HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-23 .. RESIDEbJ.T1AL" APPLICATIaERMIT 225 Nopth 5th Stpeet SpringfieZd, Opegon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ". SPRINGFlELC ~ '\ '_~ :\__r'\t'.l ,\ \ 'S (" ~ \\ '\ '\\2 ) \ '\()~ ~ 'I 'cl.~ Tcz r.>t 6 n:PrnrJ : O>ner.~ nr }In 1 Le/L . -HLi/ Tn fJ PS Addz.BD3:-IIQq n T~ l YIX\QS\G_ (QI\Q.~ \\ I () - Job Location: ADDeeDOr& Map N SubdiviDion: City: UN"',' n Additicn n RamcdBl n ,'.Iob'i.le Hom:: Phon::: Zip: DBDcribe fl'ol'l~: fJJrO(~ ,b~&~ \~ ~-\\-9l~ Value \ I aOOU Date of Applicaticn Contrac torsi:._ . General," 'R t I'.'f'k l'" Sk. ; Plumbing i Hechanical I Ehccrical I Super"isin~ Elec t r.i<: 1"" Rcoeipt _f . :f-16o;gZ. v Si<med: /late: ~ -1'3-~t Addn.gs LiflC..J 11 'Bldrs Board Ree. "\ ~.4 \ ''\ P},nnp' O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER InSPEC'l'IDN: To be mads aftaI" all insulati.:m and '. rcqu~roed vapOI' b4l""J4iB1'8 arB in p laos but cofoJ"ti any 14th.. gypsum.board or' wz.z. oolJoM.ng. is applied.. and bsfars any inouZation is concealed. DRYWAtL INSPECTION: To be made aftel' aU. dryLJaU is in plaoe.. but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Stoel. location, bem' bSanJD, grouu'ng 01' vertioal.a in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2425. D WOODSTOVE: After inetalZation ,. ccmpZst&d. o o o CURB d APPROACI/ AP.WN: Aftsr formtJ are oreated but pno:r to pouring """,,rete. SIDF:I{A~K & DRll'F:I{I.Y: For all aon- crete paving within stroDt right- of-liJaY, to be mado afto)" all 8%ca- vating complete & fonrn work & cub- base matBM.al in pIaoe. Expires \ IGf( ) ..' -'" It ~lJ th. r.opol1oi.bil.ity of ths permit hotdsr to eBB that aU ~nopBctibns' 4J". r.ums at th. propel" ti.nu:, that IU:Ch ::ddr..o ia ro~=ab:. ftoom ths streot, and that the penmt card is l..1cated at the fr'ont of the property. 48ui?ding l>ividol': apin'oJ:ed plan shell l"emain on tha 8u~Z.din!l Sit:; at all t'!mBS. PROCEDURE FOn INSPECTION RSOUEST:CALL 726-3769 (l"ccomel"J statB y~ur City des~9natod Job mDr.bOl', Job address, type of in3pac~iC'1I 1"oquClJtcd ar.d 1J.':811 you lJitz be ready for inspeotion, Contractors 01" Q,msro name and phons. number. Rsqu.~.te :rsasiufld bllfors 7 :00 c::'t ...'ill. bo made the SanJO day, requosts mado after '1:00 an will. b~ m:zdo ths n~:rt :.>orki"J' ~Y.n Your City Deaigr.ated Job Number Ie: rJ q (Ie') rt (.fJ.. :Azt project conditions, ouch as tho inBtaZl.at~on of'street t:rees, c~~lotion of the. '.required Zandscapir.g, cte., mue~ be .at,ef,ed before the BUILDINC FINA4 can be roquoet3d. r-/ r;NAL BUlLDINC: Tho Final Building Inepaation must b. requeated of tor tha ;'''''1 Plwnb,,,~ <:!J Eleotriaal, and Meahar.,cal lnopeetiontJ hapo bee" mad. and app1'OPsd. ~W'''~'''.rl T1j,,""!C"'~~.R.t'.'