express condition that ths 8~id. constru~ati( shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinanc6, regulating the ccnGtru~ticn and UDe of buildings, and m:::.y be suspended or revoked. at cr:y time lipon V-, Lation of any provisions of said Ordir~ceB. I PLan Check fe.: . ) Cate Paid: \,,\, 'IR~cdPt #: f\ ~ IS>gr.ed: \ Plumbing Permit No pel'con Dhall construct, instal!, aLter or change any r~w CT' eziating plumbing or drainage 8YBte~ in whole or in part, unless such person is t legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may d plumbing work to property which is owned, Zeased or operated by the appl cant. , Electrical Perm it Where State Law"requires tr~t the eZectrical work be done by an Eleatric Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall roOt be valid U~:r the Zabel has bfZen signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit I ) J ' llm>:."~_Qf ) A,14,p.H va". I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.},fINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that an information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all work perfoM/ed shall be do:1e in acaor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the UT~S of t * State of Oregon.p~rtaining to the work described here~n, and that NO CC PANCY will be m:zde of any structur.3 lJithout p3rmis3ion of the Building vision. I further certify that o:1ly contractors ar~ e~toyees who are cQ~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project md~. , rl/yg9 Da~ '