HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-3-15 i. .he re'pDn.ibility of the permit holder to ee that all inopection, are made at the prop.r timc, that each oddr.., i. rea=ab:. : Q'n the street, and that the permit card is located at the front of the property. lli!di'!1{J Divido!': appl'ot..'ed plan shell l'emain on tha Bu:.ldin!1 ~'its at all times. '9CSDU.~E FOR INSPECTION R~QUEST.:CALL 726-3769 (records,.) state yout' "City dosignated job numbol', job address, type of itl3pec-:iclI quc:Jtcd a~d tJ.~e" you /Jill be r-eady for inspection, C011tJ'Q.ctors or CUnerB nama and phone number. Requests received befel'e 7:00 c:t ,H be made the same dcy, requests made aft~r 7:00 am Lrill. b~ made the "at :.xJrkin.] day. .. RESIDENTlIt... APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 \, - .' t.oc.::tion: ~ G, ~.;2. $cl'J,17s t;..../~AC u fA- \ r"J OW'1r:94T= wt n 1-Dc.IvuJ~ 1...-0-1 57 ,~. AIM Dl1tX) ~k:3 eSGor= Mlp , . io';siol1: cr: {~?~ LLCi q }j ,"I~ ~ e!JS: t!J: I [LN~' ~~ .~1rribe h .1dditicn ~ ~ ~ Remodel ~: ~ \'@- P\.c-... .'!ob-i.la 110m:! Value 02/ ~ 9(:.5:- Li.Re, I Bldrs 4-/ Iloanl It,., to of Applicaticn ntractors _ n e r u1 t: (t!./'ttu d., umbing . C- f\...... chanica! ~l.:tri!;CJ 1 lo(>r:"r.._~;;jr.lH Electr~ci3n Your City DeoigrAted Job Nwnbcl" Io: !11H....,,! T"t"tC.....t{r.,..., 'SI';t: INSP~C"."ioN: To be mads alter aroav~tion, but priOl" to Bet up of forms. UNDERS[.AB Pl.UMBING. El.ECTRIC.1L 8 :.f1..:t..'HANICAL: To be made bej"ol'tl any work is ~ovel"ed. D INSULATION/V/lPO!? HARRlf:R I.'ISPF:CTION: To be I/XJda aftar aLL insulati,:m a:o.d . rcqu-:.red vapor barriers are in plaoe " .. but belora any lath. gypSWft board or wU cove1'ing is applied. and befor. any inoulation is concealed. ~INC ~ FOUND.1TION: To be ...c. ~ alter trello;JC~ -;;:ee:rcavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring cencrete:. ~ .lP.lDSRC!/OU.'!D P~UM3TNC, SSrlER. W,1TI':.?, DRAINACE: To be made pl'iOl' to fil.- lir.g trenchee. O DRYWALL IIISPECTION: Tc be ...de after all dPylJaLl is in place. but prior' to any taping. , O MASONRY: Steel location, ~d hearne, groutinq 01' verticals in accordance uith U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTD'IE: Aftor installation is ccmpleud. o UllDERFWO,q PLWBI,VC & MECHANICAL, To bo mado prior to in~tallation. of )1001' insulation or decking. ] POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to 0 CURB & APPROACH APRON.: Arte:- forms instaLl.Jticn of floor insl.Olation 0'1" aI'e e1"e:!ted but ploior to pouring deeki,,!;, ~(J'CQc:f: ~on~rete, j."ROUCl1 PT.lP.'R1!lC ~!r!CAr.;:C/.;ECll- rc.::::ysID.~/ALK ,~DRlI'ErIt.Y: For all con- J ANICAL: No ~rf: -tD to --Pe' cOI:ered L..:J crete paving within st1'ect J"ight- ur.tiL these in8~ have beer. of-uc.y, to be made after all e%ca- made and approved. vating ccnrpleto & fom wrk & cub. ] FI.f?F.PLACE: Prior to plc.cir.g faoing base I/XJterial in ?la~e. matel-ials and before frarrring inspeo- tior:. ] ,rRA}~nlr:: /"WJt be requeoted after appl~u~L of rough pl~bing. alcctri- caL & mcc}u:ni"al. Al!. l'Oofing bracing ~ chimn~ys, et~. nr~st be completed. tlo wrk is to be con- . cealed untiL t}lio inspection has 'been made and aPPl'Ovcd. o ~ENCE:. Whor: c~~pl~te -- Provide gates 01' movable sectionD th1'oug1; P,U,E. ~ ~ ~ TJ1-Q.Q.O/ , ~'.. .p ~(X") .._~. . ~. -.. .p'" ....