. O SITE rNSP~C'1'ION: To bs made aftsr e.rcavation, but prior tc 04lt up 01 forms. D. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL d MECHANICAL: To be made bOlOI'll any work is ~ova,.cd. ~TING 4 FOUNDATION:. To be mads L..:T 'after trencheD aroo c;rcavatsd and forms are Brectad, but p:rio:r to pouring CCncre t.z. O W.'DSRGROUND PLUMBINC. SEWER. W.4TE.'!, D.~AINAGE: To be ",,;te prior to fH- l.ir.g trenchet. D. TUNDbERFmcu/WOR PW/.!BINtG & MEtCIZ/AlaNltCAL: f o 0 0 pr~cr 0 ~no a ~on 0 /1001' inoutation or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To bo TTndc prior to inBta~lation of 11001" inB~lation or decking. O .ROUCH pr.tl.'mmc. ET.F.CTflrCAf. .~ MECH- ANICAl.: No lJO:rk, io to be cOL'sl'ed ur.tiZ chess inspections hauq beer. made and approved. D FIREPLACE: Proia.,. to placir.g facing matoriaZa and befora framing inspec- tior:. r-th-RAf!INr.: Must. bB rosquooted afte.,. W ~PPl"OvoIl oll'ouah plwr.bing, alectn- , cal & l1U1chanical. AU roofing bracing t ohimneys, ot". trr.lst bo ; compZstcd. flo w,.k io' to be CCJ1- , coaled untH thiD in:Jpection has 'b6~n made ana app~vod. FIlIAL PLUMBIIIG L MECI/A.vICA~ FINAL I:LECT,uCI.L '. , 'A~L MANI/OLES AND CLF.ANOUTS /lUST BI: ACC/:SSIBLF:, ADJUST/lENT TO BE IIADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pel,e ! of ~ O !"ENCE: lIhor. compz..te -- Prouide , gatea 01' movable sootions through P.U.E., . D _. --- DEMOLIT.ION OR UOVED BUrLDIf/GS :J scin~~ S~Ol' ~ap~od at p:.opcrt;i lir.o :J Sllpt;.:, tank pumped, and tithd r.nth gra:Jflt J Final ~ When abeu.' items aro ccmplotcd . ar~ when demolition io oomplllto o~ otru~- tuJ'e moved ~ pzo4tmiSOlJ oz.eane:1 up. Mobile HemBs =:J Blookin9 and Sot-up :::J Plumbing connoct~cns -- scwor and ua~or :::J Etootrioal Conn.oUon -' Blooking, Bot-up and plumbing comuratwns nr.lst 1:0 approl.'Bd blltors requesting BlBo~ri~aZ. inspoa~io~ :::J AoasBsoJ"'J 8uil~ing ] Final - Aftf!r p:]rc1:S8, ski.rt~ng, dack8~ eto. are completed. [] i JOG NO. f39(J/;(fJ SOLAR ACCESSREQ.- 1::c~q.'L;!! II /. occupa;;/T~" It) , . . , ~\'.:.'.~": S ~f !ot C3lI,raU. Int'~r.;,,,:':"i' I of Stones COrMr ;/:-/J Tota! H..ght Aonhandt. ...... TOPOGraphy cut-d,-sao I I rTF-II I Main I GrJ'ar. e I Carf)nrt I AccC~.:Jorll I I Is.D.c, 'SCI.FTG I I I TOTAL VAWE (vaLue) 1.5 :r ....,. Building Psrmit .... .Sro t. 5w'oharg. ,Tarot Chal'fl.., lITeM I Fi.:z:tlU'cs I R..idcntiat II bath) I Sanitary SetJcr I Weter NO. I II I I ptumMng P.nr.i t' State Stutcl-.args Totat Chai-r/.. IITE-'''' NO. I RI!!J. So. rto. I NaIJ/e:r:t.nd Cil'CUi t. I I I Tenrpora:ry Sel"Vics I I I I 1-, if- 'Ill '0 'I lIhers Stato La1J requires Cr.at tho oloctl'ical. work be done by a'l El.eotrical rvrJ. . U Contractor, thfJ' oLectrical. pOl"tion o.f t.his permit DhaLl root be valid tuttiZ tho labsZ haD been oigned by the Elcct,.ical. ~olltractor. x Va tUB 15m. co I' I ~ NY).CO ." '(XJ ()(~ , \.