HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-10-9 ~ .. RESIDE,WIAl" APPLJCATIO.mMn 2.~5 North 5th Street :J/wingj'ieZd,.OI'e(lon 97477 nuiZding Division 7 ,~r.-37 53 7 t 7 .sy~t'7!s Q \ f\ (')~,!)f')~ t"rl.4VPyt P~I1YltL(f/LjJ4t/l~'\ ? 61 SC~-#S c. ki? Phone: /J. / t:r <::)/"")" f. ;'p//, / (JI<. Zi;J: 97L177 I I f ::Job [,ca:ltian: I ,,1a:::esaor::: 1o!ap H SlJ>ditJision: CUner: I Addre:J:J: City: r r [)<f [I l-l ~ _C; 0/)/1 () /1._ TC:I:[,ot/lI()~Y) k.r? Desc1'ibe rl'o1'1.:: - Rcce~pt ,If . C?6404 . '-. 1- j-g JJ.O cedar Oeck w/fh pC!>6f (?.y,6/eAc!,'trj a:.bewe dt?c-k -Ib r 'X Ii / / I LJ/ (' WI7, ;r I:J Y N/' u.-ma.;c efl/ vazu,J 11...0()~ 'vrLl .1ddi tien fI,?mo;!(!l .'.'of,i7.f'! !l(1m:J /I llJdr>> Board R"~. .-(?,..,,'d,.,,, f,'r., I rIP"'!' ;.- EXI)in~9 ~/Q/ Phon,} 7.J..t-7;t:37 nat~ of Applicaticn Conrr,ll:cors Addre~s L-ise. :'(;"oer",l f3l'aJ hi" MJ, 6~"r CP// tmb jI'!umbiog 1., 'i(1,I n'T' II:;Y''l ~.lL:clWl1lc.:.a 1 E l":l: L r'i.!;a 1 r . I'] " ~'-)u O('li"-lr-~~~'_,_lg_ '.. .ec t r.1 c 1,1 n ~~ UUr-~() Sigr:cd: Data: i)( It is the responsibility of tho permit holder to see that al~ inDpections are made at the proper timbl that each ~ess is rcadabZe Jrom the street, and that the permit card is l~ated at the fl~nt of the property. ~!1141:!di.'l!' rr:lJi::io~ C1P?r-ol.,'cd plan shc.l.l pemm'n on t1l2 Buildbl!1 Sit:: at all times. l.p.':OC.mrlnE pon If/SPEC'nON n=':OUE,')TJCALL 726-3769 (I'ceorder) state yOUl' City d(wi!Jnated job numbel'l job arldT"Cll81 typo of itlapec;ictl I ,.equc8ccd a..-;d when you ;.JilZ be ready for inspcct-ionl Contractor's or' lNnera name and r;1lOne numbel'. Requeato received befere 7:00 (::I :.'i I Z be made the same ac.YI requests mc.de aft~r 7: 00 am !Jilt b2 made the next :JOrkin.] day. QOI/67 ,...l?i!t1II1: "(''-~ T" ~:>l{""(' t1~/:1r!l '0 .';,'f1'1:: IN8N:C,"ION,. To be TTrlde altel' i c.ccn.u.:J.tionl !mt PI>iCI' to set up of fOI'l1/s. D U:lflF.Rf:I.AB PI.L'NBINr.. ELECTH[C,tL ,~ Nr:CII..!.'I1C.'IIL: To be made berol'.) any wol'k i8 coveped. [J F'(}OTTNC .J; FOUNV,1TICN: To be rrace afti!r tl'i!m:he:J al'e excatla ted arul Form:; arc el'ectad, but pl'ior to pouring c:cnc:ret.:. p.:~~J]H?r,'HOlJND PJ.UM.'lTNC; S.r..:WER. W:1Tfo.'.r7, /J.'(,llNAGf:: 'I'D ve f1Klae lwiol' to Jil- T(,:ut.renchee. o o /IN!)f:,rW[.OOR ['(.mmTNC & MECHANICAl.," 'I'u be m{fJ,~ pl'io/' to inutallat"ion of fluor 'imwlc:tion 01' decking. PO:;'f AND REAM: To be rr.adc prior to ill.ltall,lticlI oj' floor insulation 01' ac(:k.inG. U{1II{;,t/ !'f.ff.'!HT!lC. f:U:CTR!CAf. ,t; MEClI- ANfCAI,,: No :.JOl'k ill to be eOI..'er'ed w:"t.7l"th(!sa inapectior.s have beer. m:de m~ aPP,'ou.e.:!. FT!~.~:Pl.,tCE: Proi~l' to pZc:cir.IJ facing 1I".::t:el'l~tll:J mul befope framing inapec- tim:. o 10 D ~ .