HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-2-28 ,.' .-~ ) .. RESlDaJTlAL.. 7J ~ 'APPLICA7W/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 . ~~Itl5> '73~' Sco7ls (.;-/~ "&;): }.}(A no~:n:).1..l- Tax Lot # LCC,{,l;W ~ L.? r lad... L I Describe fl'ork: (Y\.O r;,J -'....., \.k,,,,,,,,- ~ ,'-'1' ' ~'S~, ~V~' Date of Application Contractors"" . ^ ~ A~r:1,,:,~~,'3 General ~;.o <i.'\.n..,'c; ljlf'lb : \ . I P.lumbing ~c. ,,On.. ~1'-' ,^ ..... I Hechanical ~-\ ~:s I EJ,ec. trical LIt,v~;'Y' <T 0, to , . Suoe""cit'ltir.12:, Electr"cian ~--'YY;/".R ;:r !"'dv/ . - ct.'!.;r ~( It is ths rS8p07llJibility of ths peJnt holder to sse that atz inopections are made at ths proper tims, t".a.t Qt:Ch .::ddrBS8 is l'eadabte fl'Cl'n tits stroot. and that the permit card is located at the front of the prcperty. 4eui!ding Diviciar: approved plan. s,halt remain on th.; BuiWing Sits at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your city designated job numbs,., job address, typo of inspec~icn raqucstcd ar.d when you /Jill be ready for inspection, Contractors or OI.mers name and phone number. Requests rBceivBd befcre 7:00 ar.I t..'iZZ be made thE: same dcy, requests made after 7:00 am LJi"Ll be made the nat :JOrking day. ",' . ...:. ~;ourCity Desigr.ated Job Number Ia: qlO (f)~ R~mJi.yop.rl Tt!'.I'!:\,~IT(:in'l~ 0, SITE INSPECTION: To be "",de after excavation, but pI"ior to set up of . forms. O : UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be made before any . LJOrk is <:ovcred. Job Location: Assessors Map II Subdivision: ().mer: L,,~ ~ ~ t$l-VTI\J.eIL~ Addreaa: Ilq'j rJ. Te..fllVJ- sa-. <.f City: n n n n NI'.'IJ Addi tic" Remodel .~!obi 'La 80ma "TA_Sc.. Ii r:l ~OTING & FOUNDATION: To be rrade LLd' after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but pI"ior to pouring ccneret~. r-;-y'UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. W.1TE.~ L!J DRAINAGE: To be nnde prior to fi7.- ,1.1.r.g trencMs. o IJIIDERFLOOR PLWBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be modi: prior to instaLlation of floor insulation 0 deoking . rTI. ROUCH PLUMEDl . E'JECTRIC~ & MECH- L.::J ANICAL: No :'prk is to ~ cO't,"ered w:til these i~ have beer. . made and approved. ' FIRgF'LACE: Priol' to pZa.cir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tier:. D o FRAHINC: Must be requested after approval of rough p7.wrbing, electri- cal & mechanical. AU roofing braeing ~ chimneys, et.::. ,",..lst be :' completed. No wrk is to be con- , "" cee led unti l this inspection has 'be~n made and approved. Ai IA' OC;;;J.(/) p..,lat .3 P1-.one: c.::. ~R' - 91J., '<. Zip: .;2.8 m4- Sl 1740:9,_ ~ ~tit~, Rcce-:.pt # /,y OLo~ ~ . l~oO Value,jJ ~3S.s - D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulati::m w.d . ~ . . required vapor barriers are in place .. ,;. . ~ but before any 'lath, gypswn board or . wZZ covering is applied, and befor'e . flT!Y inauZaticn is concealed. ". O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To b. rrade after all drytJalt is in place, , but prior to any taping. . O. MASONRY: Steel location, b~ beams, grouting or verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 241/i. O WOODSTOVE.: After installation is ccrrrpleted. . CURB & APPROACH APRfJN: Afte;." forms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. , ~IDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all ~on- ~ crete paving within street right- of-way, to be made after aU e.rca- vating complete & form work & sub- . base material in place. D TENCE: When compliite -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. ' [6 . ~Z- ~ d-. , c Sigr.ed: Date: HrDJ - . ~n)b-Y'( - J'- Exoires Phonp _?-.J_a..2. ~ Ig~r<-~y. ~<;-Jti(/ I DEUOLITION OR !.JOVED BUILDINGS ~ Sani-:a:ry Se'..Jer ~apped at rn:.op&rt'~ l.ir:s ~ Septic tank p-.ir.pcd and fi Z. t.e~ wi th ~~6 Z. , ] Final. - When ab.,"Vs ite:ns arB cc.,pleted I ar~ when demolitior. is complets or struc- ture moved and pr::mises ~lsaned up. . f.Jobi le Hcmss ~loCking and Sat-up ~lumbing connections -- saver and lUatSl' ---,...electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up ~ and plumbing connections Trr..lst 1;e approved . before requesting electrical inspec-:ion =:=J Accesso~i BuiUing ,'. --, pinal - AftO!r porcr.es, skirting, decks, --LJ'etc. a:re complet~d. o o FIliAL PLUlfBIIIG All project conditions, such as the instaLlation of streot trees, co::tpLotion of ti1e required landscc:pir.g, etc., must be satisfiod before the BUILDING FINAL can bs raqu6st3d. o FINAL UE~HANICAL 0 FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must bo :r>equeoted alter tho Final Plumbing Electrical, and Mechar.ical Inspectiono hava been made and approved. ~INAL ELE~oJ1: ' " o 'AiL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST HE ACCESSIHLE, ADJUST!IE/lT TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 "cl6.o0 ~..oo ~..oo -,c:; , Q{L 3.JS 72./~' CHARGE /1' / ./ '..........