~. .... I Siqr.ed: Date: .,~, [s~<1,f gXI)':!.ces -2 9'].. t::, C1JDai..11 DE/lOUT ION OR ;~:OVE!) Bl1ILDlilGS --, Sani~ary sC".Jer :MPP,~d' ~t property Hr.s.. ---I . .', ,,'/."I.'bj'M,.~"'II'\~,'':.1 I.l..!ll.,~ :J S.pti~ t07tk P"""'Pcd end filled '^th ;;"".1 ] Final _ ,nlBn above it~s are completed and when dcmolitior. is complete 01" stru~. ture moued and pro:rrnaes ~le~ned up. JoJobile Ilcmso ~IOoking and SBt-~p ~lumbing connections -- 8&Wor and ~t'r ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, sot-u' ~nd plwnbing conr.sctions m'.lst t. appro\.';d b.fo1"c roequesting sloc~ricat insp.c:io~ =:=J Aa:::essor;; Sui Zd~"9 :....., ~l - After p.rche., ~t~~ are c~pl.tcd. B~irt~ng, decks, ~ I t o . T i \r- AU project conditions. Gua.&: aD tJ,e ~',nstQl.lat-:.on of stJ'oet trees. ..co::rploti"fI of tite required landsccpir.a, etc., m1l8~ be oatiD/iad before the BU/WINe FINAL can bo J"3quflot:rd. ;J FIlIAL PW"BlIIC ~FIIIAL f.lE~IIMIICM. h FINAL E~\O~or -"'f.f, o FINAL nUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must ba 1"oqueotcd atter tl,c pinal Plwnbina Electrical, and Mechar.icaL InspectionD hQlJa been made and approu.zd. ,'/,l.v1l0f.F:,<i ..,Nn r.U:,1NDfJrr. /trl."" m: Ar.(~".'.t;r.rm.F.. AfI.fU,r;r:t.~:"/'!' TO m: '.J.1PF. t!'!' 1:0 {',ST TO CT'!'Y I ~;l!~" of 2 I JOB NO. q/D{JJf7 SO~CCESS .~EQ.- I Zone: WI") Occupancy G/'OUP: r;L;) Lot Sq. Ft.. LOT TYPE I Lot Faces - I s ;)[ u,C C01J6rag; Interior I P.l.. .f of Stongo Corner INorth Total Hoi!1ht Panhandle lEast ISou th Toposraphy Cul-de-sac West <i1\, ~ T~pe/ca_ L-COCt BSdrcoms:~ I Ertl1'C!" Sources ~l'.-/ .. !leat Water fica ~...r ROll(;O Fireolacf! Wood~tot:e TlIr'I!.~. ! SetbackD . lIoUSII t r.a.raflp. I 110CODO. L- uJ fees I'TEM SQ.FTG X Val.un I N9t.05. ~bin \ I Cc.1'ace -._"t I C~"~"f. AccessoriI Building Value & Permit This pennit io granted on the expreDs condition that the said constl"Uction shat!, in at! rsspccta, confom to the ordinar.ce adopted by ths City of Springfiel.d, inc!uding ths Zenina crdinance, T'sguLc.til1g tlls ccnGtl"U.:ticn and UDB of build'ngs, and ~y be 6uopended or revokad at ar.y timo upon vie- Lation 01 any provisions of said Ordinances. ~I IRea.~. I N:nJ/E:%terui Ci~ I Temporary SGroi-co -................. ./' I Eleatri~: "'\. ~ Sural>%rqs ------ /' Tot<Jl CI>%1'(;es "'" . I ITSM I NO. FSE C/lARCE I Fu.rPUl~f! !!TU'S I E::haus t Hood I Vent rem I Woods t0016 I Is.o.c. TOTA~ VAWr. (vat.ueJ 1.5 :t: Buildina permi~1 f}4{) J Stat6 surch.21'!1e Total Cha:ogea lITEM I F~tW"S8 I Residential (1 bath) I SQ7Iitary Sewer I~ NO. ~ Fee Plumbing Permit St<Jte surcr.arge Total ChaMC'J8 NO. FEE Pernrit 13suanoa lIe~hanic3l PeMt Statl! surrht:'f'Ol1t: Total Charaea i -- ENCROACH/lENT -- I SOC",.