~:) 8 w .,Q'S FeE CHARGe I 1 I I I Eldct"':oal Ptmrrit Stat. SU1'o/tarQ. Total Clttzrt;IIS , ITEM NO. Fel'! FurtuC'd' l!TU r S Ezhaus t Hood I Vent Fan WoodstOUB I Ptlrmit IssuaM' M.chaniaat P"""l't State sur~~e. Total Chart"nn' -- I'!NCROACHMF:NT -- Sac-",,.itb Dzoo:rit . ~, ;;.,'" ,r,v.-..'",,' ,. Storano I Maintcl1a~e ~1- FEI> CHARGE I Ic9.Q. ro I I,L~ IQ3. (IJ.~ - CllARGe I I I I I L .:".1,:' :,. "'.,.1 l ","'.1"- '\'r"'~; "I'..f' .., 't,','......... 'j"I"l". Pennit Total Chamos I Curbcu~ I Sid...., tk I FenOd Il'!t"otricat Labd I Mobi Z. Hom" I I I",,,,,,,.',r.. .': .WOUNT DUro.. If I I I I I 4-C\ yR, L-COC"'.I Type/Cor..t: .1 L Bed.!'oor.:.: .eJ I 1 Enerqu SO:l't'Cao /' Ti/1'e II ~cce... I I II I I I I Lat Fac.. - I S.tbacks I P. L. Hou,,, r.oraqe INorth /:D.t 'ISOUth Weot Heat Watal' Hf!atpl' Range Fireplaca Woodotoue -- Fees Building Value & Permit Thio. permit io !11'Qnted on tho o:rpI'QOIJ coruJitiofl that tIlt! IJolid. cona truct ion ShaUl in aU ronpcctol conform to t/lo O,'liinw;r:a :lrlopt~.J liy dlo Cit.y of Sprin!7fietdl inc!udi.n!1 ~e Zon'in!1 Crd1.nal1col rC9ulaLill!1 the CCllctructicn and Une of buildi11!J111 and m:::y be. Bucpondad' or rovoked at ,a,:y, t-:.mrJ upon vic~ lation . of any pl'ovioior.D of oaid 'Ordinancco. '.;' . , - - I PLan Check Fe~: ' ICatc Paid: I IRec<ipt H: \\ /\ J ISign.d:, v Plumbing Permit No porcon chatl conotructl inotal!1 alter or chango any naU cr e:i:::ting :plumbi11(1.or dl'O.inaae sytJto:n in :.Jhole 01' in/partl w:lCGtJ s~cll Fel'con i.tJ the legal. poOOOBROl'. of'a ualid plwnber'6 liccnoel ClXcapt t1:at a po:'oon may do plwnbing lJOrk to propm.ty fJhich iD "",,"ad, loased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Perm i t " Mechanical Permit .,' " I I I I I- I. I I I I. I. ". ~. . _ f>\\ Pl.an E.ramiIJ01' ~~ O-\l0-~~ va," I HAVE CAReFULLY eXAMINeD the oompleted application for permit, and do hereby oertify that aU i'fo:motion hereon ie true and oor"cct, and I [urth.r certify that any ar.d aU ""rk perforo:ned .ha!! b" do". in acoo"- dancQ :Jith the ordin:zncoo of tho City of Springficldl and tit: L<r.J8 of tho State of GreG"n p:;rtai.nin!1 to tho ""'1'k cBscribed h6ro:'711 ~l1d ~1Jat NO OCC!J- PANC! tI1itl bo tmdo of any otructura' Ltitho..,t pannio3iol1 of the Suildil1(1 Di. vision. r furthor certify that o~l.y contl'O.ctor8' ar.d e:npz.:,ye~s u1:o are in compl~nce fJith ORS ?Ol.OSS fJill be used on this pl'oJect . - ~ i. S~\~~ ~ Signsd YY\ \ QQCM.d , ~:'d3-'89 DutlJ