~ ,// ........., El.~ Psrnrit ~ I ft,t. Surcharq. ~ V' Tota! Charce. I. I ITEM NO. FEE CI/ARGE I I """",,ce /!TU'S I I I I I I I I I. JOB No.CJioISL-I Zena' L-f) R Lot Sq. Ftg. S or lot C",erag" # of Stories Total Height T...t'...,,~...t'hy I lITEM I "'ain I Gc:raae I Cal"1')Ol't IAccessDrU lilll1 I Is.D.c. SQ.FTG &J~ TOTAl, VAWE (vat.uc) 1. ~ '" Building Psrnrit State SUrcharge Total Cha.~ge. I ITEM NO. I Fizture. I Residential 11 bath) Sarli taPy Sewer Water Snv""" Plumbing Pem t State Surcr,apge Total Charaes SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Occ",o,""C" Gro-.~ ~ WT TYPE Intfi1"icr Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Value li4D ;:;)~,~IS .~,t;;h.c;; I ?'~6~ ,. I~.~ 1.4~ I ~.CJt9, I. FEE CHARGE I NO. I FEE lITEM l Res. Sr7-.fta. I Nsw/E:ctend ~ I Temporary Service I Exhaust Hood. Vent Fan I JlOodstove Permit Issuance Me::hanic:zl Pernrit State Surcharoc Tnt" 7. r.ht:rrnnn I -- ENCROACHMENT -- I Sec-.J.M.tlI Deposit Istorag. I Main tenanae I Pcrmi. t I Total CharO(1(~8 I ""'bau; I Sidswalk I Fe~e Electrical Label Mobile Home JY'\ / 1-1 'l. ~ c::, , ~}JiID hOTAl, AMOUNT DUE,' i\J} II-\" ~ - fl((Y~ C';:;,g~ ,:; I [,at Faces I P.l,. . North East South L-COG"lt r Type/Cor.st: ~ Bedrooms: ~ I Enel"a.u Sources .... V Heat Access. Water Np.atp~ Range Fireplace WoodGtove TUDe , ...... Setbacks House CaPaC/e Weet -- Fees Building Value & Permit This pel'm'it is gl'anted on the express condition that the sf1:id construction 8hall~ in all respects, conform to the Ol'dinance adopted by the City of Springfie'Ld, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and use of buildings, c:md may be suspended 01' revoked at cr:y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. /JJ 14 PZan Check Fee: Date Paid: Receipt II: Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shall. construct~ install, alter or change any new 01' e::isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, un 'Less such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's 'License, except that a person may do p'Lwr.bing work to property which is oumed, leased or operated by the app'Li- cant. :" ~- Electrical Permit Where State LaLJ requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Ele~trical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall r.ot be valid until the label 8 b en signed by the Elec 'cal ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit '~ ( )!l- P Exanri-ner .> cO:2:S,q I Uat-B . \ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA,./>1INED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all infoT'mtltion hereon is true and correct, and I fu.rther certify that any ar.d aLL work perfo'fflled shall be done in ac~or- dance :.lith the Ordinances of thB City of Springfield, and the La-..;s of tho . State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and :hat NO OCCU- P/:NCY /Jill be m::d,e of any structure l.)ithout permis3ion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that tr.1l.y contractors and e:rrpk:yees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 witl. be used on this project 9PI.~ IS:'7S' ~ ' "")1,' . s.~ . !-.QhL-. /~ {fl,Aol .' ~d 2/;).f Iii Date -. . '- .;-,. SPR.FIEL~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726.3753 MANUFACTURED HOME SET-UP AGREEMENT As required by the City of Springfield Development Code, I understand and agree that ~ith the approval of the attached permits, one of the'fol~owing 7\ manufactured homes will be placed at J?, ~ :')~+trJ -<1~ !::t:k:., Springfield, Oregon, City Job Number ~~ . I8J Class A Manufactured Home. A manufactured home of not less than 24 feet in ~idth and 16% (not less than 2:12) roof pitch, ~ith exterior dimensions enclosing a space of at least 960 square feet, with roofing and siding materials that are commonly used or compatible wi.th site buil t homes. , o Class B Manufactured Home. A manufactured home of not less than 12 feet in ~idth and 16% roof pitch, ~ith exterior dimensions enclosing a space of not less than 500 square feet, ~ith roofing and siding materials that are commonly used or compatible ~ith site built homes. I further state, by my signature belo~, that I have been provided ~ith the follo~ing information: - Mobile home blocking - Sanitary se~er' connection - lIater line connection - Electrical connection - Street tree standards - Minimum requirements for permanent steps ",~/)1~f. ~.,~ ~ai:ure ..2/;zJ /1/ Date \