{MttJ D2003it Storaf16 l.faintena"'l:.~~ I pennit . . . I Total cMT"(1l!8 I Curbcu~ \Sidet.>alk loDr I F(m~a 1 electrical Tbhr~ Ir~~'~~n ",':9r ? I TOTA~ ~fOUNT DUE:' .!:t> /174n lj~~I)T1<=)1 ~.5'L ' 1Y1.~ fA?' 30.9~1' , 1 1 C/lARGE ~ IPlcn Clleck Fec: \. ~ Icate Paid: ~ ~ I Rscdpt N: ISia~ . Plumbing Permit ./ No percon shalt conotruct, inoUll.!, aUsr or chango any no'" cr e=iDtin!l plumbing or drainags system in whols or in part, ur.le8s such pereon io the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, 6%cept that a person trC.y do plumbing work to property which is ~ed, leased or operated by the appli- cant. r<F1 .CO C<)~ .CJ:) ,.q S .00 T)';S .00 , ;. Electrical Permit CHARG/f /' Whers State LaLJ requires tr.at ths olectrical oork be done by all Electrica COntractor, the electrical portion of ~hi3 permit shaLl r~t be valid unti the labeL has bt:en signed by the lectrical ~otltractor. . QcfHayO Mechanical Permit L~ '1 -r1~mJ~QO ~ =m.nsr \ \ I HAVE CAREFU~LY EXAMIHEO tI.. ccnrpleted application for psm,', and do hereby certify ~t aLl i~ro~tion hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d aU LlOrk ptJrformed shatt be do:'1e in accor- dance lIJith thB ordinancs8 of tkG city of sprinafieLd, and the La..:s of t . Stats of Oregon psrea.in1.ng to the LJQrk described ht:re~n, and ~ha~ NO OC PIoNCY !Jill be rod. of any struotur. ...itho"t pamis.ion of the sui!dinp uision. I furthor certifiJ tJu:at o:1ly contJ"Cl.::toro and e:npz..,yecB who are ~ptianc6 with ORS ?Ol.0S~ ~itL bs uBed on this projGct , ~. \C\C\ \ lJale \C\ 00 1 t ffi .A. c:., \5~ I s.~~ S71.../ SS- ~fH/h' ~.~ ~ . stal1.'ul lhLn ~ 3//,SI9/ . , ~ - - "'~ ," DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBUC WORKS METROPOUTAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 MANUFACTURED HOME SET-UP AGREEMENT As required by the City of Springfield Development Code, I understand and agree that with the approval of the attached pe~i~, one of the'fo!fo~ing~ manufactured homes will be placed at U?_~~ '-<)~~~ Springfield, Oregon, City Job Number -5:i/O!J.)2 . D Class A Manufactured Home. A manufactured home of not less than 24 feet in width and 16% (not less than 2:12) roof pitch, with exterior dimensions enclosing a space of at least 960 square feet, with roofing and siding materials that are commonly used or compatible wi.th site built homes. , D Class B Manufactured Home. A manufactured home of not less than 12 feet in width and 16% roof pitch, with exterior dimensions enclosing a space of not less than 500 square feet, with roofing and siding materials that are commonly used or compatible with site built homes. I further state, by my signature below, that I have been provided with the following information: - Mobile home blocking - Sanitary sewer- connection - Vater line connection - Electrical connection - Street tree standards - Minimum requirements for permanent steps (, \ \ JJlr&LtocA- :Slgna ture ~ 21...1 #A' ~_--<-4>.---' slis/9/ Date