~'lM,'!!l/{;: Mlwt be 1'equeated afte~ (if-;j;;:;:;val or 1'0ug1l plwr.bingJ alectri- eat. & mechanical. At! roaring lol'flcin,] ,~ dlirrrn.-::lJs, et.::. m:wt ~c compl.ltl!d. . !lo u.?l'k 'iD to be con- c..!(~l(!d IIntil this inspection has . b"::CTI made am! approved. YOUI' City DeDigr.lltcd Job NlImb(i;l' 10: o INSULA'I'ION/VAI'OH lMRRU:ff INSp,r~'CTroN: To be trrlde after all insulation m'.l.i required vapol' barriers are in place but before any lat}l. gypsum board 01' wz.z. covcl'il1g 1:8 applied, and beforo any insulation is concealed. I DEf.10LI'fION OR gOVED BUILDJjJCS ::J Sani ta:t'y 8C'.Jer ::apped :J.t prop~rty lir.e , . JII~, I . .-,1',\1/ .I~-;~'ol''f\. _".:,! : ,I; . ~ I. I ~ =:] Septi:: tank p:4.~ed and fitl~d with gr(l:Jal :J Final - fll1en abcve items are ccmplatcd and when demolition is complete or stniJ- ture moved and pr~mi3es :]lsaned up. . J.lobi Ie lIcmefJ ::J Blocking and Sct-~p ::J Plumbing comlections SeIJOI' and water ::J Electrical Connection - Blockingl set-lip and plumbing connections mr~st te approvad before l'6questillg elec~rical inspect.ion. ~ Ac:]esaol';j Building ] PitutZ - Aft()'f' porc1:es, etc. are completed. sk1.rtin(), decks, D DRYWAr,L INSPECTWN' Tc be made aj"tel' all drYIJaLL is in placel but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bo;ul uea/Tlul grcmtillO 01' IJcl'ticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. (/OODSTOVf.': After' installation ill (.'Cmplet...:J. D All PI'O;jjwt conditionsl ~1I4C.': a3 the -tnataLlation of st.I'cat tNle81 '(.'o.':rplotion of the ,.etluipo1Iand::cr:p-ir.rh ctl!'1 1I'IU3t be satiDj"icd before the BUILDINe PINAL eml be r3questsd. o ffrlAr."[.Uf.m[fl(; o f/UAI. f.tf:~_:"/1.'llCM, D f'!N,lf, n.n,:'FHl c.: I. :--'1 o o o CURB & APPROACH AP.'?ON: Afte:- forms ar'e <."!I'fJ:.!ted but [WiOI' to pouring .::onCl'e tc. (() FTflAL DUll.DING: The f'il1aZ Building Innpectio'l nrnot be r-equeated alter the Pi,ral Plwnbin;J ElectricaZ, and Mechar.ic:,~l InspectiotlD /tava been made and approtJad. D SIDF.IIA[.K .\: DRIt'[oJ/t.Y: For all con- crete paving LJithin stl'eet l'ight- of-r.x:y, to be made after all exca- vating complete & form LX>l'k & zub- .base'material .in yla~e. '/1/.{, ,'.!,IN''I'!.f.':: ..lNlJ f.'l.!;',lrVf.lIJ'/':: ,'{/I:.'" IW ;lr.'/'F:;::{lIU:, A/I.//I.';'l?I.~::J'!' 'fO m: f.MN: .'~'1' NO ('~l~;'r TO ('T!'Y 1""~",, oJ':! D :"F.NCE: M'her. co:npl$tc -- Provide gatev or movable :lCctionD through P.U.!':. D I JOB NO. I Zaria: SOLAR AaESS Occuoancu C. REQ.- L-COC" WT TYPE Interior' Corner Panhmulle Cu L-dc-sac I Lot Face. - I I P.l.. INortl1 If:ast Sou th ~W(?lTt Setback.'J I/ounn r.n.rWTf? Type/Car..t: . I Accc:w. 1 : i I 'i 11 11 B('?dl'oomn: E:nal'(1." Sow'r.er. !lOQt T;lr.~ Lot Sq. Ft{;. ~ ~f Lot C~veraa~ .f of StOriOD TotaL Hoight Tapagraphy Watm' !!(!att'l' Hanr/a r-ircnlfl(:(! Wood:;toj;(! Facs IITf.M I Main I Gr.raae SQ. FTC x Valu(1 I 1 I I I I;?a!?. ..-1 Building Value & Permit CaI'DOl.t This pGnnit in granted on the expresn corulition t.hat tlw n,'ll:ri. ':"'Ol1::t,l'lIdioll shall, in oU respectG, conform to the Ordinat:co adoptfd hy t.he CUll of Spl'LnafieLd, including the Zoning CrdinQnce, re!1u.lG.till~; Lhe cclI:;lJ'i4....(,.,:CIl and UDO of buitdinaH, and m:;y be Gur;pended or revoked at CI:Y tz.mr. uj'I)/; uir:- laeLon of any provinior:n of said Ordina,tccs. 11CCC880rfJ -;7kr~ / 6.c>~ TaTAr, VAWE Is.D.c. fvatucl l.S:r: Total C'ltlroge3 ~.t:'_S-o 'I / _~'71 IA/.53I. I ria" C"eck Pee: /;:s _.:3-=? I Date raid: IRecdl" II: I Signed: Bui ldinrJ Permi t StatB Surchtlrge lITEM IFi.rt~elJ IResidential () ba~h) I Sanitary Sewer I Water I I NO. FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit No pm"'CoII alUlLL c01UJtrllct~ instaLZ.~ atter or c1lallaC G,1!lj IU!/J CI' c:=i:;dllu plumbing 01' drainage sljstc:1/ in whole or in part, W:lCG3 such perGolI iG Uh: legaL possessor of a va. Lid plumber's license, except that a pe:'ooll ma:,! do pLumbing lJork to property which is o/J11ed~ leaGed or opel'ated by U:e ai;pl,:- cant. PLtmlbing Pon::it 11Tt.~1 TotaL Charnes I I. State SW'c1:arge Rt'!!1. Sa, ftn. NJ/J/Extend Circuits I Temporary Servico INO: FEE ~'HAHCE Electrical f>'ermit Where- Statc~r:iitJ-requiFe8 tJ..at"thencLectricaL IJOJok be done by all Sloct.J'ical. Contractor, the eLectrical portion of this permit DhaLL root be valid WIt il the label 1laG been Digned by the ElectricaL Call tractor. IITSM I Furnace .rn'U' S I E;;haua t llood Ven t Fan I NO. I FSE CllARCE I I I. I 1 I 1 1 Mechanical Permit Ele~trical Permit State Surcharqe TotaL Charges W:xxJato;Ja Permit Issuallce Mechanical Permit Statc Surcharoe Total. CmraefJ -- ENCROACHMENT -- . Sa~~ritq Deoo3it Storaga I Maintcnant!e I Panni. t I Total Cha"('(1C8 . I Curbcu ~ ISid",,"!k ~~~ /L'-.<-:9o Ua'. I H,1VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the c~pleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that alL i~fo~tion hereon is true and correct, and I furthel' certify that any ar.d all work porfomuJd shall be dO:1e i:1 aCCOl'- danctJ with the Ordinancas of thiJ City of Spril1(Jfidd, and tIle; Ltr..;s of t1to A StattJ of Oreg.::>n pertaining to t1la IJQrk c.oscribcd herein, end that to'O OCCU- PANCY will be rmde of any Dtructura witho:4t pal'miD3ion of the Buildi,l(i Di~ vision. I furthar certify that o:1ly contractor's and e:1fpl"yel:s who are i,l compliance with ORS 701.0SS /JiLZ be used on this project Pmlce Electrical Labal I Mobile llome I I I '''flTAT. IUIflI/NT ntJp..,,, I -:?~g,<b )J;/lAh A ::ddl;'L-__~~ Si!1/J.,?d '1/;9/90 [1,J